/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2010, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, * Seiji Sogabe, Stephen Connolly * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.model; import com.infradna.tool.bridge_method_injector.WithBridgeMethods; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.ExtensionPoint; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.FileSystemProvisioner; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.model.Queue.Task; import hudson.model.labels.LabelAtom; import hudson.model.queue.CauseOfBlockage; import hudson.node_monitors.NodeMonitor; import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel; import hudson.security.ACL; import hudson.security.AccessControlled; import hudson.security.Permission; import hudson.slaves.ComputerListener; import hudson.slaves.NodeDescriptor; import hudson.slaves.NodeProperty; import hudson.slaves.NodePropertyDescriptor; import hudson.slaves.OfflineCause; import hudson.util.ClockDifference; import hudson.util.DescribableList; import hudson.util.EnumConverter; import hudson.util.TagCloud; import hudson.util.TagCloud.WeightFunction; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.ExportedBean; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; /** * Base type of Hudson slaves (although in practice, you probably extend {@link Slave} to define a new slave type.) * * <p> * As a special case, {@link Hudson} extends from here. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi * @see NodeMonitor * @see NodeDescriptor */ @ExportedBean public abstract class Node extends AbstractModelObject implements Describable<Node>, ExtensionPoint, AccessControlled { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Node.class.getName()); /** * Newly copied slaves get this flag set, so that Hudson doesn't try to start this node until its configuration * is saved once. */ protected volatile transient boolean holdOffLaunchUntilSave; public String getDisplayName() { return getNodeName(); // default implementation } public String getSearchUrl() { return "computer/"+getNodeName(); } public boolean isHoldOffLaunchUntilSave() { return holdOffLaunchUntilSave; } /** * Name of this node. * * @return * "" if this is master */ @Exported(visibility=999) public abstract String getNodeName(); /** * When the user clones a {@link Node}, Hudson uses this method to change the node name right after * the cloned {@link Node} object is instantiated. * * <p> * This method is never used for any other purpose, and as such for all practical intents and purposes, * the node name should be treated like immutable. * * @deprecated to indicate that this method isn't really meant to be called by random code. */ public abstract void setNodeName(String name); /** * Human-readable description of this node. */ @Exported public abstract String getNodeDescription(); /** * Returns a {@link Launcher} for executing programs on this node. * * <p> * The callee must call {@link Launcher#decorateFor(Node)} before returning to complete the decoration. */ public abstract Launcher createLauncher(TaskListener listener); /** * Returns the number of {@link Executor}s. * * This may be different from <code>getExecutors().size()</code> * because it takes time to adjust the number of executors. */ @Exported public abstract int getNumExecutors(); /** * Returns {@link Mode#EXCLUSIVE} if this node is only available * for those jobs that exclusively specifies this node * as the assigned node. */ @Exported public abstract Mode getMode(); /** * Gets the corresponding {@link Computer} object. * * @return * this method can return null if there's no {@link Computer} object for this node, * such as when this node has no executors at all. */ public final Computer toComputer() { return Hudson.getInstance().getComputer(this); } /** * Gets the current channel, if the node is connected and online, or null. * * This is just a convenience method for {@link Computer#getChannel()} with null check. */ public final VirtualChannel getChannel() { Computer c = toComputer(); return c==null ? null : c.getChannel(); } /** * Creates a new {@link Computer} object that acts as the UI peer of this {@link Node}. * Nobody but {@link Hudson#updateComputerList()} should call this method. */ protected abstract Computer createComputer(); /** * Let Nodes be aware of the lifecycle of their own {@link Computer}. */ @Extension public static class InternalComputerListener extends ComputerListener { @Override public void onOnline(Computer c, TaskListener listener) { Node node = c.getNode(); // At startup, we need to restore any previously in-effect temp offline cause. // We wait until the computer is started rather than getting the data to it sooner // so that the normal computer start up processing works as expected. if (node.temporaryOfflineCause != null && node.temporaryOfflineCause != c.getOfflineCause()) { c.setTemporarilyOffline(true, node.temporaryOfflineCause); } } } private OfflineCause temporaryOfflineCause; /** * Enable a {@link Computer} to inform its node when it is taken * temporarily offline. */ void setTemporaryOfflineCause(OfflineCause cause) { try { if (temporaryOfflineCause != cause) { temporaryOfflineCause = cause; Hudson.getInstance().save(); // Gotta be a better way to do this } } catch (java.io.IOException e) { LOGGER.warning("Unable to complete save, temporary offline status will not be persisted: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Return the possibly empty tag cloud for the labels of this node. */ public TagCloud<LabelAtom> getLabelCloud() { return new TagCloud<LabelAtom>(getAssignedLabels(),new WeightFunction<LabelAtom>() { public float weight(LabelAtom item) { return item.getTiedJobs().size(); } }); } /** * Returns the possibly empty set of labels that are assigned to this node, * including the automatic {@link #getSelfLabel() self label}, manually * assigned labels and dynamically assigned labels via the * {@link LabelFinder} extension point. * * This method has a side effect of updating the hudson-wide set of labels * and should be called after events that will change that - e.g. a slave * connecting. */ @Exported public Set<LabelAtom> getAssignedLabels() { Set<LabelAtom> r = Label.parse(getLabelString()); r.add(getSelfLabel()); r.addAll(getDynamicLabels()); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(r); } /** * Return all the labels assigned dynamically to this node. * This calls all the LabelFinder implementations with the node converts * the results into Labels. * @return HashSet<Label>. */ private HashSet<LabelAtom> getDynamicLabels() { HashSet<LabelAtom> result = new HashSet<LabelAtom>(); for (LabelFinder labeler : LabelFinder.all()) { // Filter out any bad(null) results from plugins // for compatibility reasons, findLabels may return LabelExpression and not atom. for (Label label : labeler.findLabels(this)) if (label instanceof LabelAtom) result.add((LabelAtom)label); } return result; } /** * Returns the manually configured label for a node. The list of assigned * and dynamically determined labels is available via * {@link #getAssignedLabels()} and includes all labels that have been * manually configured. * * Mainly for form binding. */ public abstract String getLabelString(); /** * Gets the special label that represents this node itself. */ @WithBridgeMethods(Label.class) public LabelAtom getSelfLabel() { return LabelAtom.get(getNodeName()); } /** * Called by the {@link Queue} to determine whether or not this node can * take the given task. The default checks include whether or not this node * is part of the task's assigned label, whether this node is in * {@link Mode#EXCLUSIVE} mode if it is not in the task's assigned label, * and whether or not any of this node's {@link NodeProperty}s say that the * task cannot be run. * * @since 1.360 */ public CauseOfBlockage canTake(Task task) { Label l = task.getAssignedLabel(); if(l!=null && !l.contains(this)) return CauseOfBlockage.fromMessage(Messages._Node_LabelMissing(getNodeName(),l)); // the task needs to be executed on label that this node doesn't have. if(l==null && getMode()== Mode.EXCLUSIVE) return CauseOfBlockage.fromMessage(Messages._Node_BecauseNodeIsReserved(getNodeName())); // this node is reserved for tasks that are tied to it // Check each NodeProperty to see whether they object to this node // taking the task for (NodeProperty prop: getNodeProperties()) { CauseOfBlockage c = prop.canTake(task); if (c!=null) return c; } // Looks like we can take the task return null; } /** * Returns a "workspace" directory for the given {@link TopLevelItem}. * * <p> * Workspace directory is usually used for keeping out the checked out * source code, but it can be used for anything. * * @return * null if this node is not connected hence the path is not available */ // TODO: should this be modified now that getWorkspace is moved from AbstractProject to AbstractBuild? public abstract FilePath getWorkspaceFor(TopLevelItem item); /** * Gets the root directory of this node. * * <p> * Hudson always owns a directory on every node. This method * returns that. * * @return * null if the node is offline and hence the {@link FilePath} * object is not available. */ public abstract FilePath getRootPath(); /** * Gets the {@link FilePath} on this node. */ public FilePath createPath(String absolutePath) { VirtualChannel ch = getChannel(); if(ch==null) return null; // offline return new FilePath(ch,absolutePath); } public FileSystemProvisioner getFileSystemProvisioner() { // TODO: make this configurable or auto-detectable or something else return FileSystemProvisioner.DEFAULT; } /** * Gets the {@link NodeProperty} instances configured for this {@link Node}. */ public abstract DescribableList<NodeProperty<?>, NodePropertyDescriptor> getNodeProperties(); // used in the Jelly script to expose descriptors public List<NodePropertyDescriptor> getNodePropertyDescriptors() { return NodeProperty.for_(this); } public ACL getACL() { return Hudson.getInstance().getAuthorizationStrategy().getACL(this); } public final void checkPermission(Permission permission) { getACL().checkPermission(permission); } public final boolean hasPermission(Permission permission) { return getACL().hasPermission(permission); } public abstract NodeDescriptor getDescriptor(); /** * Estimates the clock difference with this slave. * * @return * always non-null. * @throws InterruptedException * if the operation is aborted. */ public abstract ClockDifference getClockDifference() throws IOException, InterruptedException; /** * Constants that control how Hudson allocates jobs to slaves. */ public enum Mode { NORMAL(Messages.Node_Mode_NORMAL()), EXCLUSIVE(Messages.Node_Mode_EXCLUSIVE()); private final String description; public String getDescription() { return description; } public String getName() { return name(); } Mode(String description) { this.description = description; } static { Stapler.CONVERT_UTILS.register(new EnumConverter(), Mode.class); } } }