package rocks.inspectit.ui.rcp.editor.tree.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import; import; import io.opentracing.References; import; import; import; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.util.ObjectUtils; import rocks.inspectit.shared.cs.communication.comparator.DefaultDataComparatorEnum; import; /** * Model to easier represent spans in the tree view. * * @author Ivan Senic * */ public final class TraceTreeData implements Comparable<TraceTreeData> { /** * Span that belongs to this data. */ private final Span span; /** * Parent. */ private TraceTreeData parent; /** * Children of the data. */ private List<TraceTreeData> children = new ArrayList<>(0); /** * Invocations that belong to this trace part. */ private List<InvocationSequenceData> invocations = new ArrayList<>(0); /** * Default constructor. User {@link #buildModel(Collection, Collection)}. * * @param span * Span */ private TraceTreeData(Span span) { if (null == span) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Span must not be null."); } this.span = span; } /** * Builds the model form the collection of spans and invocations. * * @param spans * Spans. Must include at least one root span. It's expected that all given spans * belong to the same trace. * @param invocations * Invocation that belong to the same trace as given spans. * @return {@link TraceTreeData} containing complete model. */ public static TraceTreeData buildModel(Collection<? extends Span> spans, Collection<InvocationSequenceData> invocations) { Span root = null; Multimap<Long, Span> parentToSpanMap = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().arrayListValues().build(); for (Span span : spans) { if (span.getSpanIdent().isRoot()) { root = span; } else { parentToSpanMap.put(span.getSpanIdent().getParentId(), span); } } if (null == root) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not construct model without the root."); } TraceTreeData rootData = new TraceTreeData(root); combine(rootData, root, parentToSpanMap); for (InvocationSequenceData invocation : invocations) { rootData.processInvocation(invocation); } return rootData; } /** * Combines the Spans from the map with the given trace tree data / span. * * @param rootData * {@link TraceTreeData} * @param ref * Span contained in the rootData * @param parentToSpanMap * map */ private static void combine(TraceTreeData rootData, Span ref, Multimap<Long, Span> parentToSpanMap) { Collection<Span> spans = parentToSpanMap.removeAll(ref.getSpanIdent().getId()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(spans)) { for (Span span : spans) { TraceTreeData data = new TraceTreeData(span); rootData.addChild(data); combine(data, span, parentToSpanMap); } } } /** * Collects all invocations in this trace data and it's children and add's it to the given list. * * @param root * {@link TraceTreeData} to start from. * @param list * List to add invoc to. * @return returns given list for easier connecting. */ public static List<InvocationSequenceData> collectInvocations(TraceTreeData root, List<InvocationSequenceData> list) { if (null == root) { return list; } list.addAll(root.getInvocations()); for (TraceTreeData child : root.getChildren()) { collectInvocations(child, list); } return list; } /** * Collects all spans in this trace data and it's children and add's it to the given list. * * @param root * {@link TraceTreeData} to start from. * @param list * List to add spans to. * @return returns given list for easier connecting. */ public static List<Span> collectSpans(TraceTreeData root, List<Span> list) { if (null == root) { return list; } list.add(root.getSpan()); for (TraceTreeData child : root.getChildren()) { collectSpans(child, list); } return list; } /** * Searches the {@link TraceTreeData} for the given span ident, going to the trace children in * order to locate the ident. * * @param root * {@link TraceTreeData} to start from. * @param spanIdent * ident * @return Found data or <code>null</code> */ public static TraceTreeData getForSpanIdent(TraceTreeData root, SpanIdent spanIdent) { if (null == root) { return null; } if (root.hasSpanIdent(spanIdent)) { return root; } for (TraceTreeData child : root.getChildren()) { TraceTreeData containing = getForSpanIdent(child, spanIdent); if (null != containing) { return containing; } } return null; } /** * If this trace part is considered to be asynchronous. * * @return If this trace part is considered to be asynchronous. */ public boolean isConsideredAsync() { return isParentFollowsFromCaller() || isFollowsFromCallee(); } /** * Returns true only if the parent of this trace data has a client span that has follows from * reference. * * @return if parent is client span called with follows from reference to */ private boolean isParentFollowsFromCaller() { return (null != parent) && parent.getSpan().isCaller() && References.FOLLOWS_FROM.equals(parent.getSpan().getReferenceType()); } /** * Returns true only if this trace data has a server span that has follows from reference. * * @return if data has server span called with follows from reference to */ private boolean isFollowsFromCallee() { return !span.isCaller() && References.FOLLOWS_FROM.equals(span.getReferenceType()); } /** * Returns exclusive duration. * * @return Returns exclusive duration. */ public double getExclusiveDuration() { double d = 0; for (TraceTreeData child : children) { d += child.getParentRelativeDuration(); } double exclusive = span.getDuration() - d; // ensure we never return negative values here return Math.max(exclusive, 0d); } /** * Returns exclusive duration. * * @return Returns exclusive duration. */ public double getExclusivePercentage() { // go up in the tree double d = span.getDuration(); TraceTreeData data = this; while (((null != data.getParent()) && !data.isConsideredAsync())) { d = data.getParent().getSpan().getDuration(); data = data.getParent(); } return getExclusiveDuration() / d; } /** * Returns the duration of this trace part relative to it's parent. * * @return Returns the duration of this trace part relative to it's parent. */ public double getParentRelativeDuration() { if (isConsideredAsync()) { return 0; } else { return span.getDuration(); } } /** * Returns true if any of the spans in this {@link TraceTreeData} has given span ident. * * @param ident * Trace tree data. * @return Returns true if any of the spans in this {@link TraceTreeData} has given span ident. */ public boolean hasSpanIdent(SpanIdent ident) { return Objects.equals(ident, span.getSpanIdent()); } /** * Returns true if any of the {@link #invocations} has nested sqls. * * @return Returns true if any of the {@link #invocations} has nested sqls. */ public boolean hasSqlsInInvocations() { for (InvocationSequenceData invoc : invocations) { if (InvocationSequenceDataHelper.hasNestedSqlStatements(invoc)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns true if any of the {@link #invocations} has nested sqls. * * @return Returns true if any of the {@link #invocations} has nested sqls. */ public boolean hasExceptionsInInvocations() { for (InvocationSequenceData invoc : invocations) { if (InvocationSequenceDataHelper.hasNestedExceptions(invoc)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds child to this trace data. Takes care of back-reference. * * @param data * child */ private void addChild(TraceTreeData data) { children.add(data); data.setParent(this); Collections.sort(children); } /** * Processes the invocation by checking if the invocation belongs to this trace data. If not * delegated to the {@link #children}. * * @param invocation * {@link InvocationSequenceData} * @return <code>true</code> if invocation was added, false otherwise */ private boolean processInvocation(InvocationSequenceData invocation) { if (spanIdentMacthes(span, invocation.getSpanIdent())) { addInvocation(invocation); return true; } for (TraceTreeData child : children) { if (child.processInvocation(invocation)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds one invocation to the {@link #invocations}. * * @param invocation * {@link InvocationSequenceData} */ private void addInvocation(InvocationSequenceData invocation) { invocations.add(invocation); Collections.sort(invocations, DefaultDataComparatorEnum.TIMESTAMP); } /** * Returns true if the span ident matches the span. * * @param span * span * @param spanIdent * span ident * @return Returns true if the span ident matches the span. */ private static boolean spanIdentMacthes(Span span, SpanIdent spanIdent) { if (null != span) { return Objects.equals(span.getSpanIdent(), spanIdent); } return false; } /** * Gets {@link #parent}. * * @return {@link #parent} */ public TraceTreeData getParent() { return this.parent; } /** * Sets {@link #parent}. * * @param parent * New value for {@link #parent} */ private void setParent(TraceTreeData parent) { this.parent = parent; } /** * Gets {@link #invocations}. * * @return {@link #invocations} */ public List<InvocationSequenceData> getInvocations() { return this.invocations; } /** * Gets {@link #children}. * * @return {@link #children} */ public List<TraceTreeData> getChildren() { return this.children; } /** * Gets {@link #span}. * * @return {@link #span} */ public Span getSpan() { return this.span; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int compareTo(TraceTreeData o) { return, o.span.getTimeStamp()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = (prime * result) + ((this.span == null) ? 0 : this.span.hashCode()); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } TraceTreeData other = (TraceTreeData) obj; if (this.span == null) { if (other.span != null) { return false; } } else if (!this.span.equals(other.span)) { return false; } return true; } }