/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.capacity; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Unstable; import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AccessControlList; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.NodeId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Priority; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueACL; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.QueueUserACLInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Resource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Token; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factories.RecordFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.factory.providers.RecordFactoryProvider; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainer; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainerEventType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.rmcontainer.RMContainerState; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.ActiveUsersManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.NodeType; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.QueueMetrics; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerAppUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.SchedulerApplication; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.common.fica.FiCaSchedulerApp; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.common.fica.FiCaSchedulerNode; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.security.RMContainerTokenSecretManager; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.BuilderUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.Lock; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.utils.Lock.NoLock; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceCalculator; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.Resources; @Private @Unstable public class LeafQueue implements CSQueue { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LeafQueue.class); private final String queueName; private CSQueue parent; private float capacity; private float absoluteCapacity; private float maximumCapacity; private float absoluteMaxCapacity; private float absoluteUsedCapacity = 0.0f; private int userLimit; private float userLimitFactor; private int maxApplications; private int maxApplicationsPerUser; private float maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent; private int maxActiveApplications; // Based on absolute max capacity private int maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap; // Based on absolute capacity private int maxActiveApplicationsPerUser; private int nodeLocalityDelay; private Resource usedResources = Resources.createResource(0, 0); private float usedCapacity = 0.0f; private volatile int numContainers; Set<FiCaSchedulerApp> activeApplications; Map<ApplicationAttemptId, FiCaSchedulerApp> applicationsMap = new HashMap<ApplicationAttemptId, FiCaSchedulerApp>(); Set<FiCaSchedulerApp> pendingApplications; private final Resource minimumAllocation; private final Resource maximumAllocation; private final float minimumAllocationFactor; private RMContainerTokenSecretManager containerTokenSecretManager; private Map<String, User> users = new HashMap<String, User>(); private final QueueMetrics metrics; private QueueInfo queueInfo; private QueueState state; private Map<QueueACL, AccessControlList> acls = new HashMap<QueueACL, AccessControlList>(); private final RecordFactory recordFactory = RecordFactoryProvider.getRecordFactory(null); private CapacitySchedulerContext scheduler; private final ActiveUsersManager activeUsersManager; private final ResourceCalculator resourceCalculator; public LeafQueue(CapacitySchedulerContext cs, String queueName, CSQueue parent, CSQueue old) { this.scheduler = cs; this.queueName = queueName; this.parent = parent; this.resourceCalculator = cs.getResourceCalculator(); // must be after parent and queueName are initialized this.metrics = old != null ? old.getMetrics() : QueueMetrics.forQueue(getQueuePath(), parent, cs.getConfiguration().getEnableUserMetrics(), cs.getConf()); this.activeUsersManager = new ActiveUsersManager(metrics); this.minimumAllocation = cs.getMinimumResourceCapability(); this.maximumAllocation = cs.getMaximumResourceCapability(); this.minimumAllocationFactor = Resources.ratio(resourceCalculator, Resources.subtract(maximumAllocation, minimumAllocation), maximumAllocation); this.containerTokenSecretManager = cs.getContainerTokenSecretManager(); float capacity = (float)cs.getConfiguration().getCapacity(getQueuePath()) / 100; float absoluteCapacity = parent.getAbsoluteCapacity() * capacity; float maximumCapacity = (float)cs.getConfiguration().getMaximumCapacity(getQueuePath()) / 100; float absoluteMaxCapacity = CSQueueUtils.computeAbsoluteMaximumCapacity(maximumCapacity, parent); int userLimit = cs.getConfiguration().getUserLimit(getQueuePath()); float userLimitFactor = cs.getConfiguration().getUserLimitFactor(getQueuePath()); int maxApplications = cs.getConfiguration().getMaximumApplicationsPerQueue(getQueuePath()); if (maxApplications < 0) { int maxSystemApps = cs.getConfiguration().getMaximumSystemApplications(); maxApplications = (int)(maxSystemApps * absoluteCapacity); } maxApplicationsPerUser = (int)(maxApplications * (userLimit / 100.0f) * userLimitFactor); float maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = cs.getConfiguration() .getMaximumApplicationMasterResourcePerQueuePercent(getQueuePath()); int maxActiveApplications = CSQueueUtils.computeMaxActiveApplications( resourceCalculator, cs.getClusterResources(), this.minimumAllocation, maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent, absoluteMaxCapacity); this.maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap = CSQueueUtils.computeMaxActiveApplications( resourceCalculator, cs.getClusterResources(), this.minimumAllocation, maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent, absoluteCapacity); int maxActiveApplicationsPerUser = CSQueueUtils.computeMaxActiveApplicationsPerUser(maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap, userLimit, userLimitFactor); this.queueInfo = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(QueueInfo.class); this.queueInfo.setQueueName(queueName); this.queueInfo.setChildQueues(new ArrayList<QueueInfo>()); QueueState state = cs.getConfiguration().getState(getQueuePath()); Map<QueueACL, AccessControlList> acls = cs.getConfiguration().getAcls(getQueuePath()); setupQueueConfigs( cs.getClusterResources(), capacity, absoluteCapacity, maximumCapacity, absoluteMaxCapacity, userLimit, userLimitFactor, maxApplications, maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent, maxApplicationsPerUser, maxActiveApplications, maxActiveApplicationsPerUser, state, acls, cs .getConfiguration().getNodeLocalityDelay()); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("LeafQueue:" + " name=" + queueName + ", fullname=" + getQueuePath()); } Comparator<FiCaSchedulerApp> applicationComparator = cs.getApplicationComparator(); this.pendingApplications = new TreeSet<FiCaSchedulerApp>(applicationComparator); this.activeApplications = new TreeSet<FiCaSchedulerApp>(applicationComparator); } private synchronized void setupQueueConfigs( Resource clusterResource, float capacity, float absoluteCapacity, float maximumCapacity, float absoluteMaxCapacity, int userLimit, float userLimitFactor, int maxApplications, float maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent, int maxApplicationsPerUser, int maxActiveApplications, int maxActiveApplicationsPerUser, QueueState state, Map<QueueACL, AccessControlList> acls, int nodeLocalityDelay) { // Sanity check CSQueueUtils.checkMaxCapacity(getQueueName(), capacity, maximumCapacity); float absCapacity = getParent().getAbsoluteCapacity() * capacity; CSQueueUtils.checkAbsoluteCapacities(getQueueName(), absCapacity, absoluteMaxCapacity); this.capacity = capacity; this.absoluteCapacity = absCapacity; this.maximumCapacity = maximumCapacity; this.absoluteMaxCapacity = absoluteMaxCapacity; this.userLimit = userLimit; this.userLimitFactor = userLimitFactor; this.maxApplications = maxApplications; this.maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent; this.maxApplicationsPerUser = maxApplicationsPerUser; this.maxActiveApplications = maxActiveApplications; this.maxActiveApplicationsPerUser = maxActiveApplicationsPerUser; this.state = state; this.acls = acls; this.queueInfo.setCapacity(this.capacity); this.queueInfo.setMaximumCapacity(this.maximumCapacity); this.queueInfo.setQueueState(this.state); this.nodeLocalityDelay = nodeLocalityDelay; StringBuilder aclsString = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<QueueACL, AccessControlList> e : acls.entrySet()) { aclsString.append(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue().getAclString()); } // Update metrics CSQueueUtils.updateQueueStatistics( resourceCalculator, this, getParent(), clusterResource, minimumAllocation); LOG.info("Initializing " + queueName + "\n" + "capacity = " + capacity + " [= (float) configuredCapacity / 100 ]" + "\n" + "asboluteCapacity = " + absoluteCapacity + " [= parentAbsoluteCapacity * capacity ]" + "\n" + "maxCapacity = " + maximumCapacity + " [= configuredMaxCapacity ]" + "\n" + "absoluteMaxCapacity = " + absoluteMaxCapacity + " [= 1.0 maximumCapacity undefined, " + "(parentAbsoluteMaxCapacity * maximumCapacity) / 100 otherwise ]" + "\n" + "userLimit = " + userLimit + " [= configuredUserLimit ]" + "\n" + "userLimitFactor = " + userLimitFactor + " [= configuredUserLimitFactor ]" + "\n" + "maxApplications = " + maxApplications + " [= configuredMaximumSystemApplicationsPerQueue or" + " (int)(configuredMaximumSystemApplications * absoluteCapacity)]" + "\n" + "maxApplicationsPerUser = " + maxApplicationsPerUser + " [= (int)(maxApplications * (userLimit / 100.0f) * " + "userLimitFactor) ]" + "\n" + "maxActiveApplications = " + maxActiveApplications + " [= max(" + "(int)ceil((clusterResourceMemory / minimumAllocation) * " + "maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent * absoluteMaxCapacity)," + "1) ]" + "\n" + "maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap = " + maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap + " [= max(" + "(int)ceil((clusterResourceMemory / minimumAllocation) *" + "maxAMResourcePercent * absoluteCapacity)," + "1) ]" + "\n" + "maxActiveApplicationsPerUser = " + maxActiveApplicationsPerUser + " [= max(" + "(int)(maxActiveApplications * (userLimit / 100.0f) * " + "userLimitFactor)," + "1) ]" + "\n" + "usedCapacity = " + usedCapacity + " [= usedResourcesMemory / " + "(clusterResourceMemory * absoluteCapacity)]" + "\n" + "absoluteUsedCapacity = " + absoluteUsedCapacity + " [= usedResourcesMemory / clusterResourceMemory]" + "\n" + "maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent = " + maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent + " [= configuredMaximumAMResourcePercent ]" + "\n" + "minimumAllocationFactor = " + minimumAllocationFactor + " [= (float)(maximumAllocationMemory - minimumAllocationMemory) / " + "maximumAllocationMemory ]" + "\n" + "numContainers = " + numContainers + " [= currentNumContainers ]" + "\n" + "state = " + state + " [= configuredState ]" + "\n" + "acls = " + aclsString + " [= configuredAcls ]" + "\n" + "nodeLocalityDelay = " + nodeLocalityDelay + "\n"); } @Override public synchronized float getCapacity() { return capacity; } @Override public synchronized float getAbsoluteCapacity() { return absoluteCapacity; } @Override public synchronized float getMaximumCapacity() { return maximumCapacity; } @Override public synchronized float getAbsoluteMaximumCapacity() { return absoluteMaxCapacity; } @Override public synchronized float getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() { return absoluteUsedCapacity; } @Override public synchronized CSQueue getParent() { return parent; } @Override public synchronized void setParent(CSQueue newParentQueue) { this.parent = (ParentQueue)newParentQueue; } @Override public String getQueueName() { return queueName; } @Override public String getQueuePath() { return getParent().getQueuePath() + "." + getQueueName(); } /** * Used only by tests. */ @Private public Resource getMinimumAllocation() { return minimumAllocation; } /** * Used only by tests. */ @Private public Resource getMaximumAllocation() { return maximumAllocation; } /** * Used only by tests. */ @Private public float getMinimumAllocationFactor() { return minimumAllocationFactor; } /** * Used only by tests. */ @Private public float getMaxAMResourcePerQueuePercent() { return maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent; } public int getMaxApplications() { return maxApplications; } public synchronized int getMaxApplicationsPerUser() { return maxApplicationsPerUser; } public synchronized int getMaximumActiveApplications() { return maxActiveApplications; } public synchronized int getMaximumActiveApplicationsPerUser() { return maxActiveApplicationsPerUser; } @Override public ActiveUsersManager getActiveUsersManager() { return activeUsersManager; } @Override public synchronized float getUsedCapacity() { return usedCapacity; } @Override public synchronized Resource getUsedResources() { return usedResources; } @Override public List<CSQueue> getChildQueues() { return null; } @Override public synchronized void setUsedCapacity(float usedCapacity) { this.usedCapacity = usedCapacity; } @Override public synchronized void setAbsoluteUsedCapacity(float absUsedCapacity) { this.absoluteUsedCapacity = absUsedCapacity; } /** * Set maximum capacity - used only for testing. * @param maximumCapacity new max capacity */ synchronized void setMaxCapacity(float maximumCapacity) { // Sanity check CSQueueUtils.checkMaxCapacity(getQueueName(), capacity, maximumCapacity); float absMaxCapacity = CSQueueUtils.computeAbsoluteMaximumCapacity( maximumCapacity, getParent()); CSQueueUtils.checkAbsoluteCapacities(getQueueName(), absoluteCapacity, absMaxCapacity); this.maximumCapacity = maximumCapacity; this.absoluteMaxCapacity = absMaxCapacity; } /** * Set user limit - used only for testing. * @param userLimit new user limit */ synchronized void setUserLimit(int userLimit) { this.userLimit = userLimit; } /** * Set user limit factor - used only for testing. * @param userLimitFactor new user limit factor */ synchronized void setUserLimitFactor(int userLimitFactor) { this.userLimitFactor = userLimitFactor; } @Override public synchronized int getNumApplications() { return getNumPendingApplications() + getNumActiveApplications(); } public synchronized int getNumPendingApplications() { return pendingApplications.size(); } public synchronized int getNumActiveApplications() { return activeApplications.size(); } @Private public synchronized int getNumApplications(String user) { return getUser(user).getTotalApplications(); } @Private public synchronized int getNumPendingApplications(String user) { return getUser(user).getPendingApplications(); } @Private public synchronized int getNumActiveApplications(String user) { return getUser(user).getActiveApplications(); } public synchronized int getNumContainers() { return numContainers; } @Override public synchronized QueueState getState() { return state; } @Private public synchronized int getUserLimit() { return userLimit; } @Private public synchronized float getUserLimitFactor() { return userLimitFactor; } @Override public synchronized QueueInfo getQueueInfo( boolean includeChildQueues, boolean recursive) { queueInfo.setCurrentCapacity(usedCapacity); return queueInfo; } @Override public synchronized List<QueueUserACLInfo> getQueueUserAclInfo(UserGroupInformation user) { QueueUserACLInfo userAclInfo = recordFactory.newRecordInstance(QueueUserACLInfo.class); List<QueueACL> operations = new ArrayList<QueueACL>(); for (QueueACL operation : QueueACL.values()) { if (hasAccess(operation, user)) { operations.add(operation); } } userAclInfo.setQueueName(getQueueName()); userAclInfo.setUserAcls(operations); return Collections.singletonList(userAclInfo); } @Private public int getNodeLocalityDelay() { return nodeLocalityDelay; } public String toString() { return queueName + ": " + "capacity=" + capacity + ", " + "absoluteCapacity=" + absoluteCapacity + ", " + "usedResources=" + usedResources + "usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity() + ", " + "absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + ", " + "numApps=" + getNumApplications() + ", " + "numContainers=" + getNumContainers(); } private synchronized User getUser(String userName) { User user = users.get(userName); if (user == null) { user = new User(); users.put(userName, user); } return user; } /** * @return an ArrayList of UserInfo objects who are active in this queue */ public synchronized ArrayList<UserInfo> getUsers() { ArrayList<UserInfo> usersToReturn = new ArrayList<UserInfo>(); for (Map.Entry<String, User> entry: users.entrySet()) { usersToReturn.add(new UserInfo(entry.getKey(), Resources.clone( entry.getValue().consumed), entry.getValue().getActiveApplications(), entry.getValue().getPendingApplications())); } return usersToReturn; } @Override public synchronized void reinitialize( CSQueue newlyParsedQueue, Resource clusterResource) throws IOException { // Sanity check if (!(newlyParsedQueue instanceof LeafQueue) || !newlyParsedQueue.getQueuePath().equals(getQueuePath())) { throw new IOException("Trying to reinitialize " + getQueuePath() + " from " + newlyParsedQueue.getQueuePath()); } LeafQueue newlyParsedLeafQueue = (LeafQueue)newlyParsedQueue; setupQueueConfigs( clusterResource, newlyParsedLeafQueue.capacity, newlyParsedLeafQueue.absoluteCapacity, newlyParsedLeafQueue.maximumCapacity, newlyParsedLeafQueue.absoluteMaxCapacity, newlyParsedLeafQueue.userLimit, newlyParsedLeafQueue.userLimitFactor, newlyParsedLeafQueue.maxApplications, newlyParsedLeafQueue.maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent, newlyParsedLeafQueue.getMaxApplicationsPerUser(), newlyParsedLeafQueue.getMaximumActiveApplications(), newlyParsedLeafQueue.getMaximumActiveApplicationsPerUser(), newlyParsedLeafQueue.state, newlyParsedLeafQueue.acls, newlyParsedLeafQueue.getNodeLocalityDelay()); // queue metrics are updated, more resource may be available // activate the pending applications if possible activateApplications(); } @Override public boolean hasAccess(QueueACL acl, UserGroupInformation user) { // Check if the leaf-queue allows access synchronized (this) { if (acls.get(acl).isUserAllowed(user)) { return true; } } // Check if parent-queue allows access return getParent().hasAccess(acl, user); } @Override public void submitApplication(FiCaSchedulerApp application, String userName, String queue) throws AccessControlException { // Careful! Locking order is important! // Check queue ACLs UserGroupInformation userUgi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(userName); if (!hasAccess(QueueACL.SUBMIT_APPLICATIONS, userUgi) && !hasAccess(QueueACL.ADMINISTER_QUEUE, userUgi)) { throw new AccessControlException("User " + userName + " cannot submit" + " applications to queue " + getQueuePath()); } User user = null; synchronized (this) { // Check if the queue is accepting jobs if (getState() != QueueState.RUNNING) { String msg = "Queue " + getQueuePath() + " is STOPPED. Cannot accept submission of application: " + application.getApplicationId(); LOG.info(msg); throw new AccessControlException(msg); } // Check submission limits for queues if (getNumApplications() >= getMaxApplications()) { String msg = "Queue " + getQueuePath() + " already has " + getNumApplications() + " applications," + " cannot accept submission of application: " + application.getApplicationId(); LOG.info(msg); throw new AccessControlException(msg); } // Check submission limits for the user on this queue user = getUser(userName); if (user.getTotalApplications() >= getMaxApplicationsPerUser()) { String msg = "Queue " + getQueuePath() + " already has " + user.getTotalApplications() + " applications from user " + userName + " cannot accept submission of application: " + application.getApplicationId(); LOG.info(msg); throw new AccessControlException(msg); } // Add the application to our data-structures addApplication(application, user); } int attemptId = application.getApplicationAttemptId().getAttemptId(); metrics.submitApp(userName, attemptId); // Inform the parent queue try { getParent().submitApplication(application, userName, queue); } catch (AccessControlException ace) { LOG.info("Failed to submit application to parent-queue: " + getParent().getQueuePath(), ace); removeApplication(application, user); throw ace; } } private synchronized void activateApplications() { for (Iterator<FiCaSchedulerApp> i=pendingApplications.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { FiCaSchedulerApp application = i.next(); // Check queue limit if (getNumActiveApplications() >= getMaximumActiveApplications()) { break; } // Check user limit User user = getUser(application.getUser()); if (user.getActiveApplications() < getMaximumActiveApplicationsPerUser()) { user.activateApplication(); activeApplications.add(application); i.remove(); LOG.info("Application " + application.getApplicationId() + " from user: " + application.getUser() + " activated in queue: " + getQueueName()); } } } private synchronized void addApplication(FiCaSchedulerApp application, User user) { // Accept user.submitApplication(); pendingApplications.add(application); applicationsMap.put(application.getApplicationAttemptId(), application); // Activate applications activateApplications(); LOG.info("Application added -" + " appId: " + application.getApplicationId() + " user: " + user + "," + " leaf-queue: " + getQueueName() + " #user-pending-applications: " + user.getPendingApplications() + " #user-active-applications: " + user.getActiveApplications() + " #queue-pending-applications: " + getNumPendingApplications() + " #queue-active-applications: " + getNumActiveApplications() ); } @Override public void finishApplication(FiCaSchedulerApp application, String queue) { // Careful! Locking order is important! synchronized (this) { removeApplication(application, getUser(application.getUser())); } // Inform the parent queue getParent().finishApplication(application, queue); } public synchronized void removeApplication(FiCaSchedulerApp application, User user) { boolean wasActive = activeApplications.remove(application); if (!wasActive) { pendingApplications.remove(application); } applicationsMap.remove(application.getApplicationAttemptId()); user.finishApplication(wasActive); if (user.getTotalApplications() == 0) { users.remove(application.getUser()); } // Check if we can activate more applications activateApplications(); // Inform the activeUsersManager synchronized (application) { activeUsersManager.deactivateApplication( application.getUser(), application.getApplicationId()); } LOG.info("Application removed -" + " appId: " + application.getApplicationId() + " user: " + application.getUser() + " queue: " + getQueueName() + " #user-pending-applications: " + user.getPendingApplications() + " #user-active-applications: " + user.getActiveApplications() + " #queue-pending-applications: " + getNumPendingApplications() + " #queue-active-applications: " + getNumActiveApplications() ); } private synchronized FiCaSchedulerApp getApplication( ApplicationAttemptId applicationAttemptId) { return applicationsMap.get(applicationAttemptId); } private static final CSAssignment NULL_ASSIGNMENT = new CSAssignment(Resources.createResource(0, 0), NodeType.NODE_LOCAL); private static final CSAssignment SKIP_ASSIGNMENT = new CSAssignment(true); @Override public synchronized CSAssignment assignContainers(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerNode node) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("assignContainers: node=" + node.getNodeName() + " #applications=" + activeApplications.size()); } // Check for reserved resources RMContainer reservedContainer = node.getReservedContainer(); if (reservedContainer != null) { FiCaSchedulerApp application = getApplication(reservedContainer.getApplicationAttemptId()); synchronized (application) { return assignReservedContainer(application, node, reservedContainer, clusterResource); } } // Try to assign containers to applications in order for (FiCaSchedulerApp application : activeApplications) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("pre-assignContainers for application " + application.getApplicationId()); application.showRequests(); } synchronized (application) { // Check if this resource is on the blacklist if (SchedulerAppUtils.isBlacklisted(application, node, LOG)) { continue; } // Schedule in priority order for (Priority priority : application.getPriorities()) { // Required resource Resource required = application.getResourceRequest( priority, ResourceRequest.ANY).getCapability(); // Do we need containers at this 'priority'? if (!needContainers(application, priority, required)) { continue; } // Compute user-limit & set headroom // Note: We compute both user-limit & headroom with the highest // priority request as the target. // This works since we never assign lower priority requests // before all higher priority ones are serviced. Resource userLimit = computeUserLimitAndSetHeadroom(application, clusterResource, required); // Check queue max-capacity limit if (!assignToQueue(clusterResource, required)) { return NULL_ASSIGNMENT; } // Check user limit if (!assignToUser( clusterResource, application.getUser(), userLimit)) { break; } // Inform the application it is about to get a scheduling opportunity application.addSchedulingOpportunity(priority); // Try to schedule CSAssignment assignment = assignContainersOnNode(clusterResource, node, application, priority, null); // Did the application skip this node? if (assignment.getSkipped()) { // Don't count 'skipped nodes' as a scheduling opportunity! application.subtractSchedulingOpportunity(priority); continue; } // Did we schedule or reserve a container? Resource assigned = assignment.getResource(); if (Resources.greaterThan( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, assigned, Resources.none())) { // Book-keeping // Note: Update headroom to account for current allocation too... allocateResource(clusterResource, application, assigned); // Don't reset scheduling opportunities for non-local assignments // otherwise the app will be delayed for each non-local assignment. // This helps apps with many off-cluster requests schedule faster. if (assignment.getType() != NodeType.OFF_SWITCH) { application.resetSchedulingOpportunities(priority); } // Done return assignment; } else { // Do not assign out of order w.r.t priorities break; } } } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("post-assignContainers for application " + application.getApplicationId()); } application.showRequests(); } return NULL_ASSIGNMENT; } private synchronized CSAssignment assignReservedContainer(FiCaSchedulerApp application, FiCaSchedulerNode node, RMContainer rmContainer, Resource clusterResource) { // Do we still need this reservation? Priority priority = rmContainer.getReservedPriority(); if (application.getTotalRequiredResources(priority) == 0) { // Release return new CSAssignment(application, rmContainer); } // Try to assign if we have sufficient resources assignContainersOnNode(clusterResource, node, application, priority, rmContainer); // Doesn't matter... since it's already charged for at time of reservation // "re-reservation" is *free* return new CSAssignment(Resources.none(), NodeType.NODE_LOCAL); } private synchronized boolean assignToQueue(Resource clusterResource, Resource required) { // Check how of the cluster's absolute capacity we are currently using... float potentialNewCapacity = Resources.divide( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, Resources.add(usedResources, required), clusterResource); if (potentialNewCapacity > absoluteMaxCapacity) { LOG.info(getQueueName() + " usedResources: " + usedResources + " clusterResources: " + clusterResource + " currentCapacity " + Resources.divide(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, usedResources, clusterResource) + " required " + required + " potentialNewCapacity: " + potentialNewCapacity + " ( " + " max-capacity: " + absoluteMaxCapacity + ")"); return false; } return true; } @Lock({LeafQueue.class, FiCaSchedulerApp.class}) private Resource computeUserLimitAndSetHeadroom( FiCaSchedulerApp application, Resource clusterResource, Resource required) { String user = application.getUser(); /** * Headroom is min((userLimit, queue-max-cap) - consumed) */ Resource userLimit = // User limit computeUserLimit(application, clusterResource, required); Resource queueMaxCap = // Queue Max-Capacity Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeDown( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, absoluteMaxCapacity, minimumAllocation); Resource userConsumed = getUser(user).getConsumedResources(); Resource headroom = Resources.subtract( Resources.min(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, userLimit, queueMaxCap), userConsumed); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Headroom calculation for user " + user + ": " + " userLimit=" + userLimit + " queueMaxCap=" + queueMaxCap + " consumed=" + userConsumed + " headroom=" + headroom); } application.setHeadroom(headroom); metrics.setAvailableResourcesToUser(user, headroom); return userLimit; } @Lock(NoLock.class) private Resource computeUserLimit(FiCaSchedulerApp application, Resource clusterResource, Resource required) { // What is our current capacity? // * It is equal to the max(required, queue-capacity) if // we're running below capacity. The 'max' ensures that jobs in queues // with miniscule capacity (< 1 slot) make progress // * If we're running over capacity, then its // (usedResources + required) (which extra resources we are allocating) // Allow progress for queues with miniscule capacity final Resource queueCapacity = Resources.max( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, Resources.multiplyAndNormalizeUp( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, absoluteCapacity, minimumAllocation), required); Resource currentCapacity = Resources.lessThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, usedResources, queueCapacity) ? queueCapacity : Resources.add(usedResources, required); // Never allow a single user to take more than the // queue's configured capacity * user-limit-factor. // Also, the queue's configured capacity should be higher than // queue-hard-limit * ulMin final int activeUsers = activeUsersManager.getNumActiveUsers(); Resource limit = Resources.roundUp( resourceCalculator, Resources.min( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, Resources.max( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, Resources.divideAndCeil( resourceCalculator, currentCapacity, activeUsers), Resources.divideAndCeil( resourceCalculator, Resources.multiplyAndRoundDown( currentCapacity, userLimit), 100) ), Resources.multiplyAndRoundDown(queueCapacity, userLimitFactor) ), minimumAllocation); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String userName = application.getUser(); LOG.debug("User limit computation for " + userName + " in queue " + getQueueName() + " userLimit=" + userLimit + " userLimitFactor=" + userLimitFactor + " required: " + required + " consumed: " + getUser(userName).getConsumedResources() + " limit: " + limit + " queueCapacity: " + queueCapacity + " qconsumed: " + usedResources + " currentCapacity: " + currentCapacity + " activeUsers: " + activeUsers + " clusterCapacity: " + clusterResource ); } return limit; } private synchronized boolean assignToUser(Resource clusterResource, String userName, Resource limit) { User user = getUser(userName); // Note: We aren't considering the current request since there is a fixed // overhead of the AM, but it's a > check, not a >= check, so... if (Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, user.getConsumedResources(), limit)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("User " + userName + " in queue " + getQueueName() + " will exceed limit - " + " consumed: " + user.getConsumedResources() + " limit: " + limit ); } return false; } return true; } boolean needContainers(FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, Resource required) { int requiredContainers = application.getTotalRequiredResources(priority); int reservedContainers = application.getNumReservedContainers(priority); int starvation = 0; if (reservedContainers > 0) { float nodeFactor = Resources.ratio( resourceCalculator, required, getMaximumAllocation() ); // Use percentage of node required to bias against large containers... // Protect against corner case where you need the whole node with // Math.min(nodeFactor, minimumAllocationFactor) starvation = (int)((application.getReReservations(priority) / (float)reservedContainers) * (1.0f - (Math.min(nodeFactor, getMinimumAllocationFactor()))) ); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("needsContainers:" + " app.#re-reserve=" + application.getReReservations(priority) + " reserved=" + reservedContainers + " nodeFactor=" + nodeFactor + " minAllocFactor=" + getMinimumAllocationFactor() + " starvation=" + starvation); } } return (((starvation + requiredContainers) - reservedContainers) > 0); } private CSAssignment assignContainersOnNode(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerNode node, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, RMContainer reservedContainer) { Resource assigned = Resources.none(); // Data-local ResourceRequest nodeLocalResourceRequest = application.getResourceRequest(priority, node.getNodeName()); if (nodeLocalResourceRequest != null) { assigned = assignNodeLocalContainers(clusterResource, nodeLocalResourceRequest, node, application, priority, reservedContainer); if (Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, assigned, Resources.none())) { return new CSAssignment(assigned, NodeType.NODE_LOCAL); } } // Rack-local ResourceRequest rackLocalResourceRequest = application.getResourceRequest(priority, node.getRackName()); if (rackLocalResourceRequest != null) { if (!rackLocalResourceRequest.getRelaxLocality()) { return SKIP_ASSIGNMENT; } assigned = assignRackLocalContainers(clusterResource, rackLocalResourceRequest, node, application, priority, reservedContainer); if (Resources.greaterThan(resourceCalculator, clusterResource, assigned, Resources.none())) { return new CSAssignment(assigned, NodeType.RACK_LOCAL); } } // Off-switch ResourceRequest offSwitchResourceRequest = application.getResourceRequest(priority, ResourceRequest.ANY); if (offSwitchResourceRequest != null) { if (!offSwitchResourceRequest.getRelaxLocality()) { return SKIP_ASSIGNMENT; } return new CSAssignment( assignOffSwitchContainers(clusterResource, offSwitchResourceRequest, node, application, priority, reservedContainer), NodeType.OFF_SWITCH); } return SKIP_ASSIGNMENT; } private Resource assignNodeLocalContainers( Resource clusterResource, ResourceRequest nodeLocalResourceRequest, FiCaSchedulerNode node, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, RMContainer reservedContainer) { if (canAssign(application, priority, node, NodeType.NODE_LOCAL, reservedContainer)) { return assignContainer(clusterResource, node, application, priority, nodeLocalResourceRequest, NodeType.NODE_LOCAL, reservedContainer); } return Resources.none(); } private Resource assignRackLocalContainers( Resource clusterResource, ResourceRequest rackLocalResourceRequest, FiCaSchedulerNode node, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, RMContainer reservedContainer) { if (canAssign(application, priority, node, NodeType.RACK_LOCAL, reservedContainer)) { return assignContainer(clusterResource, node, application, priority, rackLocalResourceRequest, NodeType.RACK_LOCAL, reservedContainer); } return Resources.none(); } private Resource assignOffSwitchContainers( Resource clusterResource, ResourceRequest offSwitchResourceRequest, FiCaSchedulerNode node, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, RMContainer reservedContainer) { if (canAssign(application, priority, node, NodeType.OFF_SWITCH, reservedContainer)) { return assignContainer(clusterResource, node, application, priority, offSwitchResourceRequest, NodeType.OFF_SWITCH, reservedContainer); } return Resources.none(); } boolean canAssign(FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, FiCaSchedulerNode node, NodeType type, RMContainer reservedContainer) { // Clearly we need containers for this application... if (type == NodeType.OFF_SWITCH) { if (reservedContainer != null) { return true; } // 'Delay' off-switch ResourceRequest offSwitchRequest = application.getResourceRequest(priority, ResourceRequest.ANY); long missedOpportunities = application.getSchedulingOpportunities(priority); long requiredContainers = offSwitchRequest.getNumContainers(); float localityWaitFactor = application.getLocalityWaitFactor(priority, scheduler.getNumClusterNodes()); return ((requiredContainers * localityWaitFactor) < missedOpportunities); } // Check if we need containers on this rack ResourceRequest rackLocalRequest = application.getResourceRequest(priority, node.getRackName()); if (rackLocalRequest == null || rackLocalRequest.getNumContainers() <= 0) { return false; } // If we are here, we do need containers on this rack for RACK_LOCAL req if (type == NodeType.RACK_LOCAL) { // 'Delay' rack-local just a little bit... long missedOpportunities = application.getSchedulingOpportunities(priority); return ( Math.min(scheduler.getNumClusterNodes(), getNodeLocalityDelay()) < missedOpportunities ); } // Check if we need containers on this host if (type == NodeType.NODE_LOCAL) { // Now check if we need containers on this host... ResourceRequest nodeLocalRequest = application.getResourceRequest(priority, node.getNodeName()); if (nodeLocalRequest != null) { return nodeLocalRequest.getNumContainers() > 0; } } return false; } private Container getContainer(RMContainer rmContainer, FiCaSchedulerApp application, FiCaSchedulerNode node, Resource capability, Priority priority) { return (rmContainer != null) ? rmContainer.getContainer() : createContainer(application, node, capability, priority); } Container createContainer(FiCaSchedulerApp application, FiCaSchedulerNode node, Resource capability, Priority priority) { NodeId nodeId = node.getRMNode().getNodeID(); ContainerId containerId = BuilderUtils.newContainerId(application .getApplicationAttemptId(), application.getNewContainerId()); // Create the container Container container = BuilderUtils.newContainer(containerId, nodeId, node.getRMNode() .getHttpAddress(), capability, priority, null); return container; } /** * Create <code>ContainerToken</code>, only in secure-mode */ Token createContainerToken( FiCaSchedulerApp application, Container container) { return containerTokenSecretManager.createContainerToken( container.getId(), container.getNodeId(), application.getUser(), container.getResource()); } private Resource assignContainer(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerNode node, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, ResourceRequest request, NodeType type, RMContainer rmContainer) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("assignContainers: node=" + node.getNodeName() + " application=" + application.getApplicationId().getId() + " priority=" + priority.getPriority() + " request=" + request + " type=" + type); } Resource capability = request.getCapability(); Resource available = node.getAvailableResource(); Resource totalResource = node.getTotalResource(); if (!Resources.fitsIn(capability, totalResource)) { LOG.warn("Node : " + node.getNodeID() + " does not have sufficient resource for request : " + request + " node total capability : " + node.getTotalResource()); return Resources.none(); } assert Resources.greaterThan( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, available, Resources.none()); // Create the container if necessary Container container = getContainer(rmContainer, application, node, capability, priority); // something went wrong getting/creating the container if (container == null) { LOG.warn("Couldn't get container for allocation!"); return Resources.none(); } // Can we allocate a container on this node? int availableContainers = resourceCalculator.computeAvailableContainers(available, capability); if (availableContainers > 0) { // Allocate... // Did we previously reserve containers at this 'priority'? if (rmContainer != null){ unreserve(application, priority, node, rmContainer); } Token containerToken = createContainerToken(application, container); if (containerToken == null) { // Something went wrong... return Resources.none(); } container.setContainerToken(containerToken); // Inform the application RMContainer allocatedContainer = application.allocate(type, node, priority, request, container); // Does the application need this resource? if (allocatedContainer == null) { return Resources.none(); } // Inform the node node.allocateContainer(application.getApplicationId(), allocatedContainer); LOG.info("assignedContainer" + " application=" + application.getApplicationId() + " container=" + container + " containerId=" + container.getId() + " queue=" + this + " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity() + " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + " used=" + usedResources + " cluster=" + clusterResource); return container.getResource(); } else { // Reserve by 'charging' in advance... reserve(application, priority, node, rmContainer, container); LOG.info("Reserved container " + " application=" + application.getApplicationId() + " resource=" + request.getCapability() + " queue=" + this.toString() + " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity() + " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + " used=" + usedResources + " cluster=" + clusterResource); return request.getCapability(); } } private void reserve(FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, FiCaSchedulerNode node, RMContainer rmContainer, Container container) { // Update reserved metrics if this is the first reservation if (rmContainer == null) { getMetrics().reserveResource( application.getUser(), container.getResource()); } // Inform the application rmContainer = application.reserve(node, priority, rmContainer, container); // Update the node node.reserveResource(application, priority, rmContainer); } private boolean unreserve(FiCaSchedulerApp application, Priority priority, FiCaSchedulerNode node, RMContainer rmContainer) { // Done with the reservation? if (application.unreserve(node, priority)) { node.unreserveResource(application); // Update reserved metrics getMetrics().unreserveResource( application.getUser(), rmContainer.getContainer().getResource()); return true; } return false; } @Override public void completedContainer(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerApp application, FiCaSchedulerNode node, RMContainer rmContainer, ContainerStatus containerStatus, RMContainerEventType event, CSQueue childQueue) { if (application != null) { // Careful! Locking order is important! synchronized (this) { Container container = rmContainer.getContainer(); boolean removed = false; // Inform the application & the node // Note: It's safe to assume that all state changes to RMContainer // happen under scheduler's lock... // So, this is, in effect, a transaction across application & node if (rmContainer.getState() == RMContainerState.RESERVED) { removed = unreserve(application, rmContainer.getReservedPriority(), node, rmContainer); } else { removed = application.containerCompleted(rmContainer, containerStatus, event); node.releaseContainer(container); } // Book-keeping if (removed) { releaseResource(clusterResource, application, container.getResource()); LOG.info("completedContainer" + " container=" + container + " resource=" + container.getResource() + " queue=" + this + " usedCapacity=" + getUsedCapacity() + " absoluteUsedCapacity=" + getAbsoluteUsedCapacity() + " used=" + usedResources + " cluster=" + clusterResource); // Inform the parent queue getParent().completedContainer(clusterResource, application, node, rmContainer, null, event, this); } } } } synchronized void allocateResource(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Resource resource) { // Update queue metrics Resources.addTo(usedResources, resource); CSQueueUtils.updateQueueStatistics( resourceCalculator, this, getParent(), clusterResource, minimumAllocation); ++numContainers; // Update user metrics String userName = application.getUser(); User user = getUser(userName); user.assignContainer(resource); Resources.subtractFrom(application.getHeadroom(), resource); // headroom metrics.setAvailableResourcesToUser(userName, application.getHeadroom()); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.info(getQueueName() + " user=" + userName + " used=" + usedResources + " numContainers=" + numContainers + " headroom = " + application.getHeadroom() + " user-resources=" + user.getConsumedResources() ); } } synchronized void releaseResource(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Resource resource) { // Update queue metrics Resources.subtractFrom(usedResources, resource); CSQueueUtils.updateQueueStatistics( resourceCalculator, this, getParent(), clusterResource, minimumAllocation); --numContainers; // Update user metrics String userName = application.getUser(); User user = getUser(userName); user.releaseContainer(resource); metrics.setAvailableResourcesToUser(userName, application.getHeadroom()); LOG.info(getQueueName() + " used=" + usedResources + " numContainers=" + numContainers + " user=" + userName + " user-resources=" + user.getConsumedResources()); } @Override public synchronized void updateClusterResource(Resource clusterResource) { // Update queue properties maxActiveApplications = CSQueueUtils.computeMaxActiveApplications( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, minimumAllocation, maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent, absoluteMaxCapacity); maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap = CSQueueUtils.computeMaxActiveApplications( resourceCalculator, clusterResource, minimumAllocation, maxAMResourcePerQueuePercent, absoluteCapacity); maxActiveApplicationsPerUser = CSQueueUtils.computeMaxActiveApplicationsPerUser( maxActiveAppsUsingAbsCap, userLimit, userLimitFactor); // Update metrics CSQueueUtils.updateQueueStatistics( resourceCalculator, this, getParent(), clusterResource, minimumAllocation); // queue metrics are updated, more resource may be available // activate the pending applications if possible activateApplications(); // Update application properties for (FiCaSchedulerApp application : activeApplications) { synchronized (application) { computeUserLimitAndSetHeadroom(application, clusterResource, Resources.none()); } } } @Override public QueueMetrics getMetrics() { return metrics; } static class User { Resource consumed = Resources.createResource(0, 0); int pendingApplications = 0; int activeApplications = 0; public Resource getConsumedResources() { return consumed; } public int getPendingApplications() { return pendingApplications; } public int getActiveApplications() { return activeApplications; } public int getTotalApplications() { return getPendingApplications() + getActiveApplications(); } public synchronized void submitApplication() { ++pendingApplications; } public synchronized void activateApplication() { --pendingApplications; ++activeApplications; } public synchronized void finishApplication(boolean wasActive) { if (wasActive) { --activeApplications; } else { --pendingApplications; } } public synchronized void assignContainer(Resource resource) { Resources.addTo(consumed, resource); } public synchronized void releaseContainer(Resource resource) { Resources.subtractFrom(consumed, resource); } } @Override public void recoverContainer(Resource clusterResource, FiCaSchedulerApp application, Container container) { // Careful! Locking order is important! synchronized (this) { allocateResource(clusterResource, application, container.getResource()); } getParent().recoverContainer(clusterResource, application, container); } /** * Obtain (read-only) collection of active applications. */ public Set<FiCaSchedulerApp> getApplications() { // need to access the list of apps from the preemption monitor return activeApplications; } // return a single Resource capturing the overal amount of pending resources public Resource getTotalResourcePending() { Resource ret = BuilderUtils.newResource(0, 0); for (FiCaSchedulerApp f : activeApplications) { Resources.addTo(ret, f.getTotalPendingRequests()); } return ret; } @Override public void collectSchedulerApplications( Collection<ApplicationAttemptId> apps) { for (FiCaSchedulerApp app : activeApplications) { apps.add(app.getApplicationAttemptId()); } } }