package com.jsoniter.output; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.*; class CodegenImplArray { public static CodegenResult genArray(String cacheKey, Class clazz) { Class compType = clazz.getComponentType(); if (compType.isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nested array not supported: " + clazz.getCanonicalName()); } boolean isCollectionValueNullable = true; if (cacheKey.endsWith("__value_not_nullable")) { isCollectionValueNullable = false; } if (compType.isPrimitive()) { isCollectionValueNullable = false; } CodegenResult ctx = new CodegenResult(); ctx.append("public static void encode_(java.lang.Object obj, com.jsoniter.output.JsonStream stream) throws {"); ctx.append(String.format("%s[] arr = (%s[])obj;", compType.getCanonicalName(), compType.getCanonicalName())); ctx.append("if (arr.length == 0) { return; }"); ctx.buffer('['); ctx.append("int i = 0;"); ctx.append(String.format("%s e = arr[i++];", compType.getCanonicalName())); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (e == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, false); } ctx.append("while (i < arr.length) {"); ctx.append("stream.write(',');"); ctx.append("e = arr[i++];"); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (e == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, false); } ctx.append("}"); ctx.buffer(']'); ctx.append("}"); return ctx; } public static CodegenResult genCollection(String cacheKey, Class clazz, Type[] typeArgs) { Type compType = Object.class; if (typeArgs.length == 0) { // default to List<Object> } else if (typeArgs.length == 1) { compType = typeArgs[0]; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "can not bind to generic collection without argument types, " + "try syntax like TypeLiteral<List<Integer>>{}"); } if (clazz == List.class) { clazz = ArrayList.class; } else if (clazz == Set.class) { clazz = HashSet.class; } if (List.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { return genList(cacheKey, clazz, compType); } else { return genCollection(cacheKey, clazz, compType); } } private static CodegenResult genList(String cacheKey, Class clazz, Type compType) { boolean isCollectionValueNullable = true; if (cacheKey.endsWith("__value_not_nullable")) { isCollectionValueNullable = false; } CodegenResult ctx = new CodegenResult(); ctx.append("public static void encode_(java.lang.Object obj, com.jsoniter.output.JsonStream stream) throws {"); ctx.append("java.util.List list = (java.util.List)obj;"); ctx.append("int size = list.size();"); ctx.append("if (size == 0) { return; }"); ctx.buffer('['); ctx.append("java.lang.Object e = list.get(0);"); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (e == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, false); } ctx.append("for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {"); ctx.append("stream.write(',');"); ctx.append("e = list.get(i);"); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (e == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, false); } ctx.append("}"); ctx.buffer(']'); ctx.append("}"); return ctx; } private static CodegenResult genCollection(String cacheKey, Class clazz, Type compType) { boolean isCollectionValueNullable = true; if (cacheKey.endsWith("__value_not_nullable")) { isCollectionValueNullable = false; } CodegenResult ctx = new CodegenResult(); ctx.append("public static void encode_(java.lang.Object obj, com.jsoniter.output.JsonStream stream) throws {"); ctx.append("java.util.Iterator iter = ((java.util.Collection)obj).iterator();"); ctx.append("if (!iter.hasNext()) { return; }"); ctx.buffer('['); ctx.append("java.lang.Object e =;"); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (e == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, false); } ctx.append("while (iter.hasNext()) {"); ctx.append("stream.write(',');"); ctx.append("e =;"); if (isCollectionValueNullable) { ctx.append("if (e == null) { stream.writeNull(); } else {"); CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, true); ctx.append("}"); } else { CodegenImplNative.genWriteOp(ctx, "e", compType, false); } ctx.append("}"); ctx.buffer(']'); ctx.append("}"); return ctx; } }