package com.iambookmaster.client.paragraph; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.iambookmaster.client.Images; import com.iambookmaster.client.Styles; import com.iambookmaster.client.beans.ObjectBean; import com.iambookmaster.client.beans.Paragraph; import com.iambookmaster.client.beans.ParagraphConnection; import com.iambookmaster.client.common.EditorTab; import com.iambookmaster.client.common.ExchangePanel; import com.iambookmaster.client.common.MaskPanel; import com.iambookmaster.client.common.ScrollContainer; import com.iambookmaster.client.locale.AppConstants; import com.iambookmaster.client.locale.AppLocale; import com.iambookmaster.client.locale.AppMessages; import com.iambookmaster.client.model.Model; import com.iambookmaster.client.model.ParagraphListener; import com.iambookmaster.client.paragraph.PathFinder.GameState; import com.iambookmaster.client.paragraph.PathFinder.WayFinder.ParagraphTransition; public class ParagraphStoryReader extends ScrollContainer implements EditorTab { public static final int TYPE_WHOLE_STORY=0; public static final int TYPE_ALL_SUCCESS=1; public static final int TYPE_LONG_AND_SHORT_SUCCESS=2; private static final String STYLE_SEPARATOR = "reader_separator"; private static final String STYLE_PARAGRAPH = "reader_paragraph"; private static final String STYLE_ERROR = "reader_error"; private final AppConstants appConstants = AppLocale.getAppConstants(); private final AppMessages appMessages = AppLocale.getAppMessages(); private boolean activated; private Model model; private VerticalPanel wholeStory; private Model.FullParagraphDescriptonBuilder fullParagraphDescriptonBuilder; private ParagraphConextMenu paragraphConextMenu; private ParagraphListener paragraphListener; private HashMap<Paragraph,ArrayList<ParagraphWidget>> widgets=new HashMap<Paragraph, ArrayList<ParagraphWidget>>(); private HashMap<Paragraph,ParagraphCorrectorWidget> exWidgets=new HashMap<Paragraph, ParagraphCorrectorWidget>(); public ParagraphStoryReader(Model mod) { model = mod; paragraphListener = new ParagraphListener() { public void addNewParagraph(Paragraph location) { } public void edit(Paragraph location) { } public void refreshAll() { closePanel(); } public void remove(Paragraph location) { closePanel(); } public void select(Paragraph location) { } public void unselect(Paragraph location) { } public void update(Paragraph location) { updateParagraph(location); } }; model.addParagraphListener(paragraphListener); wholeStory = new VerticalPanel(); wholeStory.setSize("100%", "100%"); setScrollWidget(wholeStory); fullParagraphDescriptonBuilder = model.getFullParagraphDescriptonBuilder(); fullParagraphDescriptonBuilder.setConnectionPattern("<img src=\""+Images.OTHER_CONNECTION+"\"/>"); fullParagraphDescriptonBuilder.setConnectionMarkedPattern("<img src=\""+Images.SELECTED_CONNECTION+"\"/>"); } private void updateParagraph(Paragraph paragraph) { ArrayList<ParagraphWidget> list = widgets.get(paragraph); if (list != null) { ArrayList<ParagraphConnection> connections = model.getOutputParagraphConnections(paragraph); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { ParagraphWidget widget = list.get(i); widget.apply(paragraph, widget.getNextParagraph(),connections); } } ParagraphCorrectorWidget widget = exWidgets.get(paragraph); if (widget != null) { widget.apply(paragraph); } } /** * Close this panel */ private void closePanel() { model.removeParagraphListener(paragraphListener); } public void viewAllParagraphConnectionNames() { ArrayList<ParagraphConnection> connections = model.getParagraphConnections(); for (ParagraphConnection paragraphConnection : connections) { if (paragraphConnection.isConditional()) { } else { //show from-to } } } public void externalCorrection() { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); wholeStory.clear(); exWidgets.clear(); final ArrayList<Paragraph> list = model.getParagraphs(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { Paragraph paragraph = list.get(i); buffer.append(i); buffer.append('\n'); buffer.append(paragraph.getDescription()); buffer.append('\n'); buffer.append('\n'); exWidgets.put(paragraph,new