package com.jsoniter; import com.jsoniter.annotation.JsoniterAnnotationSupport; import com.jsoniter.any.Any; import com.jsoniter.spi.JsonException; import com.jsoniter.spi.TypeLiteral; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class JsonIterator implements Closeable { private static boolean isStreamingEnabled = false; final static ValueType[] valueTypes = new ValueType[256]; InputStream in; byte[] buf; int head; int tail; int skipStartedAt = -1; // skip should keep bytes starting at this pos Map<String, Object> tempObjects = null; // used in reflection object decoder final Slice reusableSlice = new Slice(null, 0, 0); char[] reusableChars = new char[32]; Object existingObject = null; // the object should be bind to next static { for (int i = 0; i < valueTypes.length; i++) { valueTypes[i] = ValueType.INVALID; } valueTypes['"'] = ValueType.STRING; valueTypes['-'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['0'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['1'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['2'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['3'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['4'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['5'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['6'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['7'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['8'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['9'] = ValueType.NUMBER; valueTypes['t'] = ValueType.BOOLEAN; valueTypes['f'] = ValueType.BOOLEAN; valueTypes['n'] = ValueType.NULL; valueTypes['['] = ValueType.ARRAY; valueTypes['{'] = ValueType.OBJECT; } private JsonIterator(InputStream in, byte[] buf, int head, int tail) { = in; this.buf = buf; this.head = head; this.tail = tail; } public JsonIterator() { this(null, new byte[0], 0, 0); } public static JsonIterator parse(InputStream in, int bufSize) { enableStreamingSupport(); return new JsonIterator(in, new byte[bufSize], 0, 0); } public static JsonIterator parse(byte[] buf) { return new JsonIterator(null, buf, 0, buf.length); } public static JsonIterator parse(byte[] buf, int head, int tail) { return new JsonIterator(null, buf, head, tail); } public static JsonIterator parse(String str) { return parse(str.getBytes()); } public static JsonIterator parse(Slice slice) { return new JsonIterator(null,, slice.head(), slice.tail()); } public final void reset(byte[] buf) { this.buf = buf; this.head = 0; this.tail = buf.length; } public final void reset(byte[] buf, int head, int tail) { this.buf = buf; this.head = head; this.tail = tail; } public final void reset(Slice value) { this.buf =; this.head = value.head(); this.tail = value.tail(); } public final void reset(InputStream in) { = in; this.head = 0; this.tail = 0; } public final void close() throws IOException { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } final void unreadByte() { if (head == 0) { throw reportError("unreadByte", "unread too many bytes"); } head--; } public final JsonException reportError(String op, String msg) { int peekStart = head - 10; if (peekStart < 0) { peekStart = 0; } int peekSize = head - peekStart; if (head > tail) { peekSize = tail - peekStart; } String peek = new String(buf, peekStart, peekSize); throw new JsonException(op + ": " + msg + ", head: " + head + ", peek: " + peek + ", buf: " + new String(buf)); } public final String currentBuffer() { int peekStart = head - 10; if (peekStart < 0) { peekStart = 0; } String peek = new String(buf, peekStart, head - peekStart); return "head: " + head + ", peek: " + peek + ", buf: " + new String(buf); } public final boolean readNull() throws IOException { byte c = IterImpl.nextToken(this); if (c != 'n') { unreadByte(); return false; } IterImpl.skipFixedBytes(this, 3); // null return true; } public final boolean readBoolean() throws IOException { byte c = IterImpl.nextToken(this); if ('t' == c) { IterImpl.skipFixedBytes(this, 3); // true return true; } if ('f' == c) { IterImpl.skipFixedBytes(this, 4); // false return false; } throw reportError("readBoolean", "expect t or f, found: " + c); } public final short readShort() throws IOException { int v = readInt(); if (Short.MIN_VALUE <= v && v <= Short.MAX_VALUE) { return (short) v; } else { throw reportError("readShort", "short overflow: " + v); } } public final int readInt() throws IOException { return IterImplNumber.readInt(this); } public final long readLong() throws IOException { return IterImplNumber.readLong(this); } public final boolean readArray() throws IOException { return IterImplArray.readArray(this); } public static interface ReadArrayCallback { boolean handle(JsonIterator iter, Object attachment) throws IOException; } public final boolean readArrayCB(ReadArrayCallback callback, Object attachment) throws IOException { return IterImplArray.readArrayCB(this, callback, attachment); } public final String readString() throws IOException { return IterImplString.readString(this); } public final Slice readStringAsSlice() throws IOException { return IterImpl.readSlice(this); } public final String readObject() throws IOException { return IterImplObject.readObject(this); } public static interface ReadObjectCallback { boolean handle(JsonIterator iter, String field, Object attachment) throws IOException; } public final void readObjectCB(ReadObjectCallback cb, Object attachment) throws IOException { IterImplObject.readObjectCB(this, cb, attachment); } public final float readFloat() throws IOException { return IterImplNumber.readFloat(this); } public final double readDouble() throws IOException { return IterImplNumber.readDouble(this); } public final BigDecimal readBigDecimal() throws IOException { // skip whitespace by read next if (whatIsNext() != ValueType.NUMBER) { throw reportError("readBigDecimal", "not number"); } return new BigDecimal(IterImplForStreaming.readNumber(this)); } public final BigInteger readBigInteger() throws IOException { // skip whitespace by read next if (whatIsNext() != ValueType.NUMBER) { throw reportError("readBigDecimal", "not number"); } return new