package net.sourceforge.gjtapi.raw.modem; // NAME // $RCSfile$ // DESCRIPTION // [given below in javadoc format] // DELTA // $Revision$ // CREATED // $Date$ // COPYRIGHT // Westhawk Ltd // TO DO // import*; import java.util.TooManyListenersException; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.comm.*; /** * A class which handles all of the IO for a Modem. * * This class works with modems connected to serial ports. Perhaps it should * be an interface and implementation. * * @author <a href="">Ray Tran</a> * @version $Revision$ $Date$ */ public class ModemIO implements SerialPortEventListener{ public static final int DLE = 0x10; public static final int ETX = 0x03; public static final int CR = 0x0c; public static final int LF = 0x0a; private static final int BUF_SIZE = 65536; private static final int MARK_INVALID = -1; public static final int TIMEOUT = -1; public static final int GOOD_MATCH = 0; public static final int BAD_MATCH = 1; private SerialPort port = null; private InputStream in; private PrintStream out; private byte[] buf; private int writePos, readPos; private int markPos = MARK_INVALID; private int limit = MARK_INVALID; private int limitCount; private String lastMatch =""; private ShieldHandler handler; private Modem modem; /** * Constructor. * * @param portname - Name of SerialPort used for talking to the modem. * @param modem - Reference back to the modem which we are the IO for */ public ModemIO(String portname, Modem modem) { buf = new byte[BUF_SIZE]; writePos = readPos = 0; this.modem = modem; handler = new ShieldHandler(); Thread t = new Thread(handler); t.start(); //First try to open a port to the modem try { CommPortIdentifier portID = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portname); port = (SerialPort)"ModemProvider", 5000); port.setSerialPortParams( 115200, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE ); //add ourself as a listener for certain events port.notifyOnRingIndicator(true); /* port.notifyOnDataAvailable(true); port.notifyOnBreakInterrupt(false); port.notifyOnCarrierDetect(false); port.notifyOnCTS(false); port.notifyOnDSR(false); port.notifyOnFramingError(false); port.notifyOnOutputEmpty(false); port.notifyOnOverrunError(false); port.notifyOnParityError(false); */ port.addEventListener(this); }catch (TooManyListenersException ex) { System.err.println("Adding event listener to port (" + portname + ") failed"); }catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("Can't open serial port (" + portname); ex.printStackTrace(); } if (port != null){ try{ port.enableReceiveTimeout(1000); }catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException ex){ System.err.println("Can't set timeout on port(" + portname + ")"); } try{ in = port.getInputStream(); out = new PrintStream(port.getOutputStream()); }catch (IOException ex){ System.err.println("IOException in ModemIO(" + port.getName() + ")"); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Try to read bytes into the circular buffer until the buffer is full, or * no more bytes are available from the underlying device. * If there is space in the buffer then we always try to read * at least one byte, the read will timeout if nothing is available; * * @throws IOException */ private void fill() throws IOException{ //Don't bother if the buffer is nearly full if ( > 32 && in.available() > 0){ do{ int read =; if (read > -1){ //If we get a <DLE> we need to deal with it if (read == DLE){ read =; //If the next char is <DLE> pass it thru otherwise //handle it (quickly) if (read != DLE){ if (read == -1){ //this really should NEVER happen! break; } handleDLEShield((char)read); } } buf[writePos++] = (byte)read; if (writePos >= BUF_SIZE){ writePos = 0; } } }while (in.available() > 0 && > 0); } } /** * Deals with <DLE> shielded characters. * As a character may require time consuming processing a seperate * thread does it to avoid slowing down the fill() loop. * * @param shielded - character read after the <DLE> character */ private void handleDLEShield(char shielded){ //System.err.println("<DLE>0x" + Integer.toHexString(shielded)); //Expect <DLE>s when the modem detects silence, <DLE>d when dialtone handler.setShield(shielded); } /** * Returns the number of bytes available to be read. * * @return int - the number of bytes available to be read. * @see #free() */ public int available(){ int result; if (readPos <= writePos){ result = writePos - readPos; }else{ result = BUF_SIZE - readPos + writePos; } return result; } /** * Returns the number of spaces available to be written in. * * @return int - the number of spaces available to be written in. * @see #available() */ private int free(){ int result; int comparePos = ((markPos == MARK_INVALID)?readPos:markPos); if (comparePos <= writePos){ result = BUF_SIZE - writePos + comparePos - 1; }else{ result = comparePos - writePos - 1; } return result; } /** * Read the next byte from the buffer, re-filling if required. * * @return int - the next byte read from the buffer * @throws IOException */ public int read() throws IOException{ int result = -1; if (in != null && buf != null){ //if the buffer is nearly empty try to fill it if (this.available() < 16){ fill(); } if (readPos != writePos){ result = buf[readPos++] & 0xff; //If we have read more bytes than readlimit since marking then //clear the mark; if (markPos != MARK_INVALID){ if (--limitCount == -1){ markPos = MARK_INVALID; } } if (readPos >= BUF_SIZE){ readPos = 0; } } } return result; } public int read(byte[] data) throws IOException{ int result = 0; int read; for (int i=0, len = data.length; i<len; i++){ if ((read = read()) > -1){ data[i] = (byte)read; }else{ result = i; break; } } return result; } public int