package; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VEvent; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VJournal; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VTodo; import; import; /** * SEQUENCE * Sequence Number * RFC 5545,, page 138 * * This property defines the revision sequence number of the * calendar component within a sequence of revisions. * * Example: The following is an example of this property for a calendar * component that was just created by the "Organizer": * SEQUENCE:0 * * The following is an example of this property for a calendar * component that has been revised two different times by the "Organizer": * SEQUENCE:2 * <pre> From RFC 5546 The "SEQUENCE" property is used by the "Organizer" to indicate revisions to the calendar component. When the "Organizer" makes changes to one of the following properties, the sequence number MUST be incremented: o "DTSTART" o "DTEND" o "DURATION" o "DUE" o "RRULE" o "RDATE" o "EXDATE" o "STATUS" In addition, changes made by the "Organizer" to other properties MAY also require the sequence number to be incremented. The "Organizer" CUA MUST increment the sequence number whenever it makes changes to properties in the calendar component that the "Organizer" deems will jeopardize the validity of the participation status of the "Attendees". For example, changing the location of a meeting from one location to another distant location could effectively impact the participation status of the "Attendees". Depending on the "METHOD", the "SEQUENCE" property MUST follow these rules in the context of iTIP: o For the "PUBLISH" and "REQUEST" methods, the "SEQUENCE" property value is incremented according to the rules stated above. o The "SEQUENCE" property value MUST be incremented each time the "Organizer" uses the "ADD" or "CANCEL" methods. o The "SEQUENCE" property value MUST NOT be incremented when using "REPLY", "REFRESH", "COUNTER", "DECLINECOUNTER", or when sending a delegation "REQUEST". In some circumstances, the "Organizer" may not have received responses to the final revision sent out. In this situation, the "Organizer" may wish to send an update "REQUEST" and set "RSVP=TRUE" for all "Attendees" so that current responses can be collected. The value of the "SEQUENCE" property contained in a response from an "Attendee" may not always match the "Organizer's" revision. Implementations may choose to have the CUA indicate to the CU that the response is to an iCalendar object that has been revised, and allow the CU to decide whether or not to accept the response. Whilst a change in sequence number is indicative of a significant change to a previously scheduled item, "Attendee" CUAs SHOULD NOT rely solely on a change in sequence number as a means of detecting a significant change. Instead, CUAs SHOULD compare the old and new versions of the calendar components, determine the exact nature of the changes, and make decisions -- possibly based on "Calendar User" preferences -- as to whether the user needs to be explicitly informed of the change. </pre> * * @author David Bal * * The property can be specified in following components: * @see VEvent * @see VTodo * @see VJournal */ public class Sequence extends VPropertyBase<Integer, Sequence> { public Sequence(Integer value) { super(value); } public Sequence(Sequence source) { super(source); } public Sequence() { super(0); // default is 0 } @Override public void setValue(Integer value) { if (value >= 0) { super.setValue(value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(name() + " must be greater than or equal to zero"); } } public static Sequence parse(String content) { return Sequence.parse(new Sequence(), content); } }