package com.github.ompc.greys.core.command; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.Advice; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.GlobalOptions; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.TimeFragment; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.advisor.AdviceListener; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.advisor.InitCallback; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.advisor.ReflectAdviceListenerAdapter; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.command.annotation.Cmd; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.command.annotation.IndexArg; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.command.annotation.NamedArg; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.exception.ExpressException; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.manager.TimeFragmentManager; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.server.Session; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.textui.TTree; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.textui.ext.TTimeFragmentTable; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.GaMethod; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.InvokeCost; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.PointCut; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.collection.ThreadUnsafeLRUHashMap; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.matcher.*; import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.Express.ExpressFactory.newExpress; import static com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.GaStringUtils.getStack; import static com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.GaStringUtils.getThreadInfo; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank; /** * 调用跟踪命令<br/> * 负责输出一个类中的所有方法调用路径 Created by on 15/10/01. */ @Cmd(name = "ptrace", sort = 6, summary = "Display the detailed thread path stack of specified class and method", eg = { "ptrace -E org\\.apache\\.commons\\.lang\\.StringUtils isBlank org\\.apache\\.commons\\.lang\\..*", "ptrace -E .*\\.StringUtils isBlank org\\.apache\\.commons\\.(lang|lang3)\\..*", "ptrace org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils isBlank org.apache.commons.lang.*", "ptrace *StringUtils isBlank org.apache.commons.lang.*", "ptrace *StringUtils isBlank org.apache.commons.lang.* 'params[0].length==1'", "ptrace *StringUtils isBlank org.apache.commons.lang.* '#cost>100'" }) public class PathTraceCommand implements Command { // 时间片段管理 private final TimeFragmentManager timeFragmentManager = TimeFragmentManager.Factory.getInstance(); // TimeTunnel the method call @NamedArg(name = "t", summary = "Record the method invocation within time fragments") private boolean isTimeTunnel = false; @IndexArg(index = 0, name = "class-pattern", summary = "Path and classname of Pattern Matching") private String classPattern; @IndexArg(index = 1, name = "method-pattern", summary = "Method of Pattern Matching") private String methodPattern; // @IndexArg(index = 2, name = "tracing-path-pattern", summary = "Tracing path of Pattern Matching") // private String tracingPathPattern; @IndexArg(index = 2, name = "condition-express", isRequired = false, summary = "Conditional expression by OGNL", description = "" + "FOR EXAMPLE" + "\n" + " TRUE : 1==1\n" + " TRUE : true\n" + " FALSE : false\n" + " TRUE : params.length>=0\n" + " FALSE : 1==2\n" + "\n" + "THE STRUCTURE" + "\n" + " target : the object \n" + " clazz : the object's class\n" + " method : the constructor or method\n" + " params[0..n] : the parameters of method\n" + " returnObj : the returned object of method\n" + " throwExp : the throw exception of method\n" + " isReturn : the method ended by return\n" + " isThrow : the method ended by throwing exception" ) private String conditionExpress; @NamedArg(name = "path", summary = "path-tracing-pattern", hasValue = true) private Collection<String> pathTracingPatterns; @NamedArg(name = "Epath", summary = "path-tracing-regex-pattern", hasValue = true) private Collection<String> pathTracingRegexPatterns; @NamedArg(name = "E", summary = "Enable regular expression to match (wildcard matching by default)") private boolean isRegEx = false; @NamedArg(name = "n", hasValue = true, summary = "Threshold of execution times") private Integer threshold; /* * 构造追踪路径匹配 */ private Matcher<String> newPathTracingMatcher() { final ArrayList<Matcher<String>> matcherList = new ArrayList<Matcher<String>>(); // fill path if (null != pathTracingPatterns) { for (String pathTracingPattern : pathTracingPatterns) { matcherList.add(new PatternMatcher(isRegEx, pathTracingPattern)); } } // fill Epath if (null != pathTracingRegexPatterns) { for (String pathTracingRegexPattern : pathTracingRegexPatterns) { matcherList.add(new PatternMatcher(PatternMatcher.Strategy.REGEX, pathTracingRegexPattern)); } } return new GroupMatcher.Or<String>(matcherList); } @Override public Action getAction() { final Matcher<String> classNameMatcher = new CachedMatcher<String>( new PatternMatcher(isRegEx, classPattern), new ThreadUnsafeLRUHashMap<String, Boolean>(GlobalOptions.ptraceClassMatcherLruCapacity) ); final Matcher<String> methodNameMatcher = new CachedMatcher<String>( new PatternMatcher(isRegEx, methodPattern), new ThreadUnsafeLRUHashMap<String, Boolean>(GlobalOptions.ptraceMethodMatcherLruCapacity) ); final Matcher pathTracingMatcher = newPathTracingMatcher(); return new GetEnhancerAction() { @Override public GetEnhancer action(Session session, Instrumentation inst, final Printer printer) throws Throwable { return new GetEnhancer() { @Override public PointCut getPointCut() { return new PointCut( new ClassMatcher(new GroupMatcher.Or<String>(classNameMatcher, pathTracingMatcher)), new GaMethodMatcher(new TrueMatcher<String>()) ); } @Override public AdviceListener getAdviceListener() { return new ReflectAdviceListenerAdapter() { private final InvokeCost topInvokeCost = new InvokeCost(); private final InvokeCost invokeCost = new InvokeCost(); private final ThreadLocal<PathTrace> pathTraceRef = new ThreadLocal<PathTrace>() { @Override protected PathTrace initialValue() { return new PathTrace(); } }; private volatile boolean isInit = false; // 执行计数器 private final AtomicInteger timesRef = new AtomicInteger(); @Override public void create() { isInit = true; } @Override public void destroy() { isInit = false; } // 是否跟踪入口 private boolean isTracingEnter(Class<?> clazz, GaMethod method) { return classNameMatcher.matching(clazz.getCanonicalName()) && methodNameMatcher.matching(method.getName()); } @Override public void before(final Advice advice) throws Throwable { if (!isInit) { return; } invokeCost.begin(); final PathTrace pathTrace = pathTraceRef.get(); if (!pathTrace.isTracing) { if (isTracingEnter(advice.getClazz(), advice.getMethod())) { pathTrace.isTracing = true; } else { return; } } final Entity entity = pathTrace.getEntity(new InitCallback<Entity>() { @Override public Entity init() { return new Entity(advice, timeFragmentManager.generateProcessId()); } }); // top invoke if(entity.deep <= 0) { topInvokeCost.begin(); } entity.tTree.begin(advice.getClazz().getCanonicalName() + ":" + advice.getMethod().getName() + "()"); entity.deep++; } @Override public void afterFinishing(Advice advice) throws Throwable { final PathTrace pathTrace = pathTraceRef.get(); if (!isInit || !pathTrace.isTracing) { return; } final long cost = invokeCost.cost(); final Entity entity = pathTrace.getEntity(); entity.deep--; // add throw exception if (advice.isThrow) { entity.tTree .begin("throw:" + advice.throwExp.getClass().getCanonicalName()) .end(); } // 记录下调用过程 if (isTimeTunnel) { final TimeFragment timeFragment = timeFragmentManager.append( entity.processId, advice, new Date(), cost, getStack(getThreadInfo()) ); entity.tfTable.add(timeFragment); entity.tTree.set(entity.tTree.get() + "; index=" + + ";"); } entity.tTree.end(); if (entity.deep <= 0) { // top invoke cost final long topCost = topInvokeCost.cost(); // 是否有匹配到条件 // 之所以在这里主要是需要照顾到上下文参数对齐 if (isInCondition(advice, topCost)) { // 输出打印内容 if (isTimeTunnel) { printer.println(entity.tTree.rendering() + entity.tfTable.rendering()); } else { printer.println(entity.tTree.rendering()); } // 超过调用限制就关闭掉跟踪 if (isOverThreshold(timesRef.incrementAndGet())) { printer.finish(); } } pathTrace.isTracing = false; pathTrace.removeEntity(); } } // 是否到达节制阀值 private boolean isOverThreshold(int currentTimes) { return null != threshold && currentTimes >= threshold; } // 匹配过滤规则 private boolean isInCondition(Advice advice, long cost) { try { return isBlank(conditionExpress) || newExpress(advice).bind("cost", cost).is(conditionExpress); } catch (ExpressException e) { return false; } } }; } };//getEnhancer:<init> }//action };//return } /** * 用于在ThreadLocal中传递的实体 */ private class Entity { private Entity(final Advice advice, final int processId) { this.processId = processId; this.tfTable = new TTimeFragmentTable(true); this.tTree = new TTree(true, getTitle(advice, processId)); this.deep = 0; } private String getTitle(final Advice advice, final int processId) { final StringBuilder titleSB = new StringBuilder() .append("pTracing for : ").append(getThreadInfo()) .append("process=").append(processId).append(";"); if (advice.isTraceSupport()) { titleSB.append("traceId=").append(advice.getTraceId()).append(";"); } return titleSB.toString(); } TTimeFragmentTable tfTable; TTree tTree; int deep; final int processId; } private class PathTrace { boolean isTracing; Entity entity; Entity getEntity() { return entity; } Entity getEntity(InitCallback<Entity> initCallback) { if (null == entity) { return entity = initCallback.init(); } else { return entity; } } void removeEntity() { entity = null; } } }