package org.hl7.fhir.dstu2016may.model; /* Copyright (c) 2011+, HL7, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of HL7 nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Generated on Sun, May 8, 2016 03:05+1000 for FHIR v1.4.0 import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException; import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IBaseBackboneElement; import org.hl7.fhir.utilities.Utilities; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Block; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Child; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.Description; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.ResourceDef; import ca.uhn.fhir.model.api.annotation.SearchParamDefinition; /** * The Measure resource provides the definition of a quality measure. */ @ResourceDef(name="Measure", profile="") public class Measure extends DomainResource { public enum MeasureScoring { /** * The measure score is defined using a proportion */ PROPORTION, /** * The measure score is defined using a ratio */ RATIO, /** * The score is defined by a calculation of some quantity */ CONTINUOUSVARIABLE, /** * The measure is a cohort definition */ COHORT, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static MeasureScoring fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("proportion".equals(codeString)) return PROPORTION; if ("ratio".equals(codeString)) return RATIO; if ("continuous-variable".equals(codeString)) return CONTINUOUSVARIABLE; if ("cohort".equals(codeString)) return COHORT; throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasureScoring code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case PROPORTION: return "proportion"; case RATIO: return "ratio"; case CONTINUOUSVARIABLE: return "continuous-variable"; case COHORT: return "cohort"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case PROPORTION: return ""; case RATIO: return ""; case CONTINUOUSVARIABLE: return ""; case COHORT: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case PROPORTION: return "The measure score is defined using a proportion"; case RATIO: return "The measure score is defined using a ratio"; case CONTINUOUSVARIABLE: return "The score is defined by a calculation of some quantity"; case COHORT: return "The measure is a cohort definition"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case PROPORTION: return "Proportion"; case RATIO: return "Ratio"; case CONTINUOUSVARIABLE: return "Continuous Variable"; case COHORT: return "Cohort"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class MeasureScoringEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<MeasureScoring> { public MeasureScoring fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("proportion".equals(codeString)) return MeasureScoring.PROPORTION; if ("ratio".equals(codeString)) return MeasureScoring.RATIO; if ("continuous-variable".equals(codeString)) return MeasureScoring.CONTINUOUSVARIABLE; if ("cohort".equals(codeString)) return MeasureScoring.COHORT; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MeasureScoring code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<MeasureScoring> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("proportion".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureScoring>(this, MeasureScoring.PROPORTION); if ("ratio".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureScoring>(this, MeasureScoring.RATIO); if ("continuous-variable".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureScoring>(this, MeasureScoring.CONTINUOUSVARIABLE); if ("cohort".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureScoring>(this, MeasureScoring.COHORT); throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasureScoring code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(MeasureScoring code) { if (code == MeasureScoring.PROPORTION) return "proportion"; if (code == MeasureScoring.RATIO) return "ratio"; if (code == MeasureScoring.CONTINUOUSVARIABLE) return "continuous-variable"; if (code == MeasureScoring.COHORT) return "cohort"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(MeasureScoring code) { return code.getSystem(); } } public enum MeasureType { /** * The measure is a process measure */ PROCESS, /** * The measure is an outcome measure */ OUTCOME, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static MeasureType fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("process".equals(codeString)) return PROCESS; if ("outcome".equals(codeString)) return OUTCOME; throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasureType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case PROCESS: return "process"; case OUTCOME: return "outcome"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case PROCESS: return ""; case OUTCOME: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case PROCESS: return "The measure is a process measure"; case OUTCOME: return "The measure is an outcome measure"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case PROCESS: return "Process"; case OUTCOME: return "Outcome"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class MeasureTypeEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<MeasureType> { public MeasureType fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("process".equals(codeString)) return MeasureType.PROCESS; if ("outcome".equals(codeString)) return MeasureType.OUTCOME; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MeasureType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<MeasureType> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("process".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureType>(this, MeasureType.PROCESS); if ("outcome".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureType>(this, MeasureType.OUTCOME); throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasureType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(MeasureType code) { if (code == MeasureType.PROCESS) return "process"; if (code == MeasureType.OUTCOME) return "outcome"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(MeasureType code) { return code.getSystem(); } } public enum MeasurePopulationType { /** * The initial population for the measure */ INITIALPOPULATION, /** * The numerator for the measure */ NUMERATOR, /** * The numerator exclusion for the measure */ NUMERATOREXCLUSION, /** * The denominator for the measure */ DENOMINATOR, /** * The denominator exclusion for the measure */ DENOMINATOREXCLUSION, /** * The denominator exception for the measure */ DENOMINATOREXCEPTION, /** * The measure population for the measure */ MEASUREPOPULATION, /** * The measure population exclusion for the measure */ MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION, /** * The measure score for the measure */ MEASURESCORE, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static MeasurePopulationType fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("initial-population".equals(codeString)) return INITIALPOPULATION; if ("numerator".equals(codeString)) return NUMERATOR; if ("numerator-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return NUMERATOREXCLUSION; if ("denominator".equals(codeString)) return DENOMINATOR; if ("denominator-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return DENOMINATOREXCLUSION; if ("denominator-exception".equals(codeString)) return DENOMINATOREXCEPTION; if ("measure-population".equals(codeString)) return MEASUREPOPULATION; if ("measure-population-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION; if ("measure-score".equals(codeString)) return MEASURESCORE; throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasurePopulationType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case INITIALPOPULATION: return "initial-population"; case NUMERATOR: return "numerator"; case NUMERATOREXCLUSION: return "numerator-exclusion"; case DENOMINATOR: return "denominator"; case DENOMINATOREXCLUSION: return "denominator-exclusion"; case DENOMINATOREXCEPTION: return "denominator-exception"; case MEASUREPOPULATION: return "measure-population"; case MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION: return "measure-population-exclusion"; case MEASURESCORE: return "measure-score"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case INITIALPOPULATION: return ""; case NUMERATOR: return ""; case NUMERATOREXCLUSION: return ""; case DENOMINATOR: return ""; case DENOMINATOREXCLUSION: return ""; case DENOMINATOREXCEPTION: return ""; case MEASUREPOPULATION: return ""; case MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION: return ""; case MEASURESCORE: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case INITIALPOPULATION: return "The initial population for the measure"; case NUMERATOR: return "The numerator for the measure"; case NUMERATOREXCLUSION: return "The numerator exclusion for the measure"; case DENOMINATOR: return "The denominator for the measure"; case DENOMINATOREXCLUSION: return "The denominator exclusion for the measure"; case DENOMINATOREXCEPTION: return "The denominator exception for the measure"; case MEASUREPOPULATION: return "The measure population for the measure"; case MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION: return "The measure population exclusion for the measure"; case MEASURESCORE: return "The measure score for the measure"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case INITIALPOPULATION: return "Initial Population"; case NUMERATOR: return "Numerator"; case NUMERATOREXCLUSION: return "Numerator Exclusion"; case DENOMINATOR: return "Denominator"; case DENOMINATOREXCLUSION: return "Denominator Exclusion"; case DENOMINATOREXCEPTION: return "Denominator Exception"; case MEASUREPOPULATION: return "Measure Population"; case MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION: return "Measure Population Exclusion"; case MEASURESCORE: return "Measure Score"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class MeasurePopulationTypeEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<MeasurePopulationType> { public MeasurePopulationType fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("initial-population".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.INITIALPOPULATION; if ("numerator".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.NUMERATOR; if ("numerator-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.NUMERATOREXCLUSION; if ("denominator".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOR; if ("denominator-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOREXCLUSION; if ("denominator-exception".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOREXCEPTION; if ("measure-population".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.MEASUREPOPULATION; if ("measure-population-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION; if ("measure-score".equals(codeString)) return MeasurePopulationType.MEASURESCORE; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MeasurePopulationType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("initial-population".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.INITIALPOPULATION); if ("numerator".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.NUMERATOR); if ("numerator-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.NUMERATOREXCLUSION); if ("denominator".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOR); if ("denominator-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOREXCLUSION); if ("denominator-exception".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOREXCEPTION); if ("measure-population".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.MEASUREPOPULATION); if ("measure-population-exclusion".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION); if ("measure-score".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(this, MeasurePopulationType.MEASURESCORE); throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasurePopulationType code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(MeasurePopulationType code) { if (code == MeasurePopulationType.INITIALPOPULATION) return "initial-population"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.NUMERATOR) return "numerator"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.NUMERATOREXCLUSION) return "numerator-exclusion"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOR) return "denominator"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOREXCLUSION) return "denominator-exclusion"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.DENOMINATOREXCEPTION) return "denominator-exception"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.MEASUREPOPULATION) return "measure-population"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.MEASUREPOPULATIONEXCLUSION) return "measure-population-exclusion"; if (code == MeasurePopulationType.MEASURESCORE) return "measure-score"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(MeasurePopulationType code) { return code.getSystem(); } } public enum MeasureDataUsage { /** * The data is intended to be provided as additional information alongside the measure results */ SUPPLEMENTALDATA, /** * The data is intended to be used to calculate and apply a risk adjustment model for the measure */ RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR, /** * added to help the parsers */ NULL; public static MeasureDataUsage fromCode(String codeString) throws FHIRException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("supplemental-data".equals(codeString)) return SUPPLEMENTALDATA; if ("risk-adjustment-factor".equals(codeString)) return RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR; throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasureDataUsage code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode() { switch (this) { case SUPPLEMENTALDATA: return "supplemental-data"; case RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR: return "risk-adjustment-factor"; default: return "?"; } } public String getSystem() { switch (this) { case SUPPLEMENTALDATA: return ""; case RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR: return ""; default: return "?"; } } public String getDefinition() { switch (this) { case SUPPLEMENTALDATA: return "The data is intended to be provided as additional information alongside the measure results"; case RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR: return "The data is intended to be used to calculate and apply a risk adjustment model for the measure"; default: return "?"; } } public String getDisplay() { switch (this) { case SUPPLEMENTALDATA: return "Supplemental Data"; case RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR: return "Risk Adjustment Factor"; default: return "?"; } } } public static class MeasureDataUsageEnumFactory implements EnumFactory<MeasureDataUsage> { public MeasureDataUsage fromCode(String codeString) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("supplemental-data".equals(codeString)) return MeasureDataUsage.SUPPLEMENTALDATA; if ("risk-adjustment-factor".equals(codeString)) return MeasureDataUsage.RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown MeasureDataUsage code '"+codeString+"'"); } public Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> fromType(Base code) throws FHIRException { if (code == null || code.isEmpty()) return null; String codeString = ((PrimitiveType) code).asStringValue(); if (codeString == null || "".equals(codeString)) return null; if ("supplemental-data".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>(this, MeasureDataUsage.SUPPLEMENTALDATA); if ("risk-adjustment-factor".equals(codeString)) return new Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>(this, MeasureDataUsage.RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR); throw new FHIRException("Unknown MeasureDataUsage code '"+codeString+"'"); } public String toCode(MeasureDataUsage code) { if (code == MeasureDataUsage.SUPPLEMENTALDATA) return "supplemental-data"; if (code == MeasureDataUsage.RISKADJUSTMENTFACTOR) return "risk-adjustment-factor"; return "?"; } public String toSystem(MeasureDataUsage code) { return code.getSystem(); } } @Block() public static class MeasureGroupComponent extends BackboneElement implements IBaseBackboneElement { /** * A unique identifier for the group. This identifier will used to report data for the group in the measure report. */ @Child(name = "identifier", type = {Identifier.class}, order=1, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Unique identifier", formalDefinition="A unique identifier for the group. This identifier will used to report data for the group in the measure report." ) protected Identifier identifier; /** * Optional name or short description of this group. */ @Child(name = "name", type = {StringType.class}, order=2, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Short name", formalDefinition="Optional name or short description of this group." ) protected StringType name; /** * The human readable description of this population group. */ @Child(name = "description", type = {StringType.class}, order=3, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Summary description", formalDefinition="The human readable description of this population group." ) protected StringType description; /** * A population criteria for the measure. */ @Child(name = "population", type = {}, order=4, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Population criteria", formalDefinition="A population criteria for the measure." ) protected List<MeasureGroupPopulationComponent> population; /** * The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path. */ @Child(name = "stratifier", type = {}, order=5, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Stratifier criteria for the measure", formalDefinition="The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path." ) protected List<MeasureGroupStratifierComponent> stratifier; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1287622059L; /** * Constructor */ public MeasureGroupComponent() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public MeasureGroupComponent(Identifier identifier) { super(); this.identifier = identifier; } /** * @return {@link #identifier} (A unique identifier for the group. This identifier will used to report data for the group in the measure report.) */ public Identifier getIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupComponent.identifier"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.identifier = new Identifier(); // cc return this.identifier; } public boolean hasIdentifier() { return this.identifier != null && !this.identifier.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #identifier} (A unique identifier for the group. This identifier will used to report data for the group in the measure report.) */ public MeasureGroupComponent setIdentifier(Identifier value) { this.identifier = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #name} (Optional name or short description of this group.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getNameElement() { if ( == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) = new StringType(); // bb return; } public boolean hasNameElement() { return != null && !; } public boolean hasName() { return != null && !; } /** * @param value {@link #name} (Optional name or short description of this group.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupComponent setNameElement(StringType value) { = value; return this; } /** * @return Optional name or short description of this group. */ public String getName() { return == null ? null :; } /** * @param value Optional name or short description of this group. */ public MeasureGroupComponent setName(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) = null; else { if ( == null) = new StringType();; } return this; } /** * @return {@link #description} (The human readable description of this population group.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDescription" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getDescriptionElement() { if (this.description == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupComponent.description"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.description = new StringType(); // bb return this.description; } public boolean hasDescriptionElement() { return this.description != null && !this.description.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasDescription() { return this.description != null && !this.description.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #description} (The human readable description of this population group.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDescription" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupComponent setDescriptionElement(StringType value) { this.description = value; return this; } /** * @return The human readable description of this population group. */ public String getDescription() { return this.description == null ? null : this.description.getValue(); } /** * @param value The human readable description of this population group. */ public MeasureGroupComponent setDescription(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.description = null; else { if (this.description == null) this.description = new StringType(); this.description.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #population} (A population criteria for the measure.) */ public List<MeasureGroupPopulationComponent> getPopulation() { if (this.population == null) this.population = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupPopulationComponent>(); return this.population; } public boolean hasPopulation() { if (this.population == null) return false; for (MeasureGroupPopulationComponent item : this.population) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #population} (A population criteria for the measure.) */ // syntactic sugar public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent addPopulation() { //3 MeasureGroupPopulationComponent t = new MeasureGroupPopulationComponent(); if (this.population == null) this.population = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupPopulationComponent>(); this.population.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public MeasureGroupComponent addPopulation(MeasureGroupPopulationComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.population == null) this.population = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupPopulationComponent>(); this.population.add(t); return this; } /** * @return {@link #stratifier} (The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path.) */ public List<MeasureGroupStratifierComponent> getStratifier() { if (this.stratifier == null) this.stratifier = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupStratifierComponent>(); return this.stratifier; } public boolean hasStratifier() { if (this.stratifier == null) return false; for (MeasureGroupStratifierComponent item : this.stratifier) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #stratifier} (The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path.) */ // syntactic sugar public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent addStratifier() { //3 MeasureGroupStratifierComponent t = new MeasureGroupStratifierComponent(); if (this.stratifier == null) this.stratifier = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupStratifierComponent>(); this.stratifier.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public MeasureGroupComponent addStratifier(MeasureGroupStratifierComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.stratifier == null) this.stratifier = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupStratifierComponent>(); this.stratifier.add(t); return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("identifier", "Identifier", "A unique identifier for the group. This identifier will used to report data for the group in the measure report.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, identifier)); childrenList.add(new Property("name", "string", "Optional name or short description of this group.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, name)); childrenList.add(new Property("description", "string", "The human readable description of this population group.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, description)); childrenList.add(new Property("population", "", "A population criteria for the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, population)); childrenList.add(new Property("stratifier", "", "The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, stratifier)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: /*identifier*/ return this.identifier == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.identifier}; // Identifier case 3373707: /*name*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {}; // StringType case -1724546052: /*description*/ return this.description == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.description}; // StringType case -2023558323: /*population*/ return this.population == null ? new Base[0] : this.population.toArray(new Base[this.population.size()]); // MeasureGroupPopulationComponent case 90983669: /*stratifier*/ return this.stratifier == null ? new Base[0] : this.stratifier.toArray(new Base[this.stratifier.size()]); // MeasureGroupStratifierComponent default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: // identifier this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier break; case 3373707: // name = castToString(value); // StringType break; case -1724546052: // description this.description = castToString(value); // StringType break; case -2023558323: // population this.getPopulation().add((MeasureGroupPopulationComponent) value); // MeasureGroupPopulationComponent break; case 90983669: // stratifier this.getStratifier().add((MeasureGroupStratifierComponent) value); // MeasureGroupStratifierComponent break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier else if (name.equals("name")) = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("description")) this.description = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("population")) this.getPopulation().add((MeasureGroupPopulationComponent) value); else if (name.equals("stratifier")) this.getStratifier().add((MeasureGroupStratifierComponent) value); else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: return getIdentifier(); // Identifier case 3373707: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property name as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case -1724546052: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property description as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case -2023558323: return addPopulation(); // MeasureGroupPopulationComponent case 90983669: return addStratifier(); // MeasureGroupStratifierComponent default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) { this.identifier = new Identifier(); return this.identifier; } else if (name.equals("name")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type"); } else if (name.equals("description")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.description"); } else if (name.equals("population")) { return addPopulation(); } else if (name.equals("stratifier")) { return addStratifier(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public MeasureGroupComponent copy() { MeasureGroupComponent dst = new MeasureGroupComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.identifier = identifier == null ? null : identifier.copy(); = name == null ? null : name.copy(); dst.description = description == null ? null : description.copy(); if (population != null) { dst.population = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupPopulationComponent>(); for (MeasureGroupPopulationComponent i : population) dst.population.add(i.copy()); }; if (stratifier != null) { dst.stratifier = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupStratifierComponent>(); for (MeasureGroupStratifierComponent i : stratifier) dst.stratifier.