package; import util.Parameters; import platform.servicesregister.ServicesRegisterManager; import platform.servicesregister.ServiceInUseException; import platform.servicesregister.ServiceClosedException; import java.util.Vector; import model.interfaces.platform.IPlatformPlugin; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Timer; import util.NetworkAddress; import network.platform.PingService; import platform.plugins.PlatformPluginsLauncher; import network.NetworkEmitterContainer; import network.NetworkReceptorContainer; import network.platform.NetworkPlatformMessage; import network.platform.PlatformMessagesReceptor; import network.AddressesChecker; import; /** * Service for finding a route to a given host.<br> * This service starts by trying a ping to the host.<br> * If the ping does not reply then it uses a broadcast/multicast message.<br> * The route is limited to one hop (only a relay between two hosts) because Kalimucho only create on hops relays connectors.<br> * In reality it is not realing a routing service as usually used in networks but a proxy service. * The aim is to find an host that can create a link between two differents networks (IP and zigbee for example). * @author Dalmau */ public class RoutingService extends Thread implements IPlatformPlugin, IRoutingService { private Vector<NetworkPlatformMessage> boiteALettres; // stocke les reponses recues private boolean fin; // pour terminer lorsqu'il n'y a pas de route private int tentatives; // nombre de tentatives de recherche de route private PingService ping; private NetworkReceptorContainer rec; private NetworkEmitterContainer nec; private PlatformMessagesReceptor boiteDeReponses; private AddressesChecker addressesChecker; private long debutRecherche; private boolean actif = false; private Object semaphore; /** * Create the routing service */ public RoutingService() { boiteALettres = new Vector<NetworkPlatformMessage>(); nec = (NetworkEmitterContainer)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.NETWORK_EMISSIONS_CONTAINER); rec = (NetworkReceptorContainer)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.NETWORK_RECEPTIONS_CONTAINER); boiteDeReponses = rec.getPlatformMessagesReceptor(); semaphore = new Object(); addressesChecker = (AddressesChecker)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.NETWORK_ADDRESSES); // enregistrer le service de routage try { ServicesRegisterManager.registerService(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE, this); try { ping = (PingService)ServicesRegisterManager.lookForService(Parameters.NETWORK_PING_SERVICE); } catch (ServiceClosedException sce) { PlatformPluginsLauncher lanceur = (PlatformPluginsLauncher)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.PLUGINS_LAUNCHER); String plug = PingService.class.getName(); try { lanceur.installPlugin(plug); } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.err.println("Can't start plugin "+plug+" : class unknown"); } catch (InstantiationException cnfe) { System.err.println("Can't start plugin "+plug+" : class can't be instantiated"); } catch (IllegalAccessException cnfe) { System.err.println("Can't start plugin "+plug+" : Illegal access to the class"); } } } catch (ServiceInUseException mbiue) { System.err.println("IP neighborhood created twice"); } } /** * Starts the plugin */ public void startPlugin() { if (actif) return; actif = true; ping = (PingService)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.NETWORK_PING_SERVICE); boiteDeReponses.inscription(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); start(); } /** * Stops the server that receives broadcast messages and the server thar receives replies to these broadcast messages */ public void stopPlugin() { if (!actif) return; actif = false; try { ServicesRegisterManager.removeService(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); } catch (ServiceClosedException sce) {} boiteDeReponses.stop(); boiteDeReponses.desinscription(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); } /** * Depose a reply message to send * @param message reply message to send */ public synchronized void depose(NetworkPlatformMessage message) { // depot d'une reponse recue au routage boiteALettres.addElement(message); notifyAll(); } private synchronized NetworkPlatformMessage retire(NetworkAddress toFind) { // retrait d'une reponse au routage boolean trouve = false; NetworkPlatformMessage recu = null; try { while (!trouve) { // attente de reponse a la question posee while ((boiteALettres.size() == 0) && (!fin)) { wait(); // attente d'une reponse } if (!fin) { // le delai d'attente n'est pas ecoule recu = boiteALettres.firstElement(); boiteALettres.removeElementAt(0); // verifier qu'il s'agisse bien d'une reponse a la question posee // Ce test est necessaire