package edu.fudan.nlp.tag; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import edu.fudan.nlp.pipe.Pipe; import edu.fudan.nlp.pipe.SeriesPipes; import edu.fudan.nlp.pipe.Target2Label; import edu.fudan.nlp.pipe.seq.AddCharRange; import edu.fudan.nlp.pipe.seq.Sequence2FeatureSequence; import edu.fudan.nlp.pipe.seq.SplitDataAndTarget; import edu.fudan.nlp.pipe.seq.templet.TempletGroup; import edu.fudan.util.MyStrings; /** * 序列标注器训练和测试程序 * * @author xpqiu * */ public class Tagger { protected Linear cl; protected String train; protected String testfile = null; protected String output = null; protected String templateFile; public static boolean standard = true; protected String model; protected int iterNum; protected float c; protected boolean useLoss = true; protected String delimiter = "\\s+|\\t+"; protected boolean interim = false; protected AlphabetFactory factory; protected Pipe featurePipe; protected TempletGroup templets; protected String newmodel; protected boolean hasLabel; public Tagger() { } public void setFile(String templateFile, String train, String model) { this.templateFile = templateFile; this.train = train; this.model = model; } /** * 序列标注训练和测试主程序 * 训练: java -classpath fudannlp.jar edu.fudan.nlp.tag.Tagger -train template train model * 测试: java -classpath fudannlp.jar edu.fudan.nlp.tag.Tagger [-haslabel] model test [result] * * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Options opt = new Options(); opt.addOption("h", false, "Print help for this application"); opt.addOption("iter", true, "iterative num, default 50"); opt.addOption("c", true, "parameters C in PA algorithm, default 0.8"); opt.addOption("train", false, "switch to training mode(Default: test model"); opt.addOption("retrain", false, "switch to retraining mode(Default: test model"); opt.addOption("margin", false, "use hamming loss as margin threshold"); opt.addOption("interim", false, "save interim model file"); opt.addOption("haslabel", false, "test file has includes label or not"); BasicParser parser = new BasicParser(); CommandLine cl; try { cl = parser.parse(opt, args); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Parameters format error"); return; } if (args.length == 0 || cl.hasOption('h')) { HelpFormatter f = new HelpFormatter(); f.printHelp( "Tagger:\n" + "tagger [option] -train templet_file train_file model_file [test_file];\n" + "tagger [option] -retrain train_file model_file newmodel_file [test_file];\n" + "tagger [option] -label model_file test_file output_file\n", opt); return; } Tagger tagger = new Tagger(); tagger.iterNum = Integer.parseInt(cl.getOptionValue("iter", "50")); tagger.c = Float.parseFloat(cl.getOptionValue("c", "0.8")); tagger.useLoss = cl.hasOption("margin"); tagger.interim = cl.hasOption("interim"); tagger.hasLabel = cl.hasOption("haslabel"); String[] arg = cl.getArgs(); if (cl.hasOption("train") && arg.length == 3) { tagger.templateFile = arg[0]; tagger.train = arg[1]; tagger.model = arg[2]; System.out.println("Training model ..."); tagger.train(); } else if (cl.hasOption("train") && arg.length == 4) { tagger.templateFile = arg[0]; tagger.train = arg[1]; tagger.model = arg[2]; tagger.testfile = arg[3]; System.out.println("Training model ..."); tagger.train(); } else if (cl.hasOption("train") && arg.length == 5) { tagger.templateFile = arg[0]; tagger.train = arg[1]; tagger.model = arg[2]; tagger.testfile = arg[3]; System.out.println("Training model ..."); tagger.train(); System.gc(); tagger.output = arg[4]; tagger.test(); } else if (cl.hasOption("retrain") && arg.length == 3) { tagger.train = arg[0]; tagger.model = arg[1]; tagger.newmodel = arg[2]; System.out.println("Re-Training model ..."); tagger.train(true); } else if (cl.hasOption("retrain") && arg.length == 4) { tagger.train = arg[0]; tagger.model = arg[1]; tagger.newmodel = arg[2]; tagger.testfile = arg[3]; System.out.println("Re-Training model ..."); tagger.train(true); } else if (cl.hasOption("retrain") && arg.length == 5) { tagger.train = arg[0]; tagger.model = arg[1]; tagger.newmodel = arg[2]; tagger.testfile = arg[3]; System.out.println("Re-Training model ..."); tagger.train(true); System.gc(); tagger.output = arg[4]; tagger.test(); } else if (arg.length == 3) { tagger.model = arg[0]; tagger.testfile = arg[1]; tagger.output = arg[2]; tagger.test(); } else if (arg.length == 2) { tagger.model = arg[0]; tagger.testfile = arg[1]; tagger.test(); } else { System.err.println("paramenters format error!"); System.err.println("Print option \"-h\" for help."); return; } System.gc(); } /** * @throws Exception */ public Pipe createProcessor(boolean flag) throws Exception { if (!flag) { templets = new TempletGroup(); templets.load(templateFile); // templets.load_pro(templateFile); // Dictionary d = new Dictionary(); // d.loadWithWeigth("D:/xpqiu/项目/自选/CLP2010/CWS/av-b-lut.txt", // "AV"); // templets.add(new DictionaryTemplet(d, gid++, -1, 0)); // templets.add(new DictionaryTemplet(d, gid++, 0, 1)); // templets.add(new DictionaryTemplet(d, gid++, -1,0, 1)); // templets.add(new DictionaryTemplet(d, gid++, -2,-1,0, 1)); // // templets.add(new CharRangeTemplet(templets.gid++,new // int[]{0})); // templets.add(new CharRangeTemplet(templets.gid++,new // int[]{-1,0})); // templets.add(new CharRangeTemplet(templets.gid++,new // int[]{0,1})); } if (cl != null) factory = cl.getAlphabetFactory(); else factory = AlphabetFactory.buildFactory(); /** * 标签转为0、1、2、... */ LabelAlphabet labels = factory.DefaultLabelAlphabet(); // 将样本通过Pipe抽取特征 IFeatureAlphabet features = factory.DefaultFeatureAlphabet(); featurePipe = new Sequence2FeatureSequence(templets, features, labels); Pipe pipe = new SeriesPipes(new Pipe[] { new Target2Label(labels), featurePipe }); return pipe; } public void train() throws Exception{ train(false); } /** * 训练 * @param b 是否增量训练 * @throws Exception */ public void train(boolean b) throws Exception { System.out.print("Loading training data ..."); long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(b) loadFrom(model); Pipe pipe = createProcessor(b); InstanceSet trainSet = new InstanceSet(pipe, factory); LabelAlphabet labels = factory.DefaultLabelAlphabet(); IFeatureAlphabet features = factory.DefaultFeatureAlphabet(); if(b){ features.setStopIncrement(false); labels.setStopIncrement(false); } // 训练集 trainSet.loadThruStagePipes(new SequenceReader(train, true)); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(" done!"); System.out.println("Time escape: " + (endTime - beginTime) / 1000 + "s"); System.out.println(); // 输出 System.out.println("Training Number: " + trainSet.size()); System.out.println("Label Number: " + labels.size()); // 标签个数 System.out.println("Feature Number: " + features.size()); // 特征个数 System.out.println(); // 冻结特征集 features.setStopIncrement(true); labels.setStopIncrement(true); InstanceSet testSet = null; // ///////////////// if (testfile != null) { boolean hasTarget; if (false) {// 如果test data没有标注 hasTarget = false; pipe = featurePipe; } else { hasTarget = true; } // 测试集 testSet = new InstanceSet(pipe); testSet.loadThruStagePipes(new SequenceReader(testfile, hasTarget, "utf8")); System.out.println("Test Number: " + testSet.size()); // 样本个数 } /** * * 更新参数的准则 */ Update update; // viterbi解码 Inferencer inference; HammingLoss loss = new HammingLoss(); if (standard) { inference = new LinearViterbi(templets, labels.size()); update = new LinearViterbiPAUpdate((LinearViterbi) inference, loss); } else { inference = new HigherOrderViterbi(templets, labels.size()); update = new HigherOrderViterbiPAUpdate(templets, labels.size(), true); } OnlineTrainer trainer; if(b){ trainer = new OnlineTrainer(cl, update, loss, features.size(),iterNum, c); }else{ trainer = new OnlineTrainer(inference, update, loss, features.size(), iterNum, c); } trainer.innerOptimized = false; trainer.finalOptimized = false; cl = trainer.train(trainSet, testSet); // ModelAnalysis ma = new ModelAnalysis(cl); // ma.removeZero(); if(b) saveTo(newmodel); else saveTo(model); } private void test() throws Exception { if (cl == null) loadFrom(model); long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 将样本通过Pipe抽取特征 Pipe pipe = createProcessor(true); // 测试集 InstanceSet testSet = new InstanceSet(pipe); testSet.loadThruStagePipes(new SequenceReader(testfile,hasLabel,"utf8")); System.out.println("Test Number: " + testSet.size()); // 样本个数 long featuretime = System.currentTimeMillis(); float error = 0; int senError = 0; int len = 0; boolean hasENG = false; int ENG_all = 0, ENG_right = 0; Loss loss = new HammingLoss(); String[][] labelsSet = new String[testSet.size()][]; String[][] targetSet = new String[testSet.size()][]; LabelAlphabet la = cl.getAlphabetFactory().DefaultLabelAlphabet(); for (int i = 0; i < testSet.size(); i++) { Instance carrier = testSet.get(i); int[] pred = (int[]) cl.classify(carrier).getLabel(0); // System.out.println(MyStrings.toString(pred, " ")); if (hasLabel) { len += pred.length; float e = loss.calc(carrier.getTarget(), pred); error += e; if(e != 0) senError++; //测试中英混杂语料 if(hasENG) { String[][] origin = (String[][])carrier.getSource(); int[] target = (int[])carrier.getTarget(); for(int j = 0; j < target.length; j++) { if(origin[j][0].contains("ENG")) { ENG_all++; if(target[j] == pred[j]) ENG_right++; } } } } labelsSet[i] = la.lookupString(pred); if(hasLabel) targetSet[i] = la.lookupString((int[])carrier.getTarget()); } long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("totaltime\t" + (endtime - starttime) / 1000.0); System.out.println("feature\t" + (featuretime - starttime) / 1000.0); System.out.println("predict\t" + (endtime - featuretime) / 1000.0); if (hasLabel) { System.out.println("Test Accuracy:\t" + (1 - error / len)); System.out.println("Sentence Accuracy:\t" + ((double)(testSet.size() - senError) / testSet.size())); if(hasENG) System.out.println("ENG Accuracy:\t" + ((double)ENG_right / ENG_all)); } if (output != null) { BufferedWriter prn = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(output), "utf8")); String s; if(hasLabel) s = SimpleFormatter.format(testSet, labelsSet, targetSet); else s = SimpleFormatter.format(testSet, labelsSet); prn.write(s.trim()); prn.close(); } System.out.println("Done"); } protected void saveTo(String modelfile) throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream( new BufferedOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(modelfile)))); out.writeObject(templets); out.writeObject(cl); out.close(); } protected void loadFrom(String modelfile) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(modelfile)))); templets = (TempletGroup) in.readObject(); cl = (Linear) in.readObject(); in.close(); } }