/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Sun Microsystems, Inc., Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Jorg Heymans, Red Hat, Inc., id:cactusman * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package hudson.matrix; import hudson.CopyOnWrite; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Util; import hudson.XmlFile; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers; import hudson.model.DependencyGraph; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.Descriptor.FormException; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Item; import hudson.model.ItemGroup; import hudson.model.Items; import hudson.model.JDK; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.Label; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.Queue.FlyweightTask; import hudson.model.ResourceController; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.SCMedItem; import hudson.model.Saveable; import hudson.model.TopLevelItem; import hudson.tasks.BuildStep; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrappers; import hudson.tasks.Builder; import hudson.tasks.Publisher; import hudson.triggers.Trigger; import hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap; import hudson.util.DescribableList; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.FormValidation.Kind; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.TokenList; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileFilter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static hudson.Util.*; /** * {@link Job} that allows you to run multiple different configurations * from a single setting. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class MatrixProject extends AbstractProject<MatrixProject,MatrixBuild> implements TopLevelItem, SCMedItem, ItemGroup<MatrixConfiguration>, Saveable, FlyweightTask, BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers { /** * Configuration axes. */ private volatile AxisList axes = new AxisList(); /** * The filter that is applied to combinations. It is a Groovy if condition. * This can be null, which means "true". * * @see #getCombinationFilter() */ private volatile String combinationFilter; /** * List of active {@link Builder}s configured for this project. */ private DescribableList<Builder,Descriptor<Builder>> builders = new DescribableList<Builder,Descriptor<Builder>>(this); /** * List of active {@link Publisher}s configured for this project. */ private DescribableList<Publisher,Descriptor<Publisher>> publishers = new DescribableList<Publisher,Descriptor<Publisher>>(this); /** * List of active {@link BuildWrapper}s configured for this project. */ private DescribableList<BuildWrapper,Descriptor<BuildWrapper>> buildWrappers = new DescribableList<BuildWrapper,Descriptor<BuildWrapper>>(this); /** * All {@link MatrixConfiguration}s, keyed by their {@link MatrixConfiguration#getName() names}. */ private transient /*final*/ Map<Combination,MatrixConfiguration> configurations = new CopyOnWriteMap.Tree<Combination,MatrixConfiguration>(); /** * @see #getActiveConfigurations() */ @CopyOnWrite private transient /*final*/ Set<MatrixConfiguration> activeConfigurations = new LinkedHashSet<MatrixConfiguration>(); private boolean runSequentially; /** * Filter to select a number of combinations to build first */ private String touchStoneCombinationFilter; /** * Required result on the touchstone combinations, in order to * continue with the rest */ private Result touchStoneResultCondition; /** * See {@link #setCustomWorkspace(String)}. */ private String customWorkspace; public MatrixProject(String name) { this(Hudson.getInstance(), name); } public MatrixProject(ItemGroup parent, String name) { super(parent, name); } public AxisList getAxes() { return axes; } /** * Reconfigures axes. */ public void setAxes(AxisList axes) throws IOException { this.axes = new AxisList(axes); rebuildConfigurations(); save(); } /** * If true, {@link MatrixRun}s are run sequentially, instead of running in parallel. * * TODO: this should be subsumed by {@link ResourceController}. */ public boolean isRunSequentially() { return runSequentially; } public void setRunSequentially(boolean runSequentially) throws IOException { this.runSequentially = runSequentially; save(); } /** * Sets the combination filter. * * @param combinationFilter the combinationFilter to set */ public void setCombinationFilter(String combinationFilter) throws IOException { this.combinationFilter = combinationFilter; rebuildConfigurations(); save(); } /** * Obtains the combination filter, used to trim down the size of the matrix. * * <p> * By default, a {@link MatrixConfiguration} is created for every possible combination of axes exhaustively. * But by specifying a Groovy expression as a combination filter, one can trim down the # of combinations built. * * <p> * Namely, this expression is evaluated for each axis value combination, and only when it evaluates to true, * a corresponding {@link MatrixConfiguration} will be created and built. * * @return can be null. * @since 1.279 */ public String getCombinationFilter() { return combinationFilter; } public String getTouchStoneCombinationFilter() { return touchStoneCombinationFilter; } public void setTouchStoneCombinationFilter( String touchStoneCombinationFilter) { this.touchStoneCombinationFilter = touchStoneCombinationFilter; } public Result getTouchStoneResultCondition() { return touchStoneResultCondition; } public void setTouchStoneResultCondition(Result touchStoneResultCondition) { this.touchStoneResultCondition = touchStoneResultCondition; } public String getCustomWorkspace() { return customWorkspace; } /** * User-specified workspace directory, or null if it's up to Hudson. * * <p> * Normally a matrix project uses the workspace location assigned by its parent container, * but sometimes people have builds that have hard-coded paths. * * <p> * This is not {@link File} because it may have to hold a path representation on another OS. * * <p> * If this path is relative, it's resolved against {@link Node#getRootPath()} on the node where this workspace * is prepared. */ public void setCustomWorkspace(String customWorkspace) throws IOException { this.customWorkspace= customWorkspace; } @Override protected List<Action> createTransientActions() { List<Action> r = super.createTransientActions(); for (BuildStep step : builders) r.addAll(step.getProjectActions(this)); for (BuildStep step : publishers) r.addAll(step.getProjectActions(this)); for (BuildWrapper step : buildWrappers) r.addAll(step.getProjectActions(this)); for (Trigger trigger : triggers) r.addAll(trigger.getProjectActions()); return r; } /** * Gets the subset of {@link AxisList} that are not system axes. * * @deprecated as of 1.373 * System vs user difference are generalized into extension point. */ public List<Axis> getUserAxes() { List<Axis> r = new ArrayList<Axis>(); for (Axis a : axes) if(!a.isSystem()) r.add(a); return r; } public Layouter<MatrixConfiguration> getLayouter() { return new Layouter<MatrixConfiguration>(axes) { protected MatrixConfiguration getT(Combination c) { return getItem(c); } }; } @Override public void onLoad(ItemGroup<? extends Item> parent, String name) throws IOException { super.onLoad(parent,name); Collections.sort(axes); // perhaps the file was edited on disk and the sort order might have been broken builders.setOwner(this); publishers.setOwner(this); buildWrappers.setOwner(this); rebuildConfigurations(); } @Override public void logRotate() throws IOException, InterruptedException { super.logRotate(); // perform the log rotation of inactive configurations to make sure // their logs get eventually discarded for (MatrixConfiguration config : configurations.values()) { if(!config.isActiveConfiguration()) config.logRotate(); } } /** * Recursively search for configuration and put them to the map * * <p> * The directory structure would be <tt>axis-a/b/axis-c/d/axis-e/f</tt> for * combination [a=b,c=d,e=f]. Note that two combinations [a=b,c=d] and [a=b,c=d,e=f] * can both co-exist (where one is an archived record and the other is live, for example) * so search needs to be thorough. * * @param dir * Directory to be searched. * @param result * Receives the loaded {@link MatrixConfiguration}s. * @param combination * Combination of key/values discovered so far while traversing the directories. * Read-only. */ private void loadConfigurations( File dir, CopyOnWriteMap.Tree<Combination,MatrixConfiguration> result, Map<String,String> combination ) { File[] axisDirs = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File child) { return child.isDirectory() && child.getName().startsWith("axis-"); } }); if(axisDirs==null) return; for (File subdir : axisDirs) { String axis = subdir.getName().substring(5); // axis name File[] valuesDir = subdir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File child) { return child.isDirectory(); } }); if(valuesDir==null) continue; // no values here for (File v : valuesDir) { Map<String,String> c = new HashMap<String, String>(combination); c.put(axis,TokenList.decode(v.getName())); try { XmlFile config = Items.getConfigFile(v); if(config.exists()) { Combination comb = new Combination(c); // if we already have this in memory, just use it. // otherwise load it MatrixConfiguration item=null; if(this.configurations!=null) item = this.configurations.get(comb); if(item==null) { item = (MatrixConfiguration) config.read(); item.setCombination(comb); item.onLoad(this, v.getName()); } result.put(item.getCombination(), item); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to load matrix configuration "+v,e); } loadConfigurations(v,result,c); } } } /** * Rebuilds the {@link #configurations} list and {@link #activeConfigurations}. */ private void rebuildConfigurations() throws IOException { { // backward compatibility check to see if there's any data in the old structure // if so, bring them to the newer structure. File[] oldDirs = getConfigurationsDir().listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File child) { return child.isDirectory() && !child.getName().startsWith("axis-"); } }); if(oldDirs!=null) { // rename the old directory to the new one for (File dir : oldDirs) { try { Combination c = Combination.fromString(dir.getName()); dir.renameTo(getRootDirFor(c)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // it's not a configuration dir. Just ignore. } } } } CopyOnWriteMap.Tree<Combination,MatrixConfiguration> configurations = new CopyOnWriteMap.Tree<Combination,MatrixConfiguration>(); loadConfigurations(getConfigurationsDir(),configurations,Collections.<String,String>emptyMap()); this.configurations = configurations; // find all active configurations Set<MatrixConfiguration> active = new LinkedHashSet<MatrixConfiguration>(); for (Combination c : axes.list()) { if(c.evalGroovyExpression(axes,combinationFilter)) { LOGGER.fine("Adding configuration: " + c); MatrixConfiguration config = configurations.get(c); if(config==null) { config = new MatrixConfiguration(this,c); config.save(); configurations.put(config.getCombination(), config); } active.add(config); } } this.activeConfigurations = active; } private File getConfigurationsDir() { return new File(getRootDir(),"configurations"); } /** * Gets all active configurations. * <p> * In contract, inactive configurations are those that are left for archival purpose * and no longer built when a new {@link MatrixBuild} is executed. */ public Collection<MatrixConfiguration> getActiveConfigurations() { return activeConfigurations; } public Collection<MatrixConfiguration> getItems() { return configurations.values(); } @Override public Collection<? extends Job> getAllJobs() { Set<Job> jobs = new HashSet<Job>(getItems()); jobs.add(this); return jobs; } public String getUrlChildPrefix() { return "."; } public MatrixConfiguration getItem(String name) { return getItem(Combination.fromString(name)); } public MatrixConfiguration getItem(Combination c) { return configurations.get(c); } public File getRootDirFor(MatrixConfiguration child) { return getRootDirFor(child.getCombination()); } public void onRenamed(MatrixConfiguration item, String oldName, String newName) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void onDeleted(MatrixConfiguration item) throws IOException { // noop } public File getRootDirFor(Combination combination) { File f = getConfigurationsDir(); for (Entry<String, String> e : combination.entrySet()) f = new File(f,"axis-"+e.getKey()+'/'+Util.rawEncode(e.getValue())); f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); return f; } /** * @see #getJDKs() */ @Override @Deprecated public JDK getJDK() { return super.getJDK(); } /** * Gets the {@link JDK}s where the builds will be run. * @return never null but can be empty */ public Set<JDK> getJDKs() { Axis a = axes.find("jdk"); if(a==null) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<JDK> r = new HashSet<JDK>(); for (String j : a) { JDK jdk = Hudson.getInstance().getJDK(j); if(jdk!=null) r.add(jdk); } return r; } /** * Gets the {@link Label}s where the builds will be run. * @return never null */ public Set<Label> getLabels() { Set<Label> r = new HashSet<Label>(); for (Combination c : axes.subList(LabelAxis.class).list()) r.add(Hudson.getInstance().getLabel(Util.join(c.values(),"&&"))); return r; } public List<Builder> getBuilders() { return builders.toList(); } public DescribableList<Builder,Descriptor<Builder>> getBuildersList() { return builders; } public Map<Descriptor<Publisher>,Publisher> getPublishers() { return publishers.toMap(); } public DescribableList<Publisher,Descriptor<Publisher>> getPublishersList() { return publishers; } public DescribableList<BuildWrapper, Descriptor<BuildWrapper>> getBuildWrappersList() { return buildWrappers; } public Map<Descriptor<BuildWrapper>,BuildWrapper> getBuildWrappers() { return buildWrappers.toMap(); } public Publisher getPublisher(Descriptor<Publisher> descriptor) { for (Publisher p : publishers) { if(p.getDescriptor()==descriptor) return p; } return null; } protected Class<MatrixBuild> getBuildClass() { return MatrixBuild.class; } public boolean isFingerprintConfigured() { return false; } protected void buildDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph graph) { publishers.buildDependencyGraph(this,graph); builders.buildDependencyGraph(this,graph); buildWrappers.buildDependencyGraph(this,graph); } public MatrixProject asProject() { return this; } @Override public Object getDynamic(String token, StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) { try { MatrixConfiguration item = getItem(token); if(item!=null) return item; } catch (IllegalArgumentException _) { // failed to parse the token as Combination. Must be something else } return super.getDynamic(token,req,rsp); } @Override protected void submit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { super.submit(req, rsp); JSONObject json = req.getSubmittedForm(); if(req.getParameter("hasCombinationFilter")!=null) { this.combinationFilter = Util.nullify(req.getParameter("combinationFilter")); } else { this.combinationFilter = null; } if (req.getParameter("hasTouchStoneCombinationFilter")!=null) { this.touchStoneCombinationFilter = Util.nullify(req.getParameter("touchStoneCombinationFilter")); String touchStoneResultCondition = req.getParameter("touchStoneResultCondition"); this.touchStoneResultCondition = Result.fromString(touchStoneResultCondition); } else { this.touchStoneCombinationFilter = null; } if(req.hasParameter("customWorkspace")) { customWorkspace = req.getParameter("customWorkspace.directory"); } else { customWorkspace = null; } // parse system axes DescribableList<Axis,AxisDescriptor> newAxes = new DescribableList<Axis,AxisDescriptor>(this); newAxes.rebuildHetero(req, json, Axis.all(),"axis"); checkAxisNames(newAxes); this.axes = new AxisList(newAxes.toList()); runSequentially = json.has("runSequentially"); buildWrappers.rebuild(req, json, BuildWrappers.getFor(this)); builders.rebuildHetero(req, json, Builder.all(), "builder"); publishers.rebuild(req, json, BuildStepDescriptor.filter(Publisher.all(),this.getClass())); rebuildConfigurations(); } /** * Verifies that Axis names are valid and unique. */ private void checkAxisNames(Iterable<Axis> newAxes) throws FormException { HashSet<String> axisNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (Axis a : newAxes) { FormValidation fv = a.getDescriptor().doCheckName(a.getName()); if (fv.kind!=Kind.OK) throw new FormException(Messages.MatrixProject_DuplicateAxisName(),fv,"axis.name"); if (axisNames.contains(a.getName())) throw new FormException(Messages.MatrixProject_DuplicateAxisName(),"axis.name"); axisNames.add(a.getName()); } } /** * Also delete all the workspaces of the configuration, too. */ @Override public HttpResponse doDoWipeOutWorkspace() throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException { HttpResponse rsp = super.doDoWipeOutWorkspace(); for (MatrixConfiguration c : configurations.values()) c.doDoWipeOutWorkspace(); return rsp; } public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return DESCRIPTOR; } @Extension public static final DescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl(); public static final class DescriptorImpl extends AbstractProjectDescriptor { public String getDisplayName() { return Messages.MatrixProject_DisplayName(); } public MatrixProject newInstance(ItemGroup parent, String name) { return new MatrixProject(parent,name); } /** * All {@link AxisDescriptor}s that contribute to the UI. */ public List<AxisDescriptor> getAxisDescriptors() { List<AxisDescriptor> r = new ArrayList<AxisDescriptor>(); for (AxisDescriptor d : Axis.all()) { if (d.isInstantiable()) r.add(d); } return r; } } private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(MatrixProject.class.getName()); }