package hudson.cli; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; /** * Creates a capacity-unlimited bi-directional {@link InputStream}/{@link OutputStream} pair over * HTTP, which is a request/response protocol. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class FullDuplexHttpStream { private final URL target; private final OutputStream output; private final InputStream input; public InputStream getInputStream() { return input; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return output; } public FullDuplexHttpStream(URL target) throws IOException { = target; String authorization = null; if (target.getUserInfo() != null) { authorization = new BASE64Encoder().encode(target.getUserInfo().getBytes()); } CrumbData crumbData = new CrumbData(); UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); // so that the server can correlate those two connections // server->client HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) target.openConnection(); con.setDoOutput(true); // request POST to avoid caching con.setRequestMethod("POST"); con.addRequestProperty("Session", uuid.toString()); con.addRequestProperty("Side","download"); if (authorization != null) { con.addRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + authorization); } if(crumbData.isValid) { con.addRequestProperty(crumbData.crumbName, crumbData.crumb); } con.getOutputStream().close(); input = con.getInputStream(); // make sure we hit the right URL if(con.getHeaderField("Hudson-Duplex")==null) throw new IOException(target+" doesn't look like Hudson"); // client->server uses chunked encoded POST for unlimited capacity. con = (HttpURLConnection) target.openConnection(); con.setDoOutput(true); // request POST con.setRequestMethod("POST"); con.setChunkedStreamingMode(0); con.setRequestProperty("Content-type","application/octet-stream"); con.addRequestProperty("Session", uuid.toString()); con.addRequestProperty("Side","upload"); if (authorization != null) { con.addRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Basic " + authorization); } if(crumbData.isValid) { con.addRequestProperty(crumbData.crumbName, crumbData.crumb); } output = con.getOutputStream(); } static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 1024; static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(FullDuplexHttpStream.class.getName()); private final class CrumbData { String crumbName; String crumb; boolean isValid; private CrumbData() { this.crumbName = ""; this.crumb = ""; this.isValid = false; getData(); } private void getData() { try { String base = createCrumbUrlBase(); crumbName = readData(base+"?xpath=/*/crumbRequestField/text()"); crumb = readData(base+"?xpath=/*/crumb/text()"); isValid = true; LOGGER.fine("Crumb data: "+crumbName+"="+crumb); } catch (IOException e) { // presumably this Hudson doesn't use crumb LOGGER.log(Level.FINE,"Failed to get crumb data",e); } } private String createCrumbUrlBase() { String url = target.toExternalForm(); return new StringBuilder(url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/cli"))).append("/crumbIssuer/api/xml/").toString(); } private String readData(String dest) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(dest).openConnection(); try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())); return reader.readLine(); } finally { con.disconnect(); } } } }