/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.MiniDFSCluster; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INodeId; import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException; import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation; import org.junit.*; public class TestGlobPaths { private static final UserGroupInformation unprivilegedUser = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser("myuser"); static class RegexPathFilter implements PathFilter { private final String regex; public RegexPathFilter(String regex) { this.regex = regex; } @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { return path.toString().matches(regex); } } static private MiniDFSCluster dfsCluster; static private FileSystem fs; static private FileSystem unprivilegedFs; static private FileContext fc; static private FileContext unprivilegedFc; static final private int NUM_OF_PATHS = 4; static private String USER_DIR; private Path[] path = new Path[NUM_OF_PATHS]; @BeforeClass public static void setUp() throws Exception { final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration(); dfsCluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).build(); fs = FileSystem.get(conf); fc = FileContext.getFileContext(conf); unprivilegedFs = unprivilegedUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<FileSystem>() { @Override public FileSystem run() throws IOException { return FileSystem.get(conf); } }); fc = FileContext.getFileContext(conf); unprivilegedFc = unprivilegedUser.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<FileContext>() { @Override public FileContext run() throws IOException { return FileContext.getFileContext(conf); } }); USER_DIR = fs.getHomeDirectory().toUri().getPath().toString(); } @AfterClass public static void tearDown() throws Exception { if(dfsCluster!=null) { dfsCluster.shutdown(); } } @Test public void testMultiGlob() throws IOException { FileStatus[] status; /* * /dir1/subdir1 * /dir1/subdir1/f1 * /dir1/subdir1/f2 * /dir1/subdir2/f1 * /dir2/subdir1 * /dir2/subdir2 * /dir2/subdir2/f1 * /dir3/f1 * /dir3/f1 * /dir3/f2(dir) * /dir3/subdir2(file) * /dir3/subdir3 * /dir3/subdir3/f1 * /dir3/subdir3/f1/f1 * /dir3/subdir3/f3 * /dir4 */ Path d1 = new Path(USER_DIR, "dir1"); Path d11 = new Path(d1, "subdir1"); Path d12 = new Path(d1, "subdir2"); Path f111 = new Path(d11, "f1"); fs.createNewFile(f111); Path f112 = new Path(d11, "f2"); fs.createNewFile(f112); Path f121 = new Path(d12, "f1"); fs.createNewFile(f121); Path d2 = new Path(USER_DIR, "dir2"); Path d21 = new Path(d2, "subdir1"); fs.mkdirs(d21); Path d22 = new Path(d2, "subdir2"); Path f221 = new Path(d22, "f1"); fs.createNewFile(f221); Path d3 = new Path(USER_DIR, "dir3"); Path f31 = new Path(d3, "f1"); fs.createNewFile(f31); Path d32 = new Path(d3, "f2"); fs.mkdirs(d32); Path f32 = new Path(d3, "subdir2"); // fake as a subdir! fs.createNewFile(f32); Path d33 = new Path(d3, "subdir3"); Path f333 = new Path(d33, "f3"); fs.createNewFile(f333); Path d331 = new Path(d33, "f1"); Path f3311 = new Path(d331, "f1"); fs.createNewFile(f3311); Path d4 = new Path(USER_DIR, "dir4"); fs.mkdirs(d4); /* * basic */ Path root = new Path(USER_DIR); status = fs.globStatus(root); checkStatus(status, root); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "x")); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("x")); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "x/x")); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("x/x")); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "*")); checkStatus(status, d1, d2, d3, d4); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("*")); checkStatus(status, d1, d2, d3, d4); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "*/x")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("*/x")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "x/*")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("x/*")); checkStatus(status); // make sure full pattern is scanned instead of bailing early with undef status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "x/x/x/*")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("x/x/x/*")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "*/*")); checkStatus(status, d11, d12, d21, d22, f31, d32, f32, d33); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("*/*")); checkStatus(status, d11, d12, d21, d22, f31, d32, f32, d33); /* * one level deep */ status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/*")); checkStatus(status, d11, d12, d21, d22, f31, d32, f32, d33); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("dir*/*")); checkStatus(status, d11, d12, d21, d22, f31, d32, f32, d33); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*")); checkStatus(status, d11, d12, d21, d22, f32, d33); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("dir*/subdir*")); checkStatus(status, d11, d12, d21, d22, f32, d33); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/f*")); checkStatus(status, f31, d32); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("dir*/f*")); checkStatus(status, f31, d32); /* * subdir1 globs */ status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1")); checkStatus(status, d11, d21); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/*")); checkStatus(status, f111, f112); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/*/*")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/x")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/x*")); checkStatus(status); /* * subdir2 globs */ status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir2")); checkStatus(status, d12, d22, f32); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir2/*")); checkStatus(status, f121, f221); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir2/*/*")); checkStatus(status); /* * subdir3 globs */ status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir3")); checkStatus(status, d33); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir3/*")); checkStatus(status, d331, f333); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir3/*/*")); checkStatus(status, f3311); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir3/*/*/*")); checkStatus(status); /* * file1 single dir globs */ status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/f1")); checkStatus(status, f111); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/f1*")); checkStatus(status, f111); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/f1/*")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/f1*/*")); checkStatus(status); /* * file1 multi-dir globs */ status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f1")); checkStatus(status, f111, f121, f221, d331); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f1*")); checkStatus(status, f111, f121, f221, d331); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f1/*")); checkStatus(status, f3311); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f1*/*")); checkStatus(status, f3311); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f1*/*")); checkStatus(status, f3311); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f1*/x")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f1*/*/*")); checkStatus(status); /* * file glob multiple files */ status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*")); checkStatus(status, d11, d12, d21, d22, f32, d33); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/*")); checkStatus(status, f111, f112, f121, f221, d331, f333); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f*")); checkStatus(status, f111, f112, f121, f221, d331, f333); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/f*/*")); checkStatus(status, f3311); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/*/f1")); checkStatus(status, f3311); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir*/*/*")); checkStatus(status, f3311); // doesn't exist status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/f3")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "dir*/subdir1/f3*")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("{x}")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("{x,y}")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("dir*/{x,y}")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("dir*/{f1,y}")); checkStatus(status, f31); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("{x,y}")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("/{x/x,y/y}")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("{x/x,y/y}")); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(Path.CUR_DIR)); checkStatus(status, new Path(USER_DIR)); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR+"{/dir1}")); checkStatus(status, d1); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR+"{/dir*}")); checkStatus(status, d1, d2, d3, d4); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(Path.SEPARATOR), trueFilter); checkStatus(status, new Path(Path.SEPARATOR)); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(Path.CUR_DIR), trueFilter); checkStatus(status, new Path(USER_DIR)); status = fs.globStatus(d1, trueFilter); checkStatus(status, d1); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR), trueFilter); checkStatus(status, new Path(USER_DIR)); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "*"), trueFilter); checkStatus(status, d1, d2, d3, d4); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("/x/*"), trueFilter); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("/x"), trueFilter); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("/x/x"), trueFilter); assertNull(status); /* * false filter */ PathFilter falseFilter = new PathFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { return false; } }; status = fs.globStatus(new Path(Path.SEPARATOR), falseFilter); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(Path.CUR_DIR), falseFilter); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR), falseFilter); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR, "*"), falseFilter); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("/x/*"), falseFilter); checkStatus(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("/x"), falseFilter); assertNull(status); status = fs.globStatus(new Path("/x/x"), falseFilter); assertNull(status); cleanupDFS(); } private void checkStatus(FileStatus[] status, Path ... expectedMatches) { assertNotNull(status); String[] paths = new String[status.length]; for (int i=0; i < status.length; i++) { paths[i] = getPathFromStatus(status[i]); } String got = StringUtils.join(paths, "\n"); String expected = StringUtils.join(expectedMatches, "\n"); assertEquals(expected, got); } private String getPathFromStatus(FileStatus status) { return status.getPath().toUri().getPath(); } @Test public void testPathFilter() throws IOException { try { String[] files = new String[] { USER_DIR + "/a", USER_DIR + "/a/b" }; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR + "/*/*", files, new RegexPathFilter("^.*" + Pattern.quote(USER_DIR) + "/a/b")); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[1]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void testPathFilterWithFixedLastComponent() throws IOException { try { String[] files = new String[] { USER_DIR + "/a", USER_DIR + "/a/b", USER_DIR + "/c", USER_DIR + "/c/b", }; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR + "/*/b", files, new RegexPathFilter("^.