package edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.sql.DataSource; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory; import; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2DAOException; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.StackTraceUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.ServiceLocator; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.util.jaxb.JAXBUtilException; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.CRCDAO; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.DAOFactoryHelper; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.IDAOFactory; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.SetFinderDAOFactory; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.dao.setfinder.querybuilder.ProcessTimingReportUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.CRCJAXBUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.db.DataSourceLookup; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.db.QtQueryInstance; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.db.QtQueryResultInstance; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.db.QtQueryStatusType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.i2b2message.RequestMessageType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.i2b2message.SecurityType; import; import; import; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.ResultOutputOptionListType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.datavo.setfinder.query.ResultOutputOptionType; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.delegate.ejbpm.EJBPMUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.delegate.ontology.CallOntologyUtil; import; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.ejb.role.MissingRoleException; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.role.AuthrizationHelper; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.util.I2B2RequestMessageHelper; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.util.LogTimingUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.util.PMServiceAccountUtil; import edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.util.QueryProcessorUtil; /** * This class executes the setfinder query's panel sql. The temp table stores * the patient/visits for the query and the temp table will be passed to rest of * the result type generator class. * */ public class QueryExecutorHelperDao extends CRCDAO { private DataSourceLookup dataSourceLookup = null, originalDataSourceLookup = null; private static Map generatorMap = null; private static String defaultResultType = null; private String processTimingFlag = ProcessTimingReportUtil.NONE; private ProcessTimingReportUtil ptrUtil = null; private boolean queryWithoutTempTableFlag = false; static { QueryProcessorUtil qpUtil = QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance(); BeanFactory bf = qpUtil.getSpringBeanFactory(); generatorMap = (Map) bf.getBean("setFinderResultGeneratorMap"); defaultResultType = (String) bf.getBean("defaultSetfinderResultType"); } public QueryExecutorHelperDao(DataSource dataSource, DataSourceLookup dataSourceLookup, DataSourceLookup originalDataSourceLookup) { setDataSource(dataSource); setDbSchemaName(dataSourceLookup.getFullSchema()); this.dataSourceLookup = dataSourceLookup; this.originalDataSourceLookup = originalDataSourceLookup; } public void setProcessTimingFlag(String processTimingFlag) { this.processTimingFlag = processTimingFlag; try { ptrUtil = new ProcessTimingReportUtil(dataSourceLookup); } catch (I2B2DAOException e) { log.error("Error trying to construct ProcessTimingReportUtil" + e.getMessage()); } } public void setQueryWithoutTempTableFlag(boolean queryWithoutTempTableFlag) { this.queryWithoutTempTableFlag = queryWithoutTempTableFlag; } /** * Execute the Panel's sql to write the patient/visit list into the temp * table. * * And then pass this temp table data to rest of the result type generator. * * @param transaction * @param transactionTimeout * @param dsLookup * @param sfDAOFactory * @param requestXml * @param sqlString * @param queryInstanceId * @param patientSetId * @param resultOutputList * @param generatedSql * @param tm * @param ut * @throws CRCTimeOutException * @throws I2B2DAOException */ public void executeQuery( int transactionTimeout, DataSourceLookup dsLookup, SetFinderDAOFactory sfDAOFactory, String requestXml, String sqlString, String queryInstanceId, String patientSetId, ResultOutputOptionListType resultOutputList, String generatedSql, String pmXml ) throws CRCTimeOutException, I2B2DAOException { boolean errorFlag = false, timeOutErrorFlag = false; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; Connection manualConnection = null; String singleSql = null; int recordCount = 0, obfuscatedRecordCount = 0; transactionTimeout = 7200; /** Global temp table to store intermediate setfinder results* */ String TEMP_TABLE = "#GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE"; /** Global temp table to store intermediate patient list * */ String TEMP_DX_TABLE = "#DX"; String TEMP_MASTER_TABLE = "#MASTER_GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE"; if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.SQLSERVER)) { TEMP_TABLE = getDbSchemaName() + "#GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE"; TEMP_DX_TABLE = getDbSchemaName() + "#DX"; TEMP_MASTER_TABLE = getDbSchemaName() + "#MASTER_GLOBAL_TEMP_TABLE"; } else if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.ORACLE) ) { TEMP_TABLE = getDbSchemaName() + "QUERY_GLOBAL_TEMP"; TEMP_DX_TABLE = getDbSchemaName() + "DX"; TEMP_MASTER_TABLE = getDbSchemaName() + "MASTER_QUERY_GLOBAL_TEMP"; } else if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.POSTGRESQL) ) { TEMP_TABLE = "QUERY_GLOBAL_TEMP"; TEMP_DX_TABLE = "DX"; TEMP_MASTER_TABLE = "MASTER_QUERY_GLOBAL_TEMP"; } Exception exception = null; try { // manualConnection = // QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance().getManualConnection(); manualConnection = ServiceLocator.getInstance() .getAppServerDataSource(dsLookup.getDataSource()) .getConnection(); // manualConnection = // QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance().getSpringDataSource(dsLookup. // getDataSource()).getConnection(); // manualConnection = // QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance().getConnection(); stmt = manualConnection.createStatement(); int count = 0; if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.SQLSERVER) || dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.POSTGRESQL)) { String checkDeleteGlobalTempTable = "drop table " + TEMP_TABLE; String checkDeleteCountTable = "drop table " + TEMP_DX_TABLE; String checkDeleteMasterTable = "drop table " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE; Statement clearTempStmt = manualConnection.createStatement(); try { clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(checkDeleteGlobalTempTable); } catch (SQLException dEx) { ; } try { clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(checkDeleteCountTable); } catch (SQLException dEx) { ; } try { clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(checkDeleteMasterTable); } catch (SQLException dEx) { ; } clearTempStmt.close(); String createSql = "CREATE TABLE " + TEMP_TABLE + " ( " + " ENCOUNTER_NUM int, " + " PATIENT_NUM int, INSTANCE_NUM int, CONCEPT_CD varchar(50), START_DATE DATETIME, PROVIDER_ID varchar(50), " + " PANEL_COUNT int, " + " fact_count int, " + " fact_panels int " + ")"; if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.POSTGRESQL)) createSql = "CREATE TEMP TABLE " + TEMP_TABLE + " ( " + " ENCOUNTER_NUM int, " + " PATIENT_NUM int, INSTANCE_NUM int, CONCEPT_CD varchar(50), START_DATE TIMESTAMP, PROVIDER_ID varchar(50), " + " PANEL_COUNT int, " + " fact_count int, " + " fact_panels int " + ")"; stmt.executeUpdate(createSql); createSql = " CREATE TABLE " + TEMP_DX_TABLE + " ( " + " ENCOUNTER_NUM int, " + " PATIENT_NUM int, INSTANCE_NUM int, CONCEPT_CD varchar(50), START_DATE DATETIME, PROVIDER_ID varchar(50), temporal_start_date datetime, temporal_end_date DATETIME ) "; if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.POSTGRESQL)) createSql = " CREATE TEMP TABLE " + TEMP_DX_TABLE + " ( " + " ENCOUNTER_NUM int, " + " PATIENT_NUM int, INSTANCE_NUM int, CONCEPT_CD varchar(50), START_DATE TIMESTAMP, PROVIDER_ID