package com.explodingpixels.macwidgets; import java.awt.Window; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JComponent; import com.explodingpixels.border.FocusStateMatteBorder; import com.explodingpixels.widgets.WindowDragger; import com.explodingpixels.widgets.WindowUtils; import com.jgoodies.forms.factories.Borders; /** * A Mac style Unified Tool Bar. For a full description of what a Unified Tool * Bar is, see the <a href= * "" * >Toolbars</a> section of Apple's Human Interface Guidelines. Here's an * example of the what this method creates: <br> * <img src="../../../../graphics/UnifiedToolBar.png"> <br> * Here's a simple example that creates a Unified Tool Bar with a single button: * * <pre> * UnifiedToolBar toolBar = new UnifiedToolBar(); * JButton button = new JButton("My Button"); * button.putClientProperty("JButton.buttonType", "textured"); * toolBar.addComponentToLeft(button); * </pre> */ public class UnifiedToolBar { private final TriAreaComponent fUnifiedToolBar; /** * Creates a {@code UnifiedToolBar} with balanced ends. */ public UnifiedToolBar() { this(true); } /** * Creates a {@code UnifiedToolBar}. * * @param forceSameWidth * whether the two ends should have the same width to keep the center balanced. */ public UnifiedToolBar(boolean forceSameWidth) { fUnifiedToolBar = new TriAreaComponent(4, forceSameWidth); // TODO remove below call when Apple fixes bug in Java that doesn't // correctly paint the // TODO textured window. fixUnifiedToolBarOnMacIfNeccessary(fUnifiedToolBar); fUnifiedToolBar.getComponent().setBorder( Borders.createEmptyBorder("3dlu, 4dlu, 3dlu, 4dlu")); installUnifiedToolBarBorder(fUnifiedToolBar.getComponent()); WindowUtils .installJComponentRepainterOnWindowFocusChanged(fUnifiedToolBar .getComponent()); } /** * Adds the given component to the left side of this {@code UnifiedToolbar}. * * @param toolToAdd * the tool to add to this {@code UnifiedToolbar}. */ public void addComponentToLeft(JComponent toolToAdd) { fUnifiedToolBar.addComponentToLeft(toolToAdd); } /** * Adds the given component to the side of this {@code UnifiedToolbar}. * * @param toolToAdd * the tool to add to this {@code UnifiedToolbar}. */ public void addComponentToCenter(JComponent toolToAdd) { fUnifiedToolBar.addComponentToCenter(toolToAdd); } /** * Adds the given component to the right side of this {@code UnifiedToolBar} * . * * @param toolToAdd * the tool to add to this {@code UnifiedToolBar}. */ public void addComponentToRight(JComponent toolToAdd) { fUnifiedToolBar.addComponentToRight(toolToAdd); } /** * Installs a drag listener on this {@code UnifiedToolBar} such that if it * is dragged, it will move the given {@link java.awt.Window}. * * @param window * the {@code Window} to move when the this * {@code UnifiedToolbar} is dragged. */ public void installWindowDraggerOnWindow(Window window) { new WindowDragger(window, getComponent()); } /** * Gets the user interface component representing this * {@code UnifiedToolBar}. The returned {@link javax.swing.JComponent} should be added * to a container that will be displayed. * * @return the user interface component representing this * {@code UnifiedToolBar}. */ public JComponent getComponent() { return fUnifiedToolBar.getComponent(); } /** * Disables any custom background painter that may be installed. */ public void disableBackgroundPainter() { fUnifiedToolBar.setBackgroundPainter(null); } /** * Installs a custom painter on the given {@link TriAreaComponent} that * paints the Mac style unified toolbar gradient on non-Mac platforms as * well as Mac platforms running using Java 6. * * @param unifiedToolBar * the {@link TriAreaComponent} to install the custom painter on * if necessary. */ private static void fixUnifiedToolBarOnMacIfNeccessary( TriAreaComponent unifiedToolBar) { // install the custom painter if on non-Mac platforms or in other // various Mac cases. if (MacUtils.shouldManuallyPaintTexturedWindowBackground()) { unifiedToolBar.setBackgroundPainter(MacPainterFactory .createTexturedWindowWorkaroundPainter()); } } static void installUnifiedToolBarBorder(final JComponent component) { FocusStateMatteBorder border = new FocusStateMatteBorder(0, 0, 1, 0, MacColorUtils.getTexturedWindowToolbarBorderFocusedColor(), MacColorUtils.getTexturedWindowToolbarBorderUnfocusedColor(), component); component.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(border, component.getBorder())); } }