package com.jsoniter.output; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.Collection; class CodegenImplMap { public static CodegenResult genMap(String cacheKey, Class clazz, Type[] typeArgs) { boolean isCollectionValueNullable = true; if (cacheKey.endsWith("__value_not_nullable")) { isCollectionValueNullable = false; } Type keyType = String.class; Type valueType = Object.class; if (typeArgs.length == 0) { // default to Map<String, Object> } else if (typeArgs.length == 2) { keyType = typeArgs[0]; valueType = typeArgs[1]; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "can not bind to generic collection without argument types, " + "try syntax like TypeLiteral<Map<String, String>>{}"); } if (keyType != String.class) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("map key must be String"); } CodegenResult ctx = new CodegenResult(); ctx.append("public static void encode_(java.lang.Object obj, com.jsoniter.output.JsonStream stream) throws {"); ctx.append("if (obj == null) { stream.writeNull(); return; }"); ctx.append("java.util.Map map = (java.util.Map)obj;"); ctx.append("java.util.Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator();"); ctx.append("if(!iter.hasNext()) { return; }"); ctx.append("java.util.Map.Entry entry = (java.util.Map.Entry);"); ctx.buffer('{'); ctx.append("stream.writeVal((String)entry.getKey());"); ctx.buffer(':'); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (entry.getValue() == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "entry.getValue()", valueType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "entry.getValue()", valueType, false); } ctx.append("while(iter.hasNext()) {"); ctx.append("entry = (java.util.Map.Entry);"); ctx.buffer(','); ctx.append("stream.writeObjectField((String)entry.getKey());"); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (entry.getValue() == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "entry.getValue()", valueType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "entry.getValue()", valueType, false); } ctx.append("}"); ctx.buffer('}'); ctx.append("}"); return ctx; } }