package org.juxtasoftware.dao.impl; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.juxtasoftware.Constants; import org.juxtasoftware.dao.CacheDao; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementSetter; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository public class CacheDaoImpl implements CacheDao { @Autowired private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; @Autowired private Integer cacheLifespan; protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Constants.WS_LOGGER_NAME ); private final String TABLE = "juxta_collation_cache"; @Override public void deleteAll(Long setId) { try { final String sql = "delete from "+TABLE+" where set_id=?"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql, setId ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Clear cache failed for set "+setId, e); } } @Override public boolean heatmapExists(final Long setId, final Long key, boolean condensed ) { try { final String sql = "select count(*) as cnt from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; String type = "HEATMAP"; if ( condensed ) { type = "CONDENSED_HEATMAP"; } long cnt = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, setId, key.toString(), type); return cnt > 0; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cached heatmap exists failed for set "+setId, e); return false; } } @Override public void deleteHeatmap(final Long setId) { try { final String sql = "delete from "+TABLE+" where set_id=? and data_type=? || data_type=?"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql, setId, "HEATMAP", "CONDENSED_HEATMAP"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to delete cached heatmap for set "+setId, e); } } @Override public Reader getHeatmap(final Long setId, final Long key, final boolean condensed ) { try { final String sql = "select data from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; String type = "HEATMAP"; if ( condensed ) { type = "CONDENSED_HEATMAP"; } return DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult( this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new RowMapper<Reader>(){ @Override public Reader mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return rs.getCharacterStream("data"); } }, setId, key.toString(), type) ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to retrieve cached heatmap for set "+setId, e); return null; } } @Override public void cacheHeatmap(final Long setId, final Long key, final Reader data, final boolean condensed ) { try { final String sql = "insert into " + TABLE+ " (set_id, config, data_type, data) values (?,?,?,?)"; this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { String type = "HEATMAP"; if ( condensed ) { type = "CONDENSED_HEATMAP"; } ps.setLong(1, setId); ps.setString(2, key.toString()); ps.setString(3, type); ps.setCharacterStream(4, data); } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to cache heatmap for set "+setId, e); } } @Override public boolean exportExists( final Long setId, final Long baseId ) { try { final String sql = "select count(*) as cnt from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; long cnt = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, setId, baseId.toString(), "EXPORT"); return cnt > 0; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Export exists failed for set "+setId, e); return false; } } @Override public Reader getExport( final Long setId, final Long baseId ) { try { final String sql = "select data from "+TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; return DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult( this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new RowMapper<Reader>(){ @Override public Reader mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return rs.getCharacterStream("data"); } }, setId, baseId.toString(), "EXPORT") ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Retrieve cached export failed for set "+setId, e); return null; } } @Override public void cacheExport( final Long setId, final Long baseId, final Reader data) { try { final String sql = "insert into " + TABLE+ " (set_id, config, data_type, data) values (?,?,?,?)"; this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { ps.setLong(1, setId); ps.setString(2, baseId.toString()); ps.setString(3, "EXPORT"); ps.setCharacterStream(4, data); } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cache export failed for set "+setId, e); } } @Override public boolean editionExists( final Long setId, final long token ) { try { final String sql = "select count(*) as cnt from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; long cnt = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, setId, token, "EDITION"); return cnt > 0; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Edition exists failed for set "+setId, e); return false; } } @Override public Reader getEdition( final Long setId, final long token ) { try { final String sql = "select data from "+TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; return DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult( this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new RowMapper<Reader>(){ @Override public Reader mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return rs.getCharacterStream("data"); } }, setId, token, "EDITION") ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to get Edition for set "+setId, e); return null; } } @Override public void cacheEdition( final Long setId, final long token, final Reader data) { try { final String sql = "insert into " + TABLE+ " (set_id, config, data_type, data) values (?,?,?,?)"; this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { ps.setLong(1, setId); ps.setString(2, Long.toString(token) ); ps.setString(3, "EDITION"); ps.setCharacterStream(4, data); } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Cache Edition failed for set "+setId, e); } } @Override public boolean histogramExists( final Long setId, final Long key ) { try { final String sql = "select count(*) as cnt from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; long cnt = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, setId, key.toString(), "HISTOGRAM"); return cnt > 0; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Check histogram failed for set "+setId, e); return false; } } @Override public Reader getHistogram(final Long setId, final Long key ) { try { final String sql = "select data from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; return DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult( this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new RowMapper<Reader>(){ @Override public Reader mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return rs.getCharacterStream("data"); } }, setId, key.toString(), "HISTOGRAM") ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to get histogram for set "+setId, e); return null; } } @Override public void cacheHistogram(final Long setId, final Long key, final Reader data) { try { final String sql = "insert into " + TABLE+ " (set_id, config, data_type, data) values (?,?,?,?)"; this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { ps.setLong(1, setId); ps.setString(2, key.toString()); ps.setString(3, "HISTOGRAM"); ps.setCharacterStream(4, data); } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to cache histogram for set "+setId, e); } } @Override public void deleteSideBySide(Long setId) { try { final String sql = "delete from "+TABLE+" where set_id=? and data_type=?"; jdbcTemplate.update(sql, setId, "SIDEBYSIDE"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to delete side-by-side for set "+setId, e); } } @Override public void cacheSideBySide(final Long setId, final Long witness1, final Long witness2, final Reader data) { try { final String sql = "insert into " + TABLE+ " (set_id, config, data_type, data) values (?,?,?,?)"; this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql, new PreparedStatementSetter() { @Override public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { ps.setLong(1, setId); ps.setString(2, witness1.toString()+","+witness2.toString()); ps.setString(3, "SIDEBYSIDE"); ps.setCharacterStream(4, data); } }); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to cache side-by-side for set "+setId+" witnesses "+witness1+","+witness2, e); } } @Override public boolean sideBySideExists(Long setId, Long witness1, Long witness2) { try { final String sql = "select count(*) as cnt from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; final String wits = toList(witness1, witness2); long cnt = jdbcTemplate.queryForLong(sql, setId, wits, "SIDEBYSIDE"); return cnt > 0; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private String toList(final Long witness1, final Long witess2) { return witness1.toString()+","+witess2.toString(); } @Override public Reader getSideBySide(Long setId, Long witness1, Long witness2) { try { final String sql = "select data from " +TABLE+" where set_id=? and config=? and data_type=?"; final String witnessList = toList(witness1, witness2); return DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult( this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new RowMapper<Reader>(){ @Override public Reader mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { return rs.getCharacterStream("data"); } }, setId, witnessList, "SIDEBYSIDE") ); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to retrieve cached side-by-side for set "+setId+" witnesses "+witness1+","+witness2, e); return null; } } @Override public void purgeExpired() { if ( this.cacheLifespan < 0 ) {"Cache set to never expire; not purging"); return; } try { final String sql = "delete from juxta_collation_cache where permanent=0 and created < ( NOW() - INTERVAL "+this.cacheLifespan+" HOUR)"; this.jdbcTemplate.update(sql); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to purge expired cache", e); } } }