package net.tootallnate.websocket; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException; import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import net.tootallnate.websocket.drafts.Draft_10; import net.tootallnate.websocket.exeptions.InvalidHandshakeException; /** * The <tt>WebSocketClient</tt> is an abstract class that expects a valid * "ws://" URI to connect to. When connected, an instance recieves important * events related to the life of the connection. A subclass must implement * <var>onOpen</var>, <var>onClose</var>, and <var>onMessage</var> to be * useful. An instance can send messages to it's connected server via the * <var>send</var> method. * * @author Nathan Rajlich */ public abstract class WebSocketClient extends WebSocketAdapter implements Runnable { // INSTANCE PROPERTIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The URI this client is supposed to connect to. */ private URI uri = null; /** * The WebSocket instance this client object wraps. */ private WebSocket conn = null; /** * The SocketChannel instance this client uses. */ private SocketChannel client = null; /** * The 'Selector' used to get event keys from the underlying socket. */ private Selector selector = null; private Thread thread; private Draft draft; final Lock closelock = new ReentrantLock(); // CONSTRUCTORS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public WebSocketClient( URI serverURI ) { this( serverURI, new Draft_10() ); } /** * Constructs a WebSocketClient instance and sets it to the connect to the * specified URI. The client does not attampt to connect automatically. You * must call <var>connect</var> first to initiate the socket connection. */ public WebSocketClient( URI serverUri , Draft draft ) { if( serverUri == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if( draft == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "null as draft is permitted for `WebSocketServer` only!" ); } this.uri = serverUri; this.draft = draft; } // PUBLIC INSTANCE METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Gets the URI that this WebSocketClient is connected to. * * @return The <tt>URI</tt> for this WebSocketClient. */ public URI getURI() { return uri; } public Draft getDraft() { return draft; } /** * Starts a background thread that attempts and maintains a WebSocket * connection to the URI specified in the constructor or via <var>setURI</var>. * <var>setURI</var>. */ public void connect() { if( thread != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "already/still connected" ); thread = new Thread( this ); thread.start(); } public void close() { if( thread != null ) { thread.interrupt(); closelock.lock(); if( selector != null ) selector.wakeup(); closelock.unlock(); } } /** * Sends <var>text</var> to the connected WebSocket server. * * @param text * The String to send to the WebSocket server. */ public void send( String text ) throws NotYetConnectedException , InterruptedException { if( conn != null ) { conn.send( text ); } } private void tryToConnect( InetSocketAddress remote ) throws IOException { client =; client.configureBlocking( false ); client.connect( remote ); selector =; client.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT ); } // Runnable IMPLEMENTATION ///////////////////////////////////////////////// public void run() { if( thread == null ) thread = Thread.currentThread(); interruptableRun(); thread = null; } protected void interruptableRun() { try { tryToConnect( new InetSocketAddress( uri.getHost(), getPort() ) ); } catch ( ClosedByInterruptException e ) { onError( null, e ); return; } catch ( IOException e ) {// onError( conn, e ); return; } catch ( SecurityException e ) { onError( conn, e ); return; } catch ( UnresolvedAddressException e ) { onError( conn, e ); return; } conn = new WebSocket( this, draft, client ); try/*IO*/{ while ( !conn.isClosed() ) { if( Thread.interrupted() ) { conn.close( CloseFrame.NORMAL ); } SelectionKey key = null; conn.flush();; Set<SelectionKey> keys = selector.selectedKeys(); Iterator<SelectionKey> i = keys.iterator(); while ( i.hasNext() ) { key =; i.remove(); if( key.isReadable() ) { conn.handleRead(); } if( !key.isValid() ) { continue; } if( key.isWritable() ) { conn.flush(); } if( key.isConnectable() ) { try { finishConnect(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { conn.close( CloseFrame.NEVERCONNECTED );// report error to only break; } catch ( InvalidHandshakeException e ) { conn.close( e ); // http error conn.flush(); } } } } } catch ( IOException e ) { onError( e ); conn.close( CloseFrame.ABNROMAL_CLOSE ); return; } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { // this catch case covers internal errors only and indicates a bug in this websocket implementation onError( e ); conn.closeConnection( CloseFrame.BUGGYCLOSE, e.toString(), false ); return; } try { selector.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { onError( e ); } closelock.lock(); selector = null; closelock.unlock(); try { client.close(); } catch ( IOException e ) { onError( e ); } client = null; } private int getPort() { int port = uri.getPort(); return port == -1 ? WebSocket.DEFAULT_PORT : port; } private void finishConnect() throws IOException , InvalidHandshakeException , InterruptedException { if( client.isConnectionPending() ) { client.finishConnect(); } // Now that we're connected, re-register for only 'READ' keys. client.register( selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ ); sendHandshake(); } private void sendHandshake() throws IOException , InvalidHandshakeException , InterruptedException { String path; String part1 = uri.getPath(); String part2 = uri.getQuery(); if( part1 == null || part1.length() == 0 ) path = "/"; else path = part1; if( part2 != null ) path += "?" + part2; int port = getPort(); String host = uri.getHost() + ( port != WebSocket.DEFAULT_PORT ? ":" + port : "" ); HandshakedataImpl1 handshake = new HandshakedataImpl1(); handshake.setResourceDescriptor( path ); handshake.put( "Host", host ); conn.startHandshake( handshake ); } /** * Calls subclass' implementation of <var>onMessage</var>. * * @param conn * @param message */ @Override public void onMessage( WebSocket conn, String message ) { onMessage( message ); } /** * Calls subclass' implementation of <var>onOpen</var>. * * @param conn */ @Override public void onOpen( WebSocket conn, Handshakedata handshake ) { onOpen( handshake ); } /** * Calls subclass' implementation of <var>onClose</var>. * * @param conn */ @Override public void onClose( WebSocket conn, int code, String reason, boolean remote ) { thread.interrupt(); onClose( code, reason, remote ); } /** * Calls subclass' implementation of <var>onIOError</var>. * * @param conn */ @Override public void onError( WebSocket conn, Exception ex ) { onError( ex ); } @Override public void onWriteDemand( WebSocket conn ) { selector.wakeup(); } // ABTRACT METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public abstract void onMessage( String message ); public abstract void onOpen( Handshakedata handshakedata ); public abstract void onClose( int code, String reason, boolean remote ); public abstract void onError( Exception ex ); }