package edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.dao; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception; import; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.ejb.DBInfoType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.util.ConceptXMLWriterUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.util.ModifierXMLWriterUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.util.ObserverXMLWriterUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.util.OntologyUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.ontology.util.PatientDataXMLWriterUtil; public class CreateConceptXmlDao extends JdbcDaoSupport { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CreateConceptXmlDao.class); private DataSource dataSource = null; public void setDataSourceObject(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } private void setDataSource(String dataSourceName) { DataSource ds = null; try { ds = OntologyUtil.getInstance().getDataSource(dataSourceName); } catch (I2B2Exception e2) { log.error(e2.getMessage()); ; } dataSource = ds; } public void buildConceptUpdateXml(ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo, String pdoFileName, boolean synchronizeAllFlag, boolean hiddenConceptFlag) throws I2B2Exception { File tempFile = createTempFile(pdoFileName);"Temp file name " + tempFile.getAbsolutePath() + "]"); try { FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(tempFile); XMLEventWriter xmlWriter = PatientDataXMLWriterUtil .createXMLEventWriter(fileWriter); ConceptXMLWriterUtil conceptWriter = new ConceptXMLWriterUtil( xmlWriter); conceptWriter.startDocument(); buildDimensionUpdateXml(projectInfo, dbInfo, pdoFileName, synchronizeAllFlag, hiddenConceptFlag,"concept_dimension", conceptWriter); ObserverXMLWriterUtil observerWriter = new ObserverXMLWriterUtil( xmlWriter); buildDimensionUpdateXml(projectInfo, dbInfo, pdoFileName, synchronizeAllFlag, hiddenConceptFlag,"provider_dimension", observerWriter); ModifierXMLWriterUtil modifierWriter = new ModifierXMLWriterUtil( xmlWriter); buildDimensionUpdateXml(projectInfo, dbInfo, pdoFileName, synchronizeAllFlag, hiddenConceptFlag,"modifier_dimension", modifierWriter); modifierWriter.endDocument(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new I2B2Exception("Error while writing concept xml", e); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new I2B2Exception("Error while writing concept xml", e); } } private void buildDimensionUpdateXml(ProjectType projectInfo, DBInfoType dbInfo, String pdoFileName, boolean synchronizeAllFlag, boolean hiddenConceptFlag,String dimensionTableName, PatientDataXMLWriterUtil xmlWriterUtil) throws I2B2Exception { String metadataSchema = dbInfo.getDb_fullSchema(); TableAccessDao tableAccessDao = new TableAccessDao(); if (this.dataSource == null) { setDataSource(dbInfo.getDb_dataSource()); } else { tableAccessDao.setDataSourceObject(this.dataSource); } String emptyStringClause = " "; if (dbInfo.getDb_serverType().equals("ORACLE")) { emptyStringClause = "trim(c_basecode) is not null "; } else { emptyStringClause = "rtrim(ltrim(c_basecode)) <> ''"; } String hiddenConceptSql = " "; if (hiddenConceptFlag) { hiddenConceptSql = " and c_visualattributes not like '_H%' "; } String updateOnlyClause = " "; if (synchronizeAllFlag == false) { updateOnlyClause = " and c_visualattributes like '%E' "+ hiddenConceptSql + " and c_synonym_cd = 'N' and m_exclusion_cd is null"; } else { updateOnlyClause = " and c_synonym_cd = 'N' " + hiddenConceptSql + " and m_exclusion_cd is null"; } // call table access List<String> tableNameList = tableAccessDao.getEditorTableName( projectInfo, dbInfo, synchronizeAllFlag); // iterate table and String selectSql = ""; Connection conn = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; PreparedStatement query = null; // ConceptXMLWriterUtil xmlWriterUtil = null; try { conn = dataSource.getConnection(); // xmlWriterUtil = new ConceptXMLWriterUtil( // new FileWriter(pdoFileName)); xmlWriterUtil.startSet(); for (String singleTableName : tableNameList) { selectSql = " select * from " + metadataSchema + singleTableName + " where c_basecode is not null and " + emptyStringClause + updateOnlyClause + " and lower(c_tablename) = '" + dimensionTableName.toLowerCase() + "'"; log.debug("Executing sql [" + selectSql + "]"); query = conn.prepareStatement(selectSql); resultSet = query.executeQuery(); while ( { xmlWriterUtil.buildConcept(resultSet); } } xmlWriterUtil.endSet(); } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { throw new I2B2Exception("Error while writing concept xml", sqlEx); } catch (Exception e) { throw new I2B2Exception("Error while writing concept xml ", e); } finally { closeAll(resultSet, query, conn); } } private void closeAll(ResultSet resultSet, PreparedStatement query, Connection conn) { try { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (query != null) { query.close(); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { ; } } private File createTempFile(String fileName) throws I2B2Exception { File tempFile = null; try { // Create temp file. tempFile = new File(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { throw new I2B2Exception("Unable to create temp file for ", e); } return tempFile; } }