/** * Copyright (C) 2013 Alexander Szczuczko * * This file may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ package ca.szc.keratin.bot.misc; import org.pmw.tinylog.Configurator; import org.pmw.tinylog.LoggingLevel; /** * Set tinylog's logging level and output format. */ public class Logging { /** * Configure at the given logging level */ public static void activateLoggingConfig( LoggingLevel logLevel ) { String formatPattern = "{date:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [{thread}] {class}.{method}() {level}: {message}"; Configurator.defaultConfig().level( logLevel ).formatPattern( formatPattern ).activate(); } /** * Configure at TRACE logging level */ public static void activateDebugLoggingConfig() { activateLoggingConfig( LoggingLevel.TRACE ); } }