/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.Block; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeID; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DatanodeInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.CachedBlock; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.DatanodeStorage; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.protocol.StorageReport; import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.LightWeightHashSet; import org.apache.hadoop.util.IntrusiveCollection; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; /** * This class extends the DatanodeInfo class with ephemeral information (eg * health, capacity, what blocks are associated with the Datanode) that is * private to the Namenode, ie this class is not exposed to clients. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Evolving public class DatanodeDescriptor extends DatanodeInfo { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DatanodeDescriptor.class); public static final DatanodeDescriptor[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {}; // Stores status of decommissioning. // If node is not decommissioning, do not use this object for anything. public DecommissioningStatus decommissioningStatus = new DecommissioningStatus(); /** Block and targets pair */ @InterfaceAudience.Private @InterfaceStability.Evolving public static class BlockTargetPair { public final Block block; public final DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets; BlockTargetPair(Block block, DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets) { this.block = block; this.targets = targets; } } /** A BlockTargetPair queue. */ private static class BlockQueue<E> { private final Queue<E> blockq = new LinkedList<E>(); /** Size of the queue */ synchronized int size() {return blockq.size();} /** Enqueue */ synchronized boolean offer(E e) { return blockq.offer(e); } /** Dequeue */ synchronized List<E> poll(int numBlocks) { if (numBlocks <= 0 || blockq.isEmpty()) { return null; } List<E> results = new ArrayList<E>(); for(; !blockq.isEmpty() && numBlocks > 0; numBlocks--) { results.add(blockq.poll()); } return results; } /** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the queue contains the specified element. */ boolean contains(E e) { return blockq.contains(e); } synchronized void clear() { blockq.clear(); } } private final Map<String, DatanodeStorageInfo> storageMap = new HashMap<String, DatanodeStorageInfo>(); /** * A list of CachedBlock objects on this datanode. */ public static class CachedBlocksList extends IntrusiveCollection<CachedBlock> { public enum Type { PENDING_CACHED, CACHED, PENDING_UNCACHED } private final DatanodeDescriptor datanode; private final Type type; CachedBlocksList(DatanodeDescriptor datanode, Type type) { this.datanode = datanode; this.type = type; } public DatanodeDescriptor getDatanode() { return datanode; } public Type getType() { return type; } } /** * The blocks which we want to cache on this DataNode. */ private final CachedBlocksList pendingCached = new CachedBlocksList(this, CachedBlocksList.Type.PENDING_CACHED); /** * The blocks which we know are cached on this datanode. * This list is updated by periodic cache reports. */ private final CachedBlocksList cached = new CachedBlocksList(this, CachedBlocksList.Type.CACHED); /** * The blocks which we want to uncache on this DataNode. */ private final CachedBlocksList pendingUncached = new CachedBlocksList(this, CachedBlocksList.Type.PENDING_UNCACHED); public CachedBlocksList getPendingCached() { return pendingCached; } public CachedBlocksList getCached() { return cached; } public CachedBlocksList getPendingUncached() { return pendingUncached; } /** * The time when the last batch of caching directives was sent, in * monotonic milliseconds. */ private long lastCachingDirectiveSentTimeMs; // isAlive == heartbeats.contains(this) // This is an optimization, because contains takes O(n) time on Arraylist public boolean isAlive = false; public boolean needKeyUpdate = false; // A system administrator can tune the balancer bandwidth parameter // (dfs.balance.bandwidthPerSec) dynamically by calling // "dfsadmin -setBalanacerBandwidth <newbandwidth>", at which point the // following 'bandwidth' variable gets updated with the new value for each // node. Once the heartbeat command is issued to update the value on the // specified datanode, this value will be set back to 0. private long bandwidth; /** A queue of blocks to be replicated by this datanode */ private BlockQueue<BlockTargetPair> replicateBlocks = new BlockQueue<BlockTargetPair>(); /** A queue of blocks to be recovered by this datanode */ private BlockQueue<BlockInfoUnderConstruction> recoverBlocks = new BlockQueue<BlockInfoUnderConstruction>(); /** A set of blocks to be invalidated by this datanode */ private LightWeightHashSet<Block> invalidateBlocks = new LightWeightHashSet<Block>(); /* Variables for maintaining number of blocks scheduled to be written to * this storage. This count is approximate and might be slightly bigger * in case of errors (e.g. datanode does not report if an error occurs * while writing the block). */ private int currApproxBlocksScheduled = 0; private int prevApproxBlocksScheduled = 0; private long lastBlocksScheduledRollTime = 0; private static final int BLOCKS_SCHEDULED_ROLL_INTERVAL = 600*1000; //10min private int volumeFailures = 0; /** * When set to true, the node is not in include list and is not allowed * to communicate with the namenode */ private boolean disallowed = false; /** * DatanodeDescriptor constructor * @param nodeID id of the data node */ public DatanodeDescriptor(DatanodeID nodeID) { super(nodeID); updateHeartbeat(StorageReport.EMPTY_ARRAY, 0L, 0L, 0, 0); } /** * DatanodeDescriptor constructor * @param nodeID id of the data node * @param networkLocation location of the data node in network */ public DatanodeDescriptor(DatanodeID nodeID, String networkLocation) { super(nodeID, networkLocation); updateHeartbeat(StorageReport.EMPTY_ARRAY, 0L, 0L, 0, 0); } /** * Add data-node to the block. Add block to the head of the list of blocks * belonging to the data-node. */ public boolean addBlock(String storageID, BlockInfo b) { DatanodeStorageInfo s = getStorageInfo(storageID); if (s != null) { return s.addBlock(b); } return false; } DatanodeStorageInfo getStorageInfo(String storageID) { synchronized (storageMap) { return storageMap.get(storageID); } } DatanodeStorageInfo[] getStorageInfos() { synchronized (storageMap) { final Collection<DatanodeStorageInfo> storages = storageMap.values(); return storages.toArray(new DatanodeStorageInfo[storages.size()]); } } /** * Remove block from the list of blocks belonging to the data-node. Remove * data-node from the block. */ boolean removeBlock(BlockInfo b) { int index = b.findStorageInfo(this); // if block exists on this datanode if (index >= 0) { DatanodeStorageInfo s = b.getStorageInfo(index); if (s != null) { return s.removeBlock(b); } } return false; } /** * Remove block from the list of blocks belonging to the data-node. Remove * data-node from the block. */ boolean removeBlock(String storageID, BlockInfo b) { DatanodeStorageInfo s = getStorageInfo(storageID); if (s != null) { return s.removeBlock(b); } return false; } /** * Replace specified old block with a new one in the DataNodeDescriptor. * * @param oldBlock - block to be replaced * @param newBlock - a replacement block * @return the new block */ public BlockInfo replaceBlock(BlockInfo oldBlock, BlockInfo newBlock) { int index = oldBlock.findStorageInfo(this); DatanodeStorageInfo s = oldBlock.getStorageInfo(index); boolean done = s.removeBlock(oldBlock); assert done : "Old block should belong to the data-node when replacing"; done = s.addBlock(newBlock); assert done : "New block should not belong to the data-node when replacing"; return newBlock; } public void resetBlocks() { setCapacity(0); setRemaining(0); setBlockPoolUsed(0); setDfsUsed(0); setXceiverCount(0); this.invalidateBlocks.clear(); this.volumeFailures = 0; // pendingCached, cached, and pendingUncached are protected by the // FSN lock. this.pendingCached.clear(); this.cached.clear(); this.pendingUncached.clear(); } public void clearBlockQueues() { synchronized (invalidateBlocks) { this.invalidateBlocks.clear(); this.recoverBlocks.clear(); this.replicateBlocks.clear(); } // pendingCached, cached, and pendingUncached are protected by the // FSN lock. this.pendingCached.clear(); this.cached.clear(); this.pendingUncached.clear(); } public int numBlocks() { int blocks = 0; for (DatanodeStorageInfo entry : getStorageInfos()) { blocks += entry.numBlocks(); } return blocks; } /** * Updates stats from datanode heartbeat. */ public void updateHeartbeat(StorageReport[] reports, long cacheCapacity, long cacheUsed, int xceiverCount, int volFailures) { long totalCapacity = 0; long totalRemaining = 0; long totalBlockPoolUsed = 0; long totalDfsUsed = 0; setCacheCapacity(cacheCapacity); setCacheUsed(cacheUsed); setXceiverCount(xceiverCount); setLastUpdate(Time.now()); this.volumeFailures = volFailures; for (StorageReport report : reports) { DatanodeStorageInfo storage = storageMap.get(report.getStorage().getStorageID()); if (storage == null) { // This is seen during cluster initialization when the heartbeat // is received before the initial block reports from each storage. storage = updateStorage(report.getStorage()); } storage.receivedHeartbeat(report); totalCapacity += report.getCapacity(); totalRemaining += report.getRemaining(); totalBlockPoolUsed += report.getBlockPoolUsed(); totalDfsUsed += report.getDfsUsed(); } rollBlocksScheduled(getLastUpdate()); // Update total metrics for the node. setCapacity(totalCapacity); setRemaining(totalRemaining); setBlockPoolUsed(totalBlockPoolUsed); setDfsUsed(totalDfsUsed); } private static class BlockIterator implements Iterator<BlockInfo> { private int index = 0; private final List<Iterator<BlockInfo>> iterators; private BlockIterator(final DatanodeStorageInfo... storages) { List<Iterator<BlockInfo>> iterators = new ArrayList<Iterator<BlockInfo>>(); for (DatanodeStorageInfo e : storages) { iterators.add(e.getBlockIterator()); } this.iterators = Collections.unmodifiableList(iterators); } @Override public boolean hasNext() { update(); return !iterators.isEmpty() && iterators.get(index).hasNext(); } @Override public BlockInfo next() { update(); return iterators.get(index).next(); } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove unsupported."); } private void update() { while(index < iterators.size() - 1 && !iterators.get(index).hasNext()) { index++; } } } Iterator<BlockInfo> getBlockIterator() { return new BlockIterator(getStorageInfos()); } Iterator<BlockInfo> getBlockIterator(final String storageID) { return new BlockIterator(getStorageInfo(storageID)); } /** * Store block replication work. */ void addBlockToBeReplicated(Block block, DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets) { assert(block != null && targets != null && targets.length > 0); replicateBlocks.offer(new BlockTargetPair(block, targets)); } /** * Store block recovery work. */ void addBlockToBeRecovered(BlockInfoUnderConstruction block) { if(recoverBlocks.contains(block)) { // this prevents adding the same block twice to the recovery queue BlockManager.LOG.info(block + " is already in the recovery queue"); return; } recoverBlocks.offer(block); } /** * Store block invalidation work. */ void addBlocksToBeInvalidated(List<Block> blocklist) { assert(blocklist != null && blocklist.size() > 0); synchronized (invalidateBlocks) { for(Block blk : blocklist) { invalidateBlocks.add(blk); } } } /** * The number of work items that are pending to be replicated */ int getNumberOfBlocksToBeReplicated() { return replicateBlocks.size(); } /** * The number of block invalidation items that are pending to * be sent to the datanode */ int getNumberOfBlocksToBeInvalidated() { synchronized (invalidateBlocks) { return invalidateBlocks.size(); } } public List<BlockTargetPair> getReplicationCommand(int maxTransfers) { return replicateBlocks.poll(maxTransfers); } public BlockInfoUnderConstruction[] getLeaseRecoveryCommand(int maxTransfers) { List<BlockInfoUnderConstruction> blocks = recoverBlocks.poll(maxTransfers); if(blocks == null) return null; return blocks.toArray(new BlockInfoUnderConstruction[blocks.size()]); } /** * Remove the specified number of blocks to be invalidated */ public Block[] getInvalidateBlocks(int maxblocks) { synchronized (invalidateBlocks) { Block[] deleteList = invalidateBlocks.pollToArray(new Block[Math.min( invalidateBlocks.size(), maxblocks)]); return deleteList.length == 0 ? null : deleteList; } } /** * @return Approximate number of blocks currently scheduled to be written * to this datanode. */ public int getBlocksScheduled() { return currApproxBlocksScheduled + prevApproxBlocksScheduled; } /** Increment the number of blocks scheduled. */ void incrementBlocksScheduled() { currApproxBlocksScheduled++; } /** Decrement the number of blocks scheduled. */ void decrementBlocksScheduled() { if (prevApproxBlocksScheduled > 0) { prevApproxBlocksScheduled--; } else if (currApproxBlocksScheduled > 0) { currApproxBlocksScheduled--; } // its ok if both counters are zero. } /** Adjusts curr and prev number of blocks scheduled every few minutes. */ private void rollBlocksScheduled(long now) { if (now - lastBlocksScheduledRollTime > BLOCKS_SCHEDULED_ROLL_INTERVAL) { prevApproxBlocksScheduled = currApproxBlocksScheduled; currApproxBlocksScheduled = 0; lastBlocksScheduledRollTime = now; } } @Override public int hashCode() { // Super implementation is sufficient return super.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { // Sufficient to use super equality as datanodes are uniquely identified // by DatanodeID return (this == obj) || super.equals(obj); } /** Decommissioning status */ public class DecommissioningStatus { private int underReplicatedBlocks; private int decommissionOnlyReplicas; private int underReplicatedInOpenFiles; private long startTime; synchronized void set(int underRep, int onlyRep, int underConstruction) { if (isDecommissionInProgress() == false) { return; } underReplicatedBlocks = underRep; decommissionOnlyReplicas = onlyRep; underReplicatedInOpenFiles = underConstruction; } /** @return the number of under-replicated blocks */ public synchronized int getUnderReplicatedBlocks() { if (isDecommissionInProgress() == false) { return 0; } return underReplicatedBlocks; } /** @return the number of decommission-only replicas */ public synchronized int getDecommissionOnlyReplicas() { if (isDecommissionInProgress() == false) { return 0; } return decommissionOnlyReplicas; } /** @return the number of under-replicated blocks in open files */ public synchronized int getUnderReplicatedInOpenFiles() { if (isDecommissionInProgress() == false) { return 0; } return underReplicatedInOpenFiles; } /** Set start time */ public synchronized void setStartTime(long time) { startTime = time; } /** @return start time */ public synchronized long getStartTime() { if (isDecommissionInProgress() == false) { return 0; } return startTime; } } // End of class DecommissioningStatus /** * Set the flag to indicate if this datanode is disallowed from communicating * with the namenode. */ public void setDisallowed(boolean flag) { disallowed = flag; } /** Is the datanode disallowed from communicating with the namenode? */ public boolean isDisallowed() { return disallowed; } /** * @return number of failed volumes in the datanode. */ public int getVolumeFailures() { return volumeFailures; } /** * @param nodeReg DatanodeID to update registration for. */ @Override public void updateRegInfo(DatanodeID nodeReg) { super.updateRegInfo(nodeReg); // must re-process IBR after re-registration for(DatanodeStorageInfo storage : getStorageInfos()) { storage.setBlockReportCount(0); } } /** * @return balancer bandwidth in bytes per second for this datanode */ public long getBalancerBandwidth() { return this.bandwidth; } /** * @param bandwidth balancer bandwidth in bytes per second for this datanode */ public void setBalancerBandwidth(long bandwidth) { this.bandwidth = bandwidth; } @Override public String dumpDatanode() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super.dumpDatanode()); int repl = replicateBlocks.size(); if (repl > 0) { sb.append(" ").append(repl).append(" blocks to be replicated;"); } int inval = invalidateBlocks.size(); if (inval > 0) { sb.append(" ").append(inval).append(" blocks to be invalidated;"); } int recover = recoverBlocks.size(); if (recover > 0) { sb.append(" ").append(recover).append(" blocks to be recovered;"); } return sb.toString(); } DatanodeStorageInfo updateStorage(DatanodeStorage s) { synchronized (storageMap) { DatanodeStorageInfo storage = storageMap.get(s.getStorageID()); if (storage == null) { LOG.info("Adding new storage ID " + s.getStorageID() + " for DN " + getXferAddr()); storage = new DatanodeStorageInfo(this, s); storageMap.put(s.getStorageID(), storage); } return storage; } } /** * @return The time at which we last sent caching directives to this * DataNode, in monotonic milliseconds. */ public long getLastCachingDirectiveSentTimeMs() { return this.lastCachingDirectiveSentTimeMs; } /** * @param time The time at which we last sent caching directives to this * DataNode, in monotonic milliseconds. */ public void setLastCachingDirectiveSentTimeMs(long time) { this.lastCachingDirectiveSentTimeMs = time; } }