package com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.urq; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.iambookmaster.client.common.AbsolutePanelSpan; import com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.IPhoneCanvas; import com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.IPhoneConsole; import com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.IPhonePlayerListener; import com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.IPhoneViewListener; import com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.common.IPhoneScrollPanel; import; import; import com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.images.IPhoneImages; import com.iambookmaster.client.iphone.images.IPhoneStyles; public class IPhoneIURQ implements EntryPoint { static final IPhoneStyles css = IPhoneImages.INSTANCE.css(); private static final int BUTTON_SIZE = 40; private static final int BUTTON_SPACE = 50; static final String BUTTON_SIZE_PX = toPixels(BUTTON_SIZE); static final String BUTTON_SPACE_PX = toPixels(BUTTON_SPACE); protected static final int CANVAS_TOP = 10; private static final int MIN_FONT_SIZE = 8; private static final int MAX_FONT_SIZE = 30; private AbsolutePanel canvas; private IPhoneScrollPanel scrollPanel; private FlowPanel mainPanel; private IPhoneCanvasImpl viewCanvas; private HTML background; private Image mainImage; private LoadHandler verticalMainImageHandler; boolean verticalOrientation; private IPhoneViewListener listener; private int xCorrection; private AbsolutePanel layout; private int clientWidth; private int clientHight; private Timer scrollAnimation; private Timer animation; private boolean loadHandlerStarted; private boolean doScrollAnimation; // private boolean leftPage; protected boolean pageOrientation; private ErrorHandler verticalMainImageErrprHandler; // private Image introImage; private HandlerRegistration resizeRegistration; protected int fontSize = 14; private int scrollPanelHeight; private int scrollPanelWidth; private IPhonePlayerListener playerListener; private IPhoneDataService dataService; protected IPhoneURQMainPanel rootPanel; public AbsolutePanel getLayout() { return layout; } public IPhoneIURQ() { } public void onModuleLoad() { RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get(); rootPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); if (GWT.isScript()) { GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler(){ public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) { IPhoneConsole.showError(e); } }); } load(true); rootPanel.add(layout); } public void init() { load(false); } private void load(boolean showIntro) { css.ensureInjected(); resizeRegistration = Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler(){ public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { IPhoneIURQ.this.onResize(); } }); layout = new AbsolutePanel(); layout.setSize("100%", "100%"); layout.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor("#474541"); background = new HTML(); layout.add(background,0,0); initScrollPanel(); layout.add(scrollPanel,10,10); initListeners(); verticalOrientation = !getOrientaton(); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Command() { public void execute() { onResize(); background.setHTML(IPhoneDataService.getInstance().getBackground()); loadPlayer(); } }); } public void loadPlayer(IPhoneDataService dataService,IPhonePlayerListener listener) { playerListener = listener; this.dataService = dataService; loadPlayer(); } protected void loadPlayer() { if (dataService==null) { dataService = IPhoneDataService.getInstance(); } dataService.selectAvailableFiles("qst",new ListCallback<IPhoneFileBean>() { public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { Window.alert(error.getMessage()); } public void onSuccess(List<IPhoneFileBean> result) { rootPanel = new IPhoneURQMainPanel(dataService,result); dataService.loadLastState(null, new ScalarCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { removeSplashScreen(); } public void onSuccess(final String state) { if (state==null) { //nothing to restore removeSplashScreen(); } else { final String questName = rootPanel.getPlayer().getLastQuestName(state); if (questName==null) { //nothing to restore removeSplashScreen(); } else { dataService.loadSingleFile(questName, new ScalarCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(DataServiceException error) { //quest was removed removeSplashScreen(); } public void onSuccess(String result) { //quest exists, play from the last state rootPanel.playSavedGame(questName,result,state); removeSplashScreen(); } }); } } } }); } }); } private void removeSplashScreen() {,true); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Command() { public void execute() { dataService.removeSplashScreen(); } }); } private void initScrollPanel() { scrollPanel = new IPhoneScrollPanel() { // @Override public void scrollHorizontal(int delta) { stopScrollAnimation(); if (Math.abs(delta)>clientWidth/4) { IPhoneIURQ.this.scrollHorizontal(delta>0); } } @Override protected void makeBigger() { fontSize = fontSize + 2; applyFontSize(); } @Override protected void makeSmaller() { fontSize = fontSize - 2; applyFontSize(); } @Override public void scrollUp() { stopScrollAnimation(); if (listener != null) { //back gesture cleanEvent(); listener.back(); } } @Override public void scrollDown() { stopScrollAnimation(); if (listener != null) { //forward gesture cleanEvent(); listener.forward(); } } @Override protected void onClick(int x, int y) { if (listener != null) {,y); } } }; scrollPanel.setScrollDelay(true); scrollPanel.setDirection(IPhoneScrollPanel.DIRECTION_NONE); mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); if (scrollPanelWidth != 0) { mainPanel.setWidth(toPixels(scrollPanelWidth)); } mainPanel.setStyleName(css.mainStyle()); applyFontSize(); scrollPanel.setWidget(mainPanel); } protected void scrollHorizontal(boolean right) { scrollPanel.cleanEvent(); if (right) { scrollPanel.scrollRight(); } else if (scrollPanel.scrollLeft()==false && listener != null){ listener.forward(); } } protected void applyFontSize() { if (fontSize<MIN_FONT_SIZE) { fontSize = MIN_FONT_SIZE; } else if (fontSize>MAX_FONT_SIZE) { fontSize = MAX_FONT_SIZE; } mainPanel.getElement().getStyle().setFontSize(fontSize, Unit.PX); scrollPanel.setHorizontalScrollPosition(0); } private void initListeners() { verticalMainImageErrprHandler = new ErrorHandler() { public void onError(ErrorEvent event) { loadHandlerStarted = false; scrollPanel.setVisible(true); if (doScrollAnimation) { doScrollAnimation = false; viewCanvas.performDone(); } // scrollPanel.setVisible(true); } }; verticalMainImageHandler = new LoadHandler(){ private Command performDoneCanvas = new Command() { public void execute() { viewCanvas.performDone(); } }; public void onLoad(LoadEvent event) { loadHandlerStarted = false; int hMax = getClientHeight(); int wMax = getClientWidth(); int max = Math.max(hMax,wMax); if (verticalOrientation) { int w = mainImage.getWidth(); int h = mainImage.getHeight(); if (w>=wMax-10) { xCorrection = 0; } else { xCorrection = wMax / 2 - 5 - w / 2; } if (h>max) { h = max; } canvas.setHeight(toPixels(h+5)); canvas.setWidth("100%"); canvas.setWidgetPosition(mainImage, xCorrection, 0); } else { int w = mainImage.getWidth(); int h = mainImage.getHeight(); if (w>max) { w = max; } canvas.setSize(toPixels(w+5), toPixels(h+5)); } if (doScrollAnimation) { doScrollAnimation = false; DeferredCommand.addCommand(performDoneCanvas ); } scrollPanel.setVisible(true); } }; viewCanvas = new IPhoneCanvasImpl(); } private void applyPageOrientation(boolean vert) { scrollPanelHeight = clientHight-20; scrollPanelWidth = clientWidth - 25; mainPanel.setWidth(toPixels(scrollPanelWidth)); if (pageOrientation) { //left page layout.setWidgetPosition(background, 