package org.juxtasoftware.resource.heatmap; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.juxtasoftware.Constants; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.AlignmentDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.CacheDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.ComparisonSetDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.JuxtaAnnotationDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.NoteDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.PageMarkDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.UserAnnotationDao; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.WitnessDao; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Alignment; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Alignment.AlignedAnnotation; import org.juxtasoftware.model.AlignmentConstraint; import org.juxtasoftware.model.ComparisonSet; import org.juxtasoftware.model.QNameFilter; import org.juxtasoftware.model.VisualizationInfo; import org.juxtasoftware.model.Witness; import org.juxtasoftware.resource.BaseResource; import org.juxtasoftware.util.BackgroundTask; import org.juxtasoftware.util.BackgroundTaskCanceledException; import org.juxtasoftware.util.BackgroundTaskStatus; import org.juxtasoftware.util.QNameFilters; import org.juxtasoftware.util.TaskManager; import org.juxtasoftware.util.ftl.FileDirective; import org.juxtasoftware.util.ftl.HeatmapStreamDirective; import; import org.restlet.representation.Representation; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import eu.interedition.text.Range; @Service @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) public class HeatmapView { @Autowired private CacheDao cacheDao; @Autowired private AlignmentDao alignmentDao; @Autowired private ComparisonSetDao setDao; @Autowired private NoteDao noteDao; @Autowired private PageMarkDao pbDao; @Autowired private WitnessDao witnessDao; @Autowired private QNameFilters filters; @Autowired private HeatmapStreamDirective heatmapDirective; @Autowired private ApplicationContext context; @Autowired private TaskManager taskManager; @Autowired private Integer visualizationBatchSize; @Autowired private JuxtaAnnotationDao annotationDao; @Autowired private UserAnnotationDao userNoteDao; private BaseResource parent; private VisualizationInfo visualizationInfo; private List<SetWitness> witnesses; protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Constants.WS_LOGGER_NAME ); /** * Delete all cached heatmap data for the specified set * @param set */ public void delete( ComparisonSet set ) { this.cacheDao.deleteHeatmap(set.getId()); } /** * Get the UTF-8, HTML representaton of a heatmap. This data will * be generated once and cached in the database. If the refresh * flag is truem the db cache will be wiped and a new representation * generated * * @param set Comparison set used to generate the data * @refresh when true, the data will be cleared from cache and regenerated. * * @return UTF-8 encoded, text/html representation of the set * @throws IOException */ public Representation toHtml( final BaseResource parent, final ComparisonSet set) throws IOException { // save a reference to the parent resource this.parent = parent; if (parent.getQuery().getValuesMap().containsKey("refresh") ) { this.cacheDao.deleteHeatmap(set.getId()); } // Determine base witnessID from query params Long baseWitnessId = null; if (this.parent.getQuery().getValuesMap().containsKey("base") ) { String baseId = this.parent.getQuery().getValues("base"); baseWitnessId = Long.parseLong(baseId); } // pick out sorting settings String sortBy = "date"; if (this.parent.getQuery().getValuesMap().containsKey("by") ) { sortBy = this.parent.getQuery().getValues("by"); } String sortOrder = "desc"; if (this.parent.getQuery().getValuesMap().containsKey("order") ) { sortOrder = this.parent.getQuery().getValues("order"); } // Check if this visualization should be the condensed version boolean condensed = false; if (this.parent.getQuery().getValuesMap().containsKey("condensed") ) { condensed = true; } // Get all witness List<Witness> setWitnesses = new ArrayList<Witness>( this.setDao.getWitnesses(set) ); if ( setWitnesses.size() < 2) { return this.parent.toTextRepresentation("This set contains less than two witnesess. Unable to view heatmap."); } // Set the base witness id to the first in the set of it was not specified if ( baseWitnessId == null ) { baseWitnessId = setWitnesses.get(0).getId(); } // get the base witness AND its length Witness base = null; long baseLength = 0L; for ( Witness w : setWitnesses ) { if ( w.getId().equals(baseWitnessId) ) { base = w; // lookup the cached base length baseLength = this.setDao.getTokenzedLength(set, w); if ( baseLength == 0 ) { LOG.error("Missing tokenized length of witness "+w.getId()); parent.setStatus(Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL); return parent.toTextRepresentation("Missing length of base witness. Please re-collate."); } break; } } if ( base == null) { parent.setStatus(Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); return parent.toTextRepresentation("The specified base witness was not found"); } // get the witness filter list. these witnesses will not be rendered in the visualization. // if no filter witnesses are present, all witnesses will be included. // Use this to create a visualiztionInfo object that will be used to generate a key to uniquely identify // this visualization Set<Long> witFilterList = getWitnessFilterList( base.getId() ); this.visualizationInfo = new VisualizationInfo(set, base, witFilterList); // Calculate the change index for the witnesses ( not necessary in condensed view: no witness list) try { // init witness list so all witnesses have change index of 0 // this will be filled in from cache or during heatmap generation this.witnesses = new ArrayList<HeatmapView.SetWitness>(); for (Witness w: setWitnesses ) { SetWitness sw = new SetWitness(w, baseLength, w.equals(base)); sw.hasAnnotations = this.userNoteDao.hasUserAnnotations(set, sw.getId()); this.witnesses.add(sw); } // Asynchronously render heatmap main body (map, notes and margin boxes) // Grab it from cache if possible. if ( this.cacheDao.heatmapExists(set.getId(), this.visualizationInfo.getKey(), condensed) == false) { final String taskId = generateTaskId(set.getId(), this.visualizationInfo.getKey(), condensed); if ( this.taskManager.exists(taskId) == false ) { HeatmapTask task = new HeatmapTask(taskId, set, base, condensed); this.taskManager.submit(task); } return this.parent.toHtmlRepresentation( new StringReader("RENDERING "+taskId)); } // init FTL data map Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("hasNotes", false); map.put("hasBreaks", false); map.put("hasLineNumbers", false); // Last, wrap the body with ui (title, comparison set details) map.put("condensed", condensed ); map.put("hasUserAnnotations", this.userNoteDao.hasUserAnnotations(set, base.getId()) ); map.put("hasNotes", this.noteDao.hasNotes( base.getId() ) ); map.put("hasBreaks", this.pbDao.hasBreaks( base.getId() ) ); map.put("hasLineNumbers", this.pbDao.hasLineNumbers( base.getId() ) ); map.put("hasRevisions", this.witnessDao.hasRevisions(base) ); map.put("setId", set.getId()); map.put("setTitle", set.getName()); map.put("baseId", base.getId()); map.put("visualizationKey", this.visualizationInfo.getKey()); map.put("baseName", base.getName() ); map.put("witnessCount", this.witnesses.size() ); map.put("witnesses", this.witnesses ); map.put("heatmapStreamer", this.heatmapDirective); // stream the cached content into template map.put("witnessFilter", witFilterList.toString()); map.put("page", "set"); map.put("title", "Juxta Heatmap View: "+set.getName()); map.put("sortBy", sortBy); map.put("sortOrder", sortOrder); // fill in the hidden spans with segments of urls so the // javascript can piece together URLs for all of // its ajax requests. This also becomes an extnsion point // for systems that embed heatmap views in the main ui. They // just provide alternate values for these 3 elemements map.put("ajaxBaseUrl", parent.getRequest().getHostRef().toString()+"/juxta/"+parent.getWorkspace()+"/set/"); map.put("viewHeatmapSegment", "/view?mode=heatmap&"); map.put("fragmentSegment", "/diff/fragment"); map.put("annotateSegment", "/annotation"); return this.parent.toHtmlRepresentation("heatmap.ftl", map); } catch ( OutOfMemoryError e ) { return this.parent.toTextRepresentation( "The server has insufficent resources to generate this visualization." + "\nTry again later. If this fails, try breaking large witnesses up into smaller segments."); } } private Set<Long> getWitnessFilterList( Long baseId ) { Set<Long> list = new HashSet<Long>(); if ( this.parent.getQuery().getValuesMap().containsKey("filter") ) { String[] docStrIds = this.parent.getQuery().getValues("filter").split(","); for ( int i=0; i<docStrIds.length; i++ ) { Long witId = Long.parseLong(docStrIds[i]); if ( witId.equals(baseId) == false ) { list.add( witId ); } } } return list; } private String generateTaskId( final Long setId, final Long baseId, final Boolean condensed) { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + setId.hashCode(); result = prime * result + baseId.hashCode(); result = prime * result + condensed.hashCode(); return "heatmap-"+result; } private void renderHeatMap(BackgroundTaskStatus status, ComparisonSet set, Witness base, boolean condensed) throws IOException {"Rendering heatmap for "+set); // get a list of revisons, differeces, notes and breaks in ascending oder. // add this information to injectors that will be used to inject // supporting markup into the witness heatmap stream final ChangeInjector changeInjector = this.context.getBean(ChangeInjector.class); changeInjector.setWitnessCount( this.witnesses.size() ); changeInjector.initialize( generateHeatmapChangelist(status, set, base ) ); final NoteInjector noteInjector = this.context.getBean(NoteInjector.class); noteInjector.initialize( this.noteDao.find(base.getId()) ); final PageMarkInjector pbInjector = this.context.getBean(PageMarkInjector.class); pbInjector.initialize( this.pbDao.find(base.getId()) ); final RevisionInjector revisionInjector = this.context.getBean(RevisionInjector.class); revisionInjector.initialize( this.witnessDao.getRevisions(base) ); // create a temp file in which to assemble the heatmap data File heatmapFile = File.createTempFile("heatmap", ".dat"); heatmapFile.deleteOnExit(); BufferedWriter br = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriterWithEncoding(heatmapFile, "UTF-8") ); // get the content stream and generate the data.... Reader reader = this.witnessDao.getContentStream(base); // now the fun bit; stream the base content and mark it // up with heat map goodness using the injectors defined above. // each injector compares the current doc position to its internal // data. when appropriate, html markup an/or content is added. int pos = 0; StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); boolean done = false; while ( done == false ) { status.setNote("Writing results: "+Math.round(pos/base.getText().getLength()*100)+"% Complete"); int data =; if ( data == -1 ) { done = true; } // as long as any injectors hav content to stuff // into the document at this position, kepp spinning while ( revisionInjector.hasContent(pos) || pbInjector.hasContent(pos) || noteInjector.hasContent(pos) || changeInjector.hasContent(pos) ) { // inject heatmap markup into the basic // witness data stream. put revsions first so their markup // wraps all others. revisionInjector.injectContentStart(line, pos); pbInjector.injectContentStart(line, pos); noteInjector.injectContentStart(line, pos); changeInjector.injectContentStart(line, pos); // now see if any of this injected data needs to be closed // off. This must be done in reverse order of the above calls // to avoid interleaving of tags changeInjector.injectContentEnd(line, pos); noteInjector.injectContentEnd(line, pos); pbInjector.injectContentEnd(line, pos); revisionInjector.injectContentEnd(line, pos); } // once a newline is reached write it to the data file if ( data == '\n' || data == -1 ) { line.append("<br/>"); br.write(line.toString()); br.newLine(); line = new StringBuilder(); } else { // escape the text before appending it to the output stream line.append( StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( Character.toString((char)data) ) ); } pos++; } // append any unanchored notes that trail the end of doc if ( noteInjector.addTrailingNotes(line) ) { br.write(line.toString()); } // close