/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package gobblin.broker; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Predicate; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.typesafe.config.Config; import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory; import gobblin.broker.iface.NoSuchScopeException; import gobblin.broker.iface.NotConfiguredException; import gobblin.broker.iface.ScopeInstance; import gobblin.broker.iface.ScopeType; import gobblin.broker.iface.SharedResourceFactory; import gobblin.broker.iface.SharedResourceKey; import gobblin.broker.iface.SharedResourcesBroker; import gobblin.util.ConfigUtils; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe; import lombok.Data; /** * An implementation of {@link SharedResourcesBroker} using a {@link DefaultBrokerCache} for storing shared objects. * * Instances of this broker must be created as follows: * <pre> * SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<MyScopes> rootBroker = SharedResourcesBrokerFactory.createDefaultTopLevelBroker(myConfig); * SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<MyScopes> scopeBroker = topBroker.newSubscopedBuilder(scope, "scopeId").build(); * </pre> */ public class SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<S extends ScopeType<S>> implements SharedResourcesBroker<S> { private final DefaultBrokerCache<S> brokerCache; private final ScopeWrapper<S> selfScopeWrapper; private final List<ScopedConfig<S>> scopedConfigs; private final ImmutableMap<S, ScopeWrapper<S>> ancestorScopesByType; SharedResourcesBrokerImpl(DefaultBrokerCache<S> brokerCache, ScopeWrapper<S> selfScope, List<ScopedConfig<S>> scopedConfigs, Map<S, ScopeWrapper<S>> ancestorScopesByType) { this.brokerCache = brokerCache; this.selfScopeWrapper = selfScope; this.scopedConfigs = scopedConfigs; this.ancestorScopesByType = ImmutableMap.copyOf(ancestorScopesByType); } @Override public ScopeInstance<S> selfScope() { return this.selfScopeWrapper.getScope(); } @Override public ScopeInstance<S> getScope(S scopeType) throws NoSuchScopeException { return getWrappedScope(scopeType).getScope(); } @Override public <T, K extends SharedResourceKey> T getSharedResource(SharedResourceFactory<T, K, S> factory, K key) throws NotConfiguredException { try { return this.brokerCache.getAutoScoped(factory, key, this); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { Throwable cause = ee.getCause(); if (cause instanceof NotConfiguredException) { throw (NotConfiguredException) cause; } throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } @Override public <T, K extends SharedResourceKey> T getSharedResourceAtScope(SharedResourceFactory<T, K, S> factory, K key, S scope) throws NotConfiguredException, NoSuchScopeException { try { return this.brokerCache.getScoped(factory, key, getWrappedScope(scope), this); } catch (ExecutionException ee) { throw new RuntimeException(ee); } } @Override public <T, K extends SharedResourceKey> void bindSharedResourceAtScope(SharedResourceFactory<T, K, S> factory, K key, S scopeType, T instance) throws NoSuchScopeException { this.brokerCache.put(factory, key, getWrappedScope(scopeType), instance); } /** * Get a {@link gobblin.broker.iface.ConfigView} for the input scope, key, and factory. */ public <K extends SharedResourceKey> KeyedScopedConfigViewImpl<S, K> getConfigView(S scope, K key, String factoryName) { Config config = ConfigFactory.empty(); for (ScopedConfig<S> scopedConfig : this.scopedConfigs) { if (scopedConfig.getScopeType().equals(scopedConfig.getScopeType().rootScope())) { config = ConfigUtils.getConfigOrEmpty(scopedConfig.getConfig(), factoryName).withFallback(config); } else if (scope != null && SharedResourcesBrokerUtils.isScopeTypeAncestor(scope, scopedConfig.getScopeType())) { config = ConfigUtils.getConfigOrEmpty(scopedConfig.getConfig(), factoryName).getConfig(scope.name()) .atKey(scope.name()).withFallback(config); } } return new KeyedScopedConfigViewImpl<>(scope, key, factoryName, config); } NonExtendableBrokerView<S> getScopedView(final S scope) throws NoSuchScopeException { return new NonExtendableBrokerView<>(this.brokerCache, getWrappedScope(scope), this.scopedConfigs, Maps.filterKeys(this.ancestorScopesByType, new Predicate<S>() { @Override public boolean apply(@Nullable S input) { return SharedResourcesBrokerUtils.isScopeTypeAncestor(scope, input); } })); } ScopeWrapper<S> getWrappedScope(S scopeType) throws NoSuchScopeException { if (!this.ancestorScopesByType.containsKey(scopeType)) { throw new NoSuchScopeException(scopeType); } return this.ancestorScopesByType.get(scopeType); } ScopeWrapper<S> getWrappedSelfScope() { return this.selfScopeWrapper; } /** * Stores overrides of {@link Config} applicable to a specific {@link ScopeType} and its descendants. */ @Data static class ScopedConfig<T extends ScopeType<T>> { private final T scopeType; private final Config config; } /** * Get a builder to create a descendant {@link SharedResourcesBrokerImpl} (i.e. its leaf scope is a descendant of this * broker's leaf scope) and the same backing {@link DefaultBrokerCache}. * * @param subscope the {@link ScopeInstance} of the new {@link SharedResourcesBroker}. * @return a {@link SubscopedBrokerBuilder}. */ @Override public SubscopedBrokerBuilder newSubscopedBuilder(ScopeInstance<S> subscope) { return new SubscopedBrokerBuilder(subscope); } /** * A builder used to create a descendant {@link SharedResourcesBrokerImpl} with the same backing {@link DefaultBrokerCache}. */ @NotThreadSafe public class SubscopedBrokerBuilder implements gobblin.broker.iface.SubscopedBrokerBuilder<S, SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<S>> { private final ScopeInstance<S> scope; private final Map<S, ScopeWrapper<S>> ancestorScopes = Maps.newHashMap(); private Config config = ConfigFactory.empty(); private SubscopedBrokerBuilder(ScopeInstance<S> scope) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(scope, "Subscope instance cannot be null."); this.scope = scope; if (SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.selfScopeWrapper != null) { ancestorScopes.put(SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.selfScopeWrapper.getType(), SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.selfScopeWrapper); } } /** * Specify additional ancestor {@link SharedResourcesBrokerImpl}. Useful when a {@link ScopeType} has multiple parents. */ public SubscopedBrokerBuilder withAdditionalParentBroker(SharedResourcesBroker<S> broker) { if (!(broker instanceof SharedResourcesBrokerImpl) || !((SharedResourcesBrokerImpl) broker).brokerCache.equals(SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.brokerCache)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Additional parent broker is not compatible."); } this.ancestorScopes.put(broker.selfScope().getType(), ((SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<S>) broker).selfScopeWrapper); return this; } /** * Specify {@link Config} overrides. Note these overrides will only be applicable at the new leaf scope and descendant * scopes. {@link Config} entries must start with {@link BrokerConstants#GOBBLIN_BROKER_CONFIG_PREFIX} (any entries * not satisfying that condition will be ignored). */ public SubscopedBrokerBuilder withOverridingConfig(Config config) { this.config = ConfigUtils.getConfigOrEmpty(config, BrokerConstants.GOBBLIN_BROKER_CONFIG_PREFIX).withFallback(this.config); return this; } /** * @return the new {@link SharedResourcesBrokerImpl}. */ public SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<S> build() { Map<S, ScopeWrapper<S>> scopeMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (ScopeWrapper<S> scopeWrapper : this.ancestorScopes.values()) { addScopeAndAncestorsToScopeMap(scopeMap, scopeWrapper); } ScopeWrapper<S> newScope = createWrappedScope(this.scope, scopeMap, this.scope.getType()); if (SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.selfScopeWrapper != null && !SharedResourcesBrokerUtils.isScopeAncestor(newScope, SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.selfScopeWrapper)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Child scope %s must be a child of leaf scope %s.", newScope.getType(), SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.selfScopeWrapper.getType())); } List<ScopedConfig<S>> scopedConfigs = Lists.newArrayList(SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.scopedConfigs); if (!this.config.isEmpty()) { scopedConfigs.add(new ScopedConfig<>(newScope.getType(), this.config)); } return new SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<>(SharedResourcesBrokerImpl.this.brokerCache, newScope, scopedConfigs, scopeMap); } private ScopeWrapper<S> createWrappedScope(ScopeInstance<S> scope, Map<S, ScopeWrapper<S>> scopeMap, S mainScopeType) throws IllegalArgumentException { List<ScopeWrapper<S>> parentScopes = Lists.newArrayList(); ScopeType<S> scopeType = scope.getType(); if (scopeType.parentScopes() != null) { for (S tpe : scopeType.parentScopes()) { if (scopeMap.containsKey(tpe)) { parentScopes.add(scopeMap.get(tpe)); } else if (tpe.defaultScopeInstance() != null) { ScopeInstance<S> defaultInstance = tpe.defaultScopeInstance(); if (!defaultInstance.getType().equals(tpe)) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Default scope instance %s for scope type %s is not of type %s.", defaultInstance, tpe, tpe)); } parentScopes.add(createWrappedScope(tpe.defaultScopeInstance(), scopeMap, mainScopeType)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Scope %s is an ancestor of %s, however it does not have a default id and is not provided as an acestor scope.", tpe, mainScopeType)); } } } ScopeWrapper<S> wrapper = new ScopeWrapper<>(scope.getType(), scope, parentScopes); scopeMap.put(wrapper.getType(), wrapper); return wrapper; } private void addScopeAndAncestorsToScopeMap(Map<S, ScopeWrapper<S>> scopeMap, ScopeWrapper<S> scope) { if (scope == null) { return; } Queue<ScopeWrapper<S>> ancestors = new LinkedList<>(); ancestors.add(scope); while (!ancestors.isEmpty()) { ScopeWrapper<S> thisScope = ancestors.poll(); if (!scopeMap.containsKey(thisScope.getType())) { scopeMap.put(thisScope.getType(), thisScope); } else if (!scopeMap.get(thisScope.getType()).equals(thisScope)) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Multiple scopes found with type %s but different identity: %s and %s.", thisScope.getType(), thisScope.getScope(), scopeMap.get(thisScope.getType()).getScope())); } ancestors.addAll(thisScope.getParentScopes()); } } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<?> that = (SharedResourcesBrokerImpl<?>) o; if (!brokerCache.equals(that.brokerCache)) { return false; } if (!ancestorScopesByType.equals(that.ancestorScopesByType)) { return false; } return selfScopeWrapper != null ? selfScopeWrapper.equals(that.selfScopeWrapper) : that.selfScopeWrapper == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = brokerCache.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + ancestorScopesByType.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (selfScopeWrapper != null ? selfScopeWrapper.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { this.brokerCache.close(this.selfScopeWrapper); } }