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureGroupComponent)) return false; MeasureGroupComponent o = (MeasureGroupComponent) other; return compareDeep(identifier, o.identifier, true) && compareDeep(name,, true) && compareDeep(description, o.description, true) && compareDeep(population, o.population, true) && compareDeep(stratifier, o.stratifier, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureGroupComponent)) return false; MeasureGroupComponent o = (MeasureGroupComponent) other; return compareValues(name,, true) && compareValues(description, o.description, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) && (name == null || name.isEmpty()) && (description == null || description.isEmpty()) && (population == null || population.isEmpty()) && (stratifier == null || stratifier.isEmpty()); } public String fhirType() { return ""; } } @Block() public static class MeasureGroupPopulationComponent extends BackboneElement implements IBaseBackboneElement { /** * The type of population criteria. */ @Child(name = "type", type = {CodeType.class}, order=1, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-score", formalDefinition="The type of population criteria." ) protected Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> type; /** * A unique identifier for the population criteria. This identifier is used to report data against this criteria within the measure report. */ @Child(name = "identifier", type = {Identifier.class}, order=2, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Unique identifier", formalDefinition="A unique identifier for the population criteria. This identifier is used to report data against this criteria within the measure report." ) protected Identifier identifier; /** * Optional name or short description of this population. */ @Child(name = "name", type = {StringType.class}, order=3, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Short name", formalDefinition="Optional name or short description of this population." ) protected StringType name; /** * The human readable description of this population criteria. */ @Child(name = "description", type = {StringType.class}, order=4, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="The human readable description of this population criteria", formalDefinition="The human readable description of this population criteria." ) protected StringType description; /** * The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria. */ @Child(name = "criteria", type = {StringType.class}, order=5, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria", formalDefinition="The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria." ) protected StringType criteria; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1158202275L; /** * Constructor */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent(Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> type, Identifier identifier, StringType criteria) { super(); this.type = type; this.identifier = identifier; this.criteria = criteria; } /** * @return {@link #type} (The type of population criteria.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> getTypeElement() { if (this.type == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupPopulationComponent.type"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.type = new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(new MeasurePopulationTypeEnumFactory()); // bb return this.type; } public boolean hasTypeElement() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasType() { return this.type != null && !this.type.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #type} (The type of population criteria.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getType" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setTypeElement(Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> value) { this.type = value; return this; } /** * @return The type of population criteria. */ public MeasurePopulationType getType() { return this.type == null ? null : this.type.getValue(); } /** * @param value The type of population criteria. */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setType(MeasurePopulationType value) { if (this.type == null) this.type = new Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType>(new MeasurePopulationTypeEnumFactory()); this.type.setValue(value); return this; } /** * @return {@link #identifier} (A unique identifier for the population criteria. This identifier is used to report data against this criteria within the measure report.) */ public Identifier getIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupPopulationComponent.identifier"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.identifier = new Identifier(); // cc return this.identifier; } public boolean hasIdentifier() { return this.identifier != null && !this.identifier.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #identifier} (A unique identifier for the population criteria. This identifier is used to report data against this criteria within the measure report.) */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setIdentifier(Identifier value) { this.identifier = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #name} (Optional name or short description of this population.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getNameElement() { if ( == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) = new StringType(); // bb return; } public boolean hasNameElement() { return != null && !; } public boolean hasName() { return != null && !; } /** * @param value {@link #name} (Optional name or short description of this population.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getName" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setNameElement(StringType value) { = value; return this; } /** * @return Optional name or short description of this population. */ public String getName() { return == null ? null :; } /** * @param value Optional name or short description of this population. */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setName(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) = null; else { if ( == null) = new StringType();; } return this; } /** * @return {@link #description} (The human readable description of this population criteria.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDescription" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getDescriptionElement() { if (this.description == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupPopulationComponent.description"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.description = new StringType(); // bb return this.description; } public boolean hasDescriptionElement() { return this.description != null && !this.description.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasDescription() { return this.description != null && !this.description.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #description} (The human readable description of this population criteria.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDescription" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setDescriptionElement(StringType value) { this.description = value; return this; } /** * @return The human readable description of this population criteria. */ public String getDescription() { return this.description == null ? null : this.description.getValue(); } /** * @param value The human readable description of this population criteria. */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setDescription(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.description = null; else { if (this.description == null) this.description = new StringType(); this.description.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #criteria} (The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCriteria" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getCriteriaElement() { if (this.criteria == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupPopulationComponent.criteria"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.criteria = new StringType(); // bb return this.criteria; } public boolean hasCriteriaElement() { return this.criteria != null && !this.criteria.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasCriteria() { return this.criteria != null && !this.criteria.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #criteria} (The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCriteria" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setCriteriaElement(StringType value) { this.criteria = value; return this; } /** * @return The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria. */ public String getCriteria() { return this.criteria == null ? null : this.criteria.getValue(); } /** * @param value The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria. */ public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent setCriteria(String value) { if (this.criteria == null) this.criteria = new StringType(); this.criteria.setValue(value); return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("type", "code", "The type of population criteria.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, type)); childrenList.add(new Property("identifier", "Identifier", "A unique identifier for the population criteria. This identifier is used to report data against this criteria within the measure report.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, identifier)); childrenList.add(new Property("name", "string", "Optional name or short description of this population.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, name)); childrenList.add(new Property("description", "string", "The human readable description of this population criteria.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, description)); childrenList.add(new Property("criteria", "string", "The name of a valid referenced CQL expression (may be namespaced) that defines this population criteria.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, criteria)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: /*type*/ return this.type == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.type}; // Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> case -1618432855: /*identifier*/ return this.identifier == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.identifier}; // Identifier case 3373707: /*name*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {}; // StringType case -1724546052: /*description*/ return this.description == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.description}; // StringType case 1952046943: /*criteria*/ return this.criteria == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.criteria}; // StringType default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: // type this.type = new MeasurePopulationTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> break; case -1618432855: // identifier this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier break; case 3373707: // name = castToString(value); // StringType break; case -1724546052: // description this.description = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 1952046943: // criteria this.criteria = castToString(value); // StringType break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("type")) this.type = new MeasurePopulationTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> else if (name.equals("identifier")) this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier else if (name.equals("name")) = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("description")) this.description = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("criteria")) this.criteria = castToString(value); // StringType else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 3575610: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property type as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<MeasurePopulationType> case -1618432855: return getIdentifier(); // Identifier case 3373707: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property name as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case -1724546052: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property description as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 1952046943: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property criteria as it is not a complex type"); // StringType default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("type")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.type"); } else if (name.equals("identifier")) { this.identifier = new Identifier(); return this.identifier; } else if (name.equals("name")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type"); } else if (name.equals("description")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.description"); } else if (name.equals("criteria")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.criteria"); } else return super.addChild(name); } public MeasureGroupPopulationComponent copy() { MeasureGroupPopulationComponent dst = new MeasureGroupPopulationComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.type = type == null ? null : type.copy(); dst.identifier = identifier == null ? null : identifier.copy(); = name == null ? null : name.copy(); dst.description = description == null ? null : description.copy(); dst.criteria = criteria == null ? null : criteria.copy(); return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureGroupPopulationComponent)) return false; MeasureGroupPopulationComponent o = (MeasureGroupPopulationComponent) other; return compareDeep(type, o.type, true) && compareDeep(identifier, o.identifier, true) && compareDeep(name,, true) && compareDeep(description, o.description, true) && compareDeep(criteria, o.criteria, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureGroupPopulationComponent)) return false; MeasureGroupPopulationComponent o = (MeasureGroupPopulationComponent) other; return compareValues(type, o.type, true) && compareValues(name,, true) && compareValues(description, o.description, true) && compareValues(criteria, o.criteria, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (type == null || type.isEmpty()) && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) && (name == null || name.isEmpty()) && (description == null || description.isEmpty()) && (criteria == null || criteria.isEmpty()) ; } public String fhirType() { return ""; } } @Block() public static class MeasureGroupStratifierComponent extends BackboneElement implements IBaseBackboneElement { /** * The identifier for the stratifier used to coordinate the reported data back to this stratifier. */ @Child(name = "identifier", type = {Identifier.class}, order=1, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="The identifier for the stratifier used to coordinate the reported data back to this stratifier", formalDefinition="The identifier for the stratifier used to coordinate the reported data back to this stratifier." ) protected Identifier identifier; /** * The criteria for the stratifier. This must be the name of an expression defined within a referenced library. */ @Child(name = "criteria", type = {StringType.class}, order=2, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Stratifier criteria", formalDefinition="The criteria for the stratifier. This must be the name of an expression defined within a referenced library." ) protected StringType criteria; /** * The path to an element that defines the stratifier, specified as a valid FHIR resource path. */ @Child(name = "path", type = {StringType.class}, order=3, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Path to the stratifier", formalDefinition="The path to an element that defines the stratifier, specified as a valid FHIR resource path." ) protected StringType path; private static final long serialVersionUID = -196134448L; /** * Constructor */ public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent(Identifier identifier) { super(); this.identifier = identifier; } /** * @return {@link #identifier} (The identifier for the stratifier used to coordinate the reported data back to this stratifier.) */ public Identifier getIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupStratifierComponent.identifier"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.identifier = new Identifier(); // cc return this.identifier; } public boolean hasIdentifier() { return this.identifier != null && !this.identifier.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #identifier} (The identifier for the stratifier used to coordinate the reported data back to this stratifier.) */ public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent setIdentifier(Identifier value) { this.identifier = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #criteria} (The criteria for the stratifier. This must be the name of an expression defined within a referenced library.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCriteria" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getCriteriaElement() { if (this.criteria == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupStratifierComponent.criteria"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.criteria = new StringType(); // bb return this.criteria; } public boolean hasCriteriaElement() { return this.criteria != null && !this.criteria.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasCriteria() { return this.criteria != null && !this.criteria.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #criteria} (The criteria for the stratifier. This must be the name of an expression defined within a referenced library.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCriteria" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent setCriteriaElement(StringType value) { this.criteria = value; return this; } /** * @return The criteria for the stratifier. This must be the name of an expression defined within a referenced library. */ public String getCriteria() { return this.criteria == null ? null : this.criteria.getValue(); } /** * @param value The criteria for the stratifier. This must be the name of an expression defined within a referenced library. */ public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent setCriteria(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.criteria = null; else { if (this.criteria == null) this.criteria = new StringType(); this.criteria.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #path} (The path to an element that defines the stratifier, specified as a valid FHIR resource path.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPath" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getPathElement() { if (this.path == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureGroupStratifierComponent.path"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.path = new StringType(); // bb return this.path; } public boolean hasPathElement() { return this.path != null && !this.path.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasPath() { return this.path != null && !this.path.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #path} (The path to an element that defines the stratifier, specified as a valid FHIR resource path.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPath" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent setPathElement(StringType value) { this.path = value; return this; } /** * @return The path to an element that defines the stratifier, specified as a valid FHIR resource path. */ public String getPath() { return this.path == null ? null : this.path.getValue(); } /** * @param value The path to an element that defines the stratifier, specified as a valid FHIR resource path. */ public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent setPath(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.path = null; else { if (this.path == null) this.path = new StringType(); this.path.setValue(value); } return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("identifier", "Identifier", "The identifier for the stratifier used to coordinate the reported data back to this stratifier.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, identifier)); childrenList.add(new Property("criteria", "string", "The criteria for the stratifier. This must be the name of an expression defined within a referenced library.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, criteria)); childrenList.add(new Property("path", "string", "The path to an element that defines the stratifier, specified as a valid FHIR resource path.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, path)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: /*identifier*/ return this.identifier == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.identifier}; // Identifier case 1952046943: /*criteria*/ return this.criteria == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.criteria}; // StringType case 3433509: /*path*/ return this.path == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.path}; // StringType default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: // identifier this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier break; case 1952046943: // criteria this.criteria = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 3433509: // path this.path = castToString(value); // StringType break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier else if (name.equals("criteria")) this.criteria = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("path")) this.path = castToString(value); // StringType else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: return getIdentifier(); // Identifier case 1952046943: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property criteria as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 3433509: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property path as it is not a complex type"); // StringType default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) { this.identifier = new Identifier(); return this.identifier; } else if (name.equals("criteria")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.criteria"); } else if (name.equals("path")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.path"); } else return super.addChild(name); } public MeasureGroupStratifierComponent copy() { MeasureGroupStratifierComponent dst = new MeasureGroupStratifierComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.identifier = identifier == null ? null : identifier.copy(); dst.criteria = criteria == null ? null : criteria.copy(); dst.path = path == null ? null : path.copy(); return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureGroupStratifierComponent)) return false; MeasureGroupStratifierComponent o = (MeasureGroupStratifierComponent) other; return compareDeep(identifier, o.identifier, true) && compareDeep(criteria, o.criteria, true) && compareDeep(path, o.path, true) ; } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureGroupStratifierComponent)) return false; MeasureGroupStratifierComponent o = (MeasureGroupStratifierComponent) other; return compareValues(criteria, o.criteria, true) && compareValues(path, o.path, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) && (criteria == null || criteria.isEmpty()) && (path == null || path.isEmpty()); } public String fhirType() { return ""; } } @Block() public static class MeasureSupplementalDataComponent extends BackboneElement implements IBaseBackboneElement { /** * An identifier for the supplemental data. */ @Child(name = "identifier", type = {Identifier.class}, order=1, min=1, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Identifier, unique within the measure", formalDefinition="An identifier for the supplemental data." ) protected Identifier identifier; /** * An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation. */ @Child(name = "usage", type = {CodeType.class}, order=2, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor", formalDefinition="An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation." ) protected List<Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>> usage; /** * The criteria for the supplemental data. This must be the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, and defines the data to be returned for this element. */ @Child(name = "criteria", type = {StringType.class}, order=3, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Supplemental data criteria", formalDefinition="The criteria for the supplemental data. This must be the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, and defines the data to be returned for this element." ) protected StringType criteria; /** * The supplemental data to be supplied as part of the measure response, specified as a valid FHIR Resource Path. */ @Child(name = "path", type = {StringType.class}, order=4, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Path to the supplemental data element", formalDefinition="The supplemental data to be supplied as part of the measure response, specified as a valid FHIR Resource Path." ) protected StringType path; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1666728717L; /** * Constructor */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent() { super(); } /** * Constructor */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent(Identifier identifier) { super(); this.identifier = identifier; } /** * @return {@link #identifier} (An identifier for the supplemental data.) */ public Identifier getIdentifier() { if (this.identifier == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureSupplementalDataComponent.identifier"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.identifier = new Identifier(); // cc return this.identifier; } public boolean hasIdentifier() { return this.identifier != null && !this.identifier.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #identifier} (An identifier for the supplemental data.) */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent setIdentifier(Identifier value) { this.identifier = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #usage} (An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation.) */ public List<Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>> getUsage() { if (this.usage == null) this.usage = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>>(); return this.usage; } public boolean hasUsage() { if (this.usage == null) return false; for (Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> item : this.usage) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #usage} (An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation.) */ // syntactic sugar public Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> addUsageElement() {//2 Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> t = new Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>(new MeasureDataUsageEnumFactory()); if (this.usage == null) this.usage = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>>(); this.usage.add(t); return t; } /** * @param value {@link #usage} (An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation.) */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent addUsage(MeasureDataUsage value) { //1 Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> t = new Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>(new MeasureDataUsageEnumFactory()); t.setValue(value); if (this.usage == null) this.usage = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>>(); this.usage.add(t); return this; } /** * @param value {@link #usage} (An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation.) */ public boolean hasUsage(MeasureDataUsage value) { if (this.usage == null) return false; for (Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> v : this.usage) if (v.getValue().equals(value)) // code return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #criteria} (The criteria for the supplemental data. This must be the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, and defines the data to be returned for this element.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCriteria" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getCriteriaElement() { if (this.criteria == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureSupplementalDataComponent.criteria"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.criteria = new StringType(); // bb return this.criteria; } public boolean hasCriteriaElement() { return this.criteria != null && !this.criteria.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasCriteria() { return this.criteria != null && !this.criteria.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #criteria} (The criteria for the supplemental data. This must be the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, and defines the data to be returned for this element.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getCriteria" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent setCriteriaElement(StringType value) { this.criteria = value; return this; } /** * @return The criteria for the supplemental data. This must be the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, and defines the data to be returned for this element. */ public String getCriteria() { return this.criteria == null ? null : this.criteria.getValue(); } /** * @param value The criteria for the supplemental data. This must be the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, and defines the data to be returned for this element. */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent setCriteria(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.criteria = null; else { if (this.criteria == null) this.criteria = new StringType(); this.criteria.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #path} (The supplemental data to be supplied as part of the measure response, specified as a valid FHIR Resource Path.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPath" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getPathElement() { if (this.path == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create MeasureSupplementalDataComponent.path"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.path = new StringType(); // bb return this.path; } public boolean hasPathElement() { return this.path != null && !this.path.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasPath() { return this.path != null && !this.path.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #path} (The supplemental data to be supplied as part of the measure response, specified as a valid FHIR Resource Path.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getPath" gives direct access to the value */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent setPathElement(StringType value) { this.path = value; return this; } /** * @return The supplemental data to be supplied as part of the measure response, specified as a valid FHIR Resource Path. */ public String getPath() { return this.path == null ? null : this.path.getValue(); } /** * @param value The supplemental data to be supplied as part of the measure response, specified as a valid FHIR Resource Path. */ public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent setPath(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.path = null; else { if (this.path == null) this.path = new StringType(); this.path.setValue(value); } return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("identifier", "Identifier", "An identifier for the supplemental data.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, identifier)); childrenList.add(new Property("usage", "code", "An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculation.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, usage)); childrenList.add(new Property("criteria", "string", "The criteria for the supplemental data. This must be the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, and defines the data to be returned for this element.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, criteria)); childrenList.add(new Property("path", "string", "The supplemental data to be supplied as part of the measure response, specified as a valid FHIR Resource Path.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, path)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: /*identifier*/ return this.identifier == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.identifier}; // Identifier case 111574433: /*usage*/ return this.usage == null ? new Base[0] : this.usage.toArray(new Base[this.usage.size()]); // Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> case 1952046943: /*criteria*/ return this.criteria == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.criteria}; // StringType case 3433509: /*path*/ return this.path == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.path}; // StringType default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: // identifier this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier break; case 111574433: // usage this.getUsage().add(new MeasureDataUsageEnumFactory().fromType(value)); // Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> break; case 1952046943: // criteria this.criteria = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 3433509: // path this.path = castToString(value); // StringType break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) this.identifier = castToIdentifier(value); // Identifier else if (name.equals("usage")) this.getUsage().add(new MeasureDataUsageEnumFactory().fromType(value)); else if (name.equals("criteria")) this.criteria = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("path")) this.path = castToString(value); // StringType else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case -1618432855: return getIdentifier(); // Identifier case 111574433: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property usage as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> case 1952046943: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property criteria as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 3433509: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property path as it is not a complex type"); // StringType default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("identifier")) { this.identifier = new Identifier(); return this.identifier; } else if (name.equals("usage")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.usage"); } else if (name.equals("criteria")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.criteria"); } else if (name.equals("path")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.path"); } else return super.addChild(name); } public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent copy() { MeasureSupplementalDataComponent dst = new MeasureSupplementalDataComponent(); copyValues(dst); dst.identifier = identifier == null ? null : identifier.copy(); if (usage != null) { dst.usage = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage>>(); for (Enumeration<MeasureDataUsage> i : usage) dst.usage.add(i.copy()); }; dst.criteria = criteria == null ? null : criteria.copy(); dst.path = path == null ? null : path.copy(); return dst; } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureSupplementalDataComponent)) return false; MeasureSupplementalDataComponent o = (MeasureSupplementalDataComponent) other; return compareDeep(identifier, o.identifier, true) && compareDeep(usage, o.usage, true) && compareDeep(criteria, o.criteria, true) && compareDeep(path, o.path, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof MeasureSupplementalDataComponent)) return false; MeasureSupplementalDataComponent o = (MeasureSupplementalDataComponent) other; return compareValues(usage, o.usage, true) && compareValues(criteria, o.criteria, true) && compareValues(path, o.path, true) ; } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (identifier == null || identifier.isEmpty()) && (usage == null || usage.isEmpty()) && (criteria == null || criteria.isEmpty()) && (path == null || path.isEmpty()); } public String fhirType() { return "Measure.supplementalData"; } } /** * The metadata for the measure, including publishing, life-cycle, version, documentation, and supporting evidence. */ @Child(name = "moduleMetadata", type = {ModuleMetadata.class}, order=0, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Metadata for the measure", formalDefinition="The metadata for the measure, including publishing, life-cycle, version, documentation, and supporting evidence." ) protected ModuleMetadata moduleMetadata; /** * A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure. */ @Child(name = "library", type = {Library.class}, order=1, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Logic used by the measure", formalDefinition="A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure." ) protected List<Reference> library; /** * The actual objects that are the target of the reference (A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure.) */ protected List<Library> libraryTarget; /** * A disclaimer for the use of the measure. */ @Child(name = "disclaimer", type = {MarkdownType.class}, order=2, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Disclaimer for the measure", formalDefinition="A disclaimer for the use of the measure." ) protected MarkdownType disclaimer; /** * The measure scoring type, e.g. proportion, CV. */ @Child(name = "scoring", type = {CodeType.class}, order=3, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort", formalDefinition="The measure scoring type, e.g. proportion, CV." ) protected Enumeration<MeasureScoring> scoring; /** * The measure type, e.g. process, outcome. */ @Child(name = "type", type = {CodeType.class}, order=4, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="process | outcome", formalDefinition="The measure type, e.g. process, outcome." ) protected List<Enumeration<MeasureType>> type; /** * A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results. */ @Child(name = "riskAdjustment", type = {StringType.class}, order=5, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="How is risk adjustment applied for this measure", formalDefinition="A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results." ) protected StringType riskAdjustment; /** * A description of the rate aggregation for the measure. */ @Child(name = "rateAggregation", type = {StringType.class}, order=6, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="How is rate aggregation performed for this measure", formalDefinition="A description of the rate aggregation for the measure." ) protected StringType rateAggregation; /** * The rationale for the measure. */ @Child(name = "rationale", type = {MarkdownType.class}, order=7, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Why does this measure exist", formalDefinition="The rationale for the measure." ) protected MarkdownType rationale; /** * The clinical recommendation statement for the measure. */ @Child(name = "clinicalRecommendationStatement", type = {MarkdownType.class}, order=8, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Clinical recommendation", formalDefinition="The clinical recommendation statement for the measure." ) protected MarkdownType clinicalRecommendationStatement; /** * Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality. */ @Child(name = "improvementNotation", type = {StringType.class}, order=9, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality", formalDefinition="Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality." ) protected StringType improvementNotation; /** * A narrative description of the complete measure calculation. */ @Child(name = "definition", type = {MarkdownType.class}, order=10, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="A natural language definition of the measure", formalDefinition="A narrative description of the complete measure calculation." ) protected MarkdownType definition; /** * Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure. */ @Child(name = "guidance", type = {MarkdownType.class}, order=11, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="The guidance for the measure", formalDefinition="Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure." ) protected MarkdownType guidance; /** * The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening. */ @Child(name = "set", type = {StringType.class}, order=12, min=0, max=1, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening", formalDefinition="The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening." ) protected StringType set; /** * A group of population criteria for the measure. */ @Child(name = "group", type = {}, order=13, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Population criteria group", formalDefinition="A group of population criteria for the measure." ) protected List<MeasureGroupComponent> group; /** * The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path. */ @Child(name = "supplementalData", type = {}, order=14, min=0, max=Child.MAX_UNLIMITED, modifier=false, summary=true) @Description(shortDefinition="Supplemental data", formalDefinition="The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path." ) protected List<MeasureSupplementalDataComponent> supplementalData; private static final long serialVersionUID = -1000974672L; /** * Constructor */ public Measure() { super(); } /** * @return {@link #moduleMetadata} (The metadata for the measure, including publishing, life-cycle, version, documentation, and supporting evidence.) */ public ModuleMetadata getModuleMetadata() { if (this.moduleMetadata == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.moduleMetadata"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.moduleMetadata = new ModuleMetadata(); // cc return this.moduleMetadata; } public boolean hasModuleMetadata() { return this.moduleMetadata != null && !this.moduleMetadata.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #moduleMetadata} (The metadata for the measure, including publishing, life-cycle, version, documentation, and supporting evidence.) */ public Measure setModuleMetadata(ModuleMetadata value) { this.moduleMetadata = value; return this; } /** * @return {@link #library} (A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure.) */ public List<Reference> getLibrary() { if (this.library == null) this.library = new ArrayList<Reference>(); return this.library; } public boolean hasLibrary() { if (this.library == null) return false; for (Reference item : this.library) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #library} (A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure.) */ // syntactic sugar public Reference addLibrary() { //3 Reference t = new Reference(); if (this.library == null) this.library = new ArrayList<Reference>(); this.library.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public Measure addLibrary(Reference t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.library == null) this.library = new ArrayList<Reference>(); this.library.add(t); return this; } /** * @return {@link #library} (The actual objects that are the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't populate this, but you can use this to hold the resources if you resolvethemt. A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure.) */ public List<Library> getLibraryTarget() { if (this.libraryTarget == null) this.libraryTarget = new ArrayList<Library>(); return this.libraryTarget; } // syntactic sugar /** * @return {@link #library} (Add an actual object that is the target of the reference. The reference library doesn't use these, but you can use this to hold the resources if you resolvethemt. A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure.) */ public Library addLibraryTarget() { Library r = new Library(); if (this.libraryTarget == null) this.libraryTarget = new ArrayList<Library>(); this.libraryTarget.add(r); return r; } /** * @return {@link #disclaimer} (A disclaimer for the use of the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDisclaimer" gives direct access to the value */ public MarkdownType getDisclaimerElement() { if (this.disclaimer == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.disclaimer"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.disclaimer = new MarkdownType(); // bb return this.disclaimer; } public boolean hasDisclaimerElement() { return this.disclaimer != null && !this.disclaimer.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasDisclaimer() { return this.disclaimer != null && !this.disclaimer.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #disclaimer} (A disclaimer for the use of the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDisclaimer" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setDisclaimerElement(MarkdownType value) { this.disclaimer = value; return this; } /** * @return A disclaimer for the use of the measure. */ public String getDisclaimer() { return this.disclaimer == null ? null : this.disclaimer.getValue(); } /** * @param value A disclaimer for the use of the measure. */ public Measure setDisclaimer(String value) { if (value == null) this.disclaimer = null; else { if (this.disclaimer == null) this.disclaimer = new MarkdownType(); this.disclaimer.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #scoring} (The measure scoring type, e.g. proportion, CV.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getScoring" gives direct access to the value */ public Enumeration<MeasureScoring> getScoringElement() { if (this.scoring == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.scoring"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.scoring = new Enumeration<MeasureScoring>(new MeasureScoringEnumFactory()); // bb return this.scoring; } public boolean hasScoringElement() { return this.scoring != null && !this.scoring.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasScoring() { return this.scoring != null && !this.scoring.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #scoring} (The measure scoring type, e.g. proportion, CV.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getScoring" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setScoringElement(Enumeration<MeasureScoring> value) { this.scoring = value; return this; } /** * @return The measure scoring type, e.g. proportion, CV. */ public MeasureScoring getScoring() { return this.scoring == null ? null : this.scoring.getValue(); } /** * @param value The measure scoring type, e.g. proportion, CV. */ public Measure setScoring(MeasureScoring value) { if (value == null) this.scoring = null; else { if (this.scoring == null) this.scoring = new Enumeration<MeasureScoring>(new MeasureScoringEnumFactory()); this.scoring.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #type} (The measure type, e.g. process, outcome.) */ public List<Enumeration<MeasureType>> getType() { if (this.type == null) this.type = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureType>>(); return this.type; } public boolean hasType() { if (this.type == null) return false; for (Enumeration<MeasureType> item : this.type) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #type} (The measure type, e.g. process, outcome.) */ // syntactic sugar public Enumeration<MeasureType> addTypeElement() {//2 Enumeration<MeasureType> t = new Enumeration<MeasureType>(new MeasureTypeEnumFactory()); if (this.type == null) this.type = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureType>>(); this.type.add(t); return t; } /** * @param value {@link #type} (The measure type, e.g. process, outcome.) */ public Measure addType(MeasureType value) { //1 Enumeration<MeasureType> t = new Enumeration<MeasureType>(new MeasureTypeEnumFactory()); t.setValue(value); if (this.type == null) this.type = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureType>>(); this.type.add(t); return this; } /** * @param value {@link #type} (The measure type, e.g. process, outcome.) */ public boolean hasType(MeasureType value) { if (this.type == null) return false; for (Enumeration<MeasureType> v : this.type) if (v.getValue().equals(value)) // code return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #riskAdjustment} (A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getRiskAdjustment" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getRiskAdjustmentElement() { if (this.riskAdjustment == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.riskAdjustment"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.riskAdjustment = new StringType(); // bb return this.riskAdjustment; } public boolean hasRiskAdjustmentElement() { return this.riskAdjustment != null && !this.riskAdjustment.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasRiskAdjustment() { return this.riskAdjustment != null && !this.riskAdjustment.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #riskAdjustment} (A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getRiskAdjustment" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setRiskAdjustmentElement(StringType value) { this.riskAdjustment = value; return this; } /** * @return A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results. */ public String getRiskAdjustment() { return this.riskAdjustment == null ? null : this.riskAdjustment.getValue(); } /** * @param value A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results. */ public Measure setRiskAdjustment(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.riskAdjustment = null; else { if (this.riskAdjustment == null) this.riskAdjustment = new StringType(); this.riskAdjustment.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #rateAggregation} (A description of the rate aggregation for the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getRateAggregation" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getRateAggregationElement() { if (this.rateAggregation == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.rateAggregation"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.rateAggregation = new StringType(); // bb return this.rateAggregation; } public boolean hasRateAggregationElement() { return this.rateAggregation != null && !this.rateAggregation.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasRateAggregation() { return this.rateAggregation != null && !this.rateAggregation.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #rateAggregation} (A description of the rate aggregation for the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getRateAggregation" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setRateAggregationElement(StringType value) { this.rateAggregation = value; return this; } /** * @return A description of the rate aggregation for the measure. */ public String getRateAggregation() { return this.rateAggregation == null ? null : this.rateAggregation.getValue(); } /** * @param value A description of the rate aggregation for the measure. */ public Measure setRateAggregation(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.rateAggregation = null; else { if (this.rateAggregation == null) this.rateAggregation = new StringType(); this.rateAggregation.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #rationale} (The rationale for the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getRationale" gives direct access to the value */ public MarkdownType getRationaleElement() { if (this.rationale == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.rationale"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.rationale = new MarkdownType(); // bb return this.rationale; } public boolean hasRationaleElement() { return this.rationale != null && !this.rationale.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasRationale() { return this.rationale != null && !this.rationale.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #rationale} (The rationale for the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getRationale" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setRationaleElement(MarkdownType value) { this.rationale = value; return this; } /** * @return The rationale for the measure. */ public String getRationale() { return this.rationale == null ? null : this.rationale.getValue(); } /** * @param value The rationale for the measure. */ public Measure setRationale(String value) { if (value == null) this.rationale = null; else { if (this.rationale == null) this.rationale = new MarkdownType(); this.rationale.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #clinicalRecommendationStatement} (The clinical recommendation statement for the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getClinicalRecommendationStatement" gives direct access to the value */ public MarkdownType getClinicalRecommendationStatementElement() { if (this.clinicalRecommendationStatement == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.clinicalRecommendationStatement"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.clinicalRecommendationStatement = new MarkdownType(); // bb return this.clinicalRecommendationStatement; } public boolean hasClinicalRecommendationStatementElement() { return this.clinicalRecommendationStatement != null && !this.clinicalRecommendationStatement.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasClinicalRecommendationStatement() { return this.clinicalRecommendationStatement != null && !this.clinicalRecommendationStatement.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #clinicalRecommendationStatement} (The clinical recommendation statement for the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getClinicalRecommendationStatement" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setClinicalRecommendationStatementElement(MarkdownType value) { this.clinicalRecommendationStatement = value; return this; } /** * @return The clinical recommendation statement for the measure. */ public String getClinicalRecommendationStatement() { return this.clinicalRecommendationStatement == null ? null : this.clinicalRecommendationStatement.getValue(); } /** * @param value The clinical recommendation statement for the measure. */ public Measure setClinicalRecommendationStatement(String value) { if (value == null) this.clinicalRecommendationStatement = null; else { if (this.clinicalRecommendationStatement == null) this.clinicalRecommendationStatement = new MarkdownType(); this.clinicalRecommendationStatement.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #improvementNotation} (Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getImprovementNotation" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getImprovementNotationElement() { if (this.improvementNotation == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.improvementNotation"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.improvementNotation = new StringType(); // bb return this.improvementNotation; } public boolean hasImprovementNotationElement() { return this.improvementNotation != null && !this.improvementNotation.