package com.github.ompc.greys.core.command; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.command.annotation.Cmd; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.command.annotation.IndexArg; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.command.annotation.NamedArg; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.manager.ReflectManager; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.server.Session; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.textui.ext.TClassInfo; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.affect.RowAffect; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.matcher.ClassMatcher; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.matcher.PatternMatcher; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import java.util.Collection; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.EMPTY; /** * 展示类信息 * * @author */ @Cmd(name = "sc", sort = 0, summary = "Search all the classes loaded by JVM", eg = { "sc -E org\\.apache\\.commons\\.lang\\.StringUtils", "sc -d org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils", }) public class SearchClassCommand implements Command { @IndexArg(index = 0, name = "class-pattern", summary = "Path and classname of Pattern Matching") private String classPattern; @NamedArg(name = "d", summary = "Display the details of class") private boolean isDetail = false; @NamedArg(name = "f", summary = "Display all the member variables") private boolean isField = false; @NamedArg(name = "E", summary = "Enable regular expression to match (wildcard matching by default)") private boolean isRegEx = false; private final ReflectManager reflectManager = ReflectManager.Factory.getInstance(); @Override public Action getAction() { return new RowAction() { @Override public RowAffect action(Session session, Instrumentation inst, Printer printer) throws Throwable { final ClassMatcher classMatcher = new ClassMatcher(new PatternMatcher(isRegEx, classPattern)); final Collection<Class<?>> matchedClassSet = reflectManager.searchClassWithSubClass(classMatcher); // 展示类详情 if (isDetail) { for (Class<?> clazz : matchedClassSet) { printer.println(new TClassInfo(clazz, isField).rendering()); } } // 展示类该要列表 else { for (Class<?> clazz : matchedClassSet) { printer.println(clazz.getName()); } } printer.print(EMPTY).finish(); return new RowAffect(matchedClassSet.size()); } }; } }