package network.connectors; import; import platform.servicesregister.ServicesRegisterManager; import platform.servicesregister.ServiceClosedException; import util.NetworkAddress; import util.Parameters; import; // Classe des threads assurant les receptions reseau pour les connecteurs deportes /** * A thread waiting for messages on the mailbox of a connector and sending them to * the input of this connector.<br> * There is a thread of this class for each connector which receives * data by network.<br> * This thread terminates when it finds a disconnection of the connector * or when stopped by the platform. * * @author Dalmau */ public class ConnectorReceptionThread extends Thread { private model.korrontea.InputUnit serveur; // UE du connecteur qui reeoit private boolean enMarche; // indique si ce thread est en marche private boolean actif; // indique si ce thread doit etre arrete private String monNom; private ConnectorMaiboxMessage buffer; private ConnectorsMailboxes bal; private NetworkAddress exp; private KalimuchoDNS dns; /** * Construction of a thread for a connector * * @param nomconnecteur name of the connector * @param adr address for sending data of this connector */ public ConnectorReceptionThread(String nomconnecteur, NetworkAddress adr) { monNom = nomconnecteur; exp = adr; bal = (ConnectorsMailboxes)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(Parameters.CONNECTORS_DATA_MAILBOX); try { dns = (KalimuchoDNS)ServicesRegisterManager.lookForService(Parameters.KALIMUCHO_DNS_MANAGER); } catch (ServiceClosedException sce) { dns = null; } actif = true; // le thread est pret a fonctionner model.korrontea.ControlUnit accesUE = (model.korrontea.ControlUnit)ServicesRegisterManager.platformWaitForService(monNom); serveur = accesUE.getIU(); } /** * Stop the thread when the connector is removed */ public synchronized void stopThread() { // arret du thread actif = false; buffer.stop(); bal.removeMailbox(monNom); } /** * Wait for this thread to terminate */ public void waitUntilStopped() { while (enMarche) {} // attente de terminaison du run } /** * Waits for messages in the mailbox and give them to the connector */ @Override public void run() { buffer = bal.findMailbox(monNom); // bloque tant que le boete n'a pas ete creee par reception de la synchro buffer.retirerMessage(); enMarche = true; while(actif) { // le thread peut etre arrete par stopThread() EncapsulatedSample ech = null; ech = buffer.retirerMessage(); // envoie l'acquitement if (actif) { // si le thread n'a pas ete arrete pendant la reception if (dns != null) ech.setRemoteDate(dns, exp); else ech.setLocalDate(); try { // deposer l'echantillon dans l'UE du connecteur model.korrontea.ControlUnit accesUE = (model.korrontea.ControlUnit)ServicesRegisterManager.lookForService(monNom); serveur = accesUE.getIU(); ech.setExpeditor(exp.getNormalizedAddress()); serveur.deposeSample(ech); } catch (ServiceClosedException ace) { // non connecte au connecteur actif = false; } } } enMarche = false; } /** * Returns the object that measure quantity of received data on network for this connector * @return the object that measure quantity of received data on network for this connector */ public INetworkTraffic getRecepteur() { return bal.findDataReceptor(monNom); } /** * Calculates the average traffic on network of the connector * @param debit the actual number of bytes received by this connector since last measure */ public void calculeDebitMoyen(int debit) { try { // essayer de recuperer un echantillon dans l'US du connecteur model.korrontea.ControlUnit accesUC = (model.korrontea.ControlUnit)ServicesRegisterManager.lookForService(monNom); accesUC.setDebit(debit); } catch (ServiceClosedException ace) { // on n'est plus connecte au connecteur } } }