package ilarkesto.core.logging; import ilarkesto.core.base.Str; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class Log { private static final Log ANONYMOUS = new Log("?"); private static final Map<String, Log> LOGGERS = new HashMap<String, Log>(); private static boolean debugEnabled = true; private static LogRecordHandler logRecordHandler = new PrintStreamLogDataHandler(System.err); private String name; public Log(String name) { = name; } public void log(Level level, Object... parameters) { logRecordHandler.log(new LogRecord(name, level, parameters)); } /** * Logs an fatal error to the system admin. A fatal error indicates an error that prevents the system from * working at all. */ public void fatal(Object... s) { log(Level.FATAL, s); } /** * Logs an error to the system admin. */ public void error(Object... s) { log(Level.ERROR, s); } /** * Logs a warning to the system admin. */ public void warn(Object... s) { log(Level.WARN, s); } /** * Logs an information to the system admin. */ public void info(Object... s) { log(Level.INFO, s); } /** * Indicates if debug is enabled. If it is not, {@link #debug(Object[])} does nothing. * * @see #debug(Object[]) */ public boolean isDebugEnabled() { return debugEnabled; } /** * Logs a debug information. Could be disabled. * * @see #isDebugEnabled() */ public void debug(Object... s) { if (!isDebugEnabled()) return; log(Level.DEBUG, s); } public static void flush() { logRecordHandler.flush(); } public static final Log get(Class type) { return get(Str.getSimpleName(type)); } public static final Log get(String name) { Log logger = LOGGERS.get(name); if (logger == null) { logger = new Log(name); LOGGERS.put(name, logger); } return logger; } public static void setDebugEnabled(boolean debugEnabled) { if (Log.debugEnabled == debugEnabled) return; Log.debugEnabled = debugEnabled; if (debugEnabled) { Log.get(Log.class).info("Debug-logging enabled."); } else { Log.get(Log.class).info("Debug-logging disabled."); } } public static void DEBUG(Object... s) { ANONYMOUS.debug(s); } public static void setLogRecordHandler(LogRecordHandler logDataHandler) { Log.logRecordHandler = logDataHandler; } public static enum Level { DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL; public boolean isWarnOrWorse() { return isErrorOrWorse() || (this == WARN); } public boolean isErrorOrWorse() { return (this == FATAL) || (this == ERROR); } } }