BigInteger(IterImplForStreaming.readNumber(this)); } public final Any readAny() throws IOException { try { return IterImpl.readAny(this); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw reportError("read", "premature end"); } } private final static ReadArrayCallback fillArray = new ReadArrayCallback() { @Override public boolean handle(JsonIterator iter, Object attachment) throws IOException { List list = (List) attachment; list.add(; return true; } }; private final static ReadObjectCallback fillObject = new ReadObjectCallback() { @Override public boolean handle(JsonIterator iter, String field, Object attachment) throws IOException { Map map = (Map) attachment; map.put(field,; return true; } }; public final Object read() throws IOException { try { ValueType valueType = whatIsNext(); switch (valueType) { case STRING: return readString(); case NUMBER: return readDouble(); case NULL: IterImpl.skipFixedBytes(this, 4); return null; case BOOLEAN: return readBoolean(); case ARRAY: ArrayList list = new ArrayList(4); readArrayCB(fillArray, list); return list; case OBJECT: Map map = new HashMap(4); readObjectCB(fillObject, map); return map; default: throw reportError("read", "unexpected value type: " + valueType); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw reportError("read", "premature end"); } } /** * try to bind to existing object, returned object might not the same instance * * @param existingObject the object instance to reuse * @param <T> object type * @return data binding result, might not be the same object * @throws IOException if I/O went wrong */ public final <T> T read(T existingObject) throws IOException { try { this.existingObject = existingObject; Class<?> clazz = existingObject.getClass(); return (T) Codegen.getDecoder(TypeLiteral.create(clazz).getDecoderCacheKey(), clazz).decode(this); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw reportError("read", "premature end"); } } /** * try to bind to existing object, returned object might not the same instance * * @param typeLiteral the type object * @param existingObject the object instance to reuse * @param <T> object type * @return data binding result, might not be the same object * @throws IOException if I/O went wrong */ public final <T> T read(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, T existingObject) throws IOException { try { this.existingObject = existingObject; return (T) Codegen.getDecoder(typeLiteral.getDecoderCacheKey(), typeLiteral.getType()).decode(this); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw reportError("read", "premature end"); } } public final <T> T read(Class<T> clazz) throws IOException { try { return (T) Codegen.getDecoder(TypeLiteral.create(clazz).getDecoderCacheKey(), clazz).decode(this); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw reportError("read", "premature end"); } } public final <T> T read(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral) throws IOException { try { String cacheKey = typeLiteral.getDecoderCacheKey(); return (T) Codegen.getDecoder(cacheKey, typeLiteral.getType()).decode(this); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw reportError("read", "premature end"); } } public ValueType whatIsNext() throws IOException { ValueType valueType = valueTypes[IterImpl.nextToken(this)]; unreadByte(); return valueType; } public void skip() throws IOException { IterImplSkip.skip(this); } public static ThreadLocal<JsonIterator> tlsIter = new ThreadLocal<JsonIterator>() { @Override protected JsonIterator initialValue() { return new JsonIterator(); } }; public static final <T> T deserialize(String input, Class<T> clazz) { return deserialize(input.getBytes(), clazz); } public static final <T> T deserialize(String input, TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral) { return deserialize(input.getBytes(), typeLiteral); } public static final <T> T deserialize(byte[] input, Class<T> clazz) { int lastNotSpacePos = findLastNotSpacePos(input); JsonIterator iter = tlsIter.get(); iter.reset(input, 0, lastNotSpacePos); try { T val =; if (iter.head != lastNotSpacePos) { throw iter.reportError("deserialize", "trailing garbage found"); } return val; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw iter.reportError("deserialize", "premature end"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JsonException(e); } } public static final <T> T deserialize(byte[] input, TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral) { int lastNotSpacePos = findLastNotSpacePos(input); JsonIterator iter = tlsIter.get(); iter.reset(input, 0, lastNotSpacePos); try { T val =; if (iter.head != lastNotSpacePos) { throw iter.reportError("deserialize", "trailing garbage found"); } return val; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw iter.reportError("deserialize", "premature end"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JsonException(e); } } public static final Any deserialize(String input) { return deserialize(input.getBytes()); } public static final Any deserialize(byte[] input) { int lastNotSpacePos = findLastNotSpacePos(input); JsonIterator iter = tlsIter.get(); iter.reset(input, 0, lastNotSpacePos); try { Any val = iter.readAny(); if (iter.head != lastNotSpacePos) { throw iter.reportError("deserialize", "trailing garbage found"); } return val; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw iter.reportError("deserialize", "premature end"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JsonException(e); } } private static int findLastNotSpacePos(byte[] input) { for(int i = input.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { byte c = input[i]; if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '\r') { return i + 1; } } return 0; } public static void setMode(DecodingMode mode) { Codegen.setMode(mode); } public static void enableStreamingSupport() { if (isStreamingEnabled) { return; } isStreamingEnabled = true; try { DynamicCodegen.enableStreamingSupport(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JsonException(e); } } public static void enableAnnotationSupport() { JsoniterAnnotationSupport.enable(); } }