package org.kevoree.kevscript; import org.kevoree.ContainerRoot; import org.kevoree.api.KevScriptService; import org.kevoree.kevscript.util.KevoreeRegistryResolver; import org.kevoree.log.Log; import org.waxeye.ast.IAST; import org.waxeye.input.InputBuffer; import org.waxeye.parser.ParseResult; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Scanner; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: duke Date: 25/11/2013 Time: 15:53 */ public class KevScriptEngine implements KevScriptService { private final Parser parser = new Parser(); private final KevoreeRegistryResolver resolver; public KevScriptEngine(String registryUrl) { this.resolver = new KevoreeRegistryResolver(registryUrl); } @Override public void execute(final String script, final ContainerRoot model) throws Exception { this.execute(script, model, null); } @Override public void execute(final String script, final ContainerRoot model, final HashMap<String, String> ctxVars) throws Exception { this.executeFromStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(script.getBytes()), model, ctxVars); } @Override public void executeFromStream(final InputStream script, final ContainerRoot model, HashMap<String, String> ctxVars) throws Exception { if (ctxVars == null) { ctxVars = new HashMap<>(); } // override ctxVar with System.props (ie. // -DctxVar.port=4242) Properties props = System.getProperties(); for (String propName : props.stringPropertyNames()) { String[] splitted = propName.split("\\."); if (splitted[0].equals("ctxVar")) { Log.debug("Adding ctxVar {}={}", splitted[1], System.getProperty(propName)); ctxVars.put(splitted[1], System.getProperty(propName)); } } String kevs = new Scanner(script).useDelimiter("\\A").next(); final ParseResult<Type> parserResult = parser.parse(new InputBuffer(kevs.toCharArray())); final IAST<Type> ast = parserResult.getAST(); if (ast != null) { for (IAST<Type> stmt : ast.getChildren()) { Interpreter.interpret(stmt.getChildren().get(0), model, ctxVars, resolver); } } else { throw new KevScriptError(parserResult.getError().toString()); } } @Override public void executeFromStream(final InputStream script, final ContainerRoot model) throws Exception { this.executeFromStream(script, model, null); } }