package com.explodingpixels.macwidgets.plaf; import java.awt.Image; import; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import com.explodingpixels.widgets.ImageUtils; public class ArtworkUtils { private ArtworkUtils() { // utility class - no constructor needed. } public static ImageSet getImageSet(URL imageLocation) { Image image = new ImageIcon(imageLocation).getImage(); // ensure that the given image is divisible by three along the horizontal axis. checkImageDivisibleByThree(image); int subImageWidth = image.getWidth(null) / 3; int imageHeight = image.getHeight(null); Image inactiveImage = ImageUtils.getSubImage(image, 0, 0, subImageWidth, imageHeight); Image activeImage = ImageUtils.getSubImage(image, subImageWidth, 0, subImageWidth, imageHeight); Image pressedImage = ImageUtils.getSubImage(image, subImageWidth * 2, 0, subImageWidth, imageHeight); return new ImageSet(inactiveImage, activeImage, pressedImage); } private static void checkImageDivisibleByThree(Image image) { if (image.getWidth(null) % 3 != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The given image should contain three sub-images all of the same size."); } } public static class ImageSet { private final ImageIcon fInactiveImage; private final ImageIcon fActiveImage; private final ImageIcon fPressedImage; private ImageSet(Image inactiveImage, Image activeImage, Image pressedImage) { fInactiveImage = new ImageIcon(inactiveImage); fActiveImage = new ImageIcon(activeImage); fPressedImage = new ImageIcon(pressedImage); } public ImageIcon getInactiveImage() { return fInactiveImage; } public ImageIcon getActiveImage() { return fActiveImage; } public ImageIcon getPressedImage() { return fPressedImage; } } }