/* * Created on : 07-11-2013 * Author : Bastian Weinlich */ package de.hpi.i2b2.girix; import java.io.*; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.rosuda.REngine.REXP; import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPLogical; import org.rosuda.REngine.REXPMismatchException; import org.rosuda.REngine.REngine; import org.rosuda.REngine.REngineEvalException; import org.rosuda.REngine.REngineException; import org.rosuda.REngine.Rserve.RConnection; import edu.harvard.i2b2.common.exception.I2B2Exception; import de.hpi.i2b2.girix.GIRIXUtil; // This class interacts directly with JRI (Java R Interface) library public class JRIProcessor { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JRIProcessor.class); private RConnection re = null; private static StringBuffer Routput; private static StringBuffer Rerrors; private static final int port = 6311; private static final String url = ""; public JRIProcessor() throws I2B2Exception { initializeR(); // Look if there's an existing R engine... try { re = new RConnection(url, port); } catch (REngineException e) { throw new I2B2Exception("Rserve not listening or connection refused"); } /*// If not create a new one if (re == null) { log.info("Creating new R engine"); // Create new R engine but don't start main loop immediately (second argument) re = (JRIEngine) JRIEngine.createEngine(args, new ScriptExecutorCallbackClass(), false); } else { log.info("R engine already exists"); } */ // Load required R package 'xtable' try { re.voidEval("library(xtable)"); } catch (REngineException e) { throw new I2B2Exception("Package 'xtable' not installed"); } } public static void initializeR() throws I2B2Exception { // Set some system settings that are required for running R //GIRIXUtil.setUpREnvironment(); // Make sure we have the right version of everything // boolean versionOK = Rengine.versionCheck(); // if (!versionOK) { // log.error("R version error"); // throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: R version error"); // } // Don't do/show unnecessary things (save/restore workspace etc.) //String[] args = {"--vanilla", "-q"}; log.info("Starting R..."); if(!RserveSpawner.checkLocalRserve(port)) throw new I2B2Exception("Rserve failed to start"); } // Do some preparation inside the R session for later output (plots, csvs, variables) public File prepare(String webDirPath) throws I2B2Exception { String plotDirPath = webDirPath + "/plots"; String csvDirPath = webDirPath + "/csv"; // Clear old output / errors Routput = new StringBuffer(200); Rerrors = new StringBuffer(200); // ========= Plots ========= File f = new File(plotDirPath); // Check if directory exists and if permissions are sufficient if ( ! f.exists()) { if (! f.mkdirs()) { log.error("Error while creating plot directory"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error while creating plot directory"); } } if ( ! (f.exists() && f.isDirectory() && f.canRead() && f.canWrite()) ) { log.error("Error with plot directory: " + plotDirPath); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Plot directory not available"); } // Clear old plot files for (File plotfile : f.listFiles()) { plotfile.delete(); } // Set up R to save plots as svg files in the given plot directory try { re.voidEval("svg(\"" + plotDirPath + "/plot%03d.svg\")"); } catch (REngineException e) { log.error("Error while setting plot dir path in R"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Setting plot directory path in R"); } // ========= CSVs ========= File f2 = new File(csvDirPath); // Check if directory exists and if permissions are sufficient if ( ! f2.exists()) { if (! f2.mkdirs()) { log.error("Error while creating csv directory"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error while creating csv directory"); } } if ( ! (f2.exists() && f2.isDirectory() && f2.canRead() && f2.canWrite()) ) { log.error("Error with csv directory: " + plotDirPath); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: CSV directory not available"); } // Clear old csv files for (File csvfile : f2.listFiles()) { csvfile.delete(); } // ========= Create data structures (vectors) ========= try { re.voidEval("girix.patients <- c()"); re.voidEval("girix.observations <- c()"); re.voidEval("girix.input <- c()"); re.voidEval("girix.output <- list()"); re.voidEval("girix.concept.names <- c()"); re.voidEval("girix.modifiers <- c()"); re.voidEval("girix.events <- c()"); re.voidEval("girix.observers <- c()"); } catch (REngineException e) { log.error("Error with setting up new vectors in R"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Creating vectors"); } // ========= Handling dates and times ========= // Define