package com.knowgate.syndication.crawler; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.sql.SQLException; import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB; import com.knowgate.clocial.UserAccount; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.knowgate.misc.Gadgets; import com.knowgate.misc.NameValuePair; import com.knowgate.syndication.SyndSearch; import com.knowgate.syndication.SyndSearchRequest; import com.knowgate.syndication.crawler.SearchRunner; import; import com.sun.syndication.fetcher.FetcherException; public class EntrySearcher { public static RecordSet search(Manager oStorMngr, String[] aQrys, NameValuePair[] aParams, String sGuAcc, int iMaxResults) throws NullPointerException,StorageException,InstantiationException, FeedException,FetcherException,IOException { final Date dtNow = new Date(); final int nQrys = aQrys.length; final long lStartTime = dtNow.getTime(); RecordSet oRetSet, oMinSet; RecordSet[] aRetSet = new RecordSet[nQrys]; DataSource oDts = null; Table oTbl = null; SyndSearch oSs; if (null==aQrys) throw new NullPointerException(" query string may not be null"); else if (aQrys[0].length()==0) throw new NullPointerException(" query string may not an empty string"); try { boolean bNewSearch = false; oDts = oStorMngr.getDataSource(); oSs = new SyndSearch(oDts); for (int q=0; q<nQrys; q++) { if (oStorMngr.exists(DB.k_syndsearches, aQrys[q])) { // ****************************************** // Update last request and number of requests oSs = new SyndSearch(oDts); oTbl = oDts.openTable(oSs); oSs.load(oTbl, aQrys[q]); oSs.put("dt_last_request", dtNow); oSs.put("nu_requests", oSs.getInt("nu_requests")+1);; oTbl.close(); oTbl=null; } else { bNewSearch = true; // ************************* // Create new search request oSs = new SyndSearch(oDts,Gadgets.left(aQrys[q], 254), dtNow, 0, null, 0, 0);, true); SearchRunner oRun = new SearchRunner(aQrys[q], oStorMngr.getProperties());; } } // next oTbl = oDts.openTable(DB.k_syndentries, new String[]{"tx_sought"}); if (aParams==null) { for (int q=0; q<nQrys; q++) aRetSet[q] = oTbl.fetch("tx_sought", aQrys[q], iMaxResults); } else { NameValuePair[] aWhere = Arrays.copyOf(aParams, aParams.length+1); for (int q=0; q<nQrys; q++) { aWhere[aParams.length] = new NameValuePair("tx_sought", aQrys[q]); aRetSet[q] = oTbl.fetch(aWhere, iMaxResults); } // next } // fi oTbl.close(); oTbl=null; if (sGuAcc!=null) { oTbl = oDts.openTable(DB.k_user_accounts); UserAccount oAcc = new UserAccount(oDts); oAcc.load(oTbl, sGuAcc); for (int q=0; q<nQrys; q++) oAcc.pushSearch(aQrys[q]); oTbl.close(); oTbl=null;, false); } for (int q=0; q<nQrys; q++) SyndSearchRequest(oDts, aQrys[q], dtNow, (int) (new Date().getTime()-lStartTime), sGuAcc), false);; if (1==nQrys) { oRetSet = aRetSet[0]; } else { int iSmallestResultSetQry = 0; int iSmallestResultSetLen = 2147483647; for (int q=0; q<nQrys; q++) { if (aRetSet[q].size()<iSmallestResultSetLen) { iSmallestResultSetQry = q; iSmallestResultSetLen = aRetSet[q].size(); } } // next oMinSet = aRetSet[iSmallestResultSetQry]; oRetSet = new RecordList(iSmallestResultSetLen); for (int r=0; r<iSmallestResultSetLen; r++) { boolean bIsIntersected = true; for (int q=0; q<nQrys && bIsIntersected; q++) { if (q!=iSmallestResultSetQry) bIsIntersected &= (aRetSet[q].find("uri_entry", oMinSet.get(r).getString("uri_entry"))>=0); } // next if (bIsIntersected) oRetSet.add(oMinSet.get(r)); } // next } // fi oRetSet.sortDesc("dt_published"); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { throw new StorageException(ie.getMessage(), ie); } catch (SQLException se) { throw new StorageException(se.getMessage(), se); } finally { if (oTbl!=null) { try { oTbl.close(); } catch (Exception xcpt) {} } if (oStorMngr!=null && oDts!=null); } return oRetSet; } // search public static RecordSet search(Manager oStorMngr, String sQry, String sGuAcc, int iMaxResults) throws NullPointerException,StorageException,InstantiationException, FeedException,FetcherException,IOException { return search(oStorMngr, new String[]{sQry}, null, sGuAcc, iMaxResults); } public static RecordSet referers(Manager oStorMngr, String sDomain) throws NullPointerException,StorageException,InstantiationException, FeedException,FetcherException,IOException { RecordSet oRetSet; if (null==sDomain) throw new NullPointerException("EntrySearcher.referers() domain may not be null"); else if (sDomain.length()==0) throw new NullPointerException("EntrySearcher.referers() domain may not an empty string"); try { oRetSet = oStorMngr.fetch(DB.k_syndreferers, DB.url_domain, sDomain); oRetSet.sort("nu_entries"); } catch (InstantiationException ie) { throw new StorageException(ie.getMessage(), ie); } return oRetSet; } // referers public static String searchXML(Manager oStorMngr, String sQry, String sGuAcc, String sDateFormat, int iMaxResults, int iOffset, boolean bReloadXMLCache) throws StorageException,InstantiationException,FeedException,FetcherException,IOException { String sRetVal = null; if (iMaxResults<=100 && iOffset==0 && !bReloadXMLCache) { Record oSs = oStorMngr.load(DB.k_syndsearches, sQry); if (oSs!=null) { if (!oSs.isNull("xml_recent")) { if (oSs.isNull("dt_last_request") || oSs.isNull("dt_last_run")) bReloadXMLCache = true; else if (oSs.getDate("dt_last_run").compareTo(oSs.getDate("dt_last_request"))>0) bReloadXMLCache = true; else sRetVal = oSs.getString("xml_recent"); // ****************************************** // Update last request and number of requests oSs.put("dt_last_request", new Date()); oSs.put("nu_requests", oSs.getInt("nu_requests")+1);, false); } } } // fi if (null==sRetVal || bReloadXMLCache) { RecordSet oRst = search(oStorMngr, sQry, sGuAcc, iMaxResults); sRetVal = SearchRunner.recordSetToXML(oRst, sDateFormat, iMaxResults, iOffset); } return sRetVal; } // searchXML public static String searchXML(Manager oStorMngr, String[] aQrys, NameValuePair[] aParams, String sGuAcc, String sDateFormat, int iMaxResults, int iOffset, boolean bReloadXMLCache) throws StorageException,InstantiationException,FeedException,FetcherException,IOException { String sRetVal = null; if (null==sRetVal || bReloadXMLCache) { RecordSet oRst = search(oStorMngr, aQrys, aParams, sGuAcc, iMaxResults); sRetVal = SearchRunner.recordSetToXML(oRst, sDateFormat, iMaxResults, iOffset); } return sRetVal; } // searchXML }