up the file br.close(); // create the template map and stuff it with some basic data Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); map.put("condensed", condensed ); map.put("baseName", base.getName()); map.put("srcFile", heatmapFile.getAbsoluteFile()); map.put("fileReader", new FileDirective()); map.put("numWitnesses", this.witnesses.size()-1); map.put("notes", noteInjector.getData() ); map.put("changeIndexes", generateChangeIndexJson() ); // create the main body of the heatmap. NOTE the false params. // The first one tells the base NOT to use the layout template when generating // the representation. The second tells it NOT to GZIP the results Representation heatmapFtl = this.parent.toHtmlRepresentation("heatmap_text.ftl", map, false, false); // Stuff it in a cache for future fast response this.cacheDao.cacheHeatmap(set.getId(), this.visualizationInfo.getKey(), heatmapFtl.getReader(), condensed); // done with this file. kill it explicitly heatmapFile.delete();"Hetmap rendered for "+set); } private String generateChangeIndexJson() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for ( SetWitness sw : this.witnesses) { if ( sb.length() > 1 ) { sb.append(","); } sb.append( "{\"id\":").append(sw.getId()).append(","); sb.append("\"ci\":").append("\"").append(String.format("%.2f", sw.getChangeIndex()) ).append("\"}"); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } private List<Change> generateHeatmapChangelist(BackgroundTaskStatus status, final ComparisonSet set, final Witness base) throws IOException { // init List<Integer> zeroLen = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int len = (int)base.getText().getLength(); byte[] heat = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { heat[i] = 0; } // generate heat map data 1 pair at a time for (SetWitness wit : this.witnesses) { if (wit.getId().equals(base.getId())) { continue; } if (this.visualizationInfo.getWitnessFilter().contains(wit.getId()) ) {"Skipping filtered witness "+wit.getName()+"["+wit.getId()+"]"); continue; }"Generate heatmap data for " + base + " vs " + wit); status.setNote("Rendering "+ base + " vs " + wit); boolean done = false; int startIdx = 0; while ( !done ) { List<Alignment> aligns = getPairAlignments(set, base.getId(), wit.getId(), startIdx, this.visualizationBatchSize); if ( aligns.size() < this.visualizationBatchSize ) { done = true; } else { startIdx += this.visualizationBatchSize; } // generate a change list based on the sorted differences int lastGroupId = -1; int lastEnd = -1; for (Alignment align : aligns) { // the heatmap is from the perspective of the BASE // text, so only care about annotations that refer to it AlignedAnnotation baseAnno = align.getWitnessAnnotation(base.getId()); AlignedAnnotation witAnnotation = align.getWitnessAnnotation(wit.getId()); // accumulate total diff length for this witness. it will be used to render the // change index. always add on the longest diff. long longestDiff = Math.max(baseAnno.getRange().length(), witAnnotation.getRange().length()); wit.addDiffLen(longestDiff); // Save off the start and end positions of the annotaion on the base int start = (int)baseAnno.getRange().getStart(); int end = (int)baseAnno.getRange().getEnd(); // see if this has matching group to prior // change. if so, extend the end of that to match the // start of this. keeps heatmap contiguous if ( lastGroupId > -1 ) { if ( lastGroupId == align.getGroup() ) { for ( int i=lastEnd;i<start;i++) { heat[i]++; } } } if ( baseAnno.getRange().length() == 0 ) { Integer pos = (int)baseAnno.getRange().getStart(); if ( (long)pos > lastEnd ) { zeroLen.add(pos); } } else { // ... now add the data to the byte array for ( int i=start; i<end;i++) { heat[i]++; } } lastEnd = end; lastGroupId = align.getGroup(); } } } // Convert the byte heat array to a list of changes List<Change> changes = new ArrayList<Change>(); byte lastVal = 0; int changeStart = 0; int changeId= 1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ( heat[i] == 0 ) { if ( lastVal != 0 ) { changes.add( new Change(changeId++, new Range(changeStart,i),lastVal)); changeStart = i; lastVal = heat[i]; } } else { if ( heat[i] != lastVal ) { if ( lastVal != 0 ) { changes.add( new Change(changeId++, new Range(changeStart,i),lastVal)); changeStart = i; lastVal = heat[i]; } else { changeStart = i; lastVal = heat[i]; } } } } // overlay adds Collections.sort(zeroLen); for (Integer pos : zeroLen ) { boolean handled = false; for ( Change c : changes ) { if ( (long)pos >= c.getRange().getStart() && (long)pos <= c.getRange().getEnd() ) { handled = true; c.increaseDiffFrequency(); break; } } if ( handled == false ) { Change c = new Change(changeId++, new Range(pos, pos), 1); int adjPos = (int)this.annotationDao.findNextTokenStart(base.getId(), pos); if ( adjPos == -1 || adjPos+1 >= base.getText().getLength() ) { c.adjustRange(pos-1, pos); } else { // first, see if there are any more tokens after this point int nextPos = (int)this.annotationDao.findNextTokenStart(base.getId(), adjPos); if ( nextPos == -1 ) { // this was the last token. Don't highlight past it, just up to it. // this fixes a special case: punct is not ignored and last non-whitespace char // in witness is punct and there is an add relative to this position. This code // makes sure the last punctuation gets highlighted as a change c.adjustRange(pos, adjPos); } else { c.adjustRange(adjPos, adjPos+1); } } changes.add(c ); Collections.sort(changes); } } return changes; } private List<Alignment> getPairAlignments(final ComparisonSet set, final Long baseId, final Long witnessId, int startIdx, int batchSize) { QNameFilter changesFilter = this.filters.getDifferencesFilter(); AlignmentConstraint constraints = new AlignmentConstraint(set); constraints.addWitnessIdFilter(baseId); constraints.addWitnessIdFilter(witnessId); constraints.setFilter(changesFilter); constraints.setResultsRange(startIdx, batchSize); return this.alignmentDao.list(constraints); } /** * Extension of a witness to include change index data * @author loufoster * */ public static final class SetWitness extends Witness { private long totalDiffLen; private final long baseLen; private final boolean isBase; private final long createTimestamp; private boolean hasAnnotations = false; public SetWitness( Witness w, long baseLen, boolean isBase) { super(w); this.isBase = isBase; this.baseLen = baseLen; this.totalDiffLen = 0; this.createTimestamp = w.getCreated().getTime(); } void addDiffLen( long longestDiff ) { this.totalDiffLen += longestDiff; } public float getChangeIndex() { return (float)this.totalDiffLen / (float)this.baseLen; } public boolean isBase() { return this.isBase; } public long getDate() { return this.createTimestamp; } public boolean getHasAnnotations() { return this.hasAnnotations; } } /** * Task to asynchronously render the visualization */ private class HeatmapTask implements BackgroundTask { private final String name; private BackgroundTaskStatus status; private final ComparisonSet set; private final Witness base; private final boolean condensed; private Date startDate; private Date endDate; public HeatmapTask(final String name, final ComparisonSet set, final Witness base, boolean condensed) { = name; this.status = new BackgroundTaskStatus( ); this.set = set; this.base = base; this.condensed = condensed; this.startDate = new Date(); } @Override public Type getType() { return BackgroundTask.Type.VISUALIZE; } @Override public void run() { try {"Begin task "; this.status.begin(); HeatmapView.this.renderHeatMap(this.status, set, base, condensed);"Task "" COMPLETE"); this.endDate = new Date(); this.status.finish(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(" task failed", e.toString());; this.endDate = new Date(); } catch ( BackgroundTaskCanceledException e) {" task was canceled"); this.endDate = new Date(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(" task failed", e);; this.endDate = new Date(); } } @Override public void cancel() { this.status.cancel(); } @Override public BackgroundTaskStatus.Status getStatus() { return this.status.getStatus(); } @Override public String getName() { return; } @Override public Date getEndTime() { return this.endDate; } @Override public Date getStartTime() { return this.startDate; } @Override public String getMessage() { return this.status.getNote(); } } }