car des reponses a une question anterieure // peuvent encore arriver. String[] parties = recu.getContent().split(";"); if (toFind.equals(new NetworkAddress(parties[0]))) trouve = true; else recu = null; } else trouve = true; // on s'arrete faute de reponse } if (recu != null) { try { KalimuchoDNS dns = (KalimuchoDNS)ServicesRegisterManager.lookForService(Parameters.KALIMUCHO_DNS_MANAGER); long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); long tDistant = recu.getDate(); long delta = ((debutRecherche + t1)/2) - tDistant; // valeur a ajouter a l'horloge distante pour avoir l'heure locale dns.adjustRemoteHostClockShift(recu.getSenderID(), delta, t1-debutRecherche); } catch (ServiceClosedException nfe) {} } return recu; // route recue ou null si fin du delai } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return null; } } /** * Performs the treatment of received messages for finding a route * @param message received message */ private void traiterDemandes(NetworkPlatformMessage message) { String[] parties = message.getContent().split(";"); NetworkAddress who = new NetworkAddress(parties[1]); NetworkAddress what = new NetworkAddress(parties[0]); NetworkAddress destinataire = new NetworkAddress(message.getExpeditorAddress()); NetworkAddress monAdr = addressesChecker.getMyFirstAddress(who.getType()); if (addressesChecker.isPresentAddress(what)) { // la route demandee est vers moi if (who.equals(destinataire)) { // repondre au demandeur en indiquant que la route est directe NetworkPlatformMessage reponse = new NetworkPlatformMessage(); reponse.setFinalAddress("local"); // on repond directement au demandeur reponse.setFinalPort(0); reponse.addContent(message.getContent()+";"+monAdr.getNormalizedAddress()+";direct"); reponse.setAddress(destinataire.getNormalizedAddress()); // on repond directement au demandeur reponse.setPortNumber(0); reponse.setOwner(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); reponse.setReplyTo(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); //System.out.println("Sending reply to route: "+reponse.getContent()+" for "+destinataire.getNormalizedAddress()+" to "+reponse.getFinalAddress()+" via "+reponse.getAddress()); nec.getPlatformMessagesEmitter().postDirectMessage(reponse); } else { // repondre au demandeur en indiquant que la route est indirecte et que // l'hote par lequel ce message est arrive sert de relai NetworkPlatformMessage reponse = new NetworkPlatformMessage(); reponse.setFinalAddress(who.getNormalizedAddress()); // on repond au demandeur reponse.setFinalPort(0); reponse.addContent(message.getContent()+";"+destinataire.getNormalizedAddress()+";indirect"); reponse.setAddress(destinataire.getNormalizedAddress()); // on repond via l'hote par lequel ce message est arrive reponse.setPortNumber(0); reponse.setOwner(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); reponse.setReplyTo(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); //System.out.println("Sending reply to route: "+reponse.getContent()+" for "+destinataire.getNormalizedAddress()+" to "+reponse.getFinalAddress()+" via "+reponse.getAddress()); nec.getPlatformMessagesEmitter().postDirectMessage(reponse); } } else { if (who.equals(destinataire)) { // La demande est parvenue directement et l'@ recherche n'est pas celle de cet hote // On va voir si on peut servir de relai, dans le cas contraire on renvoie la demande en broadcast if (ping.testConnexionTo(what)) { // on a trouve la route vers l'hote recherche par PING // repondre au demandeur en indiquant que la route est indirecte et que // cet hote peut servir de relai NetworkPlatformMessage reponse = new NetworkPlatformMessage(); if (who.equals(destinataire)) reponse.setFinalAddress("local"); // la reponse se fait directement car la demande est arrivee directement else reponse.setFinalAddress(who.getNormalizedAddress()); // la reponse se fait via l'hote par lequel cette demande nous est parvenue reponse.setFinalPort(0); reponse.addContent(message.getContent()+";"+monAdr.getNormalizedAddress()+";indirect"); reponse.setAddress(destinataire.getNormalizedAddress()); // on envoie la reponse a l'hote par lequel cette demande nous est parvenue reponse.setPortNumber(0); reponse.setOwner(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); reponse.setReplyTo(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); //System.out.println("Sending reply to route: "+reponse.getContent()+" for "+destinataire.getNormalizedAddress()+" to "+reponse.getFinalAddress()+" via "+reponse.getAddress()); nec.getPlatformMessagesEmitter().postDirectMessage(reponse); } else { // on ne peut pas atteindre l'hote recherche directement message.setExpeditorAdressWhenSending(); nec.getPlatformMessagesEmitter().postBroadcastMessage(message); // on