package; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileStore; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled; import; import; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.communication.DefaultData; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.exception.BusinessException; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.exception.enumeration.StorageErrorCodeEnum; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.indexing.IIndexQuery; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.serializer.ISerializer; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.serializer.SerializationException; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.serializer.provider.SerializationManagerProvider; import rocks.inspectit.shared.all.spring.logger.Log; import rocks.inspectit.shared.cs.indexing.aggregation.IAggregator; import; import; import; import; /** * Abstract class that defines basic storage functionality and properties. * * @author Ivan Senic * */ public abstract class StorageManager { /** * The log of this class. * <p> * Set to public because of the tests. */ @Log Logger log; /** * The rate in milliseconds for checking the remaining hard drive space. */ private static final int CHECK_HARD_DRIVE_RATE = 5000; /** * Name of the cached data folder. */ private static final String CACHED_DATA_FOLDER = "cache"; /** * {@link SerializationManagerProvider}. */ @Autowired private SerializationManagerProvider serializationManagerProvider; /** * Default storage folder. */ @Value(value = "${storage.storageDefaultFolder}") private String storageDefaultFolder; /** * Default upload folder. */ @Value(value = "${storage.storageDefaultFolder}/uploads") private String storageUploadsFolder; /** * Amount of bytes CMR can use on the Hard drive to write storage data. */ @Value("${storage.maxHardDriveOccupancy}") private int maxHardDriveOccupancy; /** * Amount of bytes when warning the user about the critical hard drive space left should start. * This applies to both hard drive space or max hard drive occupancy. */ @Value("${storage.warnHardDriveByteLeft}") private long warnBytesLeft = 1073741824; /** * Amount of bytes when writing any more data is suspended because of the hard drive space left. * This applies to both hard drive space or max hard drive occupancy. */ @Value("${storage.stopWriteHardDriveBytesLeft}") private long stopWriteBytesLeft = 104857600; /** * Amount of space left for write in bytes. This value is either {@link #maxHardDriveOccupancy} * or actual space left on the hard drive if no {@link #maxHardDriveOccupancy} is specified or * space left is smaller than {@link #maxHardDriveOccupancy}. */ private long bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft; /** * Amount of total space on the hard drive in bytes. */ private long hardDriveSize; /** * Returns the {@link Path} for given {@link IStorageIdProvider}. * * @param storageData * {@link IStorageData} object. * @return {@link Path} that can be used in IO operations. */ public abstract Path getStoragePath(IStorageData storageData); /** * Returns the default storage directory as the absolute path. * * @return Returns the default storage directory as the absolute path. */ protected abstract Path getDefaultStorageDirPath(); /** * Returns the {@link Path} of the channel for given {@link StorageData} and * {@link StorageDescriptor}. * * @param storageData * {@link IStorageData} object. * @param descriptor * {@link StorageDescriptor} object. * @return {@link Path} that can be used in IO operations. */ public Path getChannelPath(IStorageData storageData, IStorageDescriptor descriptor) { return getStoragePath(storageData).resolve(descriptor.getChannelId() + StorageFileType.DATA_FILE.getExtension()); } /** * Returns the {@link Path} of the channel for given {@link StorageData} and ID of the channel. * * @param storageData * {@link IStorageData} object. * @param channelId * Id of channel. * @return {@link Path} that can be used in IO operations. */ public Path getChannelPath(IStorageData storageData, int channelId) { return getStoragePath(storageData).resolve(channelId + StorageFileType.DATA_FILE.getExtension()); } /** * Returns path for the cached storage data file. * * @param storageData * {@link StorageData} * @param hash * Hash to be used for hashing. * @return Returns path for the cached storage data file. */ public Path getCachedDataPath(IStorageData storageData, int hash) { Path path = getStoragePath(storageData).resolve(CACHED_DATA_FOLDER).resolve(hash + StorageFileType.CACHED_DATA_FILE.getExtension()); return path; } /** * Returns the URL location of the file on the server where the descriptor is pointing to, * without ip and port information. * <p> * Example locations is: /storageId/descriptorId.itdata * * @param storageData * {@link StorageData} * @param descriptor * {@link StorageDescriptor} * @return URL location without ip and port. */ public String getHttpFileLocation(IStorageData storageData, IStorageDescriptor descriptor) { return this.getHttpFileLocation(storageData, Integer.valueOf(descriptor.getChannelId())); } /** * Returns the URL location of the file on the server where the channel ID is pointing to, * without ip and port information. * <p> * Example locations is: /storageId/descriptorId.itdata * * @param storageData * {@link StorageData} * @param channelId * Channel ID. * @return URL location without ip and port. */ public String getHttpFileLocation(IStorageData storageData, Integer channelId) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('/'); sb.append(storageData.getId()); sb.append('/'); sb.append(channelId.intValue()); sb.append(StorageFileType.DATA_FILE.getExtension()); return sb.toString(); } /** * Writes the storage data file to disk (in the default storage directory). If the file already * exists, it will be deleted. * * @param storageData * Storage data. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs. * @throws SerializationException * If serialization fails. */ protected void writeStorageDataToDisk(StorageData storageData) throws IOException, SerializationException { this.writeStorageDataToDisk(storageData, getStoragePath(storageData), StorageFileType.STORAGE_FILE.getExtension()); } /** * Writes the storage data file to disk (in the default storage directory). If the file already * exists, it will be deleted. * * @param localStorageData * Local Storage data. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs. * @throws SerializationException * If serialization fails. */ protected void writeLocalStorageDataToDisk(LocalStorageData localStorageData) throws IOException, SerializationException { this.writeStorageDataToDisk(localStorageData, getStoragePath(localStorageData), StorageFileType.LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE.getExtension()); } /** * Writes the storage data file to disk (to the given directory). If the file already exists, it * will be deleted. * * @param storageData * Storage data. * @param dir * Directory where file will be saved. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs. * @throws SerializationException * If serialization fails. */ protected void writeStorageDataToDisk(StorageData storageData, Path dir) throws IOException, SerializationException { this.writeStorageDataToDisk(storageData, dir, StorageFileType.STORAGE_FILE.getExtension()); } /** * Writes the storage data file to disk (to the given directory). If the file already exists, it * will be deleted. * * @param localStorageData * Local Storage data. * @param dir * Directory where file will be saved. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs. * @throws SerializationException * If serialization fails. */ protected void writeLocalStorageDataToDisk(LocalStorageData localStorageData, Path dir) throws IOException, SerializationException { this.writeStorageDataToDisk(localStorageData, dir, StorageFileType.LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE.getExtension()); } /** * Writes the storage data file to disk (to the given directory). If the file already exists, it * will be deleted. * * @param storageData * Object that can provide ID of storage. * @param extenstion * File extension to search for. * @param dir * Directory where file will be saved. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs. * @throws SerializationException * If serialization fails. */ private void writeStorageDataToDisk(IStorageData storageData, Path dir, String extenstion) throws IOException, SerializationException { if (!Files.exists(dir)) { Files.createDirectories(dir); } Path storageDataFile = dir.resolve(storageData.getId() + extenstion); Files.deleteIfExists(storageDataFile); serializeDataToOutputStream(storageData, Files.newOutputStream(storageDataFile, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE), true); } /** * Serializes given data to the {@link OutputStream}. * * @param data * Data to serialize. * @param outputStream * {@link OutputStream} * @param closeStream * If given output stream should be closed upon finish. * @throws SerializationException * If serialization fails. */ protected void serializeDataToOutputStream(Object data, OutputStream outputStream, boolean closeStream) throws SerializationException { ISerializer serializer = serializationManagerProvider.createSerializer(); Output output = null; try { output = new Output(outputStream); serializer.serialize(data, output); } finally { if (null != output) { if (!closeStream) { output.setOutputStream(null); } output.close(); } } } /** * Deletes all files associated with given {@link StorageData}, thus completely removes storage * from disk. * * @param storageData * Storage to delete data for. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} happens. */ protected void deleteCompleteStorageDataFromDisk(IStorageData storageData) throws IOException { Path storageDir = getStoragePath(storageData); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Deleting the complete storage data from disk. Path: " + storageDir); } if (Files.exists(storageDir)) { Files.walkFileTree(storageDir, new DeleteFileVisitor()); } } /** * Deletes all files associated with given {@link StorageData}, but only of a types supplied * with a fileTypes parameter. * * @param storageData * Storage to delete data for. * @param fileTypes * File types to delete. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} happens. */ protected void deleteStorageDataFromDisk(IStorageData storageData, StorageFileType... fileTypes) throws IOException { Path storageDir = getStoragePath(storageData); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Deleting the storage data from disk. Path: " + storageDir + ". File types to delete: " + ArrayUtils.toString(fileTypes)); } if (Files.exists(storageDir)) { Files.walkFileTree(storageDir, new StorageDeleteFileVisitor(fileTypes, false)); } } /** * @return Returns if the write of data can be performed in terms of hard disk space left. */ public boolean canWriteMore() { return bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft > stopWriteBytesLeft; } /** * @return Returns if the warn about the low space left is active. */ public boolean isSpaceWarnActive() { return bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft < warnBytesLeft; } /** * Updates the space left on the hard drive. * * @throws IOException * IF {@link IOException} occurs. */ @Scheduled(fixedRate = CHECK_HARD_DRIVE_RATE) protected void updatedStorageSpaceLeft() throws IOException { Path defaultDirectory = getDefaultStorageDirPath(); Path parent = defaultDirectory; while (Files.notExists(parent)) { parent = parent.getParent(); } FileStore fileStore = Files.getFileStore(parent); hardDriveSize = fileStore.getTotalSpace(); long bytesAvailable = fileStore.getUsableSpace(); if (Files.exists(defaultDirectory) && (maxHardDriveOccupancy > 0) && (bytesAvailable > maxHardDriveOccupancy)) { final MutableLong totalSizeInBytes = new MutableLong(); Files.walkFileTree(defaultDirectory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { totalSizeInBytes.add(Files.size(file)); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); long totalSize = totalSizeInBytes.longValue(); bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft = maxHardDriveOccupancy - totalSize; if (bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft < 0) { bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft = 0; } } else { bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft = bytesAvailable; } } /** * Compresses the content of the storage data folder to the file. File name is provided via * given path. If the file already exists, it will be deleted first. * * @param storageData * {@link StorageData} to zip. * @param zipPath * Path to the zip file. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs during compressing. */ protected void zipStorageData(IStorageData storageData, final Path zipPath) throws IOException { final Path storageDir = getStoragePath(storageData); this.zipFiles(storageDir, zipPath); } /** * Zips all files in the given directory to the provided zipPath. * * @param directory * Directory where files to be zipped are placed. * @param zipPath * Path to the zip file. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs. */ protected void zipFiles(final Path directory, Path zipPath) throws IOException { // check the given directory where the files are if (Files.notExists(directory)) { throw new IOException("Can not create zip file. The directory " + directory.toString() + " does not exist."); } if (!Files.isDirectory(directory)) { throw new IOException("Can not create zip file. Given path " + directory.toString() + " is not the directory."); } // delete zipPath if exists Files.deleteIfExists(zipPath); // try with resources try (final ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(zipPath, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE))) { Files.walkFileTree(directory, new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { String fileName = directory.relativize(file).toString(); ZipEntry zipEntry = new ZipEntry(fileName); zos.putNextEntry(zipEntry); Files.copy(file, zos); zos.closeEntry(); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } } /** * Returns the {@link StorageData} object that exists in the compressed storage file. * * @param zipFilePath * Compressed storage file. * @return StorageData object or <code>null</code> if the given path is not of correct type. */ protected IStorageData getStorageDataFromZip(final Path zipFilePath) { if (Files.notExists(zipFilePath)) { return null; } final ISerializer serializer = serializationManagerProvider.createSerializer(); try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zipFilePath.toFile())) { Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement(); if (zipEntry.getName().endsWith(StorageFileType.LOCAL_STORAGE_FILE.getExtension())) { // check if data is gziped boolean isGzip = false; try (InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry)) { isGzip = isGzipCompressedData(is); } // then open the input stream again and copy to destination try (Input input = isGzip ? new Input(new GZIPInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry))) : new Input(zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry))) { try { Object deserialized = serializer.deserialize(input); if (deserialized instanceof IStorageData) { return (IStorageData) deserialized; } } catch (SerializationException e) { continue; } } } } } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return null; } /** * Unzips the content of the zip file provided to the default storage folder. * * @param zipFilePath * Path to the zip file. * @param destinationPath * The path where it should be unpacked. * @throws BusinessException * If zipFilePath does not exist or destination path does exist. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} occurs. * */ protected void unzipStorageData(final Path zipFilePath, final Path destinationPath) throws BusinessException, IOException { if (Files.notExists(zipFilePath)) { throw new BusinessException("Unpack the storage file with path " + zipFilePath + ".", StorageErrorCodeEnum.FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST); } Files.createDirectories(destinationPath); try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zipFilePath.toFile())) { Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry zipEntry = entries.nextElement(); Path path = destinationPath.resolve(Paths.get(zipEntry.getName())); if (Files.isDirectory(path)) { // if it is a directory just create Files.createDirectories(path); } else { // first create directories to the file if needed Path parent = path.getParent(); if (null != parent) { if (Files.notExists(parent)) { Files.createDirectories(parent); } } // check if data is gziped boolean isGzip = false; try (InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry)) { isGzip = isGzipCompressedData(is); } // then open the input stream again and copy to destination try (InputStream is = zipFile.getInputStream(zipEntry)) { if (isGzip) { try (GZIPInputStream gis = new GZIPInputStream(is)) { Files.copy(gis, path, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } } else { Files.copy(is, path, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } } } } } } /** * Returns true if the data stored in the input stream is in a GZIP format. The input stream * will be closed at the end. * * @param is * File to check. * @return True if the data is in GZIP format, false otherwise. * @throws IOException * If file does not exists or can not be opened for read. */ private boolean isGzipCompressedData(InputStream is) throws IOException { try { byte[] firstTwoBytes = new byte[2]; int read = 0; // safety from reading one byte only while (read < 2) { read +=, read, 2 - read); } int head = (firstTwoBytes[0] & 0xff) | ((firstTwoBytes[1] << 8) & 0xff00); return GZIPInputStream.GZIP_MAGIC == head; } finally { if (null != is) { is.close(); } } } /** * Caches the given collection of {@link DefaultData} for the storage. Data will be cached under * the given hash. After caching the service can provide the file where the data is cached if * the same hash is used. * <p> * Note that if the data is already cached with the same hash, no action will be performed. * * @param storageData * Storage to hash data for. * @param data * Data to be cached. * @param hash * Hash to use for caching. * @throws IOException * If {@link IOException} is thrown during operation. * @throws SerializationException * If {@link SerializationException} is thrown during operation. */ public void cacheStorageData(IStorageData storageData, Collection<? extends DefaultData> data, int hash) throws IOException, SerializationException { Path path = getCachedDataPath(storageData, hash); if (Files.notExists(path)) { Path parent = path.getParent(); if (Files.notExists(parent)) { Files.createDirectories(parent); } try (OutputStream outputStream = Files.newOutputStream(path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE)) { serializeDataToOutputStream(data, outputStream, true); } } } /** * Returns if the results of this query/aggregator combination can be used for caching. * * @param indexQuery * {@link IIndexQuery} * @param aggregator * {@link IAggregator} * @return Returns if the results of this query/aggregator combination can be used for caching. */ public boolean canBeCached(IIndexQuery indexQuery, IAggregator<?> aggregator) { // we don't want to cache results that are not aggregated, there is no point if (null == aggregator) { return false; } // we won't cache if interval is set, simply because to many cached sets can occur due to // the graph views and live mode if (indexQuery.isIntervalSet()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns hash for the storage data to be cached for given query and aggregator. * <p> * <B>WARNING:</b> There is small possibility that we get the hash collision. We are aware of * this, but we are taking our chances. * * @param indexQuery * {@link IIndexQuery}, must not be <code>null</code> * @param aggregator * {@link IAggregator} * @return Hash */ public int getCachedDataHash(IIndexQuery indexQuery, IAggregator<?> aggregator) { if (null == indexQuery) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not create cached data hash when index query is null."); } final int prime = 31; int result = 0; result = (prime * result) + indexQuery.hashCode(); result = (prime * result) + ((aggregator == null) ? 0 : aggregator.hashCode()); return result; } /** * Gets {@link #serializationManagerProvider}. * * @return {@link #serializationManagerProvider} */ public SerializationManagerProvider getSerializationManagerProvider() { return serializationManagerProvider; } /** * Sets {@link #serializationManagerProvider}. * * @param serializationManagerProvider * New value for {@link #serializationManagerProvider} */ public void setSerializationManagerProvider(SerializationManagerProvider serializationManagerProvider) { this.serializationManagerProvider = serializationManagerProvider; } /** * Gets {@link #storageUploadsFolder}. * * @return {@link #storageUploadsFolder} */ public String getStorageUploadsFolder() { return storageUploadsFolder; } /** * @return the storageDefaultFolder */ public String getStorageDefaultFolder() { return storageDefaultFolder; } /** * <i>This setter can be removed when the Spring3.0 on the GUI side is working properly.</i> * * @param storageDefaultFolder * the storageDefaultFolder to set */ public void setStorageDefaultFolder(String storageDefaultFolder) { this.storageDefaultFolder = storageDefaultFolder; } /** * Gets {@link #bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft}. * * @return {@link #bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft} */ public long getBytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft() { return bytesHardDriveOccupancyLeft; } /** * Gets {@link #maxHardDriveOccupancy}. * * @return {@link #maxHardDriveOccupancy} */ public long getMaxBytesHardDriveOccupancy() { if (maxHardDriveOccupancy > 0) { return maxHardDriveOccupancy; } else { return hardDriveSize; } } }