package io.kaif.model.article; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static*; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheEvict; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.kaif.database.DaoOperations; import io.kaif.flake.FlakeId; import io.kaif.model.KaifIdGenerator; import io.kaif.model.account.Account; import; import; import; @Repository public class ArticleDao implements DaoOperations { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArticleDao.class); private final RowMapper<Article> articleMapper = (rs, rowNum) -> { return new Article(// Zone.valueOf(rs.getString("zone")), rs.getString("aliasName"), FlakeId.valueOf(rs.getLong("articleId")), rs.getString("title"), rs.getString("link"), rs.getString("content"), ArticleContentType.valueOf(rs.getString("contentType")), rs.getTimestamp("createTime").toInstant(), UUID.fromString(rs.getString("authorId")), rs.getString("authorName"), rs.getBoolean("deleted"), rs.getLong("upVote"), rs.getLong("downVote"), rs.getLong("debateCount")); }; @Autowired private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; @Autowired private KaifIdGenerator kaifIdGenerator; /** * TODO change to refreshAfterWrite after guava issue solved * <p> * see {@link io.kaif.model.debate.DebateDao#debatesCache} for why we have to * use expireAfterWrite() */ @Autowired private ZoneDao zoneDao; private final LoadingCache<FlakeId, Article> articleByDebatesCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(2000) .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build(new CacheLoader<FlakeId, Article>() { @Override public Article load(FlakeId key) throws Exception { return listArticlesByDebatesWithoutCache(asList(key)).get(key); } @Override public Map<FlakeId, Article> loadAll(Iterable<? extends FlakeId> keys) throws Exception { return listArticlesByDebatesWithoutCache(Lists.newArrayList(keys)); } }); public RowMapper<Article> getArticleMapper() { return articleMapper; } @Override public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbc() { return namedParameterJdbcTemplate; } @VisibleForTesting Article insertArticle(Article article) { jdbc().update("" + " INSERT " + " INTO Article " + " (zone, aliasName, articleid, title, link, content, contentType, " + " createTime, authorid, authorname, deleted, upvote, downvote, debatecount)" + " VALUES " + questions(14), article.getZone().value(), article.getAliasName(), article.getArticleId().value(), article.getTitle(), article.getLink(), article.getContent(), article.getContentType().name(), Timestamp.from(article.getCreateTime()), article.getAuthorId(), article.getAuthorName(), article.isDeleted(), article.getUpVote(), article.getDownVote(), article.getDebateCount()); return article; } public Optional<Article> findArticle(FlakeId articleId) { final String sql = " SELECT * FROM Article WHERE articleId = ? LIMIT 1 "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, articleId.value()).stream().findAny(); } public List<Article> listZoneArticlesDesc(Zone zone, @Nullable FlakeId startArticleId, int limit) { FlakeId start = Optional.ofNullable(startArticleId).orElse(FlakeId.MAX); final String sql = "" + " SELECT * " + " FROM Article " + " WHERE articleid < ? " + " AND zone = ? " + " AND deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY articleId DESC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, start.value(), zone.value(), limit); } /** * this is global articles list, but we don't filter hideFromTop articles */ public List<Article> listArticlesDesc(@Nullable FlakeId startArticleId, int limit) { FlakeId start = Optional.ofNullable(startArticleId).orElse(FlakeId.MAX); final String sql = "" + " SELECT * " + " FROM Article " + " WHERE articleId < ? " + " AND deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY articleId DESC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, start.value(), limit); } public Article createExternalLink(ZoneInfo zoneInfo, Account author, String title, String url, String canonicalUrl, Instant now) { FlakeId flakeId =; Article article = insertArticle(Article.createExternalLink(zoneInfo.getZone(), zoneInfo.getAliasName(), flakeId, author, title, url, now)); jdbc().update("" + " INSERT " + " INTO ArticleExternalLink " + " (articleId, zone, canonicalUrl, rawUrl, createTime) " + " VALUES " + questions(5), article.getArticleId().value(), article.getZone().value(), canonicalUrl, article.getLink(), Timestamp.from(article.getCreateTime())); return article; } /** * @throws EmptyResultDataAccessException * if not found */ public Article loadArticleWithoutCache(FlakeId articleId) throws EmptyResultDataAccessException { final String sql = " SELECT * FROM Article WHERE articleId = ? "; return jdbc().queryForObject(sql, articleMapper, articleId.value()); } @Cacheable("Article") public Article loadArticleWithCache(FlakeId articleId) throws EmptyResultDataAccessException { return loadArticleWithoutCache(articleId); } public void increaseDebateCount(Article article) { jdbc().update(" UPDATE Article SET debateCount = debateCount + 1 WHERE articleId = ? ", article.getArticleId().value()); } public void changeTotalVote(FlakeId articleId, long upVoteDelta, int downVoteDelta) { if (upVoteDelta == 0 && downVoteDelta == 0) { return; } jdbc().update("" + " UPDATE Article " + " SET upVote = upVote + (?) " + " , downVote = downVote + (?) " + " WHERE articleId = ? ", upVoteDelta, downVoteDelta, articleId.value()); } @VisibleForTesting double hotRanking(long upVoted, long downVoted, Instant createTime) { return jdbc().queryForObject(" SELECT hotRanking(?, ?, ?) ", Double.class, upVoted, downVoted, Timestamp.from(createTime)); } public List<Article> listZoneHotArticles(Zone zone, @Nullable FlakeId startArticleId, int limit) { //TODO this is naive implementation, should improve performance later //possible improving is use startArticleId's max score as createTime hint if (startArticleId == null) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT * " + " FROM Article " + " WHERE zone = ? " + " AND deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY hotRanking(upVote, downVote, createTime) DESC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, zone.value(), limit); } final String sql = "" + " WITH RankArticle " + " AS ( " + " SELECT *, hotRanking(upVote, downVote, createTime) AS hot " + " FROM Article " + " WHERE zone = ? " + " ) " + " SELECT * " + " FROM RankArticle " + " WHERE hot < ( SELECT hot FROM RankArticle WHERE articleId = ? ) " + " AND deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY hot DESC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, zone.value(), startArticleId.value(), limit); } public List<Article> listHotArticlesExcludeHidden(@Nullable FlakeId startArticleId, int limit) { //TODO this is naive implementation, should improve performance later //TODO test upper time bound Instant startTime = Optional.ofNullable(startArticleId) .map(FlakeId::epochMilli) .map(Instant::ofEpochMilli) .orElseGet(Instant::now); //query record up to 7 days ago, we can reduce days if articles grow after go production FlakeId upperTimeBound = FlakeId.startOf(startTime.minus(Duration.ofDays(7)).toEpochMilli()); if (startArticleId == null) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT a.* " + " FROM Article a " + " JOIN ZoneInfo z ON = " + " WHERE a.articleId > ? " + " AND z.hideFromTop = FALSE " + " AND a.deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY hotRanking(a.upVote, a.downVote, a.createTime) DESC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, upperTimeBound.value(), limit); } final String sql = "" + " WITH RankArticle " + " AS ( " + " SELECT a.*, hotRanking(a.upVote, a.downVote, a.createTime) AS hot " + " FROM Article a" + " JOIN ZoneInfo z ON = " + " WHERE a.articleId > ? " + " AND z.hideFromTop = FALSE " + " ) " + " SELECT * " + " FROM RankArticle " + " WHERE hot < ( SELECT hot FROM RankArticle WHERE articleId = ? ) " + " AND deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY hot DESC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, upperTimeBound.value(), startArticleId.value(), limit); } @CacheEvict(value = "Article", key = "#a0.articleId") public void markAsDeleted(Article article) { //TODO evict hot/latest Articles cache if present // notice: we could not evict cache: articleByDebatesCache jdbc().update(" UPDATE Article SET deleted = TRUE WHERE articleId = ? ", article.getArticleId().value()); if (article.isExternalLink()) { jdbc().update(" DELETE FROM ArticleExternalLink WHERE articleId = ? ", article.getArticleId().value()); } } public Article createSpeak(ZoneInfo zoneInfo, Account author, String title, String content, Instant now) { return insertArticle(Article.createSpeak(zoneInfo.getZone(), zoneInfo.getAliasName(),, author, title, content, now)); } @VisibleForTesting @CacheEvict(value = { "listHotZones", "Article" }, allEntries = true) public void evictAllCaches() { articleByDebatesCache.invalidateAll(); } /** * list hot zones based on article count, ignore zone that hideFromTop. * <p> * note that the result are cached for same size (argument Instant is not part of cache key) */ @Cacheable(value = "listHotZones", key = "#a0") public List<ZoneInfo> listHotZonesWithCache(int size, Instant articleSince) { FlakeId startArticleId = FlakeId.startOf(articleSince.toEpochMilli()); List<ZoneInfo> results = jdbc().query("" + " SELECT z.*, count( AS zoneHotness " + " FROM Article a " + " JOIN ZoneInfo z ON = " + " WHERE a.articleId >= ? " + " AND z.hideFromTop = FALSE " + " GROUP BY " + " ORDER BY zoneHotness DESC " + " LIMIT ? ", zoneDao.getZoneInfoMapper(), startArticleId.value(), size); //immutable for cache return ImmutableList.copyOf(results); } public List<Article> listArticlesByDebatesWithCache(List<FlakeId> debateIds) { Map<FlakeId, Article> articles; try { articles = articleByDebatesCache.getAll(debateIds); } catch (ExecutionException | UncheckedExecutionException e) { logger.warn("list article by debates cache failed", e); articles = listArticlesByDebatesWithoutCache(debateIds); } return articles.values().stream().distinct().collect(toList()); } private Map<FlakeId, Article> listArticlesByDebatesWithoutCache(List<FlakeId> debateIds) { if (debateIds.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final String sql = "" + " SELECT d.debateId, a.* " + " FROM Article a " + " JOIN Debate d ON (d.articleId = a.articleId) " + " WHERE d.debateId IN (:debateIds) "; List<Long> values =; HashMap<FlakeId, Article> articles = new HashMap<>(); namedJdbc().query(sql, ImmutableMap.of("debateIds", values), rs -> { FlakeId debateId = FlakeId.valueOf(rs.getLong("debateId")); articles.put(debateId, articleMapper.mapRow(rs, 0)); }); return articles; } public List<Article> listArticlesByAuthor(UUID authorId, @Nullable FlakeId startArticleId, int size) { FlakeId start = Optional.ofNullable(startArticleId).orElse(FlakeId.MAX); final String sql = "" + " SELECT * " + " FROM Article " + " WHERE articleId < ? " + " AND authorId = ? " + " AND deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY articleId DESC " + " LIMIT ? "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, start.value(), authorId, size); } public boolean isExternalLinkExist(Zone zone, String canonicalUrl) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT count(*) > 0 " + " FROM ArticleExternalLink " + " WHERE zone = ? " + " AND canonicalUrl = ? " + " LIMIT 1 "; return jdbc().queryForObject(sql, Boolean.class, zone.value(), canonicalUrl); } public List<Article> listArticlesByExternalLink(Zone zone, String canonicalUrl, int size) { final String sql = "" + " SELECT * " + " FROM Article " + " WHERE articleId IN ( " + " SELECT articleId " + " FROM ArticleExternalLink " + " WHERE zone = ? " + " AND canonicalUrl = ? " + " ORDER BY articleId DESC " + " LIMIT ? ) " + " AND deleted = FALSE " + " ORDER BY articleId DESC "; return jdbc().query(sql, articleMapper, zone.value(), canonicalUrl, size); } }