package com.iambookmaster.client.editor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragController; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragEndEvent; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragHandler; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.DragStartEvent; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.PickupDragController; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.VetoDragException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.iambookmaster.client.Images; import com.iambookmaster.client.Styles; import com.iambookmaster.client.common.ScrollContainer; public abstract class MapEditor extends ScrollContainer { private static final int SOURCE_X = 6; private static final int SOURCE_Y = 6; public static final int STYLE_NORMAL=0; public static final int STYLE_CONDITIONAL=1; private AbsolutePanel mainPanel; private Map<MapWidget,ArrayList<MapConnector>> connections = new HashMap<MapWidget,ArrayList<MapConnector>>(); private DragController dragController; private MapConnector selectedConnection; private MapWidget selectedMapWidget; private TitleTextBox titleTextBox; public int getSelectedPositionY() { if (selectedMapWidget == null) { return 0; } else { return getPositionY(selectedMapWidget); } } public int getSelectedPositionX() { if (selectedMapWidget == null) { return 0; } else { return getPositionX(selectedMapWidget); } } public void clear() { mainPanel.clear(); connections = new HashMap<MapWidget, ArrayList<MapConnector>>(); selectedConnection = null; } protected void applyMapSize(int maxDimensionX, int maxDimensionY) { mainPanel.setSize(String.valueOf(maxDimensionX)+"px", String.valueOf(maxDimensionY)+"px"); } public MapEditor(int maxX,int maxY) { setSize("100%", "100%"); mainPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); mainPanel.setStyleName("editor_panel"); applyMapSize(maxX,maxY); // Create a DragController for each logical area where a set of draggable // widgets and drop targets will be allowed to interact with one another. dragController = new PickupDragController(mainPanel, true); dragController.addDragHandler(new DragHandler(){ private int dragConnectionPosition; private MapWidget gragMapWidget; private MapConnector dragConnectionWidget; public void onDragEnd(DragEndEvent event) { Widget draggable = event.getContext().draggable; if (event.getContext().vetoException==null) { if (draggable instanceof MapWidget) { updateConnectionsOfWidget((MapWidget) draggable); } } else if (gragMapWidget != null) { //new connection gragMapWidget.onDragEnd(event.getContext().desiredDraggableX, event.getContext().desiredDraggableY); } else if (dragConnectionWidget != null) { //correct connection location if (draggable instanceof MapConnector) { //vertical correction MapConnector connector = (MapConnector)draggable; dragConnectionWidget.correctionX = dragConnectionWidget.correctionX + event.getContext().desiredDraggableX-dragConnectionPosition; dragConnectionWidget.updateCorrection(dragConnectionWidget.correctionX,dragConnectionWidget.correctionY); connector.update(); } else { //horizontal correction MapConnectorHorizontral connector = (MapConnectorHorizontral)draggable; dragConnectionWidget.correctionY = dragConnectionWidget.correctionY + event.getContext().desiredDraggableY-dragConnectionPosition; dragConnectionWidget.updateCorrection(dragConnectionWidget.correctionX,dragConnectionWidget.correctionY); connector.connector.update(); } } } public void onDragStart(DragStartEvent event) { gragMapWidget = null; dragConnectionWidget = null; Widget draggable = event.getContext().draggable; if (draggable instanceof Image) { if (draggable.getParent() instanceof MapWidget) { gragMapWidget = (MapWidget)draggable.getParent(); } } else if (draggable instanceof MapConnector) { dragConnectionWidget = (MapConnector)draggable; dragConnectionPosition = event.getContext().mouseX; } else if (draggable instanceof MapConnectorHorizontral) { dragConnectionWidget = ((MapConnectorHorizontral)draggable).connector; dragConnectionPosition = event.getContext().mouseY; } } public void onPreviewDragEnd(DragEndEvent event) throws VetoDragException { Widget draggable = event.getContext().draggable; if (draggable instanceof MapWidget) { } else { throw new VetoDragException(); } } public void onPreviewDragStart(DragStartEvent event) throws VetoDragException { } }); setScrollWidget(mainPanel); titleTextBox = new TitleTextBox(); } private void updateConnectionsOfWidget(final MapWidget mapWidget) { DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command(){ public void execute() { ArrayList<MapConnector> list = connections.get(mapWidget); if (list != null && list.size()>0) { //update all connections for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { MapConnector connector = list.get(i); connector.update(); } } int x = getPositionX(mapWidget); int y = getPositionY(mapWidget); if (x>0 || y>0) { mapWidget.updatePosition(x,y); } } }); } // private final PopupPanel dndPopupLabel = new PopupPanel(){ // { // this.setStyleName("map_editor_dnd"); // this.setWidget(new Image(Images.ADD_CONNECTION)); // } // }; protected void selectWidget(MapWidget mapWidget, MapConnector connector) { if (mapWidget == null) { if (selectedMapWidget != null) { //clear selected widget selectedMapWidget.unselect(); selectedMapWidget.hightlight(false); selectedMapWidget = null; } if (connector==null) { //nothing } else { if (selectedConnection==connector) { // connector.hightlight(false); // connector.unselect(); // dragController.makeNotDraggable(selectedConnection); // selectedConnection = null; } else { connector.hightlight(true); if (selectedConnection != null) { selectedConnection.hightlight(false); selectedConnection.unselect(); try { dragController.makeNotDraggable(selectedConnection); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { dragController.makeNotDraggable(selectedConnection.horizontralConnection); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } selectedConnection = connector;; dragController.makeDraggable(selectedConnection); dragController.makeDraggable(selectedConnection.horizontralConnection); } } } else { if (selectedConnection != null) { //clear selected widget selectedConnection.hightlight(false); selectedConnection.unselect(); try { dragController.makeNotDraggable(selectedConnection); } catch (Exception e) { } try { dragController.makeNotDraggable(selectedConnection.horizontralConnection); } catch (Exception e) { } selectedConnection = null; } if (selectedMapWidget!=mapWidget) { if (selectedMapWidget != null) { selectedMapWidget.unselect(); selectedMapWidget.hightlight(false); } selectedMapWidget = mapWidget;; selectedMapWidget.hightlight(true); } } } public abstract class MapWidget extends HorizontalPanel implements MouseDownHandler { private Label nameLabel; private Image connectorImage; public MapWidget() { DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "zIndex", "100"); nameLabel = new Label(); nameLabel.setWordWrap(false); nameLabel.addMouseDownHandler(this); add(nameLabel); } public void draw(int x,int y) { nameLabel.setText(getFullName()); //image for connections Widget widget = getQuickWidget(); if (widget != null) { add(widget); } connectorImage = new Image(Images.ADD_CONNECTION); connectorImage.setStyleName(Styles.MOVE); add(connectorImage); mainPanel.add(this, x, y); dragController.makeDraggable(this,nameLabel); dragController.makeDraggable(connectorImage); hightlight(false); } public void delete() { ArrayList<MapConnector> list = connections.get(this); if (list != null) { connections.remove(this); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { MapConnector connector = list.get(i); connector.removeWidget(); } } dragController.makeNotDraggable(this); dragController.makeNotDraggable(connectorImage); mainPanel.remove(this); } public void hightlight(boolean highlight) { if (highlight) { setStyleName("map_widget_selected"); } else { setStyleName("map_widget"); } } public abstract void unselect(); public abstract void select(); public abstract Widget getQuickWidget(); protected abstract void updatePosition(int x, int y); public abstract String getName(); public abstract String getFullName(); public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { if (event.getSource()==nameLabel) { selectWidget(MapWidget.this,null); } } public void onDragEnd(int absX,int absY) { int l = mainPanel.getWidgetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { Widget widget = mainPanel.getWidget(i); if (widget instanceof MapWidget) { MapWidget mapWidget = (MapWidget) widget; int x1 = mapWidget.getAbsoluteLeft(); int x2 = x1+mapWidget.getOffsetWidth(); int y1 = mapWidget.getAbsoluteTop(); int y2 = y1+mapWidget.getOffsetHeight(); if (x1<=absX && x2>=absX && y1 <=absY && y2 >=absY) { //this connectTo(mapWidget); break; } } } } public abstract void connectTo(MapWidget mapWidget); public abstract void onNameChanged(String name); public void redraw(int x, int y) { if (x==0 && y==0) { x=0; } mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(this, x, y); nameLabel.setText(getFullName()); updateConnectionsOfWidget(this); } public void editTitle() {; } public void setTitleStyle(String style) { nameLabel.setStyleName(style); nameLabel.addStyleName(Styles.MOVE); } } public class TitleTextBox extends TextBox implements BlurHandler,ChangeHandler, KeyPressHandler{ private MapWidget mapWidget; private Command focusCommand = new Command() { public void execute() { setFocus(false); } }; public TitleTextBox() { addBlurHandler(this); addChangeHandler(this); addKeyPressHandler(this); DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "zIndex", "10000"); } public void show(MapWidget widget) { mapWidget = widget; setText(widget.getName()); mainPanel.add(this,getPositionX(widget),getPositionY(widget)); setSize(String.valueOf(widget.getOffsetWidth())+"px",String.valueOf(widget.getOffsetHeight())+"px"); DeferredCommand.addCommand(focusCommand); } public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { mainPanel.remove(this); } public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { mapWidget.onNameChanged(this.getText()); } public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (event.getCharCode()==KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) { mapWidget.onNameChanged(this.getText()); mainPanel.remove(this); } if (event.getCharCode()==KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE) { //no changes in this case setText(mapWidget.getName()); mainPanel.remove(this); } } } private int getPositionY(Widget widget) { return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(widget.getElement(), "offsetTop"); } private int getPositionX(Widget widget1) { return DOM.getElementPropertyInt(widget1.getElement(), "offsetLeft"); } public final class MapConnectorHorizontral extends HTML { private MapConnector connector; public MapConnectorHorizontral(MapConnector connector) { super(" "); DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "zIndex", "1"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "fontSize", "1px"); this.connector=connector; } } public abstract class MapConnector extends HTML implements MouseDownHandler { protected int correctionY; protected int correctionX; private static final String BORDER_ATTRIBUTE_HOR = "borderLeft"; private static final String BORDER_ATTRIBUTE_VER = "borderTop"; private MapWidget widget1; private MapWidget widget2; private boolean hightlight; private Image source; private int style; private String color; private MapConnectorHorizontral horizontralConnection; public void remove() { ArrayList<MapConnector> list = connections.get(widget1); if (list != null) { list.remove(this); } list = connections.get(widget2); if (list != null) { list.remove(this); } removeWidget(); } private void removeWidget() { mainPanel.remove(this); mainPanel.remove(horizontralConnection); if (source != null) { mainPanel.remove(source); } if (selectedConnection==this) { selectedConnection = null; } } public MapConnector(MapWidget widget1,MapWidget widget2, boolean bothDirections, int style, String color,int corrX,int corrY) { super(" "); horizontralConnection = new MapConnectorHorizontral(this); correctionX = corrX; correctionY = corrY; if (bothDirections) { setWidth("6px"); horizontralConnection.setHeight("6px"); } else { setWidth("6px"); horizontralConnection.setHeight("6px"); } DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "fontSize", "1px"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "zIndex", "1"); = style; this.color = color; if (bothDirections==false) { source = new Image(Images.SOURCE); mainPanel.add(source, 0, 0); } addMouseDownHandler(this); horizontralConnection.addMouseDownHandler(this); this.widget1 = widget1; this.widget2 = widget2; addConnection(widget1); addConnection(widget2); mainPanel.add(this, 0, 0); mainPanel.add(horizontralConnection, 0, 0); if (bothDirections==false) { mainPanel.add(source, 0, 0); } } public int getStyle() { return style; } public void setStyle(int style) { = style; } public void update() { int ya1 = getPositionY(widget1); int xa1 = getPositionX(widget1); int yb1 = getPositionY(widget2); int xb1 = getPositionX(widget2); if (ya1<=yb1) { _update(xa1,ya1,xa1+widget1.getOffsetWidth(),ya1+widget1.getOffsetHeight(),xb1,yb1,xb1+widget2.getOffsetWidth(),yb1+widget2.getOffsetHeight(),true); } else { //mirror _update(xb1,yb1,xb1+widget2.getOffsetWidth(),yb1+widget2.getOffsetHeight(),xa1,ya1,xa1+widget1.getOffsetWidth(),ya1+widget1.getOffsetHeight(),false); } } protected Image getSourceImage() { return source; } private void _update(int xa1, int ya1, int xa2, int ya2, int xb1, int yb1, int xb2, int yb2, boolean normalDirection) { boolean top=false; boolean left=false; int x; int y; int h; int w; if (ya2<yb1) { //all widget is above if (xa2<xb1) { //widget 1 on the left top = true; x = xa2; if (correctionY == 0) { y = ya2; } else { y = ya2+correctionY; if (y>ya2) { y = ya2; correctionY = 0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } else if (y<ya1) { y = ya1; correctionY = ya1-ya2; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } } w = xb1 - x; if (correctionX > 0) { if (xb2-xb1<correctionX) { w = xb2 - x; correctionX = xb2-xb1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } else { w = w+correctionX; } } else if (correctionX<0){ correctionX = 0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } h = yb1 - y; if (h<1) { h=1; } if (w<1) { w = 1; } if (source != null) { if (normalDirection) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x-SOURCE_X, y-SOURCE_Y+4); } else { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x+w-SOURCE_X, yb1-SOURCE_Y); } } } else if (xa1 > xb2){ //widget 1 on the right top = true; left = true; if (correctionY == 0) { y = ya2; } else { y = ya2+correctionY; if (y<ya1) { y = ya1; correctionY = ya1-ya2; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } else if (y>ya2) { y = ya2; correctionY = 0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } } if (correctionX < 0) { x = xb2+correctionX; if (x<xb1) { correctionX = xb1-xb2; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); x=xb1; } } else { if (correctionX>0){ correctionX=0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } x = xb2; } w = xa1 - x; h = yb1 - y; if (h<1) { h=1; } if (w<1) { w = 1; } if (source != null) { if (normalDirection) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, xa1-SOURCE_X, y-SOURCE_Y+4); } else { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x-SOURCE_X, yb1-SOURCE_Y); } } } else if (xa1<xb1){ //widget 1 a bit left left = true; if (correctionX > 0) { x = xb1+correctionX; if (x > xb2) { correctionX = xb2-xb1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); x=xb2; } if (x>xa2) { correctionX = xa2-xb1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); x=xa2; } } else { if (correctionX<0){ correctionX=0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } x = xb1; } y = ya2; w = 2; h = yb1 - y; if (h<1) { h=1; } if (source != null) { if (normalDirection) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x-SOURCE_X, y-SOURCE_Y+4); } else { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x+w-SOURCE_X, yb1-SOURCE_Y); } } } else { //widget 1 a bit right if (correctionX > 0) { x = xa1+correctionX; if (x > xa2) { correctionX = xa2-xa1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); x=xa2; } if (x > xb2) { x = xb2; correctionX = xb2-xa1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } } else { if (correctionX<0){ correctionX=0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } x = xa1; } y = ya2; w = 2; h = yb1 - y; if (h<1) { h=1; } if (source != null) { if (normalDirection) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x-1, y-SOURCE_Y+4); } else { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x+w-3, yb1-SOURCE_Y); } } } } else if (xa2<xb1) { //y intersection, left top = true; x = xa2; if (correctionY>0) { y = ya1+correctionY; if (y>ya2) { correctionY = ya2-ya1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); y=ya2; } if (y>yb2) { correctionY = yb2-ya1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); y=yb2; } } else { if (correctionY<0){ correctionY=0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } y = ya1; } w = xb1 - xa2; h = yb1 - y; if (h<1) { h=1; } if (w<1) { w = 1; } if (source != null) { if (normalDirection) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x-SOURCE_X, y-SOURCE_Y+4); } else { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, xb1-SOURCE_X, y-SOURCE_Y); } } } else { //y intersection, right top = true; left = true; x = xb2; if (correctionY>0) { y = ya1+correctionY; if (y>ya2) { correctionY = ya2-ya1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); y=ya2; } if (y>yb2) { correctionY = yb2-ya1; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); y=yb2; } } else { if (correctionY<0){ correctionY=0; updateCorrection(correctionX,correctionY); } y = ya1; } w = xa1 - xb2; h = yb1 - y; if (h<1) { h=1; } if (w<1) { w = 1; } if (source != null) { if (normalDirection) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, xa1-SOURCE_X, y-SOURCE_Y+4); } else { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(source, x-SOURCE_X, y+h-SOURCE_Y); } } } // if (source==null) { // x=x-2; // w=w+4; // y=y-4; // h=h+8; // } if (left) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(this, x, y); } else { //right or middle mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(this, x+w, y); } setHeight(String.valueOf(h)); if (top) { mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(horizontralConnection, x, y); } else { //bottom or middle mainPanel.setWidgetPosition(horizontralConnection, x, y+h); } horizontralConnection.setWidth(String.valueOf(w)); apply(hightlight); } private void addConnection(MapWidget widget) { ArrayList<MapConnector> list = connections.get(widget); if (list==null) { list = new ArrayList<MapConnector>(); connections.put(widget,list); } list.add(this); } public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { selectConnection(this); } public void hightlight(boolean hightlight) { this.hightlight = hightlight; apply(hightlight); } private void apply(boolean highlight) { String value; if (style==STYLE_NORMAL) { if (source==null) { value = highlight ? "6px double "+color:"3px double "+color; } else { value = highlight ? "2px solid "+color:"1px solid "+color; } } else { if (source==null) { value = highlight ? "2px dashed "+color:"1px dashed "+color; } else { value = highlight ? "4px dotted "+color:"1px dotted "+color; } } DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), BORDER_ATTRIBUTE_HOR, value); DOM.setStyleAttribute(horizontralConnection.getElement(), BORDER_ATTRIBUTE_VER, value); } private void selectConnection(MapConnector connector) { selectWidget(null, this); } public abstract void unselect(); public abstract void select(); public abstract void updateCorrection(int x,int y); public String getColor() { return color; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } } }