package; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheEvict; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; import; import io.kaif.database.DaoOperations; import; @Repository public class HonorRollDao implements DaoOperations { @Autowired private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; private final RowMapper<HonorRoll> honorRollRowMapper = (rs, rowNum) -> new HonorRoll(UUID.fromString( rs.getString("accountId")), rs.getString("zone") == null ? null : Zone.valueOf(rs.getString("zone")), // for total rs.getString("bucket"), rs.getString("username"), rs.getLong("articleUpVoted"), rs.getLong("debateUpVoted"), rs.getLong("debateDownVoted")); @Override public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbc() { return namedParameterJdbcTemplate; } public Optional<HonorRoll> findHonorRoll(UUID accountId, Zone zone, Instant instant) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT * " + " FROM HonorRoll " + " WHERE accountId = ? " + " AND zone = ? " + " AND bucket = ? " + " LIMIT 1 "; return jdbc().query(sql, honorRollRowMapper, accountId, zone.value(), monthlyBucket(instant).toString()).stream().findAny(); } public void updateRotateVoteStats(HonorRollVoter voter) { String upsert = "" + " INSERT " + " INTO HonorRoll " + " (accountId, zone, bucket, username, articleUpVoted, " + " debateUpVoted, debateDownVoted) " + " VALUES (:accountId, :zone, :bucket, :username, :deltaArticleUpVoted," + " :deltaDebateUpVoted, :deltaDebateDownVoted) " + " ON CONFLICT (accountId, zone, bucket) " + " DO UPDATE " + " SET articleUpVoted = HonorRoll.articleUpVoted + :deltaArticleUpVoted " + " , debateUpVoted = HonorRoll.debateUpVoted + :deltaDebateUpVoted " + " , debateDownVoted = HonorRoll.debateDownVoted + :deltaDebateDownVoted "; Map<String, Object> params = ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder().put("accountId", voter.getAccountId()) .put("zone", voter.getZone().value()) .put("bucket", monthlyBucket(voter.getFlakeId()).toString()) .put("username", voter.getUsername()) .put("deltaArticleUpVoted", voter.getDeltaArticleUpVoted()) .put("deltaDebateUpVoted", voter.getDeltaDebateUpVoted()) .put("deltaDebateDownVoted", voter.getDeltaDebateDownVoted()) .build(); namedJdbc().update(upsert, params); } public List<HonorRoll> listHonorRollByAccount(UUID accountId, Instant instant) { final String sql = " SELECT * FROM HonorRoll WHERE accountId = ? AND bucket = ? ORDER BY zone "; return jdbc().query(sql, honorRollRowMapper, accountId, monthlyBucket(instant).toString()); } public List<HonorRoll> listHonorAllByAccount(UUID accountId) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT accountId, username, zone, " + " '2015-01-01' AS bucket, " + " sum(articleUpVoted) AS articleUpVoted, " + " sum(debateUpVoted) AS debateUpVoted, " + " sum(debateDownVoted) AS debateDownVoted " + " FROM HonorRoll " + " WHERE accountId = ? " + " GROUP BY accountId, username, zone " + " ORDER BY zone "; return jdbc().query(sql, honorRollRowMapper, accountId); } /** * see {@link #listHonorRollWithCache(java.time.LocalDate, int)} for why leak bucket to outside */ @Cacheable(value = "listHonorRoll") public List<HonorRoll> listHonorRollByZoneWithCache(Zone zone, LocalDate bucket, int limit) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT * " + " FROM HonorRoll " + " WHERE zone = ? " + " AND bucket = ? " + " ORDER BY (articleUpVoted + debateUpVoted - debateDownVoted) DESC, username ASC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, honorRollRowMapper, zone.value(), bucket.toString(), limit); } /** * argument using `LocalDate bucket` leak rotation logic outside of Dao, * But to make @Cacheable work properly. we have to do so. */ @Cacheable(value = "listHonorRoll") public List<HonorRoll> listHonorRollWithCache(LocalDate bucket, int limit) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT accountId, bucket, username, " + " NULL AS zone, " + " sum(articleUpVoted) AS articleUpVoted, " + " sum(debateUpVoted) AS debateUpVoted, " + " sum(debateDownVoted) AS debateDownVoted, " + " sum(articleUpVoted) + sum(debateUpVoted) - sum(debateDownVoted) AS score " + " FROM HonorRoll " + " WHERE bucket = ? " + " GROUP BY accountId, bucket, username " + " ORDER BY score DESC, username ASC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, honorRollRowMapper, bucket.toString(), limit); } @VisibleForTesting @CacheEvict(value = "listHonorRoll", allEntries = true) public void evictAllCaches() { } }