package com.github.ompc.greys.core; import com.github.ompc.greys.core.command.Commands; import jline.console.ConsoleReader; import jline.console.completer.Completer; import jline.console.history.FileHistory; import jline.console.history.History; import jline.console.history.MemoryHistory; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import*; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import static com.github.ompc.greys.core.util.GaStringUtils.DEFAULT_PROMPT; import static; import static java.lang.System.getProperty; import static jline.console.KeyMap.CTRL_D; import static jline.internal.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.EMPTY; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; /** * Greys控制台 * Created by on 15/5/30. */ public class GreysConsole { private static final byte EOT = 0x04; private static final byte EOF = -1; // 5分钟 private static final int _1MIN = 60 * 1000; // 工作目录 private static final String WORKING_DIR = getProperty("user.home"); // 历史命令存储文件 private static final String HISTORY_FILENAME = ".greys_history"; private final ConsoleReader console; private final History history; private final Writer out; private final Socket socket; private BufferedWriter socketWriter; private BufferedReader socketReader; private volatile boolean isRunning; public GreysConsole(InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException { this.console = initConsoleReader(); this.history = initHistory(); this.out = console.getOutput(); this.history.moveToEnd(); this.console.setHistoryEnabled(true); this.console.setHistory(history); this.console.setExpandEvents(false); this.socket = connect(address); // 关闭会话静默 disableSilentOfSession(); // 初始化自动补全 initCompleter(); this.isRunning = true; activeConsoleReader(); socketWriter.write("version\n"); socketWriter.flush(); loopForWriter(); } // jLine的自动补全 private void initCompleter() { final SortedSet<String> commands = new TreeSet<String>(); commands.addAll(Commands.getInstance().listCommands().keySet()); console.addCompleter(new Completer() { @Override public int complete(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { // buffer could be null checkNotNull(candidates); if (buffer == null) { candidates.addAll(commands); } else { String prefix = buffer; if (buffer.length() > cursor) { prefix = buffer.substring(0, cursor); } for (String match : commands.tailSet(prefix)) { if (!match.startsWith(prefix)) { break; } candidates.add(match); } } if (candidates.size() == 1) { candidates.set(0, candidates.get(0) + " "); } return candidates.isEmpty() ? -1 : 0; } }); } private History initHistory() throws IOException { final File WORK_DIR = new File(WORKING_DIR); final File historyFile = new File(WORKING_DIR + separatorChar + HISTORY_FILENAME); if (WORK_DIR.canWrite() && WORK_DIR.canRead() && ((!historyFile.exists() && historyFile.createNewFile()) || historyFile.exists())) { return new FileHistory(historyFile); } return new MemoryHistory(); } private void disableSilentOfSession() throws IOException { socketWriter.write("session -s false\n"); socketWriter.flush(); waitingForEOT(); } private void waitingForEOT() throws IOException { int ch; do { ch =; } while (ch != EOT && ch != EOF); } private ConsoleReader initConsoleReader() throws IOException { final ConsoleReader console = new ConsoleReader(, System.out); console.getKeys().bind("" + CTRL_D, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { socketWriter.write(CTRL_D); socketWriter.flush(); } catch (Exception e1) { // 这里是控制台,可能么? GreysConsole.this.err("write fail : %s", e1.getMessage()); shutdown(); } } }); return console; } /** * 激活网络 */ private Socket connect(InetSocketAddress address) throws IOException { final Socket socket = new Socket(); socket.setSoTimeout(0); socket.connect(address, _1MIN); socket.setKeepAlive(true); socketWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream())); socketReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream())); return socket; } /** * 激活读线程 */ private void activeConsoleReader() { final Thread socketThread = new Thread("ga-console-reader-daemon") { private StringBuilder lineBuffer = new StringBuilder(); @Override public void run() { try { while (isRunning) { final String line = console.readLine(); // 如果是\结尾,则说明还有下文,需要对换行做特殊处理 if (StringUtils.endsWith(line, "\\")) { // 去掉结尾的\ lineBuffer.append(line.substring(0, line.length() - 1)); continue; } else { lineBuffer.append(line); } final String lineForWrite = lineBuffer.toString(); lineBuffer = new StringBuilder(); // replace ! to \! // history.add(StringUtils.replace(lineForWrite, "!", "\\!")); // flush if need if (history instanceof Flushable) { ((Flushable) history).flush(); } console.setPrompt(EMPTY); if (isNotBlank(lineForWrite)) { socketWriter.write(lineForWrite + "\n"); } else { socketWriter.write("\n"); } socketWriter.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { err("read fail : %s", e.getMessage()); shutdown(); } } }; socketThread.setDaemon(true); socketThread.start(); } private volatile boolean hackingForReDrawPrompt = true; /* * Console在启动的时候会出现第一个提示符占位不准的BUG * 这个我无法很优雅的消除,所以这里做了一个小hacking */ private void hackingForReDrawPrompt() { if (hackingForReDrawPrompt) { hackingForReDrawPrompt = false; System.out.println(EMPTY); } } private void loopForWriter() { try { while (isRunning) { final int c =; if (c == EOF) { break; } if (c == EOT) { hackingForReDrawPrompt(); console.setPrompt(DEFAULT_PROMPT); console.redrawLine(); } else { out.write(c); } out.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { err("write fail : %s", e.getMessage()); shutdown(); } } private void err(String format, Object... args) { System.err.println(String.format(format, args)); } /** * 关闭Console */ private void shutdown() { isRunning = false; closeQuietly(socketWriter); closeQuietly(socketReader); closeQuietly(socket); console.shutdown(); } public static void main(String... args) throws IOException { new GreysConsole(new InetSocketAddress(args[0], Integer.valueOf(args[1]))); } }