package; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class RateLimiter { private long lastSuccessMillis; private final long cooldownMillis; public RateLimiter( long cooldown, TimeUnit cooldownUnit ) { this( cooldownUnit.toMillis( cooldown ) ); } public RateLimiter( long cooldownMillis ) { this.cooldownMillis = cooldownMillis; } /** * Has the cooldown time expired? Never restarts the cooldown. * * @return true iff the current time is greater than the last successful call time plus the cooldown time. */ public boolean peek() { synchronized ( this ) { return System.currentTimeMillis() > lastSuccessMillis + cooldownMillis; } } /** * Has the cooldown time expired? When returning true, the cooldown is started again. * * @return true iff the current time is greater than the last successful call time plus the cooldown time. */ public boolean available() { synchronized ( this ) { if ( peek() ) { lastSuccessMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); return true; } return false; } } }