an i2b2 DateTime Class, a helper function and a conversion function for the database DateTime string // -> Time is also considered try { re.voidEval("setClass(\"i2b2DateTime\")"); re.voidEval("girix.swapPlusMinus <- function(x) if (!is.na(x)){if(x==\"-\") {\"+\"} else {\"-\"}}"); re.voidEval("setAs(\"character\",\"i2b2DateTime\", function(from){do.call(c,lapply(from, function(x) {as.POSIXlt(x, tz = paste(\"GMT\", girix.swapPlusMinus(substr(x,24,24)), substr(x,26,26), sep=\"\"), format=\"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S\")}))})"); } catch (REngineException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return f; } // Read in patient data public void readDataFrameFromString(String name, GIRIXCSVContainer s, String colClasses) throws I2B2Exception { // Uncomment for debugging purposes // log.info(name + "\n\n" + s.getString()); // Case: No data available -> Initialize empty data.frame (read.table would cause an error otherwise) and return if (!s.hasData()) { String initStr = s.getString().replace(GIRIXUtil.SEP, "=character(),"); initStr = initStr.concat("=character()"); try { re.voidEval(name + " <- data.frame(" + initStr + ")"); } catch (REngineException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return; } try { re.voidEval("tmp <- " + s.getString()); } catch (REngineException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try { re.voidEval(name + " <- read.table(textConnection(tmp), sep=\"" + GIRIXUtil.SEP + "\", header=T, row.names=NULL, quote=\"\\\"\"," + "colClasses = " + colClasses + ", na.string=c(\"\"))"); } catch (REngineException e) { log.error("Error reading in patient data into data.frame " + name); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Reading in patient data"); } try { re.voidEval("rm(tmp)"); } catch (REngineException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // Assign additional input parameters in R public void assignAdditionalInput(Map<String, String> m) throws I2B2Exception { // Assign additional input variables as strings for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : m.entrySet()) { // Do some replacements in order to prevent errors and security flaws String key = entry.getKey().replace("\\", "\\\\"); key = key.replace("\"", "\\\""); String value = entry.getValue().replace("\\", "\\\\"); value = value.replace("\"", "\\\""); try { re.voidEval("girix.input[\"" + key + "\"] <- \"" + value + "\""); } catch (REngineException e) { log.error("Error assigning additional inputs"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Reading in additional input values"); } } } // Make the names of the chosen concepts visible in R public void assignConceptNames(String[] names) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { String sanitized = names[i].replace("\\", "\\\\"); sanitized = sanitized.replace("\"", "\\\""); try { re.voidEval("girix.concept.names[" + (i+1) + "] <- \"" + sanitized + "\""); } catch (REngineException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void setWorkingDirectory(String scriptletDirectoryPath) { try { re.voidEval("setwd(\"" + scriptletDirectoryPath + "\")"); } catch (REngineException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public void executeRScript(String scriptPath) throws I2B2Exception { try { re.parseAndEval("source(\"" + scriptPath + "\", local=TRUE)"); } catch (REngineException | REXPMismatchException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public List<GIRIXOutputVariable> getOutputVariables(List<String[]> outputParametersList, String webPath) throws I2B2Exception { // Array has 4 elements: Name, description, type, value List<GIRIXOutputVariable> l = new LinkedList<GIRIXOutputVariable>(); // Get default output variables int i = 1; try { while(true) { getOrEval(re, "girix.output." + i); String name = "girix.output." + (i); // Default name GIRIXOutputVariable oV = new GIRIXOutputVariable(name, "", getType(name), extractResult(name, webPath + "/csv", name)); l.add(oV); i++; } } catch(REXPMismatchException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (REngineException e) { //Ignore because an exception will be thrown anyway } // Get custom (user defined) output variables for (String[] oElement : outputParametersList) { try { // Replacements to prevent errors / security flaws String oName = oElement[0].replace("\\", "\\\\"); oName = oName.replace("\"", "\\\""); String Rname = "girix.output[[\"" + oName + "\"]]"; // Name to access output variable in R getOrEval(re, Rname); GIRIXOutputVariable oV = new GIRIXOutputVariable( oElement[0], oElement[1], getType(Rname), extractResult(Rname, webPath + "/csv", oName) ); l.add(oV); } catch (REngineException | REXPMismatchException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return l; } // Check if output is table-like private String getType(String name) throws I2B2Exception { try { REXPLogical df = (REXPLogical) re.parseAndEval("is.data.frame(" + name + ")"); REXPLogical mat = (REXPLogical) re.parseAndEval("is.matrix(" + name + ")"); // If it is a data.frame... if (df.isTRUE()[0]) { return "data.frame"; } else if(mat.isTRUE()[0]) { return "matrix"; } else { return "other"; } } catch (REngineException | REXPMismatchException e) { log.error("Error while getting type of output variable"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Determining data type of output variable"); } } // Create HTML table code and a csv file if it is a table-like R type // Otherwise just return the result value as a string private String extractResult(String name, String csvPath, String filename) throws I2B2Exception { String type = getType(name); if (type.equals("data.frame") || type.equals("matrix")) { // This is a workaround for a bug in xtable library (Date columns produce an error) // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8652674/r-xtable-and-dates for details try { re.voidEval("xtable <- function(x, ...) {\n" + "for (i in which(sapply(x, function(y) !all(is.na(match(c(\"POSIXt\",\"Date\"),class(y))))))) x[[i]] <- as.character(format(x[[i]], format=\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"))\n" + "xtable::xtable(x, ...)\n}\n"); } catch (REngineException e) { log.error("Error while creating function as xtable workaround."); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: xtable workaround"); } // Write csv file into the web directory // This workaround ensures that every DateTime has the same representation in the .csv file // (without this the time would be ommited if it is midnight) try { re.voidEval("girix.tmptable <- as.data.frame(lapply(" + name + ", function(x) if (is(x, \"POSIXt\")) format(x, \"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\") else x))"); re.voidEval("write.table(girix.tmptable, file = \"" + csvPath + "/" + filename + ".csv\", append = FALSE, quote=which(sapply(" + name + ", function(x) !is.numeric(x) & !is(x, \"POSIXt\")))," + " sep = \";\", eol = \"\\r\\n\", na = \"NULL\", dec = \",\", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, qmethod=\"double\", fileEncoding = \"UTF-8\")"); re.voidEval("rm(girix.tmptable)"); } catch (REngineException e) { log.error("Error while writing csv file for table " + name); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Writing csv file"); } // Now create the HTML code of the table structure try { REXP ret = re.parseAndEval("paste(capture.output(print(xtable(" + name + "), type = \"html\")), collapse=\"\")"); return ret.asString(); } catch (REngineException | REXPMismatchException e) { try { re.voidEval("write(\"Error while trying to create HTML code out of table " + name + " \n\", stderr())"); } catch (REngineException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } return "undefined"; } } else { try { REXP ret = re.parseAndEval("toString(" + name + ")"); return ret.asString(); } catch (REngineException | REXPMismatchException e) { log.error("Error while extracting results (other)"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Extracting result value as string"); } } } public void doFinalRTasks(String webPath) throws I2B2Exception { // Create RImage directory if not existing File f = new File(webPath + "/RImage/"); if ( ! f.exists()) { if (! f.mkdirs()) { log.error("Error while creating RImage directory"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error while creating RImage directory"); } } // Write plot files, write R workspace image and clear workspace try { re.voidEval("dev.off()"); re.voidEval("save.image(file=\"" + webPath + "/RImage/RImage" + "\")"); re.voidEval("rm(list = ls())"); } catch (REngineException e) { log.error("Error while doing final tasks"); throw new I2B2Exception("Error delivered from server: Doing final R tasks"); } // End R thread re.close(); } private static REXP getOrEval(REngine rengine, String cmd) throws REngineException, REXPMismatchException { REXP ret; try { ret = rengine.parseAndEval(cmd); } catch(REngineEvalException e) { ret = rengine.get(cmd, null, true); } return ret; } // Following methods are used to access the strings saving R output / error stream public static void appendROutput(String s) { Routput.append(s); } public static String getROutput() { return Routput.toString(); } public static void appendRErrors(String s) { Rerrors.append(s); } public static String getRErrors() { return Rerrors.toString(); } }