varchar(50), temporal_start_date TIMESTAMP, temporal_end_date TIMESTAMP ) "; stmt.executeUpdate(createSql); createSql = " CREATE TABLE " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE + " ( " + " ENCOUNTER_NUM int, PATIENT_NUM int , INSTANCE_NUM int, CONCEPT_CD varchar(50), START_DATE DATETIME, PROVIDER_ID varchar(50), MASTER_ID varchar(50), LEVEL_NO int, temporal_start_date DATETIME, temporal_end_date DATETIME ) "; if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.POSTGRESQL)) createSql = " CREATE TEMP TABLE " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE + " ( " + " ENCOUNTER_NUM int, PATIENT_NUM int , INSTANCE_NUM int, CONCEPT_CD varchar(50), START_DATE TIMESTAMP, PROVIDER_ID varchar(50), MASTER_ID varchar(50), LEVEL_NO int, temporal_start_date TIMESTAMP, temporal_end_date TIMESTAMP ) "; stmt.executeUpdate(createSql); if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.SQLSERVER)) { String indexSql = "create index tempIndex on " + getDbSchemaName() + "#global_temp_table (patient_num,encounter_num,panel_count)"; log.debug("Executing sql [ " + indexSql + " ]"); stmt.executeUpdate(indexSql); indexSql = "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX master_index_v1 " + " ON " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE + " (master_id, level_no, temporal_start_date, temporal_end_date) " + " INCLUDE (patient_num) "; log.debug("Executing sql [ " + indexSql + " ]"); stmt.executeUpdate(indexSql); indexSql = "CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX master_index_v2 " + " ON " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE + " (patient_num, master_id) " + " INCLUDE (temporal_start_date, temporal_end_date) "; log.debug("Executing sql [ " + indexSql + " ]"); stmt.executeUpdate(indexSql); } } else if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.ORACLE)) { String clearGlobalTempTable = "delete from " + TEMP_TABLE; String clearCountTable = "delete from " + TEMP_DX_TABLE; String clearMasterTable = "delete from " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE; Statement clearTempStmt = manualConnection.createStatement(); try { clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(clearGlobalTempTable); clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(clearCountTable); clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(clearMasterTable); } catch (SQLException dEx) { ; } finally { clearTempStmt.close(); } } // set transaction timeout stmt.setQueryTimeout(transactionTimeout); // start seperate thread to cancel the running sql if the // stmt.setQueryTimeout did not work CancelStatementRunner csr = new CancelStatementRunner(stmt, transactionTimeout); Thread csrThread = new Thread(csr); csrThread.start(); // ut.commit(); String[] sqls = null; if (this.queryWithoutTempTableFlag == false) { sqls = generatedSql.split("<\\*>"); } else { sqls = new String[] {generatedSql}; } // UserTransaction could not be used here because it needs a // XA datasource. try { log.debug("Transaction timeout in sec " + transactionTimeout); // ut.setTransactionTimeout(transactionTimeout); } catch (Exception e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); LogTimingUtil logTimingUtil = new LogTimingUtil(); LogTimingUtil outerLogTimingUtil = new LogTimingUtil(); outerLogTimingUtil.setStartTime(); // execute generated sql while (count < sqls.length) { singleSql = sqls[count++]; if (singleSql != null && singleSql.trim().length() > 10) { log.debug("Executing setfinder query sql [" + singleSql + "]" + " for query instance= " + queryInstanceId); logTimingUtil.setStartTime(); if (this.queryWithoutTempTableFlag == false) { int rows = stmt.executeUpdate(singleSql); log.debug("Rows affected [" + rows + "] for query instance"); // if the database is sqlserver, then updating the temp // table statistics speed up the query if (this.dataSourceLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.SQLSERVER)) { log.debug("UPDATE STATISTICS " + getDbSchemaName() + "#global_temp_table "); stmt.executeUpdate("UPDATE STATISTICS " + getDbSchemaName() + "#global_temp_table "); } } else { resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(singleSql); } logTimingUtil.setEndTime(); //log