0, 0); layout.setWidgetPosition(scrollPanel, 20, 10); if (vert) { background.setSize(toPixels(clientWidth*2-10), toPixels(clientHight)); scrollPanel.setSize(toPixels(scrollPanelWidth), toPixels(scrollPanelHeight)); } else { background.setSize(toPixels(clientWidth*2-10), toPixels(clientHight)); scrollPanel.setSize(toPixels(scrollPanelWidth), toPixels(scrollPanelHeight)); } } else { //right page layout.setWidgetPosition(background, 10-clientWidth, 0); layout.setWidgetPosition(scrollPanel, 10, 10); if (vert) { scrollPanel.setSize(toPixels(scrollPanelWidth), toPixels(scrollPanelHeight)); background.setSize(toPixels(clientWidth*2-10), toPixels(clientHight)); } else { background.setSize(toPixels(clientWidth*2-10), toPixels(clientHight)); scrollPanel.setSize(toPixels(scrollPanelWidth), toPixels(scrollPanelHeight)); } } } public void onResize() { stopScrollAnimation(); viewCanvas.cancelAnimation(); boolean vert = getOrientaton(); clientWidth = getClientWidth(); clientHight = getClientHeight(); applyPageOrientation(vert); if (vert != verticalOrientation) { redrawScreen(); } } private void stopScrollAnimation() { if (scrollAnimation != null) { scrollAnimation.cancel(); scrollAnimation = null; } if (animation != null) { animation.cancel(); animation = null; } } private void redrawScreen() { verticalOrientation = getOrientaton(); mainPanel.clear(); initCanvas(); if (listener != null) { listener.redraw(viewCanvas); } scrollPanel.resetPosition(); } private void initCanvas() { canvas = verticalOrientation ? new AbsolutePanel() : new AbsolutePanelSpan(); if (verticalOrientation) { canvas.setStyleName(css.canvasVertical()); } else { canvas.setStyleName(css.canvasHorizontal()); } mainPanel.add(canvas); } public static String toPixels(int size) { return String.valueOf(size)+"px"; } private boolean getOrientaton() { return getClientHeight()>getClientWidth(); } protected int getClientWidth() { return Window.getClientWidth(); } protected int getClientHeight() { return Window.getClientHeight(); } public class IPhoneCanvasImpl implements IPhoneCanvas { private IPhoneScrollPanel oldScrollPanel; private boolean leftToRight; private int startPosition; private int endPosition; private boolean firstCancel; private boolean updatePageOrientation; // private Command checkScrolling = new Command() { // public void execute() { //disable scroll animation // if (scrollPanel.isBottomArrow()) { // scrollAnimation = new IPhoneScrollAnimation(scrollPanel); // } // } // }; public void add(Widget widget) { mainPanel.add(widget); } private void cancelAnimation() { oldScrollPanel = null; } public void addSprite(String url, int x, int y) { checkImage(true); } public void addSprite(ImageResource resource, int x, int y) { checkImage(true); } public void clearWithAnimation(boolean l2r) { stopScrollAnimation(); if (oldScrollPanel != null && layout.getWidgetIndex(oldScrollPanel)>0) { layout.remove(oldScrollPanel); } oldScrollPanel = scrollPanel; leftToRight = l2r; initScrollPanel(); initCanvas(); //set initial size and position scrollPanel.setSize(toPixels(scrollPanelWidth), toPixels(scrollPanelHeight)); endPosition = layout.getWidgetLeft(oldScrollPanel); if (l2r) { startPosition = endPosition-scrollPanelWidth; } else { startPosition = endPosition+scrollPanelHeight; } layout.add(scrollPanel,startPosition,CANVAS_TOP); _clear(); } public void clear() { stopScrollAnimation(); if (oldScrollPanel != null && layout.getWidgetIndex(oldScrollPanel)>0) { layout.remove(oldScrollPanel); } oldScrollPanel = null; _clear(); } private void _clear() { updatePageOrientation=false; loadHandlerStarted = false; doScrollAnimation = false; // stopScrollAnimation(); scrollPanel.resetHandlers(); int l = mainPanel.getWidgetCount(); //keep just canvas while (l>1) { l--; mainPanel.remove(l); } canvas.clear(); canvas.setSize("1px", "1px"); //disable events scrollPanel.setEventsEnabled(false); scrollPanel.setScrollPosition(0); scrollPanel.setHorizontalScrollPosition(0); } public void setImage(String url) { resetImage(); mainImage.setUrl(url); } public void setImage(ImageResource resource) { resetImage(); mainImage.setResource(resource); } private void resetImage() { checkImage(false); if (oldScrollPanel != null) { scrollPanel.setVisible(false); } doScrollAnimation = true; mainImage = new Image(); loadHandlerStarted=true; mainImage.addLoadHandler(verticalMainImageHandler); mainImage.addErrorHandler(verticalMainImageErrprHandler); canvas.add(mainImage, 0, 0); } private void checkImage(boolean set) { if (set) { } else if (mainPanel.getWidgetCount()>1) { //not set but some widgets were added throw new IllegalStateException("Image must be the first"); } } public void setListener(IPhoneViewListener listener) { IPhoneIURQ.this.listener = listener; } private void performDone() { if (oldScrollPanel != null) { //animation animation = new Timer() { private int offset; @Override public void run() { offset = offset + 100; int pos; if (leftToRight) { pos = offset+startPosition; if (pos >= endPosition) { //done cancel(); return; } layout.setWidgetPosition(oldScrollPanel, endPosition+offset, CANVAS_TOP); } else { pos = startPosition-offset; if (pos <= endPosition) { //done cancel(); return; } layout.setWidgetPosition(oldScrollPanel, endPosition-offset, CANVAS_TOP); } layout.setWidgetPosition(scrollPanel, pos, CANVAS_TOP); } @Override public void cancel() { super.cancel(); if (firstCancel==false) { layout.setWidgetPosition(scrollPanel, endPosition, CANVAS_TOP); layout.remove(oldScrollPanel); animation = null; performDoneEnd(); } } }; //cancel() is fired on scheduleRepeating() firstCancel = true; animation.scheduleRepeating(verticalOrientation ? 100:50); firstCancel = false; } else { performDoneEnd(); } } private void performDoneEnd() { //enable events scrollPanel.setEventsEnabled(true); if (updatePageOrientation) { applyPageOrientation(verticalOrientation); } listener.drawn(); // DeferredCommand.addCommand(checkScrolling); } public void done() { if (loadHandlerStarted) { doScrollAnimation = true; } else { performDone(); } } public void setBackgroundImage(String url) { // if (url != null) { // scrollPanel.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundImage("url("+url+")"); // } else { // scrollPanel.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundImage("url("+url+")"); // } } public void disableAudio() { // audioDisabled=true; // if (audioEnabled) { //; // } // audioEnabled = false; // audioIcon.setStyleName(css.buttonDisabled()); // applyAudio(); } public void setAudio(boolean allowAudio) { // if (audioDisabled==false) { // audioEnabled = allowAudio; // applyAudio(); // } } public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(Widget widget, ClickHandler handler) { return scrollPanel.addClickHandler(widget, handler); } public void setPageOrientation(boolean leftPage) { if (pageOrientation != leftPage) { pageOrientation = leftPage; updatePageOrientation=true; } } public void changePageOrientation() { pageOrientation = pageOrientation==false; updatePageOrientation=true; } public void removeWidget(Widget widget) { mainPanel.remove(widget); } public boolean isVertical() { return verticalOrientation; } public boolean isBottomVisible() { return scrollPanel.isBottomArrow()==false; } public void scrollPageDown() { // DeferredCommand.addCommand(checkScrolling); } public int getClientWidth() { return IPhoneIURQ.this.getClientWidth(); } } public void close() { resizeRegistration.removeHandler(); } public void scrollDown() { scrollPanel.scrollDown(); } public void scrollUp() { scrollPanel.scrollUp(); } public void setStyleName(String style) { layout.setStyleName(style); } public void restart() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void restoreGame(String text) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }