package jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters; import; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters.AlternateText; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.parameters.VParameterBase; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.StringConverter; import jfxtras.icalendarfx.utilities.StringConverters; /** * <pre> * 3.2.1. Alternate Text Representation Parameter Name: ALTREP Purpose: To specify an alternate text representation for the property value. Format Definition: This property parameter is defined by the following notation: altrepparam = "ALTREP" "=" DQUOTE uri DQUOTE Description: This parameter specifies a URI that points to an alternate representation for a textual property value. A property specifying this parameter MUST also include a value that reflects Desruisseaux Standards Track [Page 14] RFC 5545 iCalendar September 2009 the default representation of the text value. The URI parameter value MUST be specified in a quoted-string. Note: While there is no restriction imposed on the URI schemes allowed for this parameter, Content Identifier (CID) [RFC2392], HTTP [RFC2616], and HTTPS [RFC2818] are the URI schemes most commonly used by current implementations. Example: DESCRIPTION;ALTREP="": Project XYZ Review Meeting will include the following agenda items: (a) Market Overview\, (b) Finances\, (c) Project Man agement The "ALTREP" property parameter value might point to a "text/html" content portion. Content-Type:text/html Content-Id:<> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <p> <b>Project XYZ Review Meeting</b> will include the following agenda items: <ol> <li>Market Overview</li> <li>Finances</li> <li>Project Management</li> </ol> </p> </body> </html> RFC 5545 iCalendar September 2009 * </pre> * @author David Bal */ public class AlternateText extends VParameterBase<AlternateText, URI> { private static final StringConverter<URI> CONVERTER = StringConverters.uriConverterWithQuotes(); /** Create new AlternateText with property value set to input parameter */ public AlternateText(URI value) { super(value, CONVERTER); } /** Create deep copy of source AlternateText */ public AlternateText(AlternateText source) { super(source, CONVERTER); } /** Create default Summary with no value set */ public AlternateText() { super(CONVERTER); } public static AlternateText parse(String content) { return AlternateText.parse(new AlternateText(), content); } }