/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package hivemall.mf; import hivemall.mf.Rating.RatingWithSquaredGrad; import hivemall.utils.lang.Primitives; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentException; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector; @Description( name = "train_mf_adagrad", value = "_FUNC_(INT user, INT item, FLOAT rating [, CONSTANT STRING options])" + " - Returns a relation consists of <int idx, array<float> Pu, array<float> Qi [, float Bu, float Bi [, float mu]]>") public final class MatrixFactorizationAdaGradUDTF extends OnlineMatrixFactorizationUDTF { private float eta; private float eps; private float scaling; public MatrixFactorizationAdaGradUDTF() { super(); } @Override protected Options getOptions() { Options opts = super.getOptions(); opts.addOption("eta", "eta0", true, "The initial learning rate [default 1.0]"); opts.addOption("eps", true, "A constant used in the denominator of AdaGrad [default 1.0]"); opts.addOption("scale", true, "Internal scaling/descaling factor for cumulative weights [100]"); return opts; } @Override public Rating newRating(float v) { return new RatingWithSquaredGrad(v); } @Override protected CommandLine processOptions(ObjectInspector[] argOIs) throws UDFArgumentException { CommandLine cl = super.processOptions(argOIs); if (cl == null) { this.eta = 1.f; this.eps = 1.f; this.scaling = 100f; } else { this.eta = Primitives.parseFloat(cl.getOptionValue("eta"), 1.f); this.eps = Primitives.parseFloat(cl.getOptionValue("eps"), 1.f); this.scaling = Primitives.parseFloat(cl.getOptionValue("scale"), 100f); } return cl; } @Override protected void updateItemRating(Rating rating, float Pu, float Qi, double err, float eta) { double gradient = err * Pu - lambda * Qi; updateRating(rating, Qi, gradient); cvState.incrLoss(lambda * Qi * Qi); } @Override protected void updateUserRating(Rating rating, float Pu, float Qi, double err, float eta) { double gradient = err * Qi - lambda * Pu; updateRating(rating, Pu, gradient); cvState.incrLoss(lambda * Pu * Pu); } @Override protected void updateMeanRating(double err, float eta) { assert updateMeanRating; Rating mean = model.meanRating(); float oldMean = mean.getWeight(); updateRating(mean, oldMean, err); } @Override protected void updateBias(int user, int item, double err, float eta) { Rating ratingBu = model.userBias(user); float Bu = ratingBu.getWeight(); double Gu = err - lambda * Bu; updateRating(ratingBu, Bu, Gu); cvState.incrLoss(lambda * Bu * Bu); Rating ratingBi = model.itemBias(item); float Bi = ratingBi.getWeight(); double Gi = err - lambda * Bi; updateRating(ratingBi, Bi, Gi); cvState.incrLoss(lambda * Bi * Bi); } private void updateRating(final Rating rating, final float oldWeight, final double gradient) { double gg = gradient * (gradient / scaling); double scaled_sum_gg = rating.getSumOfSquaredGradients() + gg; float delta = (float) (eta(scaled_sum_gg) * gradient); float newWeight = oldWeight + delta; rating.setWeight(newWeight); rating.setSumOfSquaredGradients(scaled_sum_gg); } private float eta(final double scaledSumOfSquaredGradients) { double sumOfSquaredGradients = scaledSumOfSquaredGradients * scaling; return eta / (float) Math.sqrt(eps + sumOfSquaredGradients); // always less than eta0 } }