package ilarkesto.base; import ilarkesto.core.logging.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Encapuslation of platform specific operations. Executing programs and files. System directories. */ public abstract class Env { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(Env.get().getFileSize(new File("/home/witek/inbox"))); } private static final Log LOG = Log.get(Env.class); private static Env env; /** * Starts the default file browser with the given directory or file. */ public abstract void startFileBrowser(File file); /** * Gets the directory where applications are stored. */ public abstract File getApplicationsDir(); /** * Creates an application starter (icon). * * @param file Starter file. * @param targetPath Command which the starter starts. * @param arguments Arguments for the command. * @param description Starters description. * @param iconPath Icon location for the starter. * @param workingDir Working directory for the command. */ public abstract void createStarter(File file, String targetPath, String arguments, String description, String iconPath, String workingDir); /** * Executes a VisualBasic script. * * @param script The script itself. Not a path to the script. */ public abstract void executeVbScript(String script); /** * Executes/opens the given file. */ public abstract void executeFile(File file); public abstract File getStartMenuDir(); public abstract File getAutostartDir(); public abstract File getSendtoDir(); public abstract File getMyfilesDir(); public abstract File getMusicDir(); public abstract File getSystemDir(); /** * Gets all mounted directories. Particularily removable devices. */ public abstract List<File> getMountedDirs(); public static Env get() { if (env == null) { env = Sys.isWindows() ? new Windows() : new Linux(); } return env; } static class Windows extends Env { private File applicationsDir; private File startMenuDir; private File autostartDir; private File sendtoDir; private File myfilesDir; private File musicDir; private File systemDir; private File windowsDir; @Override public List<File> getMountedDirs() { List<File> mountedDirs = new ArrayList<File>(); File sysDir = getWindowsDir(); if (sysDir != null) sysDir = sysDir.getParentFile(); for (File root : File.listRoots()) { if (sysDir != null && sysDir.getPath().equals(root.getPath())) continue; mountedDirs.add(root); } return mountedDirs; } @Override public File getSystemDir() { if (systemDir == null) { systemDir = getWindowsDir().getParentFile(); } return systemDir; } public File getWindowsDir() { if (windowsDir == null) { for (File root : File.listRoots()) { File dir = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + "/windows"); if (dir.exists()) { windowsDir = dir; break; } dir = new File(root.getAbsolutePath() + "/winnt"); if (dir.exists()) { windowsDir = dir; break; } } } return windowsDir; } @Override public File getMyfilesDir() { if (myfilesDir == null) { myfilesDir = new File(Sys.getUsersHomePath() + "/Eigene Dateien"); if (!myfilesDir.exists()) { myfilesDir = new File(Sys.getUsersHomePath() + "/My Files"); } } return myfilesDir; } @Override public File getMusicDir() { if (musicDir == null) { musicDir = new File(getMyfilesDir().getPath() + "/Eigene Musik"); } return musicDir; } @Override public File getStartMenuDir() { if (startMenuDir == null) { String home = Sys.getUsersHomePath(); startMenuDir = new File(home + "/Startmen\u00FC"); if (!startMenuDir.exists()) { startMenuDir = new File(home + "/Startmenu"); if (!startMenuDir.exists()) { IO.createDirectory(startMenuDir); } } } return startMenuDir; } @Override public File getAutostartDir() { if (autostartDir == null) { File startMenuFolder = getStartMenuDir(); autostartDir = new File(startMenuFolder.getPath() + "/Programme/Autostart"); if (!autostartDir.exists()) { autostartDir = new File(startMenuFolder.getPath() + "/Programs/Autostart"); if (!autostartDir.exists()) { IO.createDirectory(autostartDir); } } } return autostartDir; } @Override public File getSendtoDir() { if (sendtoDir == null) { String home = Sys.getUsersHomePath(); sendtoDir = new File(home + "/SendTo"); if (!sendtoDir.exists()) { IO.createDirectory(sendtoDir); } } return sendtoDir; } @Override public void createStarter(File file, String targetPath, String arguments, String description, String iconPath, String workingDir) { targetPath = targetPath.replace('/', '\\'); if (workingDir != null) workingDir = workingDir.replace('/', '\\'); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")\n"); sb.append("Set oLink = oWS.CreateShortcut( \"").append(file.getAbsolutePath()).append("\" )\n"); sb.append("oLink.TargetPath = \"").append(targetPath).append("\"\n"); if (arguments != null) sb.append("oLink.Arguments = \"").append(arguments).append("\"\n"); if (description != null) sb.append("oLink.Description = \"").append(description).append("\"\n"); if (iconPath != null) sb.append("oLink.IconLocation = \"").append(iconPath).append("\"\n"); if (workingDir != null) sb.append("oLink.WorkingDirectory = \"").append(workingDir).append("\"\n"); sb.append("oLink.Save\n"); executeVbScript(sb.toString()); } @Override public void executeVbScript(String script) { LOG.debug("Executing Visual Basic Script", "\n--- VBS BEGIN ---\n" + script + "--- VBS END ---\n"); File file; try { file = File.createTempFile("Env.executeVbScript.", ".vbs"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } IO.writeFile(file.getPath(), script, Sys.getFileEncoding()); try { executeFile(file); } finally { IO.delete(file); } } @Override public void executeFile(File file) { Proc proc = new Proc("CMD"); proc.addParameter("/C"); proc.addParameter(file.getAbsolutePath()); proc.start(); int returnCode = proc.getReturnCode(); if (returnCode != 0) throw new RuntimeException("ReturnCode: " + returnCode); } @Override public void startFileBrowser(File file) { Proc proc = new Proc("explorer"); proc.addParameter(file.getAbsolutePath()); proc.start(); // return proc; } @Override public File getApplicationsDir() { if (applicationsDir == null) { String drive = System.getenv("SystemDrive"); if (drive == null) drive = "c:"; File f = new File(drive + "/Programme"); if (!f.exists()) f = new File(drive + "/Program Files"); applicationsDir = f; } return applicationsDir; } } static class Linux extends Env { private File myfilesDir; private File musicDir; private File systemDir; @Override public long getFileSize(File file) { if (!file.exists()) return 0; if (file.isFile()) return file.length(); BufferedReader in = null; Process proc = null; try { proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "du", "-s0", file.getAbsolutePath() }); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); String s = in.readLine().trim(); int idx = s.indexOf('\t'); if (idx < 1) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected output from 'du' command: " + s); s = s.substring(0, idx); return Long.parseLong(s) * 1000; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { IO.closeQuiet(in); if (proc != null) { try { proc.destroy(); } catch (Throwable ex) {} } } } @Override public List<File> getMountedDirs() { File root = new File("/"); List<File> mountedDirs = new ArrayList<File>(); mountedDirs.add(root); for (File f : IO.listFiles(new File("/media"))) { if (f.getTotalSpace() != root.getTotalSpace()) mountedDirs.add(f); } for (File f : IO.listFiles(new File("/mnt"))) { if (f.getTotalSpace() != root.getTotalSpace()) mountedDirs.add(f); } return mountedDirs; } @Override public File getSystemDir() { if (systemDir == null) { systemDir = new File("/"); } return systemDir; } @Override public File getMyfilesDir() { if (myfilesDir == null) { myfilesDir = Sys.getUsersHomeDir(); } return myfilesDir; } @Override public File getMusicDir() { if (musicDir == null) { musicDir = new File(Sys.getUsersHomePath() + "/music"); } return musicDir; } @Override public File getStartMenuDir() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet."); } @Override public File getSendtoDir() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet."); } @Override public File getAutostartDir() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet."); } @Override public void executeFile(File file) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet."); } @Override public void executeVbScript(String script) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet."); } @Override public void createStarter(File file, String targetPath, String arguments, String description, String iconPath, String workingDir) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented yet."); } @Override public void startFileBrowser(File file) { try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "nautilus", file.getAbsolutePath() }); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private File applicationsDir; @Override public File getApplicationsDir() { if (applicationsDir == null) { applicationsDir = new File("/opt"); } return applicationsDir; } } public long getFileSize(File file) { if (file.isFile()) return file.length(); if (file.isDirectory()) { long size = 0; File[] subfiles = file.listFiles(); if (subfiles != null) { for (File f : subfiles) { size += getFileSize(f); } } return size; } return 0; } }