the time to the query instance if (this.processTimingFlag.equalsIgnoreCase(ProcessTimingReportUtil.DEBUG)) { ptrUtil.logProcessTimingMessage(queryInstanceId, ptrUtil.buildProcessTiming(logTimingUtil,"EXECUTE SQL - ITEM ","sql="+singleSql)); } } } outerLogTimingUtil.setEndTime(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long totalTime = endTime - startTime; log.debug("Time to run the SETFINDER query query instance id [" + queryInstanceId + "] is [" + totalTime + " ]"); //log the process timing to the query instance if (this.processTimingFlag.equalsIgnoreCase(ProcessTimingReportUtil.INFO)) { ptrUtil.logProcessTimingMessage(queryInstanceId, ptrUtil.buildProcessTiming(outerLogTimingUtil,"EXECUTE SQL",null)); } // set the cancel thread the csr.setSqlFinishedFlag(); csrThread.interrupt(); String fetchSql = " select count(distinct patient_num) as patient_num_count from " + TEMP_DX_TABLE; Statement countStmt = manualConnection.createStatement(); if (this.queryWithoutTempTableFlag == false) { resultSet = countStmt.executeQuery(fetchSql); } int i = 0; //read count sigma from property file double countSigma = GaussianBoxMuller.getCountSigma(); double obfuscatedMinimumValue = GaussianBoxMuller.getObfuscatedMinimumVal(); while ( && (i++ < 10)) { recordCount = resultSet.getInt("patient_num_count"); GaussianBoxMuller gaussianBoxMuller = new GaussianBoxMuller(); obfuscatedRecordCount = (int) gaussianBoxMuller .getNormalizedValueForCount(recordCount,countSigma,obfuscatedMinimumValue); log.debug("Calculated Patient set size :[" + recordCount + "] for query instance= " + queryInstanceId); } countStmt.close(); resultSet.close(); // tm.begin(); // call the result generator with the db connection/temp table callResultGenerator(resultOutputList, manualConnection, sfDAOFactory, requestXml, patientSetId, queryInstanceId, TEMP_DX_TABLE, recordCount, obfuscatedRecordCount, transactionTimeout, pmXml); if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.SQLSERVER) || dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.POSTGRESQL)) { //Delete temp table for Sqlsever String checkDeleteGlobalTempTable = "drop table " + TEMP_TABLE; String checkDeleteCountTable = "drop table " + TEMP_DX_TABLE; String checkDeleteMasterTable = "drop table " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE; Statement clearTempStmt = manualConnection.createStatement(); try { clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(checkDeleteGlobalTempTable); } catch (SQLException dEx) { ; } try { clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(checkDeleteCountTable); } catch (SQLException dEx) { ; } try { clearTempStmt.executeUpdate(checkDeleteMasterTable); } catch (SQLException dEx) { ; } clearTempStmt.close(); } else if (dsLookup.getServerType().equalsIgnoreCase( DAOFactoryHelper.ORACLE) ) { String deleteGlobalTempTable = ""; String deleteCountTable = "", deleteMasterTable = ""; deleteGlobalTempTable = "delete from " + TEMP_TABLE; deleteCountTable = "delete from " + TEMP_DX_TABLE; deleteMasterTable = "delete from " + TEMP_MASTER_TABLE; Statement deleteStmt = manualConnection.createStatement(); Statement deleteStmt1 = manualConnection.createStatement(); log.debug("Executing Sql [" + deleteGlobalTempTable + "]"); deleteStmt.executeUpdate(deleteGlobalTempTable); log.debug("Executing Sql [" + deleteCountTable + "]"); deleteStmt1.executeUpdate(deleteCountTable); log.debug("Executing Sql [" + deleteMasterTable + "]"); deleteStmt1.executeUpdate(deleteMasterTable); deleteStmt.close(); deleteStmt1.close(); } // update query instance restult status setQueryInstanceStatus(sfDAOFactory, queryInstanceId, 6, null); log.debug("Query executor completed processing query instance[ " + queryInstanceId + " ]"); } catch (CRCTimeOutException timeoutEx) { timeOutErrorFlag = true; throw timeoutEx; } catch (SQLServerException sqlServerEx) { if (sqlServerEx.getMessage().indexOf("The query was canceled.") > -1) { timeOutErrorFlag = true; throw new CRCTimeOutException(sqlServerEx.getMessage(), sqlServerEx); } if (sqlServerEx.getMessage().indexOf("timed out") > -1) { timeOutErrorFlag = true; throw new CRCTimeOutException(sqlServerEx.getMessage(), sqlServerEx); } else { errorFlag = true; exception = sqlServerEx; log.error("Sqlserver error while executing sql", sqlServerEx); throw new I2B2DAOException( "Sqlserver error while executing sql", sqlServerEx); } } catch (SQLException sqlEx) { if (sqlEx.toString().indexOf("ORA-01013") > -1) { timeOutErrorFlag = true; throw new CRCTimeOutException(sqlEx.getMessage(), sqlEx); } else if (sqlEx.getMessage().indexOf("The query was canceled.") > -1) { timeOutErrorFlag = true; throw new CRCTimeOutException(sqlEx.getMessage(), sqlEx); } else if (sqlEx.getMessage().indexOf("timed out") > -1) { timeOutErrorFlag = true; throw new CRCTimeOutException(sqlEx.getMessage(), sqlEx); } errorFlag = true; exception = sqlEx; log.error("Error while executing sql", sqlEx); throw new I2B2DAOException("Error while executing sql", sqlEx); } catch (LockedoutException crcDaoEx) { // I2B2DAOException errorFlag = true; exception = crcDaoEx; throw crcDaoEx; } catch (I2B2Exception i2b2Ex) { errorFlag = true; exception = i2b2Ex; log.error("Error executing " + i2b2Ex.getMessage(), i2b2Ex); throw new I2B2DAOException("Error executing " + i2b2Ex.getMessage(), i2b2Ex); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { errorFlag = true; exception = e; e.printStackTrace(); throw new I2B2DAOException("IllegalState exception", e); } catch (SecurityException e) { errorFlag = true; exception = e; e.printStackTrace(); throw new I2B2DAOException("SecurityException", e); } finally { // close resultset and statement try { if (resultSet != null) { resultSet.close(); } if (stmt != null) { stmt.close(); } if (manualConnection != null) { manualConnection.close(); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { log.error("Error closing statement/resultset ", sqle); } } } private void setQueryInstanceStatus(SetFinderDAOFactory sfDAOFactory, String queryInstanceId, int statusTypeId, String message) throws I2B2DAOException { IQueryInstanceDao queryInstanceDao = sfDAOFactory.getQueryInstanceDAO(); QtQueryInstance queryInstance = queryInstanceDao .getQueryInstanceByInstanceId(queryInstanceId); QtQueryStatusType queryStatusType = new QtQueryStatusType(); queryStatusType.setStatusTypeId(statusTypeId); queryInstance.setQtQueryStatusType(queryStatusType); queryInstance.setEndDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); queryInstance.setMessage(message); queryInstanceDao.update(queryInstance, true); } private void setQueryResultInstanceStatus(SetFinderDAOFactory sfDAOFactory, String queryInstanceId, int statusTypeId, String message) { IQueryResultInstanceDao queryResultInstanceDao = sfDAOFactory .getPatientSetResultDAO(); List<QtQueryResultInstance> resultInstanceList = queryResultInstanceDao .getResultInstanceList(queryInstanceId); for (QtQueryResultInstance queryResultInstance : resultInstanceList) { queryResultInstanceDao.updatePatientSet(queryResultInstance .getResultInstanceId(), statusTypeId, message, -1, -1, ""); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void callResultGenerator( ResultOutputOptionListType resultOutputList, Connection manualConnection, SetFinderDAOFactory sfDAOFactory, String requestXml, String patientSetId, String queryInstanceId, String TEMP_DX_TABLE, int recordCount, int obfuscatedRecordCount, int transactionTimeout, String pmXml) throws CRCTimeOutException, LockedoutException, I2B2DAOException { log.debug("getting queryProcess instance"); QueryProcessorUtil qpUtil = QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance(); //BeanFactory bf = qpUtil.getSpringBeanFactory(); // Map ontologyKeyMap = (Map) // bf.getBean("setFinderResultOntologyKeyMap"); Map ontologyKeyMap = (Map) new HashMap(); // CallOntologyUtil callOntologyUtil = null; String ontologyGetChildrenUrl = null; SecurityType securityType = null; //String projectId = null; try { String ontologyUrl = qpUtil .getCRCPropertyValue("edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.delegate.ontology.url"); String getChildrenOperationName = qpUtil .getCRCPropertyValue("edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.delegate.ontology.operation.getchildren"); ontologyGetChildrenUrl = ontologyUrl + getChildrenOperationName; log.debug("In callResultGenerator: Ontology getChildren url from property file [" + ontologyGetChildrenUrl + "]"); JAXBElement responseJaxb = CRCJAXBUtil.getJAXBUtil() .unMashallFromString(requestXml); RequestMessageType request = (RequestMessageType) responseJaxb .getValue(); //projectId = request.getMessageHeader().getProjectId(); SecurityType tempSecurityType = request.getMessageHeader() .getSecurity(); securityType = PMServiceAccountUtil .getServiceSecurityType(tempSecurityType.getDomain()); // callOntologyUtil = new CallOntologyUtil(ontologyGetChildrenUrl, // requestXml); } catch (JAXBUtilException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new I2B2DAOException(e.getMessage()); } catch (I2B2Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new I2B2DAOException(e.getMessage()); } // get roles either from cache or by calling PM List<String> roles = new ArrayList<String>(); try { roles = getRoleFromPM(requestXml, pmXml); } catch (I2B2Exception e) { throw new I2B2DAOException(e.getMessage()); } int lockoutQueryCount = -1, lockoutQueryDay = -1, lockoutQueryZeroCount = -1; boolean dataObfuscFlag = false; String projectId = null; try { DataSourceLookup dataSourceLookup = sfDAOFactory .getDataSourceLookup(); String domainId = dataSourceLookup.getDomainId(); projectId = dataSourceLookup.getProjectPath(); String userId = dataSourceLookup.getOwnerId(); DAOFactoryHelper helper = new DAOFactoryHelper(domainId, projectId, userId); IDAOFactory daoFactory = helper.getDAOFactory(); AuthrizationHelper authHelper = new AuthrizationHelper(domainId, projectId, userId, daoFactory); boolean noDataAggFlag = false, noDataObfuscFlag = false; try { authHelper.checkRoleForProtectionLabel( "SETFINDER_QRY_WITHOUT_DATAOBFSC", roles); } catch (MissingRoleException noRoleEx) { noDataAggFlag = true; } catch (I2B2Exception e) { throw e; } try { authHelper.checkRoleForProtectionLabel( "SETFINDER_QRY_WITH_DATAOBFSC", roles); } catch (MissingRoleException noRoleEx) { noDataObfuscFlag = true; } catch (I2B2Exception e) { throw e; } if (noDataAggFlag && !noDataObfuscFlag) { dataObfuscFlag = true; } String lockoutQueryCountStr = qpUtil .getCRCPropertyValue("edu.harvard.i2b2.crc.lockout.setfinderquery.count"); if (lockoutQueryCountStr != null) { lockoutQueryCount = Integer.parseInt(lockoutQueryCountStr); } String lockoutQueryDayStr = qpUtil .getCRCPropertyValue(""); if (lockoutQueryDayStr != null) { lockoutQueryDay = Integer.parseInt(lockoutQueryDayStr); } String lockoutQueryZeroCountStr = null; lockoutQueryZeroCountStr = qpUtil .getCRCPropertyValue(""); if (lockoutQueryZeroCountStr != null) { lockoutQueryZeroCount = Integer.parseInt(lockoutQueryZeroCountStr); } } catch (I2B2Exception e) { throw new I2B2DAOException(e.getMessage()); } Map param = new HashMap(); log.debug("Creatiung hash map"); SetFinderConnection sfConn = new SetFinderConnection(manualConnection); param.put("SetFinderConnection", sfConn); param.put("SetFinderDAOFactory", sfDAOFactory); param.put("PatientSetId", patientSetId); param.put("QueryInstanceId", queryInstanceId); param.put("TEMP_DX_TABLE", TEMP_DX_TABLE); param.put("setFinderResultOntologyKeyMap", ontologyKeyMap); param.put("ServerType", this.dataSourceLookup.getServerType()); // param.put("CallOntologyUtil", callOntologyUtil); param.put("projectId", projectId); param.put("ontologyGetChildrenUrl", ontologyGetChildrenUrl); param.put("securityType", securityType); param.put("OriginalDataSourceLookup", this.originalDataSourceLookup); param.put("Roles", roles); param.put("TransactionTimeout", transactionTimeout); param.put("ProcessTimingFlag", processTimingFlag); param.put("ObfuscatedRecordCount", obfuscatedRecordCount); param.put("RecordCount", recordCount); param.put("ObfuscatedRoleFlag", dataObfuscFlag); if (resultOutputList != null) { if (resultOutputList.getResultOutput() != null && resultOutputList.getResultOutput().size() > 0) { List<ResultOutputOptionType> resultOptionList = resultOutputList .getResultOutput(); for (ResultOutputOptionType resultOutputOption : resultOptionList) { String resultName = resultOutputOption.getName() .toUpperCase(); String resultInstanceId = getQueryResultInstanceId( sfDAOFactory, queryInstanceId, resultName); param.put("ResultInstanceId", resultInstanceId); param.put("ResultOptionName", resultName); // ::TODO check if the result state is completed, before // running the result runGenerator(resultName, param); // check if the user need to be locked // if the lockoutQueryCount = -1 skip lockout check log.debug("check if the user need to be locked"); if (lockoutQueryCount>-1) { // resultInstanceId, userId if (dataObfuscFlag) { String userLockedDate = null; try { userLockedDate = processUserLock(sfDAOFactory, requestXml, resultInstanceId, lockoutQueryCount, lockoutQueryDay,lockoutQueryZeroCount); } catch (I2B2Exception e) { throw new I2B2DAOException(e.getMessage()); } if (userLockedDate != null) { throw new LockedoutException(EJBPMUtil.LOCKEDOUT + " error : User account locked on [" + userLockedDate + "]"); } } } else { log.debug("Setfinder not doing the lockout check for instance ["+ queryInstanceId + "] " + "the property value of query count is -1"); } } } else { log .warn("No result output process to run, the <result_output_option> is empty"); } } else { String resultType = defaultResultType; // perform patient set String resultInstanceId = getQueryResultInstanceId(sfDAOFactory, queryInstanceId, defaultResultType); param.put("ResultInstanceId", resultInstanceId); runGenerator(resultType, param); // check if the user need to be locked // if the lockoutQueryCount = -1 skip lockout check if (lockoutQueryCount>-1) { // resultInstanceId, userId if (dataObfuscFlag) { // do the check if the user need to be locked String userLockedDate = null; try { userLockedDate = processUserLock(sfDAOFactory, requestXml, resultInstanceId, lockoutQueryCount, lockoutQueryDay,lockoutQueryZeroCount); } catch (I2B2Exception e) { throw new I2B2DAOException(e.getMessage()); } if (userLockedDate != null) { throw new LockedoutException(EJBPMUtil.LOCKEDOUT + " error : User account locked on [" + userLockedDate + "]"); } } } else { log.debug("Setfinder not doing the lockout check for instance ["+ queryInstanceId + "] " + "the property value of query count is -1"); } } } private void runGenerator(String resultName, Map param) throws I2B2DAOException, CRCTimeOutException { String generatorClassName = (String) generatorMap.get(resultName); if (generatorClassName == null) { throw new I2B2DAOException("Could not find result name [" + resultName + "] in the config file"); } Class generatorClass; IResultGenerator resultGenerator; try { generatorClass = Class.forName(generatorClassName, true, Thread .currentThread().getContextClassLoader()); if (generatorClass == null) { throw new I2B2DAOException( "Generator class not configured for result name[" + resultName + "] "); } resultGenerator = (IResultGenerator) generatorClass.newInstance(); log.debug("Running " + resultName + "'s class " + generatorClassName); resultGenerator.generateResult(param); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new I2B2DAOException( "Class not found for the generator class[" + generatorClassName + "] ", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new I2B2DAOException("Could not initialize generator class[" + generatorClassName + "] ", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new I2B2DAOException( "Illegal Access Exception for generator class[" + generatorClassName + "] ", e); } } private String getQueryResultInstanceId(SetFinderDAOFactory sfDAOFactory, String queryInstanceId, String resultName) { IQueryResultInstanceDao resultInstanceDao = sfDAOFactory .getPatientSetResultDAO(); QtQueryResultInstance resultInstance = resultInstanceDao .getResultInstanceByQueryInstanceIdAndName(queryInstanceId, resultName); return resultInstance.getResultInstanceId(); } private String processUserLock(SetFinderDAOFactory sfDAOFactory, String requestXml, String resultInstanceId, int lockoutQueryCount, int lockoutQueryDay, int lockoutQueryZeroCount) throws I2B2Exception { String userLockedDate = null; I2B2RequestMessageHelper reqMsgHelper = new I2B2RequestMessageHelper( requestXml); SecurityType origSecurityType = reqMsgHelper.getSecurityType(); String projectId = reqMsgHelper.getProjectId(); String userId = origSecurityType.getUsername(); IQueryResultInstanceDao