package org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model; /* Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of HL7 nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Generated on Sun, May 8, 2016 03:05+1000 for FHIR v1.4.0 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseDatatypeElement; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.ICompositeType; import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Block; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Child; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.DatatypeDef; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Description; /** * The ModuleMetadata structure defines the common metadata elements used by quality improvement artifacts. This information includes descriptive and topical metadata to enable repository searches, as well as governance and evidentiary support information. */ @DatatypeDef(name="ModuleMetadata") public class ModuleMetadata extends Type implements ICompositeType { public enum ModuleMetadataType { /** * The resource is a description of a knowledge module */ MODULE, /** * The resource is a shareable library of formalized knowledge */ LIBRARY, /** * An Event-Condition-Action Rule Artifact */ DECISIONSUPPORTRULE, /** * A Documentation Template Artifact */ DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE, /** * An Order Set Artifact */ ORDERSET, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static ModuleMetadataType fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("module".equals(codeString)) return MODULE; if ("library".equals(codeString)) return LIBRARY; if ("decision-support-rule".equals(codeString)) return DECISIONSUPPORTRULE; if ("documentation-template".equals(codeString)) return DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE; if ("order-set".equals(codeString)) return ORDERSET; throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case MODULE: return "module"; case LIBRARY: return "library"; case DECISIONSUPPORTRULE: return "decision-support-rule"; case DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE: return "documentation-template"; case ORDERSET: return "order-set"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case MODULE: return ""; case LIBRARY: return ""; case DECISIONSUPPORTRULE: return ""; case DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE: return ""; case ORDERSET: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case MODULE: return "The resource is a description of a knowledge module"; case LIBRARY: return "The resource is a shareable library of formalized knowledge"; case DECISIONSUPPORTRULE: return "An Event-Condition-Action Rule Artifact"; case DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE: return "A Documentation Template Artifact"; case ORDERSET: return "An Order Set Artifact"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case MODULE: return "Module"; case LIBRARY: return "Library"; case DECISIONSUPPORTRULE: return "Decision Support Rule"; case DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE: return "Documentation Template"; case ORDERSET: return "Order Set"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class ModuleMetadataTypeEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<ModuleMetadataType> { public ModuleMetadataType fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("module".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataType.MODULE; if ("library".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataType.LIBRARY; if ("decision-support-rule".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataType.DECISIONSUPPORTRULE; if ("documentation-template".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataType.DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE; if ("order-set".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataType.ORDERSET; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ModuleMetadataType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("module".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType>(this, ModuleMetadataType.MODULE); if ("library".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType>(this, ModuleMetadataType.LIBRARY); if ("decision-support-rule".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType>(this, ModuleMetadataType.DECISIONSUPPORTRULE); if ("documentation-template".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType>(this, ModuleMetadataType.DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE); if ("order-set".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType>(this, ModuleMetadataType.ORDERSET); throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(ModuleMetadataType code) { if (code == ModuleMetadataType.MODULE) return "module"; if (code == ModuleMetadataType.LIBRARY) return "library"; if (code == ModuleMetadataType.DECISIONSUPPORTRULE) return "decision-support-rule"; if (code == ModuleMetadataType.DOCUMENTATIONTEMPLATE) return "documentation-template"; if (code == ModuleMetadataType.ORDERSET) return "order-set"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(ModuleMetadataType code) { return code.getSystem(); } } public enum ModuleMetadataStatus { /** * The module is in draft state */ DRAFT, /** * The module is active */ ACTIVE, /** * The module is inactive, either rejected before publication, or retired after publication */ INACTIVE, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static ModuleMetadataStatus fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("draft".equals(codeString)) return DRAFT; if ("active".equals(codeString)) return ACTIVE; if ("inactive".equals(codeString)) return INACTIVE; throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case DRAFT: return "draft"; case ACTIVE: return "active"; case INACTIVE: return "inactive"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case DRAFT: return ""; case ACTIVE: return ""; case INACTIVE: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case DRAFT: return "The module is in draft state"; case ACTIVE: return "The module is active"; case INACTIVE: return "The module is inactive, either rejected before publication, or retired after publication"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case DRAFT: return "Draft"; case ACTIVE: return "Active"; case INACTIVE: return "Inactive"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class ModuleMetadataStatusEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<ModuleMetadataStatus> { public ModuleMetadataStatus fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("draft".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataStatus.DRAFT; if ("active".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataStatus.ACTIVE; if ("inactive".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataStatus.INACTIVE; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ModuleMetadataStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("draft".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus>(this, ModuleMetadataStatus.DRAFT); if ("active".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus>(this, ModuleMetadataStatus.ACTIVE); if ("inactive".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus>(this, ModuleMetadataStatus.INACTIVE); throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataStatus code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(ModuleMetadataStatus code) { if (code == ModuleMetadataStatus.DRAFT) return "draft"; if (code == ModuleMetadataStatus.ACTIVE) return "active"; if (code == ModuleMetadataStatus.INACTIVE) return "inactive"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(ModuleMetadataStatus code) { return code.getSystem(); } } public enum ModuleMetadataContributorType { /** * An author of the content of the module */ AUTHOR, /** * An editor of the content of the module */ EDITOR, /** * A reviewer of the content of the module */ REVIEWER, /** * An endorser of the content of the module */ ENDORSER, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static ModuleMetadataContributorType fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("author".equals(codeString)) return AUTHOR; if ("editor".equals(codeString)) return EDITOR; if ("reviewer".equals(codeString)) return REVIEWER; if ("endorser".equals(codeString)) return ENDORSER; throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataContributorType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case AUTHOR: return "author"; case EDITOR: return "editor"; case REVIEWER: return "reviewer"; case ENDORSER: return "endorser"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case AUTHOR: return ""; case EDITOR: return ""; case REVIEWER: return ""; case ENDORSER: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case AUTHOR: return "An author of the content of the module"; case EDITOR: return "An editor of the content of the module"; case REVIEWER: return "A reviewer of the content of the module"; case ENDORSER: return "An endorser of the content of the module"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case AUTHOR: return "Author"; case EDITOR: return "Editor"; case REVIEWER: return "Reviewer"; case ENDORSER: return "Endorser"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class ModuleMetadataContributorTypeEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<ModuleMetadataContributorType> { public ModuleMetadataContributorType fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("author".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataContributorType.AUTHOR; if ("editor".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataContributorType.EDITOR; if ("reviewer".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataContributorType.REVIEWER; if ("endorser".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataContributorType.ENDORSER; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ModuleMetadataContributorType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("author".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType>(this, ModuleMetadataContributorType.AUTHOR); if ("editor".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType>(this, ModuleMetadataContributorType.EDITOR); if ("reviewer".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType>(this, ModuleMetadataContributorType.REVIEWER); if ("endorser".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType>(this, ModuleMetadataContributorType.ENDORSER); throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataContributorType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(ModuleMetadataContributorType code) { if (code == ModuleMetadataContributorType.AUTHOR) return "author"; if (code == ModuleMetadataContributorType.EDITOR) return "editor"; if (code == ModuleMetadataContributorType.REVIEWER) return "reviewer"; if (code == ModuleMetadataContributorType.ENDORSER) return "endorser"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(ModuleMetadataContributorType code) { return code.getSystem(); } } public enum ModuleMetadataResourceType { /** * Additional documentation for the module. This would include additional instructions on usage as well additional information on clinical context or appropriateness */ DOCUMENTATION, /** * A summary of the justification for the artifact including supporting evidence, relevant guidelines, or other clinically important information. This information is intended to provide a way to make the justification for the module available to the consumer of interventions or results produced by the artifact */ JUSTIFICATION, /** * Bibliographic citation for papers, references, or other relevant material for the module. This is intended to allow for citation of related material, but that was not necessarily specifically prepared in connection with this module */ CITATION, /** * The previous version of the module */ PREDECESSOR, /** * The next version of the module */ SUCCESSOR, /** * The module is derived from the resource. This is intended to capture the relationship when a particular module is based on the content of another module, but is modified to capture either a different set of overall requirements, or a more specific set of requirements such as those involved in a particular institution or clinical setting */ DERIVEDFROM, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static ModuleMetadataResourceType fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("documentation".equals(codeString)) return DOCUMENTATION; if ("justification".equals(codeString)) return JUSTIFICATION; if ("citation".equals(codeString)) return CITATION; if ("predecessor".equals(codeString)) return PREDECESSOR; if ("successor".equals(codeString)) return SUCCESSOR; if ("derived-from".equals(codeString)) return DERIVEDFROM; throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataResourceType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case DOCUMENTATION: return "documentation"; case JUSTIFICATION: return "justification"; case CITATION: return "citation"; case PREDECESSOR: return "predecessor"; case SUCCESSOR: return "successor"; case DERIVEDFROM: return "derived-from"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case DOCUMENTATION: return ""; case JUSTIFICATION: return ""; case CITATION: return ""; case PREDECESSOR: return ""; case SUCCESSOR: return ""; case DERIVEDFROM: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case DOCUMENTATION: return "Additional documentation for the module. This would include additional instructions on usage as well additional information on clinical context or appropriateness"; case JUSTIFICATION: return "A summary of the justification for the artifact including supporting evidence, relevant guidelines, or other clinically important information. This information is intended to provide a way to make the justification for the module available to the consumer of interventions or results produced by the artifact"; case CITATION: return "Bibliographic citation for papers, references, or other relevant material for the module. This is intended to allow for citation of related material, but that was not necessarily specifically prepared in connection with this module"; case PREDECESSOR: return "The previous version of the module"; case SUCCESSOR: return "The next version of the module"; case DERIVEDFROM: return "The module is derived from the resource. This is intended to capture the relationship when a particular module is based on the content of another module, but is modified to capture either a different set of overall requirements, or a more specific set of requirements such as those involved in a particular institution or clinical setting"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case DOCUMENTATION: return "Documentation"; case JUSTIFICATION: return "Justification"; case CITATION: return "Citation"; case PREDECESSOR: return "Predecessor"; case SUCCESSOR: return "Successor"; case DERIVEDFROM: return "Derived From"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class ModuleMetadataResourceTypeEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<ModuleMetadataResourceType> { public ModuleMetadataResourceType fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("documentation".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataResourceType.DOCUMENTATION; if ("justification".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataResourceType.JUSTIFICATION; if ("citation".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataResourceType.CITATION; if ("predecessor".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataResourceType.PREDECESSOR; if ("successor".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataResourceType.SUCCESSOR; if ("derived-from".equals(codeString)) return ModuleMetadataResourceType.DERIVEDFROM; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown ModuleMetadataResourceType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("documentation".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(this, ModuleMetadataResourceType.DOCUMENTATION); if ("justification".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(this, ModuleMetadataResourceType.JUSTIFICATION); if ("citation".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(this, ModuleMetadataResourceType.CITATION); if ("predecessor".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(this, ModuleMetadataResourceType.PREDECESSOR); if ("successor".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(this, ModuleMetadataResourceType.SUCCESSOR); if ("derived-from".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(this, ModuleMetadataResourceType.DERIVEDFROM); throw new FHIRException("Unknown ModuleMetadataResourceType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(ModuleMetadataResourceType code) { if (code == ModuleMetadataResourceType.DOCUMENTATION) return "documentation"; if (code == ModuleMetadataResourceType.JUSTIFICATION) return "justification"; if (code == ModuleMetadataResourceType.CITATION) return "citation"; if (code == ModuleMetadataResourceType.PREDECESSOR) return "predecessor"; if (code == ModuleMetadataResourceType.SUCCESSOR) return "successor"; if (code == ModuleMetadataResourceType.DERIVEDFROM) return "derived-from"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(ModuleMetadataResourceType code) { return code.getSystem(); } } @Block() public static class ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent extends Element implements IBaseDatatypeElement { /** * Specifies the focus of the coverage attribute. */ @Child(name = "focus", type = {Coding.class}, order=1, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="patient-gender | patient-age-group | clinical-focus | target-user | workflow-setting | workflow-task | clinical-venue | jurisdiction", formalDefinition="Specifies the focus of the coverage attribute." ) protected Coding focus; /** * Provides a value for the coverage attribute. Different values are appropriate in different focus areas, as specified in the description of values for focus. */ @Child(name = "value", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=2, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Value of the coverage attribute", formalDefinition="Provides a value for the coverage attribute. Different values are appropriate in different focus areas, as specified in the description of values for focus." ) protected CodeableConcept value; private static final long serialVersionUID = 65126300L; /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent(Coding focus, CodeableConcept value) { super(); this.focus = focus; this.value = value; } /** * @return {@link #focus} (Specifies the focus of the coverage attribute.) */ public Coding getFocus() { if (this.focus == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent.focus"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.focus = new Coding(); // cc return this.focus; } public boolean hasFocus() { return this.focus != null && !this.focus.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #focus} (Specifies the focus of the coverage attribute.) */ public ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent setFocus(Coding value) { this.focus = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #value} (Provides a value for the coverage attribute. Different values are appropriate in different focus areas, as specified in the description of values for focus.) */ public CodeableConcept getValue() { if (this.value == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent.value"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.value = new CodeableConcept(); // cc return this.value; } public boolean hasValue() { return this.value != null && !this.value.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #value} (Provides a value for the coverage attribute. Different values are appropriate in different focus areas, as specified in the description of values for focus.) */ public ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent setValue(CodeableConcept value) { this.value = value; return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("focus", "Coding", "Specifies the focus of the coverage attribute.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, focus)); childrenList.add(new Property("value", "CodeableConcept", "Provides a value for the coverage attribute. Different values are appropriate in different focus areas, as specified in the description of values for focus.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, value)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 97604824: /*focus*/ return this.focus == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.focus}; // Coding case 111972721: /*value*/ return this.value == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.value}; // CodeableConcept default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 97604824: // focus this.focus = castToCoding(value); // Coding break; case 111972721: // value this.value = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("focus")) this.focus = castToCoding(value); // Coding else if (name.equals("value")) this.value = castToCodeableConcept(value); // CodeableConcept else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 97604824: return getFocus(); // Coding case 111972721: return getValue(); // CodeableConcept default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("focus")) { this.focus = new Coding(); return this.focus; } else if (name.equals("value")) { this.value = new CodeableConcept(); return this.value; } else return super.addChild(name); } public ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent copy() { ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent dst = new ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.focus = focus == null ? null : focus.copy(); dst.value = value == null ? null : value.copy(); return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent o = (ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent) other; return compareDeep(focus, o.focus, true) && compareDeep(value, o.value, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent o = (ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent) other; return true; } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (focus == null || focus.isEmpty()) && (value == null || value.isEmpty()) ; } public String fhirType() { return "ModuleMetadata.coverage"; } } @Block() public static class ModuleMetadataContributorComponent extends Element implements IBaseDatatypeElement { /** * The type of contributor. */ @Child(name = "type", type = {CodeType.class}, order=1, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="author | editor | reviewer | endorser", formalDefinition="The type of contributor." ) protected Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> type; /** * The name of the individual or organization responsible for the contribution. */ @Child(name = "name", type = {StringType.class}, order=2, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Name of the contributor", formalDefinition="The name of the individual or organization responsible for the contribution." ) protected StringType name; /** * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the contributor. */ @Child(name = "contact", type = {}, order=3, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Contact details of the contributor", formalDefinition="Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the contributor." ) protected List<ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent> contact; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1033333886L; /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent(Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> type, StringType name) { super(); this.type = type; = name; } /** * @return {@link #type} (The type of contributor.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> getTypeElement() { if (this.type == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadataContributorComponent.type"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.type = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType>(new ModuleMetadataContributorTypeEnumFactory()); // bb return this.type; } public boolean hasTypeElement() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasType() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #type} (The type of contributor.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent setTypeElement(Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> value) { this.type = value; return this; } /** * @return The type of contributor. */ public ModuleMetadataContributorType getType() { return this.type == null ? null : this.type.getValue(); } /** * @param value The type of contributor. */ public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent setType(ModuleMetadataContributorType value) { if (this.type == null) this.type = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType>(new ModuleMetadataContributorTypeEnumFactory()); this.type.setValue(value); return this; } /** * @return {@link #name} (The name of the individual or organization responsible for the contribution.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getNameElement() { if ( == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) = new StringType(); // bb return; } public boolean hasNameElement() { return != null && !; } public boolean hasName() { return != null && !; } /** * @param value {@link #name} (The name of the individual or organization responsible for the contribution.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent setNameElement(StringType value) { = value; return this; } /** * @return The name of the individual or organization responsible for the contribution. */ public String getName() { return == null ? null :; } /** * @param value The name of the individual or organization responsible for the contribution. */ public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent setName(String value) { if ( == null) = new StringType();; return this; } /** * @return {@link #contact} (Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the contributor.) */ public List<ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent> getContact() { if ( == null) = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent>(); return; } public boolean hasContact() { if ( == null) return false; for (ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent item : if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #contact} (Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the contributor.) */ // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent addContact() { //3 ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent t = new ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent(); if ( == null) = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent>();; return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent addContact(ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if ( == null) = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent>();; return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("type", "code", "The type of contributor.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, type)); childrenList.add(new Property("name", "string", "The name of the individual or organization responsible for the contribution.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, name)); childrenList.add(new Property("contact", "", "Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the contributor.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, contact)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: /*type*/ return this.type == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.type}; // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> case 3373707: /*name*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {}; // StringType case 951526432: /*contact*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : Base[]); // ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: // type this.type = new ModuleMetadataContributorTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> break; case 3373707: // name = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 951526432: // contact this.getContact().add((ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent) value); // ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("type")) this.type = new ModuleMetadataContributorTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> else if (name.equals("name")) = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("contact")) this.getContact().add((ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent) value); else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property type as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataContributorType> case 3373707: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property name as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 951526432: return addContact(); // ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("type")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.type"); } else if (name.equals("name")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type"); } else if (name.equals("contact")) { return addContact(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent copy() { ModuleMetadataContributorComponent dst = new ModuleMetadataContributorComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy(); = name == null ? null : name.copy(); if (contact != null) { = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent>(); for (ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent i : contact); }; return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataContributorComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataContributorComponent o = (ModuleMetadataContributorComponent) other; return compareDeep(type, o.type, true) && compareDeep(name,, true) && compareDeep(contact,, true) ; } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataContributorComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataContributorComponent o = (ModuleMetadataContributorComponent) other; return compareValues(type, o.type, true) && compareValues(name,, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (type == null || type.isEmpty()) && (name == null || name.isEmpty()) && (contact == null || contact.isEmpty()); } public String fhirType() { return "ModuleMetadata.contributor"; } } @Block() public static class ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent extends Element implements IBaseDatatypeElement { /** * The name of an individual to contact regarding the contribution. */ @Child(name = "name", type = {StringType.class}, order=1, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Name of an individual to contact", formalDefinition="The name of an individual to contact regarding the contribution." ) protected StringType name; /** * Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the contributor. */ @Child(name = "telecom", type = {ContactPoint.class}, order=2, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Contact details for an individual or contributor", formalDefinition="Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the contributor." ) protected List<ContactPoint> telecom; private static final long serialVersionUID = -1179697803L; /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent() { super(); } /** * @return {@link #name} (The name of an individual to contact regarding the contribution.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getNameElement() { if ( == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) = new StringType(); // bb return; } public boolean hasNameElement() { return != null && !; } public boolean hasName() { return != null && !; } /** * @param value {@link #name} (The name of an individual to contact regarding the contribution.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent setNameElement(StringType value) { = value; return this; } /** * @return The name of an individual to contact regarding the contribution. */ public String getName() { return == null ? null :; } /** * @param value The name of an individual to contact regarding the contribution. */ public ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent setName(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) = null; else { if ( == null) = new StringType();; } return this; } /** * @return {@link #telecom} (Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the contributor.) */ public List<ContactPoint> getTelecom() { if (this.telecom == null) this.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); return this.telecom; } public boolean hasTelecom() { if (this.telecom == null) return false; for (ContactPoint item : this.telecom) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #telecom} (Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the contributor.) */ // syntactic sugar public ContactPoint addTelecom() { //3 ContactPoint t = new ContactPoint(); if (this.telecom == null) this.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); this.telecom.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent addTelecom(ContactPoint t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.telecom == null) this.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); this.telecom.add(t); return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("name", "string", "The name of an individual to contact regarding the contribution.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, name)); childrenList.add(new Property("telecom", "ContactPoint", "Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the contributor.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, telecom)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3373707: /*name*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {}; // StringType case -1429363305: /*telecom*/ return this.telecom == null ? new Base[0] : this.telecom.toArray(new Base[this.telecom.size()]); // ContactPoint default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3373707: // name = castToString(value); // StringType break; case -1429363305: // telecom this.getTelecom().add(castToContactPoint(value)); // ContactPoint break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("name")) = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("telecom")) this.getTelecom().add(castToContactPoint(value)); else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3373707: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property name as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case -1429363305: return addTelecom(); // ContactPoint default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("name")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type"); } else if (name.equals("telecom")) { return addTelecom(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent copy() { ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent dst = new ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent(); copyValues(dst); = name == null ? null : name.copy(); if (telecom != null) { dst.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); for (ContactPoint i : telecom) dst.telecom.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent o = (ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent) other; return compareDeep(name,, true) && compareDeep(telecom, o.telecom, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent o = (ModuleMetadataContributorContactComponent) other; return compareValues(name,, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (name == null || name.isEmpty()) && (telecom == null || telecom.isEmpty()) ; } public String fhirType() { return ""; } } @Block() public static class ModuleMetadataContactComponent extends Element implements IBaseDatatypeElement { /** * The name of an individual to contact regarding the module. */ @Child(name = "name", type = {StringType.class}, order=1, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Name of an individual to contact", formalDefinition="The name of an individual to contact regarding the module." ) protected StringType name; /** * Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher. */ @Child(name = "telecom", type = {ContactPoint.class}, order=2, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Contact details for an individual or publisher", formalDefinition="Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher." ) protected List<ContactPoint> telecom; private static final long serialVersionUID = -1179697803L; /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataContactComponent() { super(); } /** * @return {@link #name} (The name of an individual to contact regarding the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getNameElement() { if ( == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) = new StringType(); // bb return; } public boolean hasNameElement() { return != null && !; } public boolean hasName() { return != null && !; } /** * @param value {@link #name} (The name of an individual to contact regarding the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadataContactComponent setNameElement(StringType value) { = value; return this; } /** * @return The name of an individual to contact regarding the module. */ public String getName() { return == null ? null :; } /** * @param value The name of an individual to contact regarding the module. */ public ModuleMetadataContactComponent setName(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) = null; else { if ( == null) = new StringType();; } return this; } /** * @return {@link #telecom} (Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher.) */ public List<ContactPoint> getTelecom() { if (this.telecom == null) this.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); return this.telecom; } public boolean hasTelecom() { if (this.telecom == null) return false; for (ContactPoint item : this.telecom) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #telecom} (Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher.) */ // syntactic sugar public ContactPoint addTelecom() { //3 ContactPoint t = new ContactPoint(); if (this.telecom == null) this.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); this.telecom.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataContactComponent addTelecom(ContactPoint t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.telecom == null) this.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); this.telecom.add(t); return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("name", "string", "The name of an individual to contact regarding the module.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, name)); childrenList.add(new Property("telecom", "ContactPoint", "Contact details for the individual (if a name was provided) or the publisher.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, telecom)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3373707: /*name*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {}; // StringType case -1429363305: /*telecom*/ return this.telecom == null ? new Base[0] : this.telecom.toArray(new Base[this.telecom.size()]); // ContactPoint default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3373707: // name = castToString(value); // StringType break; case -1429363305: // telecom this.getTelecom().add(castToContactPoint(value)); // ContactPoint break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("name")) = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("telecom")) this.getTelecom().add(castToContactPoint(value)); else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3373707: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property name as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case -1429363305: return addTelecom(); // ContactPoint default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("name")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type"); } else if (name.equals("telecom")) { return addTelecom(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public ModuleMetadataContactComponent copy() { ModuleMetadataContactComponent dst = new ModuleMetadataContactComponent(); copyValues(dst); = name == null ? null : name.copy(); if (telecom != null) { dst.telecom = new ArrayList<ContactPoint>(); for (ContactPoint i : telecom) dst.telecom.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataContactComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataContactComponent o = (ModuleMetadataContactComponent) other; return compareDeep(name,, true) && compareDeep(telecom, o.telecom, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataContactComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataContactComponent o = (ModuleMetadataContactComponent) other; return compareValues(name,, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (name == null || name.isEmpty()) && (telecom == null || telecom.isEmpty()) ; } public String fhirType() { return ""; } } @Block() public static class ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent extends Element implements IBaseDatatypeElement { /** * The type of related resource. */ @Child(name = "type", type = {CodeType.class}, order=1, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="documentation | justification | citation | predecessor | successor | derived-from", formalDefinition="The type of related resource." ) protected Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> type; /** * The document being referenced, represented as an attachment. This is exclusive with the resource element. */ @Child(name = "document", type = {Attachment.class}, order=2, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="The related document", formalDefinition="The document being referenced, represented as an attachment. This is exclusive with the resource element." ) protected Attachment document; /** * The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module. */ @Child(name = "resource", type = {}, order=3, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="The related resource", formalDefinition="The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module." ) protected Reference resource; /** * The actual object that is the target of the reference (The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module.) */ protected Resource resourceTarget; private static final long serialVersionUID = -1400982664L; /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent(Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> type) { super(); this.type = type; } /** * @return {@link #type} (The type of related resource.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> getTypeElement() { if (this.type == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent.type"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.type = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(new ModuleMetadataResourceTypeEnumFactory()); // bb return this.type; } public boolean hasTypeElement() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasType() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #type} (The type of related resource.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent setTypeElement(Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> value) { this.type = value; return this; } /** * @return The type of related resource. */ public ModuleMetadataResourceType getType() { return this.type == null ? null : this.type.getValue(); } /** * @param value The type of related resource. */ public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent setType(ModuleMetadataResourceType value) { if (this.type == null) this.type = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType>(new ModuleMetadataResourceTypeEnumFactory()); this.type.setValue(value); return this; } /** * @return {@link #document} (The document being referenced, represented as an attachment. This is exclusive with the resource element.) */ public Attachment getDocument() { if (this.document == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent.document"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.document = new Attachment(); // cc return this.document; } public boolean hasDocument() { return this.document != null && !this.document.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #document} (The document being referenced, represented as an attachment. This is exclusive with the resource element.) */ public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent setDocument(Attachment value) { this.document = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #resource} (The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module.) */ public Reference getResource() { if (this.resource == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent.resource"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.resource = new Reference(); // cc return this.resource; } public boolean hasResource() { return this.resource != null && !this.resource.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #resource} (The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module.) */ public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent setResource(Reference value) { this.resource = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #resource} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't populate this, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module.) */ public Resource getResourceTarget() { return this.resourceTarget; } /** * @param value {@link #resource} The actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't use these, but you can use it to hold the resource if you resolve it. (The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module.) */ public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent setResourceTarget(Resource value) { this.resourceTarget = value; return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("type", "code", "The type of related resource.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, type)); childrenList.add(new Property("document", "Attachment", "The document being referenced, represented as an attachment. This is exclusive with the resource element.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, document)); childrenList.add(new Property("resource", "Reference(Any)", "The related resource, such as a library, value set, profile, or other module.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, resource)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: /*type*/ return this.type == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.type}; // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> case 861720859: /*document*/ return this.document == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.document}; // Attachment case -341064690: /*resource*/ return this.resource == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.resource}; // Reference default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: // type this.type = new ModuleMetadataResourceTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> break; case 861720859: // document this.document = castToAttachment(value); // Attachment break; case -341064690: // resource this.resource = castToReference(value); // Reference break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("type")) this.type = new ModuleMetadataResourceTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> else if (name.equals("document")) this.document = castToAttachment(value); // Attachment else if (name.equals("resource")) this.resource = castToReference(value); // Reference else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property type as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataResourceType> case 861720859: return getDocument(); // Attachment case -341064690: return getResource(); // Reference default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("type")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.type"); } else if (name.equals("document")) { this.document = new Attachment(); return this.document; } else if (name.equals("resource")) { this.resource = new Reference(); return this.resource; } else return super.addChild(name); } public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent copy() { ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent dst = new ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy(); dst.document = document == null ? null : document.copy(); dst.resource = resource == null ? null : resource.copy(); return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent o = (ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent) other; return compareDeep(type, o.type, true) && compareDeep(document, o.document, true) && compareDeep(resource, o.resource, true) ; } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent)) return false; ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent o = (ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent) other; return compareValues(type, o.type, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (type == null || type.isEmpty()) && (document == null || document.isEmpty()) && (resource == null || resource.isEmpty()); } public String fhirType() { return "ModuleMetadata.relatedResource"; } } /** * An absolute URL that is used to identify this module when it is referenced. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this module definition is (or will be) published. */ @Child(name = "url", type = {UriType.class}, order=0, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Logical URL to reference this module", formalDefinition="An absolute URL that is used to identify this module when it is referenced. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this module definition is (or will be) published." ) protected UriType url; /** * A logical identifier for the module such as the CMS or NQF identifiers for a measure artifact. */ @Child(name = "identifier", type = {Identifier.class}, order=1, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Logical identifier(s) for the module", formalDefinition="A logical identifier for the module such as the CMS or NQF identifiers for a measure artifact." ) protected List<Identifier> identifier; /** * The version of the module, if any. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge modules, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that the version is required for non-experimental published artifact. */ @Child(name = "version", type = {StringType.class}, order=2, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="The version of the module, if any", formalDefinition="The version of the module, if any. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge modules, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that the version is required for non-experimental published artifact." ) protected StringType version; /** * A machine-friendly name for the module. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation. */ @Child(name = "name", type = {StringType.class}, order=3, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="A machine-friendly name for the module", formalDefinition="A machine-friendly name for the module. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation." ) protected StringType name; /** * A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the module. */ @Child(name = "title", type = {StringType.class}, order=4, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="A user-friendly title for the module", formalDefinition="A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the module." ) protected StringType title; /** * Identifies the type of knowledge module, such as a rule, library, documentation template, or measure. */ @Child(name = "type", type = {CodeType.class}, order=5, min=1, max=1, modifier=true, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="module | library | decision-support-rule | documentation-template | order-set", formalDefinition="Identifies the type of knowledge module, such as a rule, library, documentation template, or measure." ) protected Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> type; /** * The status of the module. */ @Child(name = "status", type = {CodeType.class}, order=6, min=1, max=1, modifier=true, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="draft | active | inactive", formalDefinition="The status of the module." ) protected Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> status; /** * Determines whether the module was developed for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used in production environments. */ @Child(name = "experimental", type = {BooleanType.class}, order=7, min=0, max=1, modifier=true, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="If for testing purposes, not real usage", formalDefinition="Determines whether the module was developed for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used in production environments." ) protected BooleanType experimental; /** * A free text natural language description of the module from the consumer's perspective. */ @Child(name = "description", type = {StringType.class}, order=8, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Natural language description of the module", formalDefinition="A free text natural language description of the module from the consumer's perspective." ) protected StringType description; /** * A brief description of the purpose of the module. */ @Child(name = "purpose", type = {StringType.class}, order=9, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Describes the purpose of the module", formalDefinition="A brief description of the purpose of the module." ) protected StringType purpose; /** * A detailed description of how the module is used from a clinical perspective. */ @Child(name = "usage", type = {StringType.class}, order=10, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Describes the clinical usage of the module", formalDefinition="A detailed description of how the module is used from a clinical perspective." ) protected StringType usage; /** * The date on which the module was published. */ @Child(name = "publicationDate", type = {DateType.class}, order=11, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Publication date for this version of the module", formalDefinition="The date on which the module was published." ) protected DateType publicationDate; /** * The date on which the module content was last reviewed. */ @Child(name = "lastReviewDate", type = {DateType.class}, order=12, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Last review date for the module", formalDefinition="The date on which the module content was last reviewed." ) protected DateType lastReviewDate; /** * The period during which the module content is effective. */ @Child(name = "effectivePeriod", type = {Period.class}, order=13, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="The effective date range for the module", formalDefinition="The period during which the module content is effective." ) protected Period effectivePeriod; /** * Specifies various attributes of the patient population for whom and/or environment of care in which the knowledge module is applicable. */ @Child(name = "coverage", type = {}, order=14, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Describes the context of use for this module", formalDefinition="Specifies various attributes of the patient population for whom and/or environment of care in which the knowledge module is applicable." ) protected List<ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent> coverage; /** * Clinical topics related to the content of the module. */ @Child(name = "topic", type = {CodeableConcept.class}, order=15, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Descriptional topics for the module", formalDefinition="Clinical topics related to the content of the module." ) protected List<CodeableConcept> topic; /** * A contributor to the content of the module, including authors, editors, reviewers, and endorsers. */ @Child(name = "contributor", type = {}, order=16, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="A content contributor", formalDefinition="A contributor to the content of the module, including authors, editors, reviewers, and endorsers." ) protected List<ModuleMetadataContributorComponent> contributor; /** * The name of the individual or organization that published the module (also known as the steward for the module). This information is required for non-experimental published artifacts. */ @Child(name = "publisher", type = {StringType.class}, order=17, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Name of the publisher (Organization or individual)", formalDefinition="The name of the individual or organization that published the module (also known as the steward for the module). This information is required for non-experimental published artifacts." ) protected StringType publisher; /** * Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher. */ @Child(name = "contact", type = {}, order=18, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Contact details of the publisher", formalDefinition="Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher." ) protected List<ModuleMetadataContactComponent> contact; /** * A copyright statement relating to the module and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the module. */ @Child(name = "copyright", type = {StringType.class}, order=19, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Use and/or publishing restrictions", formalDefinition="A copyright statement relating to the module and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the module." ) protected StringType copyright; /** * Related resources such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic references. */ @Child(name = "relatedResource", type = {}, order=20, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=false) @Description(shortDefinition="Related resources for the module", formalDefinition="Related resources such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic references." ) protected List<ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent> relatedResource; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1528493169L; /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadata() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public ModuleMetadata(Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> type, Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> status) { super(); this.type = type; this.status = status; } /** * @return {@link #url} (An absolute URL that is used to identify this module when it is referenced. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this module definition is (or will be) published.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getUrl" gives direct access to the value */ public UriType getUrlElement() { if (this.url == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.url"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.url = new UriType(); // bb return this.url; } public boolean hasUrlElement() { return this.url != null && !this.url.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasUrl() { return this.url != null && !this.url.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #url} (An absolute URL that is used to identify this module when it is referenced. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this module definition is (or will be) published.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getUrl" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setUrlElement(UriType value) { this.url = value; return this; } /** * @return An absolute URL that is used to identify this module when it is referenced. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this module definition is (or will be) published. */ public String getUrl() { return this.url == null ? null : this.url.getValue(); } /** * @param value An absolute URL that is used to identify this module when it is referenced. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this module definition is (or will be) published. */ public ModuleMetadata setUrl(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.url = null; else { if (this.url == null) this.url = new UriType(); this.url.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #identifier} (A logical identifier for the module such as the CMS or NQF identifiers for a measure artifact.) */ public List<Identifier> getIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) this.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); return this.identifier; } public boolean hasIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) return false; for (Identifier item : this.identifier) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #identifier} (A logical identifier for the module such as the CMS or NQF identifiers for a measure artifact.) */ // syntactic sugar public Identifier addIdentifier() { //3 Identifier t = new Identifier(); if (this.identifier == null) this.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); this.identifier.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadata addIdentifier(Identifier t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.identifier == null) this.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); this.identifier.add(t); return this; } /** * @return {@link #version} (The version of the module, if any. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge modules, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that the version is required for non-experimental published artifact.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getVersion" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getVersionElement() { if (this.version == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.version"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.version = new StringType(); // bb return this.version; } public boolean hasVersionElement() { return this.version != null && !this.version.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasVersion() { return this.version != null && !this.version.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #version} (The version of the module, if any. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge modules, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that the version is required for non-experimental published artifact.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getVersion" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setVersionElement(StringType value) { this.version = value; return this; } /** * @return The version of the module, if any. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge modules, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that the version is required for non-experimental published artifact. */ public String getVersion() { return this.version == null ? null : this.version.getValue(); } /** * @param value The version of the module, if any. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge modules, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that the version is required for non-experimental published artifact. */ public ModuleMetadata setVersion(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.version = null; else { if (this.version == null) this.version = new StringType(); this.version.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #name} (A machine-friendly name for the module. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getNameElement() { if ( == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) = new StringType(); // bb return; } public boolean hasNameElement() { return != null && !; } public boolean hasName() { return != null && !; } /** * @param value {@link #name} (A machine-friendly name for the module. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setNameElement(StringType value) { = value; return this; } /** * @return A machine-friendly name for the module. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation. */ public String getName() { return == null ? null :; } /** * @param value A machine-friendly name for the module. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation. */ public ModuleMetadata setName(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) = null; else { if ( == null) = new StringType();; } return this; } /** * @return {@link #title} (A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTitle" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getTitleElement() { if (this.title == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.title"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.title = new StringType(); // bb return this.title; } public boolean hasTitleElement() { return this.title != null && !this.title.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasTitle() { return this.title != null && !this.title.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #title} (A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getTitle" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setTitleElement(StringType value) { this.title = value; return this; } /** * @return A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the module. */ public String getTitle() { return this.title == null ? null : this.title.getValue(); } /** * @param value A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the module. */ public ModuleMetadata setTitle(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.title = null; else { if (this.title == null) this.title = new StringType(); this.title.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #type} (Identifies the type of knowledge module, such as a rule, library, documentation template, or measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> getTypeElement() { if (this.type == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.type"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.type = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType>(new ModuleMetadataTypeEnumFactory()); // bb return this.type; } public boolean hasTypeElement() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasType() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #type} (Identifies the type of knowledge module, such as a rule, library, documentation template, or measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setTypeElement(Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> value) { this.type = value; return this; } /** * @return Identifies the type of knowledge module, such as a rule, library, documentation template, or measure. */ public ModuleMetadataType getType() { return this.type == null ? null : this.type.getValue(); } /** * @param value Identifies the type of knowledge module, such as a rule, library, documentation template, or measure. */ public ModuleMetadata setType(ModuleMetadataType value) { if (this.type == null) this.type = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType>(new ModuleMetadataTypeEnumFactory()); this.type.setValue(value); return this; } /** * @return {@link #status} (The status of the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getStatus" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> getStatusElement() { if (this.status == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.status"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.status = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus>(new ModuleMetadataStatusEnumFactory()); // bb return this.status; } public boolean hasStatusElement() { return this.status != null && !this.status.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasStatus() { return this.status != null && !this.status.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #status} (The status of the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getStatus" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setStatusElement(Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> value) { this.status = value; return this; } /** * @return The status of the module. */ public ModuleMetadataStatus getStatus() { return this.status == null ? null : this.status.getValue(); } /** * @param value The status of the module. */ public ModuleMetadata setStatus(ModuleMetadataStatus value) { if (this.status == null) this.status = new Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus>(new ModuleMetadataStatusEnumFactory()); this.status.setValue(value); return this; } /** * @return {@link #experimental} (Determines whether the module was developed for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used in production environments.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getExperimental" gives direct access to the value */ public BooleanType getExperimentalElement() { if (this.experimental == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.experimental"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.experimental = new BooleanType(); // bb return this.experimental; } public boolean hasExperimentalElement() { return this.experimental != null && !this.experimental.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasExperimental() { return this.experimental != null && !this.experimental.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #experimental} (Determines whether the module was developed for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used in production environments.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getExperimental" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setExperimentalElement(BooleanType value) { this.experimental = value; return this; } /** * @return Determines whether the module was developed for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used in production environments. */ public boolean getExperimental() { return this.experimental == null || this.experimental.isEmpty() ? false : this.experimental.getValue(); } /** * @param value Determines whether the module was developed for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used in production environments. */ public ModuleMetadata setExperimental(boolean value) { if (this.experimental == null) this.experimental = new BooleanType(); this.experimental.setValue(value); return this; } /** * @return {@link #description} (A free text natural language description of the module from the consumer's perspective.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDescription" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getDescriptionElement() { if (this.description == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.description"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.description = new StringType(); // bb return this.description; } public boolean hasDescriptionElement() { return this.description != null && !this.description.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasDescription() { return this.description != null && !this.description.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #description} (A free text natural language description of the module from the consumer's perspective.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDescription" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setDescriptionElement(StringType value) { this.description = value; return this; } /** * @return A free text natural language description of the module from the consumer's perspective. */ public String getDescription() { return this.description == null ? null : this.description.getValue(); } /** * @param value A free text natural language description of the module from the consumer's perspective. */ public ModuleMetadata setDescription(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.description = null; else { if (this.description == null) this.description = new StringType(); this.description.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #purpose} (A brief description of the purpose of the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPurpose" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getPurposeElement() { if (this.purpose == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.purpose"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.purpose = new StringType(); // bb return this.purpose; } public boolean hasPurposeElement() { return this.purpose != null && !this.purpose.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasPurpose() { return this.purpose != null && !this.purpose.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #purpose} (A brief description of the purpose of the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPurpose" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setPurposeElement(StringType value) { this.purpose = value; return this; } /** * @return A brief description of the purpose of the module. */ public String getPurpose() { return this.purpose == null ? null : this.purpose.getValue(); } /** * @param value A brief description of the purpose of the module. */ public ModuleMetadata setPurpose(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.purpose = null; else { if (this.purpose == null) this.purpose = new StringType(); this.purpose.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #usage} (A detailed description of how the module is used from a clinical perspective.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getUsage" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getUsageElement() { if (this.usage == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.usage"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.usage = new StringType(); // bb return this.usage; } public boolean hasUsageElement() { return this.usage != null && !this.usage.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasUsage() { return this.usage != null && !this.usage.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #usage} (A detailed description of how the module is used from a clinical perspective.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getUsage" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setUsageElement(StringType value) { this.usage = value; return this; } /** * @return A detailed description of how the module is used from a clinical perspective. */ public String getUsage() { return this.usage == null ? null : this.usage.getValue(); } /** * @param value A detailed description of how the module is used from a clinical perspective. */ public ModuleMetadata setUsage(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.usage = null; else { if (this.usage == null) this.usage = new StringType(); this.usage.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #publicationDate} (The date on which the module was published.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPublicationDate" gives direct access to the value */ public DateType getPublicationDateElement() { if (this.publicationDate == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.publicationDate"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.publicationDate = new DateType(); // bb return this.publicationDate; } public boolean hasPublicationDateElement() { return this.publicationDate != null && !this.publicationDate.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasPublicationDate() { return this.publicationDate != null && !this.publicationDate.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #publicationDate} (The date on which the module was published.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPublicationDate" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setPublicationDateElement(DateType value) { this.publicationDate = value; return this; } /** * @return The date on which the module was published. */ public Date getPublicationDate() { return this.publicationDate == null ? null : this.publicationDate.getValue(); } /** * @param value The date on which the module was published. */ public ModuleMetadata setPublicationDate(Date value) { if (value == null) this.publicationDate = null; else { if (this.publicationDate == null) this.publicationDate = new DateType(); this.publicationDate.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #lastReviewDate} (The date on which the module content was last reviewed.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getLastReviewDate" gives direct access to the value */ public DateType getLastReviewDateElement() { if (this.lastReviewDate == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.lastReviewDate"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.lastReviewDate = new DateType(); // bb return this.lastReviewDate; } public boolean hasLastReviewDateElement() { return this.lastReviewDate != null && !this.lastReviewDate.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasLastReviewDate() { return this.lastReviewDate != null && !this.lastReviewDate.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #lastReviewDate} (The date on which the module content was last reviewed.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getLastReviewDate" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setLastReviewDateElement(DateType value) { this.lastReviewDate = value; return this; } /** * @return The date on which the module content was last reviewed. */ public Date getLastReviewDate() { return this.lastReviewDate == null ? null : this.lastReviewDate.getValue(); } /** * @param value The date on which the module content was last reviewed. */ public ModuleMetadata setLastReviewDate(Date value) { if (value == null) this.lastReviewDate = null; else { if (this.lastReviewDate == null) this.lastReviewDate = new DateType(); this.lastReviewDate.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #effectivePeriod} (The period during which the module content is effective.) */ public Period getEffectivePeriod() { if (this.effectivePeriod == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.effectivePeriod"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.effectivePeriod = new Period(); // cc return this.effectivePeriod; } public boolean hasEffectivePeriod() { return this.effectivePeriod != null && !this.effectivePeriod.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #effectivePeriod} (The period during which the module content is effective.) */ public ModuleMetadata setEffectivePeriod(Period value) { this.effectivePeriod = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #coverage} (Specifies various attributes of the patient population for whom and/or environment of care in which, the knowledge module is applicable.) */ public List<ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent> getCoverage() { if (this.coverage == null) this.coverage = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent>(); return this.coverage; } public boolean hasCoverage() { if (this.coverage == null) return false; for (ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent item : this.coverage) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #coverage} (Specifies various attributes of the patient population for whom and/or environment of care in which, the knowledge module is applicable.) */ // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent addCoverage() { //3 ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent t = new ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent(); if (this.coverage == null) this.coverage = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent>(); this.coverage.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadata addCoverage(ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.coverage == null) this.coverage = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent>(); this.coverage.add(t); return this; } /** * @return {@link #topic} (Clinical topics related to the content of the module.) */ public List<CodeableConcept> getTopic() { if (this.topic == null) this.topic = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); return this.topic; } public boolean hasTopic() { if (this.topic == null) return false; for (CodeableConcept item : this.topic) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #topic} (Clinical topics related to the content of the module.) */ // syntactic sugar public CodeableConcept addTopic() { //3 CodeableConcept t = new CodeableConcept(); if (this.topic == null) this.topic = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.topic.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadata addTopic(CodeableConcept t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.topic == null) this.topic = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); this.topic.add(t); return this; } /** * @return {@link #contributor} (A contributor to the content of the module, including authors, editors, reviewers, and endorsers.) */ public List<ModuleMetadataContributorComponent> getContributor() { if (this.contributor == null) this.contributor = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorComponent>(); return this.contributor; } public boolean hasContributor() { if (this.contributor == null) return false; for (ModuleMetadataContributorComponent item : this.contributor) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #contributor} (A contributor to the content of the module, including authors, editors, reviewers, and endorsers.) */ // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataContributorComponent addContributor() { //3 ModuleMetadataContributorComponent t = new ModuleMetadataContributorComponent(); if (this.contributor == null) this.contributor = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorComponent>(); this.contributor.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadata addContributor(ModuleMetadataContributorComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.contributor == null) this.contributor = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorComponent>(); this.contributor.add(t); return this; } /** * @return {@link #publisher} (The name of the individual or organization that published the module (also known as the steward for the module). This information is required for non-experimental published artifacts.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPublisher" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getPublisherElement() { if (this.publisher == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.publisher"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.publisher = new StringType(); // bb return this.publisher; } public boolean hasPublisherElement() { return this.publisher != null && !this.publisher.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasPublisher() { return this.publisher != null && !this.publisher.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #publisher} (The name of the individual or organization that published the module (also known as the steward for the module). This information is required for non-experimental published artifacts.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPublisher" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setPublisherElement(StringType value) { this.publisher = value; return this; } /** * @return The name of the individual or organization that published the module (also known as the steward for the module). This information is required for non-experimental published artifacts. */ public String getPublisher() { return this.publisher == null ? null : this.publisher.getValue(); } /** * @param value The name of the individual or organization that published the module (also known as the steward for the module). This information is required for non-experimental published artifacts. */ public ModuleMetadata setPublisher(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.publisher = null; else { if (this.publisher == null) this.publisher = new StringType(); this.publisher.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #contact} (Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher.) */ public List<ModuleMetadataContactComponent> getContact() { if ( == null) = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContactComponent>(); return; } public boolean hasContact() { if ( == null) return false; for (ModuleMetadataContactComponent item : if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #contact} (Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher.) */ // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataContactComponent addContact() { //3 ModuleMetadataContactComponent t = new ModuleMetadataContactComponent(); if ( == null) = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContactComponent>();; return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadata addContact(ModuleMetadataContactComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if ( == null) = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContactComponent>();; return this; } /** * @return {@link #copyright} (A copyright statement relating to the module and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCopyright" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getCopyrightElement() { if (this.copyright == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create ModuleMetadata.copyright"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.copyright = new StringType(); // bb return this.copyright; } public boolean hasCopyrightElement() { return this.copyright != null && !this.copyright.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasCopyright() { return this.copyright != null && !this.copyright.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #copyright} (A copyright statement relating to the module and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the module.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCopyright" gives direct access to the value */ public ModuleMetadata setCopyrightElement(StringType value) { this.copyright = value; return this; } /** * @return A copyright statement relating to the module and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the module. */ public String getCopyright() { return this.copyright == null ? null : this.copyright.getValue(); } /** * @param value A copyright statement relating to the module and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the module. */ public ModuleMetadata setCopyright(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.copyright = null; else { if (this.copyright == null) this.copyright = new StringType(); this.copyright.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #relatedResource} (Related resources such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic references.) */ public List<ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent> getRelatedResource() { if (this.relatedResource == null) this.relatedResource = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent>(); return this.relatedResource; } public boolean hasRelatedResource() { if (this.relatedResource == null) return false; for (ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent item : this.relatedResource) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #relatedResource} (Related resources such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic references.) */ // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent addRelatedResource() { //3 ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent t = new ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent(); if (this.relatedResource == null) this.relatedResource = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent>(); this.relatedResource.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public ModuleMetadata addRelatedResource(ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.relatedResource == null) this.relatedResource = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent>(); this.relatedResource.add(t); return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("url", "uri", "An absolute URL that is used to identify this module when it is referenced. This SHALL be a URL, SHOULD be globally unique, and SHOULD be an address at which this module definition is (or will be) published.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, url)); childrenList.add(new Property("identifier", "Identifier", "A logical identifier for the module such as the CMS or NQF identifiers for a measure artifact.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, identifier)); childrenList.add(new Property("version", "string", "The version of the module, if any. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge modules, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that the version is required for non-experimental published artifact.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, version)); childrenList.add(new Property("name", "string", "A machine-friendly name for the module. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, name)); childrenList.add(new Property("title", "string", "A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the module.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, title)); childrenList.add(new Property("type", "code", "Identifies the type of knowledge module, such as a rule, library, documentation template, or measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, type)); childrenList.add(new Property("status", "code", "The status of the module.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, status)); childrenList.add(new Property("experimental", "boolean", "Determines whether the module was developed for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing), and is not intended to be used in production environments.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, experimental)); childrenList.add(new Property("description", "string", "A free text natural language description of the module from the consumer's perspective.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, description)); childrenList.add(new Property("purpose", "string", "A brief description of the purpose of the module.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, purpose)); childrenList.add(new Property("usage", "string", "A detailed description of how the module is used from a clinical perspective.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, usage)); childrenList.add(new Property("publicationDate", "date", "The date on which the module was published.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, publicationDate)); childrenList.add(new Property("lastReviewDate", "date", "The date on which the module content was last reviewed.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, lastReviewDate)); childrenList.add(new Property("effectivePeriod", "Period", "The period during which the module content is effective.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, effectivePeriod)); childrenList.add(new Property("coverage", "", "Specifies various attributes of the patient population for whom and/or environment of care in which, the knowledge module is applicable.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, coverage)); childrenList.add(new Property("topic", "CodeableConcept", "Clinical topics related to the content of the module.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, topic)); childrenList.add(new Property("contributor", "", "A contributor to the content of the module, including authors, editors, reviewers, and endorsers.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, contributor)); childrenList.add(new Property("publisher", "string", "The name of the individual or organization that published the module (also known as the steward for the module). This information is required for non-experimental published artifacts.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, publisher)); childrenList.add(new Property("contact", "", "Contacts to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publisher.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, contact)); childrenList.add(new Property("copyright", "string", "A copyright statement relating to the module and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the module.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, copyright)); childrenList.add(new Property("relatedResource", "", "Related resources such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic references.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, relatedResource)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 116079: /*url*/ return this.url == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.url}; // UriType case -1618432855: /*identifier*/ return this.identifier == null ? new Base[0] : this.identifier.toArray(new Base[this.identifier.size()]); // Identifier case 351608024: /*version*/ return this.version == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.version}; // StringType case 3373707: /*name*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {}; // StringType case 110371416: /*title*/ return this.title == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.title}; // StringType case 3575610: /*type*/ return this.type == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.type}; // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> case -892481550: /*status*/ return this.status == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.status}; // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> case -404562712: /*experimental*/ return this.experimental == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.experimental}; // BooleanType case -1724546052: /*description*/ return this.description == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.description}; // StringType case -220463842: /*purpose*/ return this.purpose == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.purpose}; // StringType case 111574433: /*usage*/ return this.usage == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.usage}; // StringType case 1470566394: /*publicationDate*/ return this.publicationDate == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.publicationDate}; // DateType case -1687512484: /*lastReviewDate*/ return this.lastReviewDate == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.lastReviewDate}; // DateType case -403934648: /*effectivePeriod*/ return this.effectivePeriod == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.effectivePeriod}; // Period case -351767064: /*coverage*/ return this.coverage == null ? new Base[0] : this.coverage.toArray(new Base[this.coverage.size()]); // ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent case 110546223: /*topic*/ return this.topic == null ? new Base[0] : this.topic.toArray(new Base[this.topic.size()]); // CodeableConcept case -1895276325: /*contributor*/ return this.contributor == null ? new Base[0] : this.contributor.toArray(new Base[this.contributor.size()]); // ModuleMetadataContributorComponent case 1447404028: /*publisher*/ return this.publisher == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.publisher}; // StringType case 951526432: /*contact*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : Base[]); // ModuleMetadataContactComponent case 1522889671: /*copyright*/ return this.copyright == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.copyright}; // StringType case 1554540889: /*relatedResource*/ return this.relatedResource == null ? new Base[0] : this.relatedResource.toArray(new Base[this.relatedResource.size()]); // ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 116079: // url this.url = castToUri(value); // UriType break; case -1618432855: // identifier this.getIdentifier().add(castToIdentifier(value)); // Identifier break; case 351608024: // version this.version = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 3373707: // name = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 110371416: // title this.title = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 3575610: // type this.type = new ModuleMetadataTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> break; case -892481550: // status this.status = new ModuleMetadataStatusEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> break; case -404562712: // experimental this.experimental = castToBoolean(value); // BooleanType break; case -1724546052: // description this.description = castToString(value); // StringType break; case -220463842: // purpose this.purpose = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 111574433: // usage this.usage = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 1470566394: // publicationDate this.publicationDate = castToDate(value); // DateType break; case -1687512484: // lastReviewDate this.lastReviewDate = castToDate(value); // DateType break; case -403934648: // effectivePeriod this.effectivePeriod = castToPeriod(value); // Period break; case -351767064: // coverage this.getCoverage().add((ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent) value); // ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent break; case 110546223: // topic this.getTopic().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); // CodeableConcept break; case -1895276325: // contributor this.getContributor().add((ModuleMetadataContributorComponent) value); // ModuleMetadataContributorComponent break; case 1447404028: // publisher this.publisher = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 951526432: // contact this.getContact().add((ModuleMetadataContactComponent) value); // ModuleMetadataContactComponent break; case 1522889671: // copyright this.copyright = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 1554540889: // relatedResource this.getRelatedResource().add((ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent) value); // ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("url")) this.url = castToUri(value); // UriType else if (name.equals("identifier")) this.getIdentifier().add(castToIdentifier(value)); else if (name.equals("version")) this.version = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("name")) = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("title")) this.title = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("type")) this.type = new ModuleMetadataTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> else if (name.equals("status")) this.status = new ModuleMetadataStatusEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> else if (name.equals("experimental")) this.experimental = castToBoolean(value); // BooleanType else if (name.equals("description")) this.description = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("purpose")) this.purpose = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("usage")) this.usage = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("publicationDate")) this.publicationDate = castToDate(value); // DateType else if (name.equals("lastReviewDate")) this.lastReviewDate = castToDate(value); // DateType else if (name.equals("effectivePeriod")) this.effectivePeriod = castToPeriod(value); // Period else if (name.equals("coverage")) this.getCoverage().add((ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent) value); else if (name.equals("topic")) this.getTopic().add(castToCodeableConcept(value)); else if (name.equals("contributor")) this.getContributor().add((ModuleMetadataContributorComponent) value); else if (name.equals("publisher")) this.publisher = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("contact")) this.getContact().add((ModuleMetadataContactComponent) value); else if (name.equals("copyright")) this.copyright = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("relatedResource")) this.getRelatedResource().add((ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent) value); else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 116079: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property url as it is not a complex type"); // UriType case -1618432855: return addIdentifier(); // Identifier case 351608024: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property version as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 3373707: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property name as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 110371416: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property title as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 3575610: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property type as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataType> case -892481550: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property status as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<ModuleMetadataStatus> case -404562712: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property experimental as it is not a complex type"); // BooleanType case -1724546052: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property description as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case -220463842: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property purpose as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 111574433: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property usage as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 1470566394: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property publicationDate as it is not a complex type"); // DateType case -1687512484: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property lastReviewDate as it is not a complex type"); // DateType case -403934648: return getEffectivePeriod(); // Period case -351767064: return addCoverage(); // ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent case 110546223: return addTopic(); // CodeableConcept case -1895276325: return addContributor(); // ModuleMetadataContributorComponent case 1447404028: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property publisher as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 951526432: return addContact(); // ModuleMetadataContactComponent case 1522889671: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property copyright as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 1554540889: return addRelatedResource(); // ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("url")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.url"); } else if (name.equals("identifier")) { return addIdentifier(); } else if (name.equals("version")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.version"); } else if (name.equals("name")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type"); } else if (name.equals("title")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.title"); } else if (name.equals("type")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.type"); } else if (name.equals("status")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.status"); } else if (name.equals("experimental")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.experimental"); } else if (name.equals("description")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.description"); } else if (name.equals("purpose")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.purpose"); } else if (name.equals("usage")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.usage"); } else if (name.equals("publicationDate")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.publicationDate"); } else if (name.equals("lastReviewDate")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.lastReviewDate"); } else if (name.equals("effectivePeriod")) { this.effectivePeriod = new Period(); return this.effectivePeriod; } else if (name.equals("coverage")) { return addCoverage(); } else if (name.equals("topic")) { return addTopic(); } else if (name.equals("contributor")) { return addContributor(); } else if (name.equals("publisher")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.publisher"); } else if (name.equals("contact")) { return addContact(); } else if (name.equals("copyright")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type ModuleMetadata.copyright"); } else if (name.equals("relatedResource")) { return addRelatedResource(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public String fhirType() { return "ModuleMetadata"; } public ModuleMetadata copy() { ModuleMetadata dst = new ModuleMetadata(); copyValues(dst); dst.url = url == null ? null : url.copy(); if (identifier != null) { dst.identifier = new ArrayList<Identifier>(); for (Identifier i : identifier) dst.identifier.add(i.copy()); }; dst.version = version == null ? null : version.copy(); = name == null ? null : name.copy(); dst.title = title == null ? null : title.copy(); dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy(); dst.status = status == null ? null : status.copy(); dst.experimental = experimental == null ? null : experimental.copy(); dst.description = description == null ? null : description.copy(); dst.purpose = purpose == null ? null : purpose.copy(); dst.usage = usage == null ? null : usage.copy(); dst.publicationDate = publicationDate == null ? null : publicationDate.copy(); dst.lastReviewDate = lastReviewDate == null ? null : lastReviewDate.copy(); dst.effectivePeriod = effectivePeriod == null ? null : effectivePeriod.copy(); if (coverage != null) { dst.coverage = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent>(); for (ModuleMetadataCoverageComponent i : coverage) dst.coverage.add(i.copy()); }; if (topic != null) { dst.topic = new ArrayList<CodeableConcept>(); for (CodeableConcept i : topic) dst.topic.add(i.copy()); }; if (contributor != null) { dst.contributor = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContributorComponent>(); for (ModuleMetadataContributorComponent i : contributor) dst.contributor.add(i.copy()); }; dst.publisher = publisher == null ? null : publisher.copy(); if (contact != null) { = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataContactComponent>(); for (ModuleMetadataContactComponent i : contact); }; dst.copyright = copyright == null ? null : copyright.copy(); if (relatedResource != null) { dst.relatedResource = new ArrayList<ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent>(); for (ModuleMetadataRelatedResourceComponent i : relatedResource) dst.relatedResource.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } protected ModuleMetadata typedCopy() { return copy(); } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadata)) return false; ModuleMetadata o = (ModuleMetadata) other; return compareDeep(url, o.url, true) && compareDeep(identifier, o.identifier, true) && compareDeep(version, o.version, true) && compareDeep(name,, true) && compareDeep(title, o.title, true) && compareDeep(type, o.type, true) && compareDeep(status, o.status, true) && compareDeep(experimental, o.experimental, true) && compareDeep(description, o.description, true) && compareDeep(purpose, o.purpose, true) && compareDeep(usage, o.usage, true) && compareDeep(publicationDate, o.publicationDate, true) && compareDeep(lastReviewDate, o.lastReviewDate, true) && compareDeep(effectivePeriod, o.effectivePeriod, true) && compareDeep(coverage, o.coverage, true) && compareDeep(topic, o.topic, true) && compareDeep(contributor, o.contributor, true) && compareDeep(publisher, o.publisher, true) && compareDeep(contact,, true) && compareDeep(copyright, o.copyright, true) && compareDeep(relatedResource, o.relatedResource, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof ModuleMetadata)) return false; ModuleMetadata o = (ModuleMetadata) other; return compareValues(url, o.url, true) && compareValues(version, o.version, true) && compareValues(name,, true) && compareValues(title, o.title, true) && compareValues(type, o.type, true) && compareValues(status, o.status, true) && compareValues(experimental, o.experimental, true) && compareValues(description, o.description, true) && compareValues(purpose, o.purpose, true) && compareValues(usage, o.usage, true) && compareValues(publicationDate, o.publicationDate, true) && compareValues(lastReviewDate, o.lastReviewDate, true) && compareValues(publisher, o.publisher, true) && compareValues(copyright, o.copyright, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (url == null || url.isEmpty()) && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) && (version == null || version.isEmpty()) && (name == null || name.isEmpty()) && (title == null || title.isEmpty()) && (type == null || type.isEmpty()) && (status == null || status.isEmpty()) && (experimental == null || experimental.isEmpty()) && (description == null || description.isEmpty()) && (purpose == null || purpose.isEmpty()) && (usage == null || usage.isEmpty()) && (publicationDate == null || publicationDate.isEmpty()) && (lastReviewDate == null || lastReviewDate.isEmpty()) && (effectivePeriod == null || effectivePeriod.isEmpty()) && (coverage == null || coverage.isEmpty()) && (topic == null || topic.isEmpty()) && (contributor == null || contributor.isEmpty()) && (publisher == null || publisher.isEmpty()) && (contact == null || contact.isEmpty()) && (copyright == null || copyright.isEmpty()) && (relatedResource == null || relatedResource.isEmpty()); } }