read(byte[] data, int offs, int len) throws IOException{ int result = 0; int read; int limit = offs + len; if (limit <= data.length){ for (int i=offs; i<len; i++){ if ((read = read()) > -1){ data[i] = (byte)read; }else{ result = i - offs; break; } } } return result; } /** * Read a line from the underlying input stream (via the buffer). * A line is delimited by a '\r' character. * * @return String - An entire line from the input stream. * @throws IOException */ public String readLine() throws IOException{ StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(); int read; while ((read=read()) != -1 && read != '\r'){ strBuf.append((char)read); } return strBuf.toString(); } /** * Mark the current position in the buffer. No more than half of * the total buffer can be remembered; if readlimit is more than this * it is silently reduced. * * @param readlimit - The maximum number of bytes which can be read without losing the mark * @see #match() */ public void mark(int readlimit){ markPos = readPos; limit = limitCount = (Math.min(readlimit, BUF_SIZE/2)); } /** * @see #mark() * @see #match() * * @return false because although mark (etc.) is implemented, several * private methods may move the mark. In other words use mark() with caution. */ public boolean markSupported(){ return false; } public void reset() throws IOException{ if (markPos != MARK_INVALID){ readPos = markPos; limitCount = limit; } } /** * Try to skip n bytes of data. Amount skipped is limited by * available data, but we will attempt to fill the buffer if * neccesary. * * @todo This hasn't been tested, need to check skip works whether wrapping * or not. Also need to check mark is dealt with correctly. * @param n - the number of bytes to try to skip over. * @return long - the number of bytes actually skipped * @throws IOException */ public long skip(long n) throws IOException{ if (available() < n){ fill(); } n = Math.min(n, available()); //side effect: n must now be in int range! if (readPos + n < BUF_SIZE){ readPos += n; }else{ readPos = (int) n - (BUF_SIZE - readPos); } if (markPos != MARK_INVALID){ if ((limitCount -= n) < 0){ markPos = MARK_INVALID; } } return n; } /** * Close down and tidy up. * * @throws IOException */ public void close() throws IOException{ handler.stop(); in.close(); out.close(); port.close(); in = null; out = null; port = null; buf = null; } /** * Send a line of text to the modem. A return charcter ('\r') is * appended to the line. * * @param data - The data to be written to the modem. */ public void writeLine(String data){ out.print(data); out.print('\r'); out.flush(); } public void write(byte[] wrtBuf){ write(wrtBuf, 0, wrtBuf.length); } public void write(byte[] wrtBuf, int off, int len){ out.write(wrtBuf, off, len); } public void write(int b){ out.write(b); } /** * Try to match the String goodMatch in the input buffer. * * The read position in the input buffer is moved to the first character * after the matched string. * * @param timeout - how long we can look for a match (in milliseconds) * @param goodMatch - the definition of success. May be a regular expression * @param badMatch - the definition of failure. May be a regular expression * @return - TIMEOUT, GOOD_MATCH or BAD_MATCH as appropriate. Use getMatch() * to get the String which caused either of the matches. * @throws IOException * @see #getMatch() */ public int match(int timeout, String goodMatch, String badMatch) throws IOException{ int result = TIMEOUT; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(goodMatch + '|' + badMatch); Matcher m = p.matcher(""); //Loop until we match one of the Strings or we timeout boolean matched = false; while(matched == false){ m.reset(readLine()); matched = m.find(); //Throw a TimeoutException if we have taken too long if (matched == false && (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > timeout)){ //result = TIMEOUT; //default break; } } if (matched){ lastMatch =; p = Pattern.compile(goodMatch); m = p.matcher(lastMatch); if (m.find()){ result = GOOD_MATCH; }else{ result = BAD_MATCH; } }else{ lastMatch = ""; } return result; } /** * Returns the last string that was matched by the match(int, String, String) method. * * @return - String that was matched by match(int, String, String) if no match * then empty string is returned. * * @see #match() */ public String getMatch(){ return lastMatch; } //SerialPortEventListener implementation public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent evt){ switch (evt.getEventType()) { case SerialPortEvent.RI: modem.ringing(); break; case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE: System.err.println("Data available"); break; default: System.err.println("other event: " + evt.getEventType()); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * A Runnable to deal with <DLE> shielded characters. the run() method * waits on <code>lock</code>, calling either stop() or setShield(char) will * call notifyAll() on <code>lock</code> which will wake up the run thread * to deal with the cause. * * This may be an architectural mistake - maybe events would have worked * better? */ private class ShieldHandler implements Runnable{ private Vector shields = new Vector(); private boolean stop = false; private final Object lock = new Object(); public void run(){ do{ synchronized(lock){ try{ lock.wait(); }catch(InterruptedException ex){} } if ((stop == false) && (shields.size() > 0)){ char shield = ((Character)shields.remove(0)).charValue(); modem.dleReceived(shield); } }while (stop == false); } public void stop(){ stop = true; synchronized (lock) { lock.notifyAll(); } } public void setShield(char shield){ shields.add(new Character(shield)); synchronized (lock) { lock.notifyAll(); } } } }