package org.juxtasoftware.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.core.parser.MarkupParser; import org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.core.parser.builder.HtmlDocumentBuilder; import org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.mediawiki.core.MediaWikiLanguage; public class WikiTextUtils { public static final File toTxt( InputStream wikiStream ) throws IOException { // first strip markup that does not translate correctly into html or plain text, and make // the output difficult to read/understand. Bad markup: // <ref></ref>, <ref/> // [[Image: ... ]] // [[File: ... ]] // {{Citation needed}} InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(wikiStream, "UTF-8"); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( isr ); File stripped = File.createTempFile("stripped", "dat"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(stripped); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); boolean strippingRef = false; boolean strippingTag = false; String endMarker = ""; String startMarker = ""; int depth = 0; boolean extractingQuote = false; boolean discardQuoteData = false; while (true) { String line = r.readLine(); if ( line == null ) { break; } else { line = line.trim(); if ( strippingTag ) { StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i<line.length(); i++) { buf.append( line.charAt(i)); if ( buf.indexOf(startMarker) > -1 ) { depth++; buf = new StringBuilder(); } else if ( buf.indexOf(endMarker) > -1 ) { depth--; if ( depth == 0) { line = line.substring(i+1); strippingTag = false; break; } else { buf = new StringBuilder(); } } } if ( strippingTag ) { continue; } } if (line.length() == 0) { continue; } line = stripCitationNeeded(line); StripResult sr = stripTag("{{", "cite", "}}", line); if ( sr.depth != 0 ) { depth = sr.depth; endMarker = "}}"; startMarker = "{{"; strippingTag = true; continue; } else { line = sr.strippedLine; } sr = stripTag("[[", "File:", "]]", line); if ( sr.depth != 0 ) { depth = sr.depth; endMarker = "]]"; startMarker = "[["; strippingTag = true; continue; } else { line = sr.strippedLine; } sr = stripTag("[[", "Image:", "]]", line); if ( sr.depth != 0 ) { depth = sr.depth; endMarker = "]]"; startMarker = "[["; strippingTag = true; continue; } else { line = sr.strippedLine; } // cquotes if ( discardQuoteData ) { if ( line.indexOf("}}") > -1 ) { int pos = line.indexOf("}}"); discardQuoteData = false; line = line.substring(pos+2); } } else if ( extractingQuote ) { if ( line.indexOf("|") > -1 ) { extractingQuote = false; int p = line.indexOf("|"); String before = line.substring(0, p); String after = line.substring(p+1); if ( after.indexOf("}}") > -1 ) { line = after.substring(after.indexOf("}}")+2); } else { discardQuoteData = true; line = before; } } else if ( line.indexOf("}}") > -1 ) { int pos = line.indexOf("}}"); extractingQuote = false; line = line.substring(0,pos)+line.substring(pos+2); } } else { String quoteType = hasQuote(line); if ( quoteType != null) { int pos = line.indexOf(quoteType); int p2 = line.indexOf("|", pos); String front = line.substring(0, pos); String back = line.substring(p2+1); if ( quoteType.equals("{{rquote")) { p2 = back.indexOf("|"); if ( p2 > -1 ) { back = back.substring(p2+1); } } if ( back.indexOf("}}") > -1 ) { line = front+"\n\n"+ cleanQuoteText(back)+"\n\n"; } else { extractingQuote = true; line = front+"\n\n"+back; } } } if ( strippingRef ) { if ( line.contains("</ref>") ) { int end = line.indexOf("</ref>"); line = line.substring(end+6); strippingRef = false; } } if ( strippingRef == false) { // From [[Category:: on the file just sets up // links at the page footer. Doen't translate correctly to text // so stop here if ( line.contains("[[Category:") || line.contains("[[ar:") || line.contains("{{DEFAULTSORT:") ) { break; } while ( line.contains("<ref") ) { int start = line.indexOf("<ref"); int end = line.indexOf("</ref>", start); int singleEnd = line.indexOf("/>", start); int tagEnd = -1; int endOffset = 0; if ( singleEnd > -1 ) { endOffset = 2; tagEnd = singleEnd; if ( end > -1 ) { if ( end < singleEnd ) { tagEnd = end; endOffset = 6; } } } else if ( end > -1 ) { tagEnd = end; endOffset = 6; } if (tagEnd > -1 ) { String endBit = line.substring(tagEnd+endOffset); line = line.substring(0,start) + endBit; } else { line = line.substring(0,start); strippingRef = true; break; } } if ( line.trim().length() > 0 ) { line = line.replaceAll("<br\\/>", "\n"); line = line.replaceAll("<br \\/>", "\n"); line = line.replaceAll("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}",""); line += "\n"; osw.write(line); } } } } IOUtils.closeQuietly(osw); // Next, turn this to html using textile-j (this one does the best job of those I tried out) File html = File.createTempFile("html", "dat"); FileWriterWithEncoding fw = new FileWriterWithEncoding(html, "UTF-8"); HtmlDocumentBuilder builder = new HtmlDocumentBuilder(fw); builder.setEmitAsDocument(false); MarkupParser parser = new MarkupParser(new MediaWikiLanguage()); parser.setBuilder(builder); InputStream fis = new FileInputStream( stripped ); parser.parse( new InputStreamReader(fis) ); IOUtils.closeQuietly(fw); stripped.delete(); // Next, turn the html into plain text HtmlUtils.strip(html); File txtFile = HtmlUtils.toTxt( new FileInputStream(html) ); // Last, strip junk return stripStrayJunk(txtFile); } private static String cleanQuoteText(String back) { String clean = back.substring(0, back.indexOf("}}")); if ( clean.indexOf("|") > -1) { return clean.substring(0, clean.indexOf("|")); } return clean; } private static String hasQuote(String line) { String[] quotes = {"{{cquote", "{{rquote", "{{quote"}; for ( int i=0; i<quotes.length; i++) { if ( line.contains(quotes[i])) { return quotes[i]; } } return null; } private static File stripStrayJunk(File txtFile) throws IOException { File out = File.createTempFile("cleaned", "dat"); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(out); final OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "UTF-8"); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(txtFile); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, "UTF-8"); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader( isr ); while (true) { String line = r.readLine(); if ( line == null ) { break; } else { line = line.replaceAll("\\[.*\\|\\[", ""); line = line.replaceAll("\\[\\[", ""); line = line.replaceAll("\\]\\]", ""); line = line.replaceAll("<\\/ref>", ""); line = line.replaceAll("}}", ""); line += "\n"; osw.write(line); } } IOUtils.closeQuietly( r ); IOUtils.closeQuietly( osw ); return out; } private static StripResult stripTag(final String tagStart, final String tag, final String tagEnd, String line) { final String fullStart = tagStart+tag; while ( line.contains(fullStart) ) { int start = line.indexOf(fullStart); int depth = 1; StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder(); for (int i=start+7; i<line.length(); i++) { buf.append(line.charAt(i)); if (buf.indexOf(tagStart) > -1) { depth++; buf = new StringBuilder(); } else if ( buf.indexOf(tagEnd) > -1 ) { depth--; if ( depth == 0) { line = line.substring(0, start) + line.substring(i+1); break; } else { buf = new StringBuilder(); } } } if ( depth > 0 ) { return new StripResult(line.substring(0, start), depth); } } return new StripResult(line,0); } static final class StripResult { public final String strippedLine; public final int depth; public StripResult(String line, int depth) { this.strippedLine = line; this.depth = depth; } } private static String stripCitationNeeded(String line) { while ( line.contains("{{Citation needed")) { int start = line.indexOf("{{Citation needed"); int end = line.indexOf("}}", start); if ( end == -1 ) { break; } else { line = line.substring(0, start) + line.substring(end+2); } } return line; } }