queryResultInstanceDao = sfDAOFactory .getPatientSetResultDAO(); QtQueryResultInstance resultInstance = queryResultInstanceDao .getResultInstanceById(resultInstanceId); int resultTypeId = resultInstance.getQtQueryResultType() .getResultTypeId(); int setSize = resultInstance.getRealSetSize(); //if the lockout query zero count is -1, dont count zero if (setSize == 0 ) { if (lockoutQueryZeroCount == -1) { log.debug("Setfinder not doing the lockout check for result instance ["+ resultInstanceId + "] " + "the zero count property value is -1"); return userLockedDate; } else { //assign the lockout query zero count to lockout query count log.debug("Setfinder lockout query count value for result instance ["+ resultInstanceId + "] " + "taken from zero count property value is ["+lockoutQueryZeroCount +"]"); lockoutQueryCount = lockoutQueryZeroCount; } } int queryCount = queryResultInstanceDao .getResultInstanceCountBySetSize(userId, lockoutQueryDay, resultTypeId, setSize, lockoutQueryCount); if (queryCount > 0) { userLockedDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString(); SecurityType serviceSecurityType = PMServiceAccountUtil .getServiceSecurityType(origSecurityType.getDomain()); // send pm message //EJBPMUtil ejbPMUtil = new EJBPMUtil(serviceSecurityType, projectId); //ejbPMUtil.setUserLockedParam(userId, projectId, // EJBPMUtil.LOCKEDOUT, userLockedDate); EJBPMUtil.setUserLockedParam(userId, EJBPMUtil.LOCKEDOUT, userLockedDate, serviceSecurityType, projectId, QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance() .getProjectManagementCellUrl()); } return userLockedDate; } /** * Call PM to get user roles. The security info is taken from the request * xml * * @param requestXml * @return * @throws I2B2Exception */ public List<String> getRoleFromPM(String requestXml, String pmXml) throws I2B2Exception { log.debug("In getRoleFromPM, pmXml is " + pmXml); I2B2RequestMessageHelper reqMsgHelper = new I2B2RequestMessageHelper( requestXml); SecurityType origSecurityType = reqMsgHelper.getSecurityType(); String projectId = reqMsgHelper.getProjectId(); SecurityType serviceSecurityType = PMServiceAccountUtil .getServiceSecurityType(origSecurityType.getDomain()); //EJBPMUtil callPMUtil = new EJBPMUtil(serviceSecurityType, projectId); List<String> roleList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { if (pmXml == null) { //RolesType rolesType = callPMUtil.callGetRole(origSecurityType // .getUsername(), projectId); RolesType rolesType = EJBPMUtil.callGetRole(origSecurityType .getUsername(), origSecurityType, projectId, QueryProcessorUtil.getInstance() .getProjectManagementCellUrl()); RoleType roleType = null; for (java.util.Iterator<RoleType> iterator = rolesType.getRole() .iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { roleType =; roleList.add(roleType.getRole()); } } else { ProjectType projectType = CallPMUtil.getUserProjectFromResponse(pmXml, origSecurityType, projectId); roleList = projectType.getRole(); } } catch (AxisFault e) { throw new I2B2Exception(" Failed to get user role from PM " + StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); } catch (JAXBUtilException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block throw new I2B2Exception(" Failed to Process PM Xml message " + StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); } return roleList; /* * I2B2RequestMessageHelper reqMsgHelper = new I2B2RequestMessageHelper( * requestXml); SecurityType securityType = * reqMsgHelper.getSecurityType(); String projectId = * reqMsgHelper.getProjectId(); // get roles from pm driver * PMServiceDriver serviceDriver = new PMServiceDriver(); ProjectType * projectType = null; * * try { projectType = serviceDriver.checkValidUser(securityType, * projectId); } catch (AxisFault e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new * I2B2Exception(" Failed to get user role from PM " + * StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); } catch (JAXBUtilException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); throw new * I2B2Exception(" Failed to get user role from PM " + * StackTraceUtil.getStackTrace(e)); } return projectType.getRole(); */ } }