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasImprovementNotation() { return this.improvementNotation != null && !this.improvementNotation.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #improvementNotation} (Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getImprovementNotation" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setImprovementNotationElement(StringType value) { this.improvementNotation = value; return this; } /** * @return Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality. */ public String getImprovementNotation() { return this.improvementNotation == null ? null : this.improvementNotation.getValue(); } /** * @param value Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality. */ public Measure setImprovementNotation(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.improvementNotation = null; else { if (this.improvementNotation == null) this.improvementNotation = new StringType(); this.improvementNotation.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #definition} (A narrative description of the complete measure calculation.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDefinition" gives direct access to the value */ public MarkdownType getDefinitionElement() { if (this.definition == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.definition"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.definition = new MarkdownType(); // bb return this.definition; } public boolean hasDefinitionElement() { return this.definition != null && !this.definition.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasDefinition() { return this.definition != null && !this.definition.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #definition} (A narrative description of the complete measure calculation.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getDefinition" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setDefinitionElement(MarkdownType value) { this.definition = value; return this; } /** * @return A narrative description of the complete measure calculation. */ public String getDefinition() { return this.definition == null ? null : this.definition.getValue(); } /** * @param value A narrative description of the complete measure calculation. */ public Measure setDefinition(String value) { if (value == null) this.definition = null; else { if (this.definition == null) this.definition = new MarkdownType(); this.definition.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #guidance} (Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getGuidance" gives direct access to the value */ public MarkdownType getGuidanceElement() { if (this.guidance == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.guidance"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.guidance = new MarkdownType(); // bb return this.guidance; } public boolean hasGuidanceElement() { return this.guidance != null && !this.guidance.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasGuidance() { return this.guidance != null && !this.guidance.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #guidance} (Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getGuidance" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setGuidanceElement(MarkdownType value) { this.guidance = value; return this; } /** * @return Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure. */ public String getGuidance() { return this.guidance == null ? null : this.guidance.getValue(); } /** * @param value Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure. */ public Measure setGuidance(String value) { if (value == null) this.guidance = null; else { if (this.guidance == null) this.guidance = new MarkdownType(); this.guidance.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #set} (The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getSet" gives direct access to the value */ public StringType getSetElement() { if (this.set == null) if (Configuration.errorOnAutoCreate()) throw new Error("Attempt to auto-create Measure.set"); else if (Configuration.doAutoCreate()) this.set = new StringType(); // bb return this.set; } public boolean hasSetElement() { return this.set != null && !this.set.isEmpty(); } public boolean hasSet() { return this.set != null && !this.set.isEmpty(); } /** * @param value {@link #set} (The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening.). This is the underlying object with id, value and extensions. The accessor "getSet" gives direct access to the value */ public Measure setSetElement(StringType value) { this.set = value; return this; } /** * @return The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening. */ public String getSet() { return this.set == null ? null : this.set.getValue(); } /** * @param value The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening. */ public Measure setSet(String value) { if (Utilities.noString(value)) this.set = null; else { if (this.set == null) this.set = new StringType(); this.set.setValue(value); } return this; } /** * @return {@link #group} (A group of population criteria for the measure.) */ public List<MeasureGroupComponent> getGroup() { if ( == null) = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupComponent>(); return; } public boolean hasGroup() { if ( == null) return false; for (MeasureGroupComponent item : if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #group} (A group of population criteria for the measure.) */ // syntactic sugar public MeasureGroupComponent addGroup() { //3 MeasureGroupComponent t = new MeasureGroupComponent(); if ( == null) = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupComponent>();; return t; } // syntactic sugar public Measure addGroup(MeasureGroupComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if ( == null) = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupComponent>();; return this; } /** * @return {@link #supplementalData} (The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path.) */ public List<MeasureSupplementalDataComponent> getSupplementalData() { if (this.supplementalData == null) this.supplementalData = new ArrayList<MeasureSupplementalDataComponent>(); return this.supplementalData; } public boolean hasSupplementalData() { if (this.supplementalData == null) return false; for (MeasureSupplementalDataComponent item : this.supplementalData) if (!item.isEmpty()) return true; return false; } /** * @return {@link #supplementalData} (The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path.) */ // syntactic sugar public MeasureSupplementalDataComponent addSupplementalData() { //3 MeasureSupplementalDataComponent t = new MeasureSupplementalDataComponent(); if (this.supplementalData == null) this.supplementalData = new ArrayList<MeasureSupplementalDataComponent>(); this.supplementalData.add(t); return t; } // syntactic sugar public Measure addSupplementalData(MeasureSupplementalDataComponent t) { //3 if (t == null) return this; if (this.supplementalData == null) this.supplementalData = new ArrayList<MeasureSupplementalDataComponent>(); this.supplementalData.add(t); return this; } protected void listChildren(List<Property> childrenList) { super.listChildren(childrenList); childrenList.add(new Property("moduleMetadata", "ModuleMetadata", "The metadata for the measure, including publishing, life-cycle, version, documentation, and supporting evidence.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, moduleMetadata)); childrenList.add(new Property("library", "Reference(Library)", "A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, library)); childrenList.add(new Property("disclaimer", "markdown", "A disclaimer for the use of the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, disclaimer)); childrenList.add(new Property("scoring", "code", "The measure scoring type, e.g. proportion, CV.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, scoring)); childrenList.add(new Property("type", "code", "The measure type, e.g. process, outcome.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, type)); childrenList.add(new Property("riskAdjustment", "string", "A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure results.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, riskAdjustment)); childrenList.add(new Property("rateAggregation", "string", "A description of the rate aggregation for the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, rateAggregation)); childrenList.add(new Property("rationale", "markdown", "The rationale for the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, rationale)); childrenList.add(new Property("clinicalRecommendationStatement", "markdown", "The clinical recommendation statement for the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, clinicalRecommendationStatement)); childrenList.add(new Property("improvementNotation", "string", "Improvement notation for the measure, e.g. higher score indicates better quality.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, improvementNotation)); childrenList.add(new Property("definition", "markdown", "A narrative description of the complete measure calculation.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, definition)); childrenList.add(new Property("guidance", "markdown", "Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, guidance)); childrenList.add(new Property("set", "string", "The measure set, e.g. Preventive Care and Screening.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, set)); childrenList.add(new Property("group", "", "A group of population criteria for the measure.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, group)); childrenList.add(new Property("supplementalData", "", "The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource Path.", 0, java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE, supplementalData)); } @Override public Base[] getProperty(int hash, String name, boolean checkValid) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 455891387: /*moduleMetadata*/ return this.moduleMetadata == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.moduleMetadata}; // ModuleMetadata case 166208699: /*library*/ return this.library == null ? new Base[0] : this.library.toArray(new Base[this.library.size()]); // Reference case 432371099: /*disclaimer*/ return this.disclaimer == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.disclaimer}; // MarkdownType case 1924005583: /*scoring*/ return this.scoring == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.scoring}; // Enumeration<MeasureScoring> case 3575610: /*type*/ return this.type == null ? new Base[0] : this.type.toArray(new Base[this.type.size()]); // Enumeration<MeasureType> case 93273500: /*riskAdjustment*/ return this.riskAdjustment == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.riskAdjustment}; // StringType case 1254503906: /*rateAggregation*/ return this.rateAggregation == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.rateAggregation}; // StringType case 345689335: /*rationale*/ return this.rationale == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.rationale}; // MarkdownType case -18631389: /*clinicalRecommendationStatement*/ return this.clinicalRecommendationStatement == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.clinicalRecommendationStatement}; // MarkdownType case -2085456136: /*improvementNotation*/ return this.improvementNotation == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.improvementNotation}; // StringType case -1014418093: /*definition*/ return this.definition == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.definition}; // MarkdownType case -1314002088: /*guidance*/ return this.guidance == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.guidance}; // MarkdownType case 113762: /*set*/ return this.set == null ? new Base[0] : new Base[] {this.set}; // StringType case 98629247: /*group*/ return == null ? new Base[0] : Base[]); // MeasureGroupComponent case 1447496814: /*supplementalData*/ return this.supplementalData == null ? new Base[0] : this.supplementalData.toArray(new Base[this.supplementalData.size()]); // MeasureSupplementalDataComponent default: return super.getProperty(hash, name, checkValid); } } @Override public void setProperty(int hash, String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 455891387: // moduleMetadata this.moduleMetadata = castToModuleMetadata(value); // ModuleMetadata break; case 166208699: // library this.getLibrary().add(castToReference(value)); // Reference break; case 432371099: // disclaimer this.disclaimer = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType break; case 1924005583: // scoring this.scoring = new MeasureScoringEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<MeasureScoring> break; case 3575610: // type this.getType().add(new MeasureTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value)); // Enumeration<MeasureType> break; case 93273500: // riskAdjustment this.riskAdjustment = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 1254503906: // rateAggregation this.rateAggregation = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 345689335: // rationale this.rationale = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType break; case -18631389: // clinicalRecommendationStatement this.clinicalRecommendationStatement = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType break; case -2085456136: // improvementNotation this.improvementNotation = castToString(value); // StringType break; case -1014418093: // definition this.definition = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType break; case -1314002088: // guidance this.guidance = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType break; case 113762: // set this.set = castToString(value); // StringType break; case 98629247: // group this.getGroup().add((MeasureGroupComponent) value); // MeasureGroupComponent break; case 1447496814: // supplementalData this.getSupplementalData().add((MeasureSupplementalDataComponent) value); // MeasureSupplementalDataComponent break; default: super.setProperty(hash, name, value); } } @Override public void setProperty(String name, Base value) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("moduleMetadata")) this.moduleMetadata = castToModuleMetadata(value); // ModuleMetadata else if (name.equals("library")) this.getLibrary().add(castToReference(value)); else if (name.equals("disclaimer")) this.disclaimer = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType else if (name.equals("scoring")) this.scoring = new MeasureScoringEnumFactory().fromType(value); // Enumeration<MeasureScoring> else if (name.equals("type")) this.getType().add(new MeasureTypeEnumFactory().fromType(value)); else if (name.equals("riskAdjustment")) this.riskAdjustment = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("rateAggregation")) this.rateAggregation = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("rationale")) this.rationale = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType else if (name.equals("clinicalRecommendationStatement")) this.clinicalRecommendationStatement = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType else if (name.equals("improvementNotation")) this.improvementNotation = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("definition")) this.definition = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType else if (name.equals("guidance")) this.guidance = castToMarkdown(value); // MarkdownType else if (name.equals("set")) this.set = castToString(value); // StringType else if (name.equals("group")) this.getGroup().add((MeasureGroupComponent) value); else if (name.equals("supplementalData")) this.getSupplementalData().add((MeasureSupplementalDataComponent) value); else super.setProperty(name, value); } @Override public Base makeProperty(int hash, String name) throws FHIRException { switch (hash) { case 455891387: return getModuleMetadata(); // ModuleMetadata case 166208699: return addLibrary(); // Reference case 432371099: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property disclaimer as it is not a complex type"); // MarkdownType case 1924005583: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property scoring as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<MeasureScoring> case 3575610: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property type as it is not a complex type"); // Enumeration<MeasureType> case 93273500: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property riskAdjustment as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 1254503906: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property rateAggregation as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 345689335: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property rationale as it is not a complex type"); // MarkdownType case -18631389: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property clinicalRecommendationStatement as it is not a complex type"); // MarkdownType case -2085456136: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property improvementNotation as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case -1014418093: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property definition as it is not a complex type"); // MarkdownType case -1314002088: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property guidance as it is not a complex type"); // MarkdownType case 113762: throw new FHIRException("Cannot make property set as it is not a complex type"); // StringType case 98629247: return addGroup(); // MeasureGroupComponent case 1447496814: return addSupplementalData(); // MeasureSupplementalDataComponent default: return super.makeProperty(hash, name); } } @Override public Base addChild(String name) throws FHIRException { if (name.equals("moduleMetadata")) { this.moduleMetadata = new ModuleMetadata(); return this.moduleMetadata; } else if (name.equals("library")) { return addLibrary(); } else if (name.equals("disclaimer")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.disclaimer"); } else if (name.equals("scoring")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.scoring"); } else if (name.equals("type")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.type"); } else if (name.equals("riskAdjustment")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.riskAdjustment"); } else if (name.equals("rateAggregation")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.rateAggregation"); } else if (name.equals("rationale")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.rationale"); } else if (name.equals("clinicalRecommendationStatement")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.clinicalRecommendationStatement"); } else if (name.equals("improvementNotation")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.improvementNotation"); } else if (name.equals("definition")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.definition"); } else if (name.equals("guidance")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.guidance"); } else if (name.equals("set")) { throw new FHIRException("Cannot call addChild on a primitive type Measure.set"); } else if (name.equals("group")) { return addGroup(); } else if (name.equals("supplementalData")) { return addSupplementalData(); } else return super.addChild(name); } public String fhirType() { return "Measure"; } public Measure copy() { Measure dst = new Measure(); copyValues(dst); dst.moduleMetadata = moduleMetadata == null ? null : moduleMetadata.copy(); if (library != null) { dst.library = new ArrayList<Reference>(); for (Reference i : library) dst.library.add(i.copy()); }; dst.disclaimer = disclaimer == null ? null : disclaimer.copy(); dst.scoring = scoring == null ? null : scoring.copy(); if (type != null) { dst.type = new ArrayList<Enumeration<MeasureType>>(); for (Enumeration<MeasureType> i : type) dst.type.add(i.copy()); }; dst.riskAdjustment = riskAdjustment == null ? null : riskAdjustment.copy(); dst.rateAggregation = rateAggregation == null ? null : rateAggregation.copy(); dst.rationale = rationale == null ? null : rationale.copy(); dst.clinicalRecommendationStatement = clinicalRecommendationStatement == null ? null : clinicalRecommendationStatement.copy(); dst.improvementNotation = improvementNotation == null ? null : improvementNotation.copy(); dst.definition = definition == null ? null : definition.copy(); dst.guidance = guidance == null ? null : guidance.copy(); dst.set = set == null ? null : set.copy(); if (group != null) { = new ArrayList<MeasureGroupComponent>(); for (MeasureGroupComponent i : group); }; if (supplementalData != null) { dst.supplementalData = new ArrayList<MeasureSupplementalDataComponent>(); for (MeasureSupplementalDataComponent i : supplementalData) dst.supplementalData.add(i.copy()); }; return dst; } protected Measure typedCopy() { return copy(); } @Override public boolean equalsDeep(Base other) { if (!super.equalsDeep(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof Measure)) return false; Measure o = (Measure) other; return compareDeep(moduleMetadata, o.moduleMetadata, true) && compareDeep(library, o.library, true) && compareDeep(disclaimer, o.disclaimer, true) && compareDeep(scoring, o.scoring, true) && compareDeep(type, o.type, true) && compareDeep(riskAdjustment, o.riskAdjustment, true) && compareDeep(rateAggregation, o.rateAggregation, true) && compareDeep(rationale, o.rationale, true) && compareDeep(clinicalRecommendationStatement, o.clinicalRecommendationStatement, true) && compareDeep(improvementNotation, o.improvementNotation, true) && compareDeep(definition, o.definition, true) && compareDeep(guidance, o.guidance, true) && compareDeep(set, o.set, true) && compareDeep(group,, true) && compareDeep(supplementalData, o.supplementalData, true); } @Override public boolean equalsShallow(Base other) { if (!super.equalsShallow(other)) return false; if (!(other instanceof Measure)) return false; Measure o = (Measure) other; return compareValues(disclaimer, o.disclaimer, true) && compareValues(scoring, o.scoring, true) && compareValues(type, o.type, true) && compareValues(riskAdjustment, o.riskAdjustment, true) && compareValues(rateAggregation, o.rateAggregation, true) && compareValues(rationale, o.rationale, true) && compareValues(clinicalRecommendationStatement, o.clinicalRecommendationStatement, true) && compareValues(improvementNotation, o.improvementNotation, true) && compareValues(definition, o.definition, true) && compareValues(guidance, o.guidance, true) && compareValues(set, o.set, true); } public boolean isEmpty() { return super.isEmpty() && (moduleMetadata == null || moduleMetadata.isEmpty()) && (library == null || library.isEmpty()) && (disclaimer == null || disclaimer.isEmpty()) && (scoring == null || scoring.isEmpty()) && (type == null || type.isEmpty()) && (riskAdjustment == null || riskAdjustment.isEmpty()) && (rateAggregation == null || rateAggregation.isEmpty()) && (rationale == null || rationale.isEmpty()) && (clinicalRecommendationStatement == null || clinicalRecommendationStatement.isEmpty()) && (improvementNotation == null || improvementNotation.isEmpty()) && (definition == null || definition.isEmpty()) && (guidance == null || guidance.isEmpty()) && (set == null || set.isEmpty()) && (group == null || group.isEmpty()) && (supplementalData == null || supplementalData.isEmpty()); } @Override public ResourceType getResourceType() { return ResourceType.Measure; } /** * Search parameter: <b>topic</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Topics associated with the module</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.topic</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="topic", path="Measure.moduleMetadata.topic", description="Topics associated with the module", type="token" ) public static final String SP_TOPIC = "topic"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>topic</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Topics associated with the module</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.topic</b><br> * </p> */ public static final TOPIC = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>title</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Text search against the title</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.title</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="title", path="Measure.moduleMetadata.title", description="Text search against the title", type="string" ) public static final String SP_TITLE = "title"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>title</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Text search against the title</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.title</b><br> * </p> */ public static final TITLE = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>status</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Status of the module</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.status</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="status", path="Measure.moduleMetadata.status", description="Status of the module", type="token" ) public static final String SP_STATUS = "status"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>status</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Status of the module</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.status</b><br> * </p> */ public static final STATUS = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>description</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Text search against the description</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.description</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="description", path="Measure.moduleMetadata.description", description="Text search against the description", type="string" ) public static final String SP_DESCRIPTION = "description"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>description</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Text search against the description</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.description</b><br> * </p> */ public static final DESCRIPTION = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>identifier</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Logical identifier for the module (e.g. CMS-143)</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.identifier</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="identifier", path="Measure.moduleMetadata.identifier", description="Logical identifier for the module (e.g. CMS-143)", type="token" ) public static final String SP_IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>identifier</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Logical identifier for the module (e.g. CMS-143)</b><br> * Type: <b>token</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.identifier</b><br> * </p> */ public static final IDENTIFIER = new; /** * Search parameter: <b>version</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Version of the module (e.g. 1.0.0)</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.version</b><br> * </p> */ @SearchParamDefinition(name="version", path="Measure.moduleMetadata.version", description="Version of the module (e.g. 1.0.0)", type="string" ) public static final String SP_VERSION = "version"; /** * <b>Fluent Client</b> search parameter constant for <b>version</b> * <p> * Description: <b>Version of the module (e.g. 1.0.0)</b><br> * Type: <b>string</b><br> * Path: <b>Measure.moduleMetadata.version</b><br> * </p> */ public static final VERSION = new; }