package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import net.engio.mbassy.IPublicationErrorHandler; import net.engio.mbassy.bus.BusConfiguration; import net.engio.mbassy.bus.MBassador; import net.engio.mbassy.bus.MessagePublication; import net.engio.mbassy.listener.Handler; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import ca.szc.keratin.core.event.BusWatchdogEvent; import ca.szc.keratin.core.event.IrcEvent; /** * Wraps a MBassador object, so it can be replaced when it breaks without leaving stale references. Uses a watch-dog * thread to detect when message delivery stops working. Automatically replaces the broken MBassador when this occurs. */ public class MBassadorWrapper { private MBassador<IrcEvent> delegate; private final BusConfiguration configuration; private final Set<Object> listeners; private final Set<IPublicationErrorHandler> errorHandlers; public MBassadorWrapper( BusConfiguration configuration ) { this.configuration = configuration; listeners = new HashSet<Object>(); errorHandlers = new HashSet<IPublicationErrorHandler>(); rebootDelegate(); Thread wd = new Thread() { private Semaphore activityMonitor = new Semaphore( 0 ); private Semaphore watchdogMonitor = new Semaphore( 0 ); public void run() { Logger.trace( "Bus watchdog running" ); Thread.currentThread().setName( "BusWatchdog" ); while ( !Thread.interrupted() ) { try { boolean activityTimedout = !activityMonitor.tryAcquire( 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); if ( activityTimedout ) { Logger.trace( "No activity, checking if the bus is alive" ); publish( new BusWatchdogEvent( null ) ); boolean watchdogTimedout = !activityMonitor.tryAcquire( 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS ); if ( watchdogTimedout ) { Logger.trace( "The bus is not alive, rebooting the bus" ); rebootDelegate(); } else { Logger.trace( "The bus is alive" ); } } } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { break; } } Logger.trace( "Interrupted, exiting" ); }; @Handler public void activityMonitor( IrcEvent event ) { activityMonitor.release(); } @Handler public void watchdogMonitor( BusWatchdogEvent event ) { watchdogMonitor.release(); } }; subscribe( wd ); wd.start(); } private synchronized void rebootDelegate() { // Make sure old delegate is disposed of if ( delegate != null ) delegate.shutdown(); // New delegate delegate = new MBassador<IrcEvent>( configuration ); // Add the active listeners and handler the old delegate had. for ( Object listener : listeners ) delegate.subscribe( listener ); for ( IPublicationErrorHandler handler : errorHandlers ) delegate.addErrorHandler( handler ); } public synchronized void addErrorHandler( IPublicationErrorHandler handler ) { delegate.addErrorHandler( handler ); } public synchronized void publish( IrcEvent message ) { delegate.publish( message ); } public synchronized MessagePublication publishAsync( IrcEvent message ) { return delegate.publishAsync( message ); } public synchronized void shutdown() { delegate.shutdown(); } public synchronized void subscribe( Object listener ) { delegate.subscribe( listener ); listeners.add( listener ); } public synchronized boolean unsubscribe( Object listener ) { listeners.remove( listener ); return delegate.unsubscribe( listener ); } }