ParagraphCorrectorWidget(i,paragraph)); } ExchangePanel exchangePanel = new ExchangePanel() { public boolean processLoad(String text) { text = text.replace("\r\n", "\n"); StringBuilder parse = new StringBuilder(text); //check it first for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { //import next paragraph if (parse.length()==0) { Window.alert(appMessages.modelBulkCorrectionLoadUnexpectedEnd(i)); } int next = selectNextParagraph(parse,null); if (next != i ) { if (next<0) { Window.alert(appMessages.modelBulkCorrectionLoadUnexpectedEnd(i)); } else { Window.alert(appMessages.modelBulkCorrectionLoadWrongNumber(next,i)); } return false; } } //real import parse.append(text); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { //import next paragraph StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); selectNextParagraph(parse,builder); Paragraph paragraph = list.get(i); paragraph.setDescription(builder.toString()); model.updateParagraph(paragraph,null); } MaskPanel.hide(); return true; } private int selectNextParagraph(StringBuilder source, StringBuilder text) { int number=-1; while (true){ String line = getNextLine(source).trim(); if (isNumber(line)) { if (number<0) { //number must be first number = Integer.parseInt(line); } else { //text, we found next paragraph source.insert(0, '\n'); source.insert(0,line); if (text != null) { int l = text.length(); if (l>1 && text.substring(l-1).equals("\n")) { text.setLength(l-1); } } return number; } } else if (number<0) { //number must be first if (line.length()>0) { //non-empty, error return -1; } } else if (text != null){ //text if (text.length()>0) { text.append('\n'); } text.append(line); } if (source.length()==0) { return number; } } } private boolean isNumber(String line) { for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) { if (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(i))==false) { return false; } } return line.length()>0; } private String getNextLine(StringBuilder source) { int l = source.indexOf("\n"); String res; if (l==0) { //empty line source.replace(0, 1, ""); res=""; } else if (l>0) { res = source.substring(0,l); source.replace(0, l+1, ""); return res; } else { res = source.toString(); source.setLength(0); } return res; } @Override protected void onClose() { if (Window.confirm(appConstants.modelBulkCorrection())) { showLoad(appConstants.modelBulkCorrectionLoad()); } } }; exchangePanel.showExport(buffer.toString(),appConstants.modelTextForCorrection()); } public void create(final int type) {; DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command(){ public void execute() { create(type,null); MaskPanel.hide(); } }); } public void create(int type,Paragraph selectedSuccess) { wholeStory.clear(); widgets.clear(); Paragraph start = model.getStartParagraph(); if (start==null) { fatalError(appConstants.modelStartParagraphNotSet()); return; } ArrayList<ArrayList<Paragraph>> stories; PathFinder finder = new PathFinder(model); int findMode; switch (type) { case TYPE_ALL_SUCCESS: findMode = PathFinder.FIND_ALL; break; case TYPE_LONG_AND_SHORT_SUCCESS: findMode = PathFinder.FIND_MIN_MAX; break; default: //TYPE_WHOLE_STORY findMode = PathFinder.FIND_ONE; //FIND_ALL; break; } if (selectedSuccess==null) { ArrayList<Paragraph> success = model.getAllSuccessParagraphs(); if (success.size()==0) { fatalError(appConstants.modelSuccessParagraphsNotSet()); return; } //collect all possible success stories stories = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Paragraph>>(); for (int i = 0; i < success.size(); i++) { Paragraph succes = success.get(i); GameState objects = GameState(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Paragraph>> res = finder.findWays(start, succes, objects, null, null, findMode); if (res != null) { for (int j = 0; j < res.size(); j++) { stories.add(res.get(j)); } } } } else { //show only stories to this final GameState objects = GameState(); stories = finder.findWays(start, selectedSuccess, objects, null, null, findMode); } if (stories.size()==0) { //no way to pass