package jfxtras.scene.control.agenda.icalendar.editors; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.Period; import java.time.temporal.Temporal; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import javafx.util.Pair; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.components.VDisplayable; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.DateTimeUtilities; import jfxtras.scene.control.agenda.icalendar.editors.deleters.Deleter; import jfxtras.scene.control.agenda.icalendar.editors.revisors.Reviser; /** * Options available when editing or deleting a repeatable appointment. * */ public enum ChangeDialogOption { ONE // individual instance , ALL // entire series , ALL_IGNORE_RECURRENCES // entire series with special recurrences (components with RECURRENCEID) ignored , THIS_AND_FUTURE // selected instance and all in the future , THIS_AND_FUTURE_IGNORE_RECURRENCES // selected instance and all in the future, with special recurrences (components with RECURRENCEID) ignored , CANCEL; // do nothing /** * Produce the map of change dialog options and the date range the option affects * * @param vComponentOriginal clone of unedited {@link VDisplayable} * @param vComponentEdited edited {@link VDisplayable} (only descriptive properties are edited, date/time properties are not edited) * @param startRecurrence start date/time of selected recurrence * @param changedProperties list of VPropertyElement that are changed between vComponentOriginal and vComponentEdited * @return Map with key as available {@link ChangeDialogOption} and value start, end date/time pair to be affected by change * * @see Reviser */ public static <U extends VDisplayable<U>> Map<ChangeDialogOption, Pair<Temporal,Temporal>> makeDialogChoices( U vComponentOriginal, U vComponentEdited, Temporal startRecurrence, Collection<VPropertyElement> changedProperties) { Map<ChangeDialogOption, Pair<Temporal,Temporal>> choices = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (! changedProperties.contains(VPropertyElement.RECURRENCE_RULE)) { choices.put(ChangeDialogOption.ONE, new Pair<Temporal,Temporal>(startRecurrence, startRecurrence)); } Temporal lastRecurrence = vComponentEdited.lastRecurrence(); // TODO - Gradle requires variable s. I can't inline it or I get a compile error. Stream<Temporal> s = vComponentEdited.streamRecurrences(); Temporal firstRecurrence = s.findFirst().get(); // Temporal firstRecurrence = vComponentEdited.streamRecurrences().findFirst().get(); boolean isLastRecurrence = (lastRecurrence == null) ? false : startRecurrence.equals(lastRecurrence); boolean isAfterLastRecurrence = (lastRecurrence == null) ? false : DateTimeUtilities.isAfter(startRecurrence, lastRecurrence); boolean isFirstRecurrence = startRecurrence.equals(firstRecurrence); boolean isDTStartChanged = ! vComponentEdited.getDateTimeStart().equals(vComponentOriginal.getDateTimeStart()); boolean isFirstOrLastChanged = ! (isLastRecurrence || isFirstRecurrence); if (! isAfterLastRecurrence) { if (isFirstOrLastChanged || isDTStartChanged) { Temporal start = (startRecurrence == null) ? vComponentEdited.getDateTimeStart().getValue() : startRecurrence; // set initial start Period dateTimeStartShift = Period.between(LocalDate.from(vComponentEdited.getDateTimeStart().getValue()), LocalDate.from(vComponentOriginal.getDateTimeStart().getValue())); start =; choices.put(ChangeDialogOption.THIS_AND_FUTURE, new Pair<Temporal,Temporal>(start, lastRecurrence)); } } choices.put(ChangeDialogOption.ALL, new Pair<Temporal,Temporal>(vComponentEdited.getDateTimeStart().getValue(), lastRecurrence)); return choices; } /** * Produce the map of change dialog options and the date range the option affects * * @param vComponent {@link VDisplayable} to be deleted * @param startOriginalRecurrence start date/time of selected recurrence * @return Map with key as available {@link ChangeDialogOption} and value start, end date/time pair to be affected by change * * @see Deleter */ public static <U extends VDisplayable<U>> Map<ChangeDialogOption, Pair<Temporal, Temporal>> makeDialogChoices( VDisplayable<?> vComponent, Temporal startOriginalRecurrence) { Map<ChangeDialogOption, Pair<Temporal,Temporal>> choices = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Temporal lastRecurrence; final long rdates; if (vComponent.getRecurrenceDates() != null) { rdates = vComponent.getRecurrenceDates().stream().flatMap(r -> r.getValue().stream()).count(); } else { rdates = 0; } if (vComponent.getRecurrenceRule() != null || rdates > 1) { choices.put(ChangeDialogOption.ONE, new Pair<Temporal,Temporal>(startOriginalRecurrence, startOriginalRecurrence)); lastRecurrence = vComponent.lastRecurrence(); boolean isLastRecurrence = (lastRecurrence == null) ? false : startOriginalRecurrence.equals(lastRecurrence); if (! isLastRecurrence) { Temporal start = (startOriginalRecurrence == null) ? vComponent.getDateTimeStart().getValue() : startOriginalRecurrence; // set initial start Period dateTimeStartShift = Period.between(LocalDate.from(vComponent.getDateTimeStart().getValue()), LocalDate.from(vComponent.getDateTimeStart().getValue())); start =; choices.put(ChangeDialogOption.THIS_AND_FUTURE, new Pair<Temporal,Temporal>(start, lastRecurrence)); } } else { lastRecurrence = vComponent.getDateTimeStart().getValue(); } choices.put(ChangeDialogOption.ALL, new Pair<Temporal,Temporal>(vComponent.getDateTimeStart().getValue(), lastRecurrence)); return choices; } }