redifuse en broadcast } } // les messages pour lesquels on n'a pas de reponse et qui ne nous sont pas parvenu directement sont ignores } } /** * Find a route * @param vers to which host * @return the founded route * @throws NoRouteException if there is no route */ public ReplyForRouteMessage findRoute(NetworkAddress vers) throws NoRouteException { synchronized(semaphore) { debutRecherche = System.currentTimeMillis(); // recherche d'une route vers l'@ passee en parametre if (addressesChecker.isPresentAddress(vers)) return new ReplyForRouteMessage(vers.getNormalizedAddress(), vers.getNormalizedAddress(), vers.getNormalizedAddress(), "direct"); System.out.println("Try finding route to: "+vers.getNormalizedAddress()+" with PING"); if (ping.testConnexionTo(vers)) { // on a trouve la route directement ReplyForRouteMessage recu = new ReplyForRouteMessage(addressesChecker.getMyFirstAddress(vers.getType()).getNormalizedAddress(), vers.getNormalizedAddress(), vers.getNormalizedAddress(), "direct"); System.out.println("Ping found a direct route to: "+vers.getNormalizedAddress()); //System.out.println("TPS recherche route par ping : "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-debutRecherche)); return recu; } System.out.println("Try finding route to: "+vers.getNormalizedAddress()+" with broadcast"); // Si ping n'a pas marche on va s'adresser au serveur pour trouver la route boiteALettres.removeAllElements(); // virer les reponses anterieures Timer delai = new Timer(); // timer pour eviter d'attendre trop longtemps NetworkPlatformMessage recu = null; boolean trouve = false; // pas de reponse pour le moment tentatives = 0; while ((tentatives < Parameters.NUMBER_RETRIES_FOR_ROUTE) && (!trouve)) { // faire une tentative // Envoi de la requete sur chaque reseau NetworkPlatformMessage envoi = new NetworkPlatformMessage(); envoi.setFinalAddress("local"); envoi.addContent(vers.getNormalizedAddress()+";"); envoi.setOwner(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); envoi.setReplyTo(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); envoi.setExpeditorAdressWhenSending(); debutRecherche = System.currentTimeMillis(); nec.getPlatformMessagesEmitter().postBroadcastIncompleteMessage(envoi); // On allonge le temps d'attente a chaque nouvelle tentative delai.schedule(new WaitForReply(), Parameters.MAXIMAL_WAIT_FOR_RETRY_ROUTE * (tentatives+1)); fin = false; // le delai d'attente n'est pas ecoule recu = null; while ((!fin) && (!trouve)) { // attente reponse ou fon de delai recu = retire(vers); // retirer la reponse if (recu != null) trouve = true; // on a trouve une route delai.cancel(); // arreter le timer } if (!trouve) { // reessayer une fois delai = new Timer(); tentatives++; if (tentatives < Parameters.NUMBER_RETRIES_FOR_ROUTE) { System.out.println("Retrying finding route to: "+vers.getNormalizedAddress()); } } } if (trouve) { // on a obtenu une reponse => route trouvee String[] parties = recu.getContent().split(";"); ReplyForRouteMessage reponse = new ReplyForRouteMessage(parties[1], parties[0], parties[2], parties[3]); System.out.println("Found route to: "+vers.getNormalizedAddress()+" via: "+reponse.getVia()); //System.out.println("TPS recherche route par broadcast : "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-debutRecherche)); return reponse; // renvoyer la route trouvee } else { // si pas de route apres n tentatives lever une exception throw new NoRouteException(); } } } /** * Waits for messages concerning the routes.<br> * When a message asking for a route is received, the thread tries to reply to it:<br> * - a direct route exists if this host is the one for which a route is requested and it receives directly this request<br> * - an indirect route exists if this host is the one for which a route is requested and it receives indirectly this request<br> * - an indirect route exists if this host is not the one for which a route is requested and it can reach the requested host<br> * If it can reply, it relays this request. * When a message answering to a route is received, the thread unlock the route requester. * */ @Override public void run() { while (actif) { NetworkPlatformMessage recu = boiteDeReponses.retirerMessage(Parameters.NETWORK_ROUTING_SERVICE); if (recu != null) { //System.out.println("*** Routage a recu : "+recu.getContent()+" de "+recu.getExpeditorAddress()); String msg = recu.getContent(); if (!msg.contains("direct")) { // message de demande traiterDemandes(recu); } else { // message de reponse depose(recu); } } } } private synchronized void arreter() { notifyAll(); // debloquer le thread qui attend une route } private class WaitForReply extends TimerTask { public void run() { // le delai d'attente est passe fin = true; arreter(); // debloquer le thread demandeur } } }