fatalError(appConstants.modelSuccessParagraphsCannotBeReached()); return; } switch (type) { case TYPE_ALL_SUCCESS: for (int i = 0; i < stories.size(); i++) { if (i>0) { addSeparator(); } drawStory(stories.get(i)); } break; case TYPE_LONG_AND_SHORT_SUCCESS: //show longes and shortes stories int max = 0; int maxSize = stories.get(max).size(); int min = 0; int minSize = stories.get(min).size(); for (int i = 1; i < stories.size(); i++) { int cur = stories.get(i).size(); if (cur>maxSize) { max = i; } if (cur<minSize) { min = i; } } if (min==max) { //the same drawStory(stories.get(min)); } else { //different drawStory(stories.get(max)); addSeparator(); drawStory(stories.get(min)); } break; default: //TYPE_WHOLE_STORY drawWholeStory(stories,finder); break; } //filler HTML html = new HTML(" "); wholeStory.add(html); wholeStory.setCellHeight(html,"99%"); wholeStory.setCellWidth(html,"100%"); } private void addSeparator() { HTML html = new HTML(" "); html.setStyleName(STYLE_SEPARATOR); wholeStory.add(html); wholeStory.setCellHeight(html,"1%"); wholeStory.setCellWidth(html,"100%"); } private void drawWholeStory(ArrayList<ArrayList<Paragraph>> stories, PathFinder finder) { HashMap<Paragraph,ArrayList<ParagraphTransition>> map = finder.getMap(); int max = 0; int maxSize = stories.get(max).size(); for (int i = 1; i < stories.size(); i++) { int cur = stories.get(i).size(); if (cur>maxSize) { max = i; } } //draw the longest story HashSet<ObjectBean> objects = new HashSet<ObjectBean>(); ArrayList<Paragraph> mainStory = stories.get(max); stories.remove(max); int l = mainStory.size(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { Paragraph paragraph = mainStory.get(i); objects.addAll(paragraph.getGotObjects()); objects.removeAll(paragraph.getLostObjects()); Paragraph next; if (i<l-1) { next = mainStory.get(i+1); } else { next = null; } new ParagraphWidget(paragraph,next,objects,true,map); } mainStory = null; //scan other stories for (int i = 1; i < stories.size(); i++) { ArrayList<Paragraph> story = stories.get(i); objects.clear(); boolean chain=false; int len = story.size()-1; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { Paragraph paragraph = story.get(j); objects.addAll(paragraph.getGotObjects()); objects.removeAll(paragraph.getLostObjects()); boolean nextChain=false; Paragraph next = story.get(j+1); ArrayList<ParagraphTransition> trans = map.get(paragraph); if (trans != null) { for (int k = 0; k < trans.size(); k++) { ParagraphTransition transition = trans.get(k); if (transition.getParagraph()==next) { //found // new ParagraphConnectionWidget(paragraph,transition.getConnection()); // if (trans.size()==1) { // map.remove(paragraph); // } else { // trans.remove(k); // } nextChain=true; break; } } } if (chain) { //chain if (nextChain) { //continue chain } else { //used, stop chain chain=false; new ParagraphWidget(paragraph,null,objects,false,map); continue; } } else { //no current chain if (nextChain) { //unused, start chan addSeparator(); // if (j>0) { // //draw prev. paragraph // Paragraph prev = story.get(j-1); // if (map.containsKey(prev)) { // //remove this connection // removeUserConnection(prev,paragraph,map); // } // new ParagraphWidget(prev,paragraph,objects,false); // } chain = true; } else { continue; } } new ParagraphWidget(paragraph,next,objects,true,map); } } //draw all other connections while (map.isEmpty()==false) { Iterator<Paragraph> iterator = map.keySet().iterator(); Paragraph paragraph =; ArrayList<ParagraphTransition> trans = map.get(paragraph); if (trans==null) { //already used iterator.remove(); continue; } //unused addSeparator(); boolean add=false; objects.clear(); outter: while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < trans.size(); i++) { ParagraphTransition transition = trans.get(i); if (map.get(transition.getParagraph()) != null) { //unused too, it is chain, follow it if (transition.getConnection().getObject() != null) { //fake this object objects.add(transition.getConnection().getObject()); } // new ParagraphConnectionWidget(paragraph,transition.getConnection()); new