package iax.demo; import; import; import; import; import; import iax.protocol.peer.Peer; import iax.protocol.peer.PeerListener; import iax.protocol.user.command.UserCommandFacade; public class IaxPhone implements PeerListener { public final static int WAITING = 1; public final static int CALLACTIVE = 2; public final static int RINGING = 4; public final static int CALLING = 8; private Peer peer; private int state = WAITING; private String callParticipant; public IaxPhone(String user, String pass, String host, boolean register, int maxCalls, OutputStream out, InputStream in) { peer = new Peer(this, user, pass, host, register, maxCalls, out, in); } public void answered(String calledNumber) { System.out.println("IAXphone, answered: " + calledNumber); System.out.println("Type \"hangup\" to hangup call"); System.out.println( "Type \"transfer <address>\" to transfer call to address"); callParticipant = calledNumber; state = CALLACTIVE; } public void exited() { System.out.println("IAXphone, exited"); System.exit(0); } public void hungup(String calledNumber) { System.out.println("IAXphone, hungup: " + calledNumber); callParticipant = null; state = WAITING; } public void playWaitTones(String calledNumber) { System.out.println("IAXphone, playWaitTones: " + calledNumber); state = CALLING; } public void recvCall(String callingName, String callingNumber) { System.out.println("IAXphone, received call from: " + callingName + ", " + callingNumber); System.out.println("Press enter to answer, type 'r' to refuse"); callParticipant = callingNumber; state = RINGING; } public void registered() { System.out.println("IAXphone, registered"); } public void unregistered() { System.out.println("IAXphone, unregistered"); } public void waiting() { System.out.println("IAXphone, waiting"); } public void makeCall(String calledNumber) { System.out.println("IAXphone, Calling " + calledNumber); callParticipant = calledNumber; UserCommandFacade.newCall(peer, calledNumber); state = CALLING; } public void transferCall(String calledNumber) { System.out.println("IAXphone, Transfering call from " + callParticipant + " to " + calledNumber); UserCommandFacade.transferCall(peer, callParticipant, calledNumber); } public void answerCall() { System.out.println("IAXphone, Answered call from " + callParticipant); System.out.println("Type \"hangup\" to hangup call"); System.out.println( "Type \"transfer <address>\" to transfer call to address"); UserCommandFacade.answerCall(peer, callParticipant); state = CALLACTIVE; } public void hangup() { System.out.println("IAXphone, Hungup call from " + callParticipant); UserCommandFacade.hangupCall(peer, callParticipant); state = WAITING; } public void shutdown() { System.out.println("Shutting down..."); UserCommandFacade.exit(peer); } public int getState() { return state; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { String user = ""; String pass = ""; String host = ""; boolean register = false; int maxCalls = 1; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System. in)); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-u") && args.length > (i + 1)) { user = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-p") && args.length > (i + 1)) { pass = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-h") && args.length > (i + 1)) { host = args[++i]; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-r")) { register = true; continue; } if (args[i].equals("-m") && args.length > (i + 1)) { maxCalls = Integer.getInteger(args[++i]); continue; } // else, do: if (!args[i].equals("-help")) System.out.println("unrecognized param '" + args[i] + "'\n"); System.out.println("usage:\n java IaxPhone [options]"); System.out.println(" options:"); System.out.println(" -help this help"); System.out.println(" -u <username> Registration user name."); System.out.println(" -p <password> Registration password"); System.out.println(" -h <host> Remote host"); System.out.println( " -r if the peer is going to register"); System.out.println( " -m <maxCalls> maximun number of concurrent calls"); System.exit(0); } System.out.println("IAXphone Starting..."); System.out.println("Username: " + user); System.out.println("Host: " + host); System.out.println("Type \"call <address>\" to make a phone call\n"); IaxPhone iaxPhone = new IaxPhone(user, pass, host, register, maxCalls, null, null); String line; String[] words = new String[10]; try { while ((line = stdin.readLine()) != null) { words = line.split(" "); if (iaxPhone.getState() == IaxPhone.WAITING && (words[0].equals("call") || words[0].equals("c")) && words.length == 2) { iaxPhone.makeCall(words[1]); } else if (iaxPhone.getState() == IaxPhone.CALLACTIVE && (words[0].equals("transfer") || words[0].equals("t")) && words.length == 2) { iaxPhone.transferCall(words[1]); } else if (iaxPhone.getState() == IaxPhone.RINGING && !words[0].equals("r")) { iaxPhone.answerCall(); } else if (iaxPhone.getState() == IaxPhone.RINGING && words[0].equals("r")) { iaxPhone.hangup(); } else if (iaxPhone.getState() != IaxPhone.WAITING && (words[0].equals("hangup") || words[0].equals("h"))) { iaxPhone.hangup(); } else if (words[0].equals("exit") || words[0].equals("e")) { iaxPhone.shutdown(); System.exit(0); } else if (words[0].equals("")) { //Do nothing } else { if (!words[0].equals("help")) System.out.println("Command not valid!"); System.out.println("Available commands:"); System.out.println(" help this help"); System.out.println( " c | call <address> Call address."); System.out.println( " t | transfer <address> Transfer active call to address"); System.out.println( " h | hangup Hangup active call or call in progress"); System.out.println(" e | exit Exit"); } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * @todo Implement it * @param calledNumber String */ public void stopWaitTones(String calledNumber) { } }