/* * Created on Sep 11, 2003 * */ package javax.jcat; import java.util.Set; import javax.csapi.cc.jcc.EventFilter; import javax.csapi.cc.jcc.InvalidArgumentException; import javax.csapi.cc.jcc.JccProvider; import javax.csapi.cc.jcc.ResourceUnavailableException; /** * JcatProvider interface extends the JccProvider interface. This interface is expected to be used when advanced call control features are desired. JcatProvider has the same finite state machine as JccProvider. A JcatProvider is associated with JcatCall, JcatConnection and JcatAddress which are extensions of corresponding JCC entities. In addition, a JcatProvider also has JcatTerminal objects and JcatTerminalConnection objects associated with it during a call. */ public interface JcatProvider extends JccProvider { Set getCalls(JcatAddress address); Set getTerminals(java.lang.String nameRegex); EventFilter createEventFilterRegistration(java.lang.String terminalNameRegex, int matchDisposition, int nomatchDisposition) throws ResourceUnavailableException, InvalidArgumentException; }