*" + Pattern.quote(USER_DIR) + "/a/b")); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[1]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestLiteral() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/a2c", USER_DIR+"/abc.d"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/abc.d", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[1]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestEscape() throws IOException { // Skip the test case on Windows because backslash will be treated as a // path separator instead of an escaping character on Windows. org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue(!Path.WINDOWS); try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/ab\\[c.d"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/ab\\[c.d", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestAny() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] { USER_DIR+"/abc", USER_DIR+"/a2c", USER_DIR+"/a.c", USER_DIR+"/abcd"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a?c", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 3); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[2]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[1]); assertEquals(matchedPath[2], path[0]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestClosure1() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/a", USER_DIR+"/abc", USER_DIR+"/abc.p", USER_DIR+"/bacd"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a*", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 3); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[1]); assertEquals(matchedPath[2], path[2]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestClosure2() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/a.", USER_DIR+"/a.txt", USER_DIR+"/a.old.java", USER_DIR+"/.java"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a.*", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 3); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[2]); assertEquals(matchedPath[2], path[1]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestClosure3() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/a.txt.x", USER_DIR+"/ax", USER_DIR+"/ab37x", USER_DIR+"/bacd"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a*x", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 3); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[2]); assertEquals(matchedPath[2], path[1]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestClosure4() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/dir1/file1", USER_DIR+"/dir2/file2", USER_DIR+"/dir3/file1"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/*/file1", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 2); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[2]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestClosure5() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/dir1/file1", USER_DIR+"/file1"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/*/file1", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestSet() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/a.c", USER_DIR+"/a.cpp", USER_DIR+"/a.hlp", USER_DIR+"/a.hxy"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a.[ch]??", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 3); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[1]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[2]); assertEquals(matchedPath[2], path[3]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestRange() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/a.d", USER_DIR+"/a.e", USER_DIR+"/a.f", USER_DIR+"/a.h"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a.[d-fm]", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 3); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[1]); assertEquals(matchedPath[2], path[2]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestSetExcl() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/a.d", USER_DIR+"/a.e", USER_DIR+"/a.0", USER_DIR+"/a.h"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a.[^a-cg-z0-9]", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 2); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[1]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } @Test public void pTestCombination() throws IOException { try { String [] files = new String[] {"/user/aa/a.c", "/user/bb/a.cpp", "/user1/cc/b.hlp", "/user/dd/a.hxy"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting("/use?/*/a.[ch]{lp,xy}", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[3]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } /* Test {xx,yy} */ @Test public void pTestCurlyBracket() throws IOException { Path[] matchedPath; String [] files; try { files = new String[] { USER_DIR+"/a.abcxx", USER_DIR+"/a.abxy", USER_DIR+"/a.hlp", USER_DIR+"/a.jhyy"}; matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a.{abc,jh}??", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 2); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[3]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } // nested curlies try { files = new String[] { USER_DIR+"/a.abcxx", USER_DIR+"/a.abdxy", USER_DIR+"/a.hlp", USER_DIR+"/a.jhyy" }; matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/a.{ab{c,d},jh}??", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 3); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[1]); assertEquals(matchedPath[2], path[3]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } // cross-component curlies try { files = new String[] { USER_DIR+"/a/b", USER_DIR+"/a/d", USER_DIR+"/c/b", USER_DIR+"/c/d" }; matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/{a/b,c/d}", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 2); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[3]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } // cross-component absolute curlies try { files = new String[] { "/a/b", "/a/d", "/c/b", "/c/d" }; matchedPath = prepareTesting("{/a/b,/c/d}", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 2); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[3]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } try { // test standalone } files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/}bc", USER_DIR+"/}c"}; matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/}{a,b}c", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); // test {b} matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/}{b}c", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); // test {} matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/}{}bc", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); // test {,} matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/}{,}bc", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); // test {b,} matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/}{b,}c", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 2); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[1]); // test {,b} matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/}{,b}c", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 2); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); assertEquals(matchedPath[1], path[1]); // test a combination of {} and ? matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/}{ac,?}", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[1]); // test ill-formed curly boolean hasException = false; try { prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"}{bc", files); } catch (IOException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Illegal file pattern:") ); hasException = true; } assertTrue(hasException); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } /* test that a path name can contain Java regex special characters */ @Test public void pTestJavaRegexSpecialChars() throws IOException { try { String[] files = new String[] {USER_DIR+"/($.|+)bc", USER_DIR+"/abc"}; Path[] matchedPath = prepareTesting(USER_DIR+"/($.|+)*", files); assertEquals(matchedPath.length, 1); assertEquals(matchedPath[0], path[0]); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } private Path[] prepareTesting(String pattern, String[] files) throws IOException { for(int i=0; i<Math.min(NUM_OF_PATHS, files.length); i++) { path[i] = fs.makeQualified(new Path(files[i])); if (!fs.mkdirs(path[i])) { throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + path[i].toString()); } } Path patternPath = new Path(pattern); Path[] globResults = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.globStatus(patternPath), patternPath); for(int i=0; i<globResults.length; i++) { globResults[i] = globResults[i].makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); } return globResults; } private Path[] prepareTesting(String pattern, String[] files, PathFilter filter) throws IOException { for(int i=0; i<Math.min(NUM_OF_PATHS, files.length); i++) { path[i] = fs.makeQualified(new Path(files[i])); if (!fs.mkdirs(path[i])) { throw new IOException("Mkdirs failed to create " + path[i].toString()); } } Path patternPath = new Path(pattern); Path[] globResults = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.globStatus(patternPath, filter), patternPath); for(int i=0; i<globResults.length; i++) { globResults[i] = globResults[i].makeQualified(fs.getUri(), fs.getWorkingDirectory()); } return globResults; } private void cleanupDFS() throws IOException { fs.delete(new Path(USER_DIR), true); } /** * A glob test that can be run on either FileContext or FileSystem. */ private static interface FSTestWrapperGlobTest { void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrapper, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception; } /** * Run a glob test on FileSystem. */ private void testOnFileSystem(FSTestWrapperGlobTest test) throws Exception { try { fc.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR), FsPermission.getDefault(), true); test.run(new FileSystemTestWrapper(fs), new FileSystemTestWrapper(unprivilegedFs), fs, null); } finally { fc.delete(new Path(USER_DIR), true); } } /** * Run a glob test on FileContext. */ private void testOnFileContext(FSTestWrapperGlobTest test) throws Exception { try { fs.mkdirs(new Path(USER_DIR)); test.run(new FileContextTestWrapper(fc), new FileContextTestWrapper(unprivilegedFc), null, fc); } finally { cleanupDFS(); } } /** * Accept all paths. */ private static class AcceptAllPathFilter implements PathFilter { @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { return true; } } private static final PathFilter trueFilter = new AcceptAllPathFilter(); /** * Accept only paths ending in Z. */ private static class AcceptPathsEndingInZ implements PathFilter { @Override public boolean accept(Path path) { String stringPath = path.toUri().getPath(); return stringPath.endsWith("z"); } } /** * Test globbing through symlinks. */ private static class TestGlobWithSymlinks implements FSTestWrapperGlobTest { public void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrap, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception { // Test that globbing through a symlink to a directory yields a path // containing that symlink. wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink"), false); wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink/beta"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); // Test simple glob FileStatus[] statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta", statuses[0].getPath() .toUri().getPath()); // Test glob through symlink statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink/beta", statuses[0].getPath() .toUri().getPath()); // If the terminal path component in a globbed path is a symlink, // we don't dereference that link. wrap.createSymlink(new Path("beta"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink/betaLink"), false); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/betaLi*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alpha/betaLink", statuses[0].getPath() .toUri().getPath()); // todo: test symlink-to-symlink-to-dir, etc. } } @Ignore @Test public void testGlobWithSymlinksOnFS() throws Exception { testOnFileSystem(new TestGlobWithSymlinks()); } @Ignore @Test public void testGlobWithSymlinksOnFC() throws Exception { testOnFileContext(new TestGlobWithSymlinks()); } /** * Test globbing symlinks to symlinks. * * Also test globbing dangling symlinks. It should NOT throw any exceptions! */ private static class TestGlobWithSymlinksToSymlinks implements FSTestWrapperGlobTest { public void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrap, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception { // Test that globbing through a symlink to a symlink to a directory // fully resolves wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink"), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkLink"), false); wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); // Test glob through symlink to a symlink to a directory FileStatus statuses[] = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkLink"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkLink", statuses[0].getPath() .toUri().getPath()); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkLink/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkLink/beta", statuses[0] .getPath().toUri().getPath()); // Test glob of dangling symlink (theta does not actually exist) wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "theta"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/kappa"), false); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/kappa/kappa"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertNull(statuses); // Test glob of symlinks wrap.createFile(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gamma"); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "gamma"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gammaLink"), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "gammaLink"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gammaLinkLink"), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "gammaLinkLink"), new Path( USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gammaLinkLinkLink"), false); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/*/gammaLinkLinkLink"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gammaLinkLinkLink", statuses[0].getPath().toUri().getPath()); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gamma;" + USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gammaLink;" + USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gammaLinkLink;" + USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta/gammaLinkLinkLink", TestPath.mergeStatuses(statuses)); // Let's create two symlinks that point to each other, and glob on them. wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "tweedledee"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/tweedledum"), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "tweedledum"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/tweedledee"), false); statuses = wrap.globStatus( new Path(USER_DIR + "/tweedledee/unobtainium"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertNull(statuses); } } @Ignore @Test public void testGlobWithSymlinksToSymlinksOnFS() throws Exception { testOnFileSystem(new TestGlobWithSymlinksToSymlinks()); } @Ignore @Test public void testGlobWithSymlinksToSymlinksOnFC() throws Exception { testOnFileContext(new TestGlobWithSymlinksToSymlinks()); } /** * Test globbing symlinks with a custom PathFilter */ private static class TestGlobSymlinksWithCustomPathFilter implements FSTestWrapperGlobTest { public void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrap, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception { // Test that globbing through a symlink to a symlink to a directory // fully resolves wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkz"), false); wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/betaz"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); // Test glob through symlink to a symlink to a directory, with a // PathFilter FileStatus statuses[] = wrap.globStatus( new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta"), new AcceptPathsEndingInZ()); Assert.assertNull(statuses); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkz/betaz"), new AcceptPathsEndingInZ()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkz/betaz", statuses[0].getPath() .toUri().getPath()); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/*/*"), new AcceptPathsEndingInZ()); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alpha/betaz;" + USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkz/betaz", TestPath.mergeStatuses(statuses)); statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path(USER_DIR + "/*/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alpha/beta;" + USER_DIR + "/alpha/betaz;" + USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkz/beta;" + USER_DIR + "/alphaLinkz/betaz", TestPath.mergeStatuses(statuses)); } } @Ignore @Test public void testGlobSymlinksWithCustomPathFilterOnFS() throws Exception { testOnFileSystem(new TestGlobSymlinksWithCustomPathFilter()); } @Ignore @Test public void testGlobSymlinksWithCustomPathFilterOnFC() throws Exception { testOnFileContext(new TestGlobSymlinksWithCustomPathFilter()); } /** * Test that globStatus fills in the scheme even when it is not provided. */ private static class TestGlobFillsInScheme implements FSTestWrapperGlobTest { public void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrap, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception { // Verify that the default scheme is hdfs, when we don't supply one. wrap.mkdir(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), FsPermission.getDirDefault(), false); wrap.createSymlink(new Path(USER_DIR + "/alpha"), new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink"), false); FileStatus statuses[] = wrap.globStatus( new Path(USER_DIR + "/alphaLink"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Path path = statuses[0].getPath(); Assert.assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/alpha", path.toUri().getPath()); Assert.assertEquals("hdfs", path.toUri().getScheme()); if (fc != null) { // If we're using FileContext, then we can list a file:/// URI. // Since everyone should have the root directory, we list that. statuses = wrap.globStatus(new Path("file:///"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.assertEquals(1, statuses.length); Path filePath = statuses[0].getPath(); Assert.assertEquals("file", filePath.toUri().getScheme()); Assert.assertEquals("/", filePath.toUri().getPath()); } else { // The FileSystem we passed in should have scheme 'hdfs' Assert.assertEquals("hdfs", fs.getScheme()); } } } @Test public void testGlobFillsInSchemeOnFS() throws Exception { testOnFileSystem(new TestGlobFillsInScheme()); } @Test public void testGlobFillsInSchemeOnFC() throws Exception { testOnFileContext(new TestGlobFillsInScheme()); } /** * Test that globStatus works with relative paths. **/ private static class TestRelativePath implements FSTestWrapperGlobTest { public void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrap, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception { String[] files = new String[] { "a", "abc", "abc.p", "bacd" }; Path[] path = new Path[files.length]; for(int i=0; i < files.length; i++) { path[i] = wrap.makeQualified(new Path(files[i])); wrap.mkdir(path[i], FsPermission.getDirDefault(), true); } Path patternPath = new Path("a*"); Path[] globResults = FileUtil.stat2Paths(wrap.globStatus(patternPath, new AcceptAllPathFilter()), patternPath); for(int i=0; i < globResults.length; i++) { globResults[i] = wrap.makeQualified(globResults[i]); } assertEquals(globResults.length, 3); assertEquals(USER_DIR + "/a;" + USER_DIR + "/abc;" + USER_DIR + "/abc.p", TestPath.mergeStatuses(globResults)); } } @Test public void testRelativePathOnFS() throws Exception { testOnFileSystem(new TestRelativePath()); } @Test public void testRelativePathOnFC() throws Exception { testOnFileContext(new TestRelativePath()); } /** * Test that trying to glob through a directory we don't have permission * to list fails with AccessControlException rather than succeeding or * throwing any other exception. **/ private static class TestGlobAccessDenied implements FSTestWrapperGlobTest { public void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrap, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception { wrap.mkdir(new Path("/nopermission/val"), new FsPermission((short)0777), true); wrap.mkdir(new Path("/norestrictions/val"), new FsPermission((short)0777), true); wrap.setPermission(new Path("/nopermission"), new FsPermission((short)0)); try { unprivilegedWrap.globStatus(new Path("/no*/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()); Assert.fail("expected to get an AccessControlException when " + "globbing through a directory we don't have permissions " + "to list."); } catch (AccessControlException ioe) { } Assert.assertEquals("/norestrictions/val", TestPath.mergeStatuses(unprivilegedWrap.globStatus( new Path("/norestrictions/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()))); } } @Test public void testGlobAccessDeniedOnFS() throws Exception { testOnFileSystem(new TestGlobAccessDenied()); } @Test public void testGlobAccessDeniedOnFC() throws Exception { testOnFileContext(new TestGlobAccessDenied()); } /** * Test that trying to list a reserved path on HDFS via the globber works. **/ private static class TestReservedHdfsPaths implements FSTestWrapperGlobTest { public void run(FSTestWrapper wrap, FSTestWrapper unprivilegedWrap, FileSystem fs, FileContext fc) throws Exception { String reservedRoot = "/.reserved/.inodes/" + INodeId.ROOT_INODE_ID; Assert.assertEquals(reservedRoot, TestPath.mergeStatuses(unprivilegedWrap. globStatus(new Path(reservedRoot), new AcceptAllPathFilter()))); // These inodes don't show up via listStatus. Assert.assertEquals("", TestPath.mergeStatuses(unprivilegedWrap. globStatus(new Path("/.reserved/*"), new AcceptAllPathFilter()))); } } @Test public void testReservedHdfsPathsOnFS() throws Exception { testOnFileSystem(new TestReservedHdfsPaths()); } @Test public void testReservedHdfsPathsOnFC() throws Exception { testOnFileContext(new TestReservedHdfsPaths()); } }