ParagraphWidget(paragraph,transition.getParagraph(),objects,true,map); // if (trans.size()==1) { // //the last // map.put(paragraph,null); // } else { // trans.remove(i); // } paragraph = transition.getParagraph(); trans = map.get(paragraph); continue outter; } } //no chain or end, mark as used // map.put(paragraph,null); // iterator.remove(); //draw all for (int i = 0; i < trans.size(); i++) { ParagraphTransition transition = trans.get(i); if (transition.getConnection().getObject() != null) { //fake this object objects.add(transition.getConnection().getObject()); } if (add) { addSeparator(); } else { add = true; } // new ParagraphConnectionWidget(paragraph,transition.getConnection()); new ParagraphWidget(paragraph,transition.getParagraph(),objects,true,map); new ParagraphWidget(transition.getParagraph(),null,objects,true,map); } break; } } } private void removeUserConnection(Paragraph paragraph, Paragraph next, HashMap<Paragraph, ArrayList<ParagraphTransition>> map) { ArrayList<ParagraphTransition> trans = map.get(paragraph); // if (trans == null) { // System.out.println("!!!"); // } for (int j = 0; j < trans.size(); j++) { ParagraphTransition transition = trans.get(j); if (transition.getParagraph()==next) { //found, add to the panel new ParagraphConnectionWidget(paragraph,transition.getConnection()); //remove from the list if (trans.size()==1) { //all connections were used map.remove(paragraph); } else { //used this connection trans.remove(j); } return; } } } public class ParagraphConnectionWidget extends Label implements ClickHandler{ private ParagraphConnection connection; public ParagraphConnectionWidget(Paragraph from, ParagraphConnection connection) { if (connection.isHiddenUsage(model.getSettings())) { //invisible return; } this.connection = connection; setWidth("100%"); setStyleName(Styles.CLICKABLE); addStyleName(Styles.BOLD); addClickHandler(this); if (connection.getFrom()==from) { //forward setText(connection.getNameFrom()); } else { //back setText(connection.getNameTo()); } wholeStory.add(this); wholeStory.setCellHeight(this, "1%"); wholeStory.setCellWidth(this, "100%"); } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { model.selectParagraphConnection(connection, null); } } /** * Show all possible sucees stories * @param stories */ private void drawStory(ArrayList<Paragraph> mainStory) { int l = mainStory.size(); HashSet<ObjectBean> objects = new HashSet<ObjectBean>(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { Paragraph paragraph = mainStory.get(i); objects.addAll(paragraph.getGotObjects()); objects.removeAll(paragraph.getLostObjects()); Paragraph next; if (i<l-1) { next = mainStory.get(i+1); } else { next = null; } new ParagraphWidget(paragraph,next,objects,true,null); } } private void fatalError(String text) { Label label = new Label(text); label.setStyleName(STYLE_ERROR); wholeStory.add(label); } public void showParagraphContextMenu(ParagraphWidget widget, Widget sender) { if (paragraphConextMenu==null) { paragraphConextMenu = new ParagraphConextMenu(); },sender); } public class ParagraphConextMenu extends PopupPanel { private ParagraphWidget currentWidget; private MenuBar newConnectionMenu; private MenuItem markFinal; private MenuItem markDraft; private MenuItem markProposal; public ParagraphConextMenu() { super(true,true); newConnectionMenu = new MenuBar(true); newConnectionMenu.addItem(appConstants.buttonEdit(),new Command() { public void execute() { model.selectParagraph(currentWidget.getParagraph(), null); model.editParagraph(currentWidget.getParagraph(), null); hide(); } }); markFinal = new MenuItem(appConstants.buttonMarkFinal(),new Command() { public void execute() { updateStatus(Model.STATUS_FINAL); } }); newConnectionMenu.addItem(markFinal); markDraft = new MenuItem(appConstants.buttonMarkDraft(),new Command() { public void execute() { updateStatus(Model.STATUS_DRAFT); } }); newConnectionMenu.addItem(markDraft); markProposal = new MenuItem(appConstants.buttonMarkProposal(),new Command() { public void execute() { updateStatus(Model.STATUS_PROPOSAL); } }); newConnectionMenu.addItem(markProposal); add(newConnectionMenu); } private void updateStatus(int status) { currentWidget.getParagraph().setStatus(status); model.updateParagraph(currentWidget.getParagraph(), null); hide(); } public void show(ParagraphWidget widget, Widget sender) { currentWidget = widget; switch (widget.getParagraph().getStatus()) { case Model.STATUS_DRAFT: markDraft.setVisible(false); markFinal.setVisible(true); markProposal.setVisible(true); break; case Model.STATUS_FINAL: markDraft.setVisible(true); markFinal.setVisible(false); markProposal.setVisible(true); break; default: markDraft.setVisible(true); markFinal.setVisible(true); markProposal.setVisible(false); //Model.STATUS_PROPOSAL: } setPopupPosition(sender.getAbsoluteLeft(), sender.getAbsoluteTop()); show(); } } public class ParagraphWidget extends HorizontalPanel implements ClickListener{ private Image image; private HTML html; private Paragraph paragraph; private Paragraph nextParagraph; private HashSet<ObjectBean> objects; public ParagraphWidget(Paragraph par, Paragraph next, HashSet<ObjectBean> objects, boolean active, HashMap<Paragraph, ArrayList<ParagraphTransition>> map) { paragraph = par; nextParagraph = next; setSize("100%", "100%"); setStyleName(STYLE_PARAGRAPH); image = new Image(); image.addStyleName("clickable"); image.setTitle(appConstants.titleContextMenu()); image.addClickListener(this); add(image); setCellWidth(image, "1%"); html = new HTML(); html.setStyleName("reader_text"); html.setSize("100%", "100%"); add(html); setCellWidth(html, "99%"); wholeStory.add(this); wholeStory.setCellHeight(this,"1%"); wholeStory.setCellWidth(this,"100%"); ArrayList<ParagraphWidget> list = widgets.get(paragraph); if (list==null) { list = new ArrayList<ParagraphWidget>(); widgets.put(paragraph,list); } list.add(this); this.objects = new HashSet<ObjectBean>(objects.size()); this.objects.addAll(objects); apply(paragraph,nextParagraph,null); if (par != null && map != null && map.containsKey(par)) { //remove this connection removeUserConnection(par,next,map); } } public void apply(Paragraph paragraph, Paragraph nextParagraph,ArrayList<ParagraphConnection> outputConnections) { ArrayList<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); fullParagraphDescriptonBuilder.setObjects(objects); String text = fullParagraphDescriptonBuilder.getFullParagraphDescripton(paragraph, null, errors,nextParagraph,outputConnections); String url; if (errors.size()>0) { //has errors url = Images.PARAPGRAPH_ERROR; } else if (paragraph.getStatus()==Model.STATUS_FINAL){ //no errors, final url = Images.PARAPGRAPH_FINAL; } else { url = Images.PARAPGRAPH_NOT_FINAL; } image.setUrl(url); html.setHTML(text); } public void onClick(Widget sender) { showParagraphContextMenu(this,sender); } public Paragraph getParagraph() { return paragraph; } public Paragraph getNextParagraph() { return nextParagraph; } } public class ParagraphCorrectorWidget extends VerticalPanel implements ClickListener{ private Paragraph paragraph; private Label text; public ParagraphCorrectorWidget(int number, Paragraph par) { setSize("100%", "100%"); setStyleName(STYLE_PARAGRAPH); Label label = new Label(String.valueOf(number)); label.addStyleName(Styles.CLICKABLE); label.addStyleName(Styles.PARGRAPH_NUMBER); label.addClickListener(this); add(label); setCellHeight(label, "1%"); setCellWidth(label, "100%"); text = new Label(); text.addStyleName(Styles.CLICKABLE); text.addClickListener(this); add(text); setCellHeight(text, "99%"); setCellWidth(text, "100%"); apply(par); wholeStory.add(this); wholeStory.setCellHeight(this,"1%"); wholeStory.setCellWidth(this,"100%"); } public void apply(Paragraph par) { paragraph = par; text.setText(par.getDescription()); } public void onClick(Widget sender) { model.selectParagraph(paragraph, null); model.editParagraph(paragraph, null); if (sender==text) { //mark text.addStyleName(Styles.PARGRAPH_MARKED); } else { text.removeStyleName(Styles.PARGRAPH_MARKED); } } } public void activate() { if (activated==false) { activated = true; resetHeight(); } } public void close() { model.removeParagraphListener(paragraphListener); } public void deactivate() { } }