package; import; import; import; public class Git { public static CheatSheet create() { CheatSheet cs = new CheatSheet("Git"); cs.addGroup(workingLocal()); cs.addGroup(workingRemote()); cs.addGroup(svn()); return cs; } private static CheatGroup workingLocal() { CheatGroup group = new CheatGroup("Working local"); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git init", "Initialize a new repository in current dir.")); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git add .", "Add all modified/new files to index")); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git commit -a", "Commit all modified files")); return group; } private static CheatGroup workingRemote() { CheatGroup group = new CheatGroup("Working with remote repositories"); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git clone -ssh user@server:/path", "Clone from SSH")); // TODO group.addCheat(new Cheat("git pull", "Pull (fetch and merge) commits from origin")); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git push", "Push commits to origin")); return group; } private static CheatGroup svn() { CheatGroup group = new CheatGroup("Subversion"); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git svn clone http://server/path", "Clone from Subversion repository")); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git svn rebase", "Fetch and rebase commits from SVN")); group.addCheat(new Cheat("git svn dcommit", "Commit local commits to remote SVN")); return group; } }