package io.kaif.model.clientapp; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.CacheEvict; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import io.kaif.database.DaoOperations; import io.kaif.model.account.Account; @Repository public class ClientAppDao implements DaoOperations { private static final String FIND_CLIENT_APP_USER_CACHE_NAME = "findClientAppUser"; @Autowired private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate; private final RowMapper<ClientApp> clientAppMapper = (rs, num) -> { return new ClientApp(rs.getString("clientId"), rs.getString("clientSecret"), rs.getString("appName"), rs.getString("description"), rs.getTimestamp("createTime").toInstant(), UUID.fromString(rs.getString("ownerAccountId")), rs.getBoolean("revoked"), rs.getString("callbackUri")); }; private final RowMapper<ClientAppUser> clientAppUserMapper = (rs, num) -> { Set<ClientAppScope> lastGrantedScopes = convertVarcharArray(rs.getArray("lastGrantedScopes")).map( ClientAppScope::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toSet()); return new ClientAppUser(UUID.fromString(rs.getString("clientAppUserId")), rs.getString("clientId"), rs.getString("clientSecret"), UUID.fromString(rs.getString("accountId")), lastGrantedScopes, rs.getTimestamp("lastUpdateTime").toInstant()); }; @Override public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedJdbc() { return namedParameterJdbcTemplate; } public ClientApp createApp(Account creator, String name, String description, String callbackUri, Instant now) { ClientApp app = ClientApp.create(creator.authenticatedId(), name, description, callbackUri, now); jdbc().update("" + " INSERT " + " INTO ClientApp " + " (clientId, clientSecret, appName, description, createTime, " + " ownerAccountId, revoked, callbackUri) " + " VALUES " + questions(8), app.getClientId(), app.getClientSecret(), app.getAppName(), app.getDescription(), Timestamp.from(app.getCreateTime()), app.getOwnerAccountId(), app.isRevoked(), app.getCallbackUri()); return app; } public ClientApp loadAppWithoutCache(String clientId) { return jdbc().queryForObject(" SELECT * FROM ClientApp WHERE clientId = ? ", clientAppMapper, clientId); } public List<ClientApp> listAppOrderByTime(UUID ownerAccountId) { return jdbc().query(" SELECT * FROM ClientApp WHERE ownerAccountId = ? ORDER BY createTime ", clientAppMapper, ownerAccountId); } public void updateAppInformation(ClientApp updated) { jdbc().update("" + " UPDATE ClientApp " + " SET appName = ? " + " , description = ? " + " , revoked = ? " + " , callbackUri = ? " + " WHERE clientId = ? ", updated.getAppName(), updated.getDescription(), updated.isRevoked(), updated.getCallbackUri(), updated.getClientId()); } /* * there is no way to evict app's all users, so we have to evict all entries */ @CacheEvict(value = FIND_CLIENT_APP_USER_CACHE_NAME, allEntries = true) public void updateAppSecret(ClientApp updated) { jdbc().update("" + " UPDATE ClientApp " + " SET clientSecret = ? " + " WHERE clientId = ? ", updated.getClientSecret(), updated.getClientId()); } public Optional<ClientApp> findApp(String clientId) { return jdbc().query(" SELECT * FROM ClientApp WHERE clientId = ? LIMIT 1", clientAppMapper, clientId).stream().findAny(); } @CacheEvict(value = FIND_CLIENT_APP_USER_CACHE_NAME, key = "#a0.accountId + #a1.clientId") public ClientAppUser mergeClientAppUser(Account account, ClientApp clientApp, Set<ClientAppScope> scopes, Instant now) { Optional<ClientAppUser> exist = findClientAppUserWithoutCache(account.getAccountId(), clientApp.getClientId()); if (exist.isPresent()) { ClientAppUser updated = exist.get() .withScopes(scopes) .withLastUpdateTime(now) .withClientSecret(clientApp.getClientSecret()); jdbc().update("" + " UPDATE ClientAppUser " + " SET lastGrantedScopes = ? " + " , lastUpdateTime = ? " + " WHERE clientAppUserId = ? ", createVarcharArray(updated.getLastGrantedScopes().stream().map(ClientAppScope::name)), Timestamp.from(updated.getLastUpdateTime()), updated.getClientAppUserId()); return updated; } else { ClientAppUser created = ClientAppUser.create(clientApp.getClientId(), clientApp.getClientSecret(), account.getAccountId(), scopes, now); jdbc().update("" + " INSERT " + " INTO ClientAppUser " + " (clientAppUserId, clientId, accountId, lastGrantedScopes, lastUpdateTime )" + " VALUES " + questions(5), created.getClientAppUserId(), created.getClientId(), created.getAccountId(), createVarcharArray(created.getLastGrantedScopes().stream().map(ClientAppScope::name)), Timestamp.from(created.getLastUpdateTime())); return created; } } @Cacheable(value = FIND_CLIENT_APP_USER_CACHE_NAME, key = "#a0 + #a1") public Optional<ClientAppUser> findClientAppUserWithCache(UUID accountId, String clientId) { return findClientAppUserWithoutCache(accountId, clientId); } public Optional<ClientAppUser> findClientAppUserWithoutCache(UUID accountId, String clientId) { return jdbc().query("" + " SELECT cau.*, ClientApp.clientSecret " + " FROM ClientAppUser cau " + " JOIN ClientApp ON (cau.clientId = ClientApp.clientId ) " + " WHERE cau.accountId = ? " + " AND cau.clientId = ? " + " LIMIT 1 ", clientAppUserMapper, accountId, clientId).stream().findAny(); } public List<ClientAppUser> listUsers(UUID accountId) { return jdbc().query("" + " SELECT cau.*, ClientApp.clientSecret " + " FROM ClientAppUser cau " + " JOIN ClientApp ON (cau.clientId = ClientApp.clientId ) " + " WHERE cau.accountId = ? ", clientAppUserMapper, accountId); } @CacheEvict(value = FIND_CLIENT_APP_USER_CACHE_NAME, key = "#a0 + #a1") public void deleteClientAppUser(UUID accountId, String clientId) { jdbc().update("" + " DELETE " + " FROM ClientAppUser " + " WHERE accountId = ? " + " AND clientId = ? ", accountId, clientId); } public List<ClientApp> listAppsByUser(UUID accountId) { return jdbc().query("" + " SELECT ClientApp.* " + " FROM ClientAppUser cau " + " JOIN ClientApp ON (cau.clientId = ClientApp.clientId ) " + " WHERE cau.accountId = ? " + " ORDER BY cau.lastUpdateTime DESC